PC 86-121~`r~ . . . _. .
i~y . - , r..o.
1Z~SULUTiUN N0. L'C86-121.
' ~~~~~.~~.~~~.~~~ ~~
' 'Ptlr~'1' PL:'1TTiUN FUR VAlilANCf~ NU. 3557 1~1; GKAN'~EJ)
4JH}~R.F:~'~S, the ~lnahs~l.m Cir_y pl~lnnl.r~g C:ommissian dici receive a verified
, Yetit:ion for 1~'ariance froin J. RODNLY LAk'RLNLE, YI}:R I LA1C'~}3:fS -- ldLST, LNC.,
~<•,, 30l Commerce Slreet, 1~50U, Fc>rL Worth, Texas 7o.1U2, awner, cind JIM SUMEA5,
"' SAI~'TA ANITA ULVLLOF'r11;PJ'i COliPO1tA'lIGN, 363 S~n rliguel Drive, t~ewpor!: Beact-,
•'' Cal.iturn:ia 9'L6bU, a~;ent for certain real pruper.ty situated in the Ciky uf
Anaheim, CounLy oi: Oran„~e, Star_e of C;a.Lilornia describect as:
TEIAT :c'U1tTI0~ Cf' LOT :3 Ul' '1'lu(;'r NU. 925, AS SHOk`IJ UN A NIAP ItL:CORDED
;, IN f30UK Zy, YAC~;S 4~, 43 r1Nll 4~} Ul' MISC~LLANE:UUS r1E11'S, 1tEl;~KllS pF
~ '1'LiA'L' Ci;t~7'AiN S'J'L:IP 0~' LANU 10~.UO F~;~'r WIllL (KNUWN AS LA I'EU,,ktA
AVLNUL), AS llf3SCR1.liFll 1.~i UE~U 'I'0 'rEir: CGUN'!'Y OI' U1t~1NGL, [tL;C~RllLll JU1,k
1'l., 1)67 iN BUUK 83U8, E'AG~: ~~p OI? OF1•'1(;i~\L 1tLCURUS.
WHE~iEAS, tlu~ Ct.~y F'1;:i:1li.LIlt; Co~nmiss:Lon did holci a k~ubl'tc hearing aL
thc~ Civic i:~nr.~r in ~h~~ t;iGy o.t Anatieiin ori [~lay 12, 1y86, at 1:30 ~:.m,, uot.fcc:
of sa td public Il('<1L' lil~~, havi.ng ber,n ciulv gtv~n as requiced by l~w aud in
accorci~nce HiCli thc: provi.sion5 oF ~~~~ t;ri:~l~~~im Ptunicip~al Cod~, Chapter 1$.G3,
to liear ar~ cor,s~d~r evid~~nc~. for ~~iir1 af;ainst said pr-~posed variance aad to
invesli~;at.e and uiak~ tiinctii.~;s and r.c~co~mnendalions .i.n c~ur-ection therewiGh; 1nd
WtlEitf'sA5, sai~l C~~minission, ;lttc:~ du~~~ :n5pc~c:Lion, investi~~tl.nn aiid
study made by iLself and in iCy b~haJ.1, and afl,~e clu~ considerat:ion of a11
~vi_d~iice aad reports oC[~~•~c~d a~ said lir~ttrin~.;, uo~s firicl and deteruiine the
toilowirig iacls:
;'i l. 'I'i•~,:it Ch~ petitio.ir_~r prop~s~s waivers uf r_he .tolJ.owin;; Qactions to
~; e~tai~lish a Lwo-parce:t. subdivislon:
(~ ? SL•:(.'!',.UN 18.Q1.i3G - !;«~~1ired lot tronLu~c.
~' ~(all lots abutting at 1~asC on~ public sLreet
`' ur alle;y reyuired; 1 loL nol abiiLlin~; a ~
~ J?~ c streel or allev pr~pcseci)
~ -
~ (b) SL~'CIUNS 1_ 8_~~p6,p5p,U31, - M.iniu.~um n~unber of_pai-king spa.es,
-~ ~ 1t3.Ub.U8U, (l~'1 parkin~; spacc~s required; '1.39
r ANU 1.t3 , 61, U66 . U50 ~~xktng sp~ices propo5ed ) ~
; - - _
(~) ~L~TI.UNS L£s.Ub,U40.U31, - r1~:x.imuni ~i~mber of sma:Ll car ~~ arkin~
.Ltf,U6.U80y'- ~~;~ces. (~~` c,'o~nc~~:t .ap r.k.Ln~ J~~nc:es (25Y
ANll 1~3,61.UG6,U5U oi C~~tal) pe:r;uitt_~d; 7U small c.:.-r
par.king spac:es (;.9% o[ total ~.
) ~rapo.,e.l )
2. Tha~_ Chc .ihove-mr.,~nt.ione,- watver (a j is her~hy gr~nt;ed on. th~ basis
that a driveway e~ise:mc;nt wi.ll be recoriied tc~ prov~-cln_ acc:,.ss rc~ L~ Nalmu
Avenue; anci lurther ~~n the basis that Cherc~ are speci_a.l. circumz~lances
applic;ible to Ctie properly sucd ,1~ size, sh~ip~, tupo~;raptiy, locall~n ,~nd
surroundirlgs which do not a~,ply Lo o~her ident:icr:il.Ly zoned proper.ty in lhc
s~,r~e vic:inl.ty; ~nci tf~.i~ ~tric:C i-ppli.c~tion ot tt~e 'l.onin~ Code de;~ri.v~s the
pruper. ty of pr.ivile~es e.n;joyed b~ oLher pro~~~r •:ie.s ir~ L-he LdentLcal zone and
clc;s~ification tn thc vl.cir.ily.
1, 5
. ; ,i
i Y
'~. The tt~e ~iliove°n~c:nLi.onc~d waiver;; (b and c) are h~reby ~ra~ltec on
Lhe b~lsis tlial Lhe partciii~; wa:Lver w3.:11 nol caut5e an Lncrease iu Cr~.lfic
con~estior. in rhe immc~diate v:LciniLy nor ar.iversc~ly alTect any ad~ ointng l~znd
uses r~nd grant:Lng of th~ pa.rki.n~; waiv er uud~r the r.onditl.ons intpos ed, ii any,
wi11 no~ be deLri.inenCril ta ~tie I;eace , he~i:ltti, saf.e~y anrl b~neral w~.1.Eare oi
Che cit:trens ot r_he City of Anaheim.
4. ThaC Lliere arc e~cceptionaJ. or aYtraorc;inary circu~ristances or
conditions ap~licab:le Lo t-.he property invol.ved ar ca Lhe intended use o~ the
j:,roperi.y that ~1o nat upply generally ta .he property or c.Lass oF use in the
san~e vicinity anil z~~ne.
5. Th~it ~he rer~uested var.i.ance is necess~ry for Ctie preservatior.
and enjoyme.nC of a substant.tal 1~roperLy ribht possessed by oLher property .fn
the same vi c:init.y and zone, and deni.~:d l~~ the property i.n c1uesT,ion,
Ei. 'Cllat Che requ~sted vartance ~aill uoi: be materially deLrime~tla7.
~o ttic public. we.Ltar~ c~r injurious to the prc~perty ur impr.ov~.menls in ~ucL~
vicini_ty and zune in whicti clie pro~~er.ty i5 locaLed.
7. 'That nc~ vne i.ndicat`r1 tlieii prE~sexic:e aC said public hearing in
opposit:ion; ~ind LhaC nc> corresn~~nci~~i~ce was r.ecc:~ived i-i opposition Lo subject
~iVV11ZONNiL•'N'.l'AL C'~iYA(;'I' 1~ 1NlliNG: i'hat '.:h~ ~.nahei!n Cit~~ F1ana.tng
C~mmissi.ou has r~vi~wed th~~ propo~al~~u establj.sh a two-r~arcel subdivision
1J1C.I1 waiv~_rs ot requi:~d loL frontabe, minimum number of pa.rki.nb spaces and
ut~ximum number oL compact p~ri:inb space5 on ~in irregularly-sYiaped parc~.l of
land consistlug ol: approxima~ely 8:icres having a frUn~a~;c oF a~pr.oxi:nately
31~ ieel o:l l"I1k'. north sidc oi La i'alma Aveaue, ~pproximately 730 feet ~ast oF
the cenLerlLne ok I3rasher. Strr~e~, and further. ~lescribed a5 5~F55 EasC La Pa:1ma
Aven~ie; and doc~5 he~~eby ~~ppro~~e Lh~ iiF ~;a[i.ve llec.l~irst~.on upon findin~ that it
h~i~ consi:lered Ct~e Ne~,t~C~ v~ llt.clarat.i~~n Co~elb.er willl any comu~ents received
durin~; the pub.lic Y'('.V~C-W process aiid "rurtftt~r finct:iri~ on ~he basis oi L'ne
:i:i:ltial study ancl any commenCs recel.ve:ci t;~<it t:he.re is no sub~ ~antial evlden.ce
that the proje~~t will huv~: a s:i~t~iiicar:L efirct on L-t~e environmenL.
NO4], 'i'tlL'ktliFOliE, 1:~ 1'i' R}3SOLVEU Chat Che Anal~elm Clt~~ Ylantting
Commissio:i <t~es her.~by ~;rant subjecr PeCiL.i on fc:t Yaria~ic:e, ~~on ttle fol:lowing
cc~nd.i.ClonS which ar~ liert~t.~y tound to be a ne<:essary prerequisiLe to the
propo~~d ust of the subjecl' pr'oper.~y lri order co pre.;erve tt2e s~if~ty and
~;ener~l weltarc ot lhe CiCi.^.en~~ UL lhe Ci~y u.E Anaheira:
1. 'L'h<_.: side~~a.lks ~tia11 be .i.nst:illect a1on~ La Yalma A.veriue as requirf d
by l:h~~ CiLy L'n~~,.in~er and i~~ accordance wi~li sLanaard pl~ns u:.cl
;,p~cificatl.ons un Eile in ~li~ ~JfPice oJ: the GLty Engineer.
2. 'I:liaC !.r- Lli4 ~~vent suh,jecl properly is to ue divi.d~d tor Che pur~~ose
of sa.Le, 1.ease, or Linancing, a pr:rce.L map t:o r.ecord t;~e appr.oved
~,~ ~ vision uf ~ubj~~ct. E.~ro~~erty s1~a11 bu sub~nltted Cu ~-ud appruved by
the City ot Anat~•~im and `_ticn b4 recorde~l tri r.he OE£ice of tli~ Orange
c;ount;~ Itecor~l~r.
'!. Tl~at priur ':o is~uancc: ut a build.i.n~, permit, the ewnex u~ subjr:~C
propert:y sha.Ll puy thc appioprlat:e ~1rs.Lna~;e sssessu;ent ~o tht: c'it; of
An._~he:[m in ~n am~au~~t: ns cier.crmined by Chc: Gity En~;inecr.
-2- NC86-.1'L1
' i.l
~ c~:';;~
IlA --
y ~'r . . . . ..
1: . ~ . .•'f~:y;
i4. ~ - t
'~ ,'r
! ~-. That Lhe owner/devel.o, •~r shall construct a median ir;:lrznd 3u La F'alm3
Avenu.e across the .[runtabe of subject proprrly and extending a
m:ini.mum o.f 8U feeL wesC o.i Lt~e wesl praperty llne of subject pr~~p~rty
as appru;r~d by Chc: City ~'ratiic Liz~;ini:er. Said cons~ructi~~~l she~ll be
cc~mpleeed wiChin nin~ty (90) days aft:ex ap~ro/a1 of Lhis ~.3ria:~ce or
prior ~o approva]. of a fina7. parc,el mzp, whichever occurs lirse.
S. '.That street lighLi.ng iacilities alonb La 1'alma Avenue shall be
tnsLalled a~ required by Lh~ Utilit.i.es Gent~ral ~Nanager. in accorcl~.nce
~vi~h ~pecitir_at.ions cn file tn the Oi:fic~ o.[ Utilities General
Mau~gers and that securiLy itt Lhe Eorm o.l a bond, cNrtificc3L-e of
depos:i.t, 1cCter of credit, or cash, :in an a~noun,: and form
sa~:Lsfactory to th~ (:ity of Mahejm, shall be posCc~d wit:li t}ie Ci4y to
~;uaran~e~ L-fie satislactory completion cl the ubuve-mentionect
improvements. Said sPcuriCy sh~11. be posted wiLh Lhe CiL-y of Anah4lm
within a period of thirey (30) days iad .installat:loR r.ompleted witliin
a p~r:tod ot i~inety (90) days trom final ap~~rove~l ut Ltiis variance or
prior Lo approval uf a final parcel map, whi.ch~ver occurs fi_rst.
6. ;'haC pri~~r to f~ua.l parc~l map appr~va~, condiCion Plos. 1, 4 usid 5,
~bov~-ment-ir~nc;d, ;;ha11 Le eomplic~:l with.
7. Tl~al pr:iar to fl.rta:l buj.ldin~; aiici zun.in~; inspections, c;ond.itton No. 1,
above-ment~ioned, sha~.1 be cc~mp.li~d witti.
8. Ttiat i.isc o.f ~he existin~.; build~n~ ~OIl l:ht nortli~rly parcel No. 1)
sha!1 he rer,tricted to w3rehr~us:Iit~; on1y, unless ~.he nt-mber of parking
spar_~s iti .tricreas~d Lo mee~: Cocie i~ec~uirements tor indusCrial
buildl.ngs. An.y in[ensilicaL•ion of use un said property sha11 be
subj~~r.t to I:I~c:: a~~pro~:al of Llle Pl~in!.iii;~; llt~pax~:ment.
BL IT FURTHER lt1:SOLVBD r.hr.it the: Anaheim City YJ.anntn~ Commission dcaes
tier.eby .find a~id detcc•min~ thaC actopti.c~n ol tllis Ite,~olution :t5 ex~~ressly
predi~ated u~on appli;•,:,t'~ comp.Ll.ance wi~h each and a11 u~ tha condiL-ions
hereinabove s~t fo~~th, a,iould any suc.li c~udition, ~~r any par.C thereof, be
~leclarecl .f.nva:l.tcl or uiietiforccabl~~ by L-h~. f~,na1 judk;menl af any caurt of
competenC jurisciiction, then Ltiis Resolulion, and any approvals L1~,r,4iR
centai~~c~d, sY~u1i be def~med nuJ.l ai:~; void.
oL Ma
1~s~6 .is 51.gneci and approved by me Cbis 12th day
~ y,
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~~, y~
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ANt1}il:iNl CL'.l'Y YLANNiN(~ COPtMT:;5IUN
i A'1'~'L' ST :
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rnKi, nt~~~Eii~ir~ ctiY i~L~htv.t~rc G Ur1I~11~5IUN
. ~J ~~
STATE~ ~F CALII~ORN1~1 ) ;;'
COUN'CY Or U1t11NGE ) ss.
Cc~mmissi I ~ Edilh L.
on, do h~rc:by Harris, Secretary of ~he AIlSIlI?~Ifl C;l.L-y Plannin~;
at u niEeLing o y
iat the tore~;o:ing
f the Anaheim City Yl~~tnning resolutian was p~ssed and
ssiun h
19$G, by
Lhe follawin~
vote oi'
t:he members thereof: .
on Mny 12,
_L98G. IIv WI'~NGSS W1iE KEUF, I have tiereunr_~ sel my liand Lhts 1'lth cla~ of M~~y,
~42~ ~~ . ,
S~~Rl:'1'AKY, ANAt1LIb1 .v
-4~ kC86-12.: