PC 86-115,..._. _ ..... .... ....... .... .,._....... • \ ,. ,-., ; ~ _ ~:~ ~ t. r RGSOLUTION N0. PC86-.115 F r ~ A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM GITY PLANNING i.t~MF1:[SSION ~ THA`P PETITION k'OR CONDITIONAL US~ PERM:IT N0. 2791 BE GRANTED WH~REAS, the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission did re~eive a verifiecl i ; Petition far Condilional Use Permit from PGV't'ECH TNC~, liil.'. FairEard Driva, ' Ca.liEorni.a 92633, owner and ANTOI~'INO F. 7~'RIOLO, 508 Ae~ich F'~tlle~ton , Bu~levard, Anahcim, Califocnia 92804, agent for certair, real properi:y si~ttake9 in the City of Ananei.m, County of Orange, State of Ca1iL-ornia, descri}~ed as: Tf3E WLST 330 I'L'L"r OF THE SOUTH 3~6 FI;GT OF THT' SOUTHWEST QUART~R OF THE 50UTI-IVdEST QUARTEFt OF THE NORTHWES'~ QUA~2`tER OI' SECTION i3, TOWNSEIIP 4, SC)UTH, RANG;, 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO I~OS COYUTES~ AS SHOP~N ON A MAP RGCQRDED IN F30CE~ 51, PAGE 1'_ OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IZFC'URllS qF ~RANGE COUNTY, CALI~ORt~IAe EXCEPTIPdG THEkEFRO[~1 THE SOUT[i 17a FEG'P OF THL WE5T 227 ~'EFT. ALSO LXCEI''.CI:VG T[iEf2E1RUM THE WEST 92 ~EET~ PAI2(:1;L 2: `rHE~ SOUTH 175 hEET GF TH[3 WEST 227 F('ET OF '3'HL SOUTHR'r5T QUARTGR OE' `.CHE SOUTl1WEST QUAf2TER Ok ',^.H~ NO~2THWEST QUARTEI2 Oe SEC'rIU[3 13 ~ Ti7 'PUWNSHTP 9 SOUTH, RANC;E 11 WiST, RANCHO LOS CC~YOTES, Aa SHOWId ON A MAP `.CHEREOL' RECORUED I N BGOK 51 , ~ AG~ 7, ET ~EQ. , MISCELL~ANF(`US MAPS, RECORDS OF OFcANGF COUNTY. WHP:RLAS, the Cit,~ P.lanning Commission dic~ hold a 1~u~iJ.ic hearir-g at the Civic Cenl,er. in the ~ity of. Anaheim on A~ri.l 28, 1986, at 1;30 p.m., notice at said pub'lic hearing having bnen duly given as required by law ~nd in _ accord~nce with the provisions of tF,e Anahaim iMUt?icioal Code, Chapter 18.03, ko hear and consider evid~:~..:e for. and against said proposed conditional use permik and to inv~stiaate ~,nd make fi.n~ittgs and recommendations ir. conriection th~rewith; and WH~REAS, ~aid Commi.ssion, after du~ inspection, investiga~ion and study mad~ by it~elf and in iLS hehalf, and aftPr dtze co~isi.deratiun of all ;; evi_dence and repnr.t: ~.f~ered ~t said h•~ar.ing, do~s Fir-d ~.nd cietermine the ,~;1 fol.low.i~~g ~act~: ;~j ` 1. That the proposed use is proper.l}~ one for which a conditional use .; ~ ~ permit is aut:hori~ed b:~ Anaheim Munici~41 Code SECti~n 18.~4.05~.016 to wit: ~i ~ to permit on-sale becr and wine in a propased restaurant with waiver ot: ~~,' y -' a SF,C'.CIONS 18.U6.050.0232 - Minimum number oP parking s~ces. ].3.06.080 !138 spaces required; .114 ~aces propo~ed) AtJD 1~.44.fJ66.050 "1.. TY~at i:he abave-~reqtte ~ted waiver i.s h~~zeby gr.anl~d on the basis tt,at the ~arking waiver will ~ot cause an increase in traffic co~yestion in + the i.rmnediate vicini.cy nor a6versely aftect any ad;joining land uses and granting of thP parking waiver under thE cunditions imposed, if any, will not i, be detrimental ~o the aeace, health. sa[ety and g~neral welPare o£ thE ;" ' citizens ot the Cit.y of Anaheim. ,~,. " ~;,', PC~6-~115 . 079nr ^: . ~~J ~ >„~ '~ , "'~ •i •~ , "~ ~ t, } 3. That the pr.oposed use wi.ll ~ok adversely affect th `~ c adjoininq '~~' lanc~ uses and the growth and developm~nt c~t- t he area in whicn it is ~~roposed ~~ to be ].oca~ed. 4. mhat rhe size and shape of the site prapa,~ed For `„ the use .is adequate +;.o al]ow the full development of th t proposed use in a mannei not ; detrimental to ~h e parEicular area nar to the ~eace, health, safety and :,• yeneral welfare of L-he Citizens of the Cit~~ of A~iaheim. 5. That the grantina c;f the Conditional UsP PermiL- under the con~itions impo~ed, if any, will not Ue deL-ri.menLal to the pe~ce, health, saf~ty and aeneral welf.are of L-t~e Citizens oF the City oi Anaheim. ,i 6. That Lhe traEfic generated by th~ proposed use will not im~ose an ~~~ ur.due burden upon tne streets anQ hiqhways dc~siyned and improved to carry L•he ;; traff.ic in ~h~ axeu. Ji 7. `Phat :zo o1~e indicated thEir presence at said puUJ ic hearing in :S Upposition; anU that no c:~rrespondence was received in o~~position to the ~,i subject petition. ENVIP~NMLNTA:~ IP?PACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n has r.ev.iewed the pcoposal to permit on--sale beer a-~d wine in ~~ propased restauraril- wikPi waiver af. minimu~n number of_ parking apaces on a ~ectan~ularly-tihaped parcPl, r,f land consist.i.ng of appr.oxim«tely 1.91 acr~as lacated at the northeast: corn~r of Ur~~nge Avenue and tieach ~oulevard, and Eurth~:c describEd as 508 South ~3each Boulevard; and do~s her.eby approve the Negative Declarak.ion upon fi.ndiny l:hac it has considered l•he Negative Declarak:ian I.ogether wil:h any comments received duriny the pubZic review procESS aiir3 fur.ther fir,ding on the basi.s uf the :initia~ stucly ~nd any comments received that there is no substanti.al evid~nce that the project wi11 have a siqnifical:. effect on che environment. NOW, THf'ttEFURI;, F3E IT RE50LVEll tha~. th~ Anaheim Cit.x Plarrning C.omtnis~ian does heceby yranL- sub~ect Petition for. Conditional C~se .Permit, upon the £ollowing conditions whir.h ar~ hereby L-ound L•o he a necc~ssary prerequ:isite to the propose~l use of the subject property in urder L-~ preserve the saf~ty ~nd gEnera.l welfare of the Ci~irens of the City o~ Ananeim: 1. ~Phat prior to issuanae of a buildiny perm.lt, prim~ry water main fee~ shall be paid ~o L-he CiCy ot Anahein~, in an amount as determined by the O.ffice of the Utili~ies General Manager. 2. 'Phat pri.or to issuance of. a k~uilding per.mit, the ap.r_copriate ~caffic .;ignal assessmei~t Eee shall b~ paid to the Cil•y o`: An~he~m in an amount as determined by t~:e ~'i.ty C~unci.l for n~w commercial. 3, That a11 driveways Shall ne constructed h_o accommodate ten (:~0) foot eadius curL retucns as required by the City Traff.ic F'ngineer. 4. 'I'hat tlie existing most easterly drive~uay on Orange Avenue shall be re~roved and replaced with a stan~ard curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscapin~. -2- ~';"a ; ~~. ' ~;. `:':<. ; ;: .:.~ ~ ~ PC86-115 `''~ ':~~ A~ . . .... . _!.~~:~,!l~.'1 ,~~~. 5. The~t subject property :,ha11 be develot~ed :;u~~tanti.ally in accordai~ce with pl~ns and s~trif~cat:ion;, r,n tile wic.h thr: (:ity af Anari~ir~ markEd I;xhibLt Nas. 1 a-td 2. E. Ttiat pr.ior L•o Ci.na1 bui.ldiny ancl zon.ing .in.~pec~ions, Cvnc~ition N~~s. 3 cjnd 4, abovc~-mentioned, t,h<all be cumolied with. 7• 'Phat no alcohr~lic be:ver.age,, c~xcef~t beer and wiri~~ shall be so.ld o[ h., c~~nsumed on the f~remiUes oF the subjec;t condikional usE~ permit. F3E; T~1~ FURTHF.R RfJSO4VI;D th~~t tt~e An~hei.m i:ity P;.anning Commi~sion does h~reby f inc9 and detc~rm.ir~e thaC acloE~tion of khis ~esolution i~ exptessly ~rcdicated uP~n ar,plicant's compliance wi.th each and all o~ the condltions hercinabove set gorth. Should any such conditions, or ar~y ~art therepf., be declared invalid or anenfo~-~,eable bl ~he f.in~~7. judyment of any eourt oF : compete7~ jurisdiction, then this Reyoluk.ion, ~and ~.ny approva.la hex'ein r_ontain<:d, sha11 be deemed null ~and void. TflF Fi~HEGOTNG RESC~LU'PION i^ signeca ano apprpved by ma this 'lath ciay of April, 19f3G. ~ ~~~~=~~t-L~:-~~~~ t~`~~c?l, ( ( d.~,~ _~-~' CHATRIdQMAN, ANAEf[:IM C1TY YL~ANPIING CUi~:MTS IS pH A'i"1 FJ S 7.' : ~.' ~ t~ -' /,~ -- .,m-~-~~{~~~- < ~ t'~~ ,~,~ ~ 5~~-c~~• ":.t? ~; ANAH!;TM C!'.1'Y PLAP~NING COMM~ IU~J S'_A'1'Fa U[' CALlEORNIA ) COf1N'I'Y Oi~ iJRANGF ) :; , . CITY UF AN',yi:IM ) I, ~dir.h L. li5r.ri.s, Secret:ar~~ oP the Anahei~n City Planning Commi.~sion, do tiereb,y certi_Ey r_har. the foregoin~ r.~~solution was pas~~d and a~»P~~'~j a~ ~ me!~tinq oE r,hr~ Anaheim City Planning Commi ~ston I~eld r~n Apr.tl 2$, I9ah, b.y the f.:? lowin~J ~•oL•~ ox r_he members r.her~~oE • '~~ ~Y~S: CO"1(9ISSIONH.itS: I~OiJAS, HG•'f2B5T, LA (:LAIR[:,.L',WICK7, i~C F3URNF,Y, MCSSE '? t~OE5; ~:ODIM.ISSI~[dERS: idUNF: '1 A3SEN'P: COI9MIiS1UiJERS: FR'f IN WII'N'r.'SS WHI•,'RI:O[~, I h~]V~ h~reunL-r~ ~eL- my 'r,an~3 thic 28th day of Agril, 1986. _~~~`.~ ~~ ~' . S;iCI:F:'fARY, AP;ANEIM C-'1'Y PI,AN,•IINC CUMM15SI4t3 ~~ _ 3 .. . YC86-115