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PC 86-122
. . . . . , . ~ e ~ ~ . ,. . . ~ . . . , . ~ . . . . . . ... . . . . ~ ~ . ~ T . . .. . . . . ...~, h~soi,u~ r.~rr No. Ycah•-! 22 ~~~I~T~ .1 A I~LSOLU'TIUN OF TIiL' ~NA'riL:CM ~ITY PLANNIiV~ CUMIdISSiON TtiA'I' 1'!s'1'ITtON I'UTt CONllITtONAL U5E Pi;P,~IIT N0. `LI$8 13E llEN:CEu w~~L~,E~s, CFie Annheim Ci~_y Planni.nb Coinmission did receiv~ a verified PetiLion Eor Condition~i.i Us~_ i'eri,:it from STAFAC IAIC. , c/o THI~ CU1tPORATIUN '!:RUST r,~~~pAP1Y, ATTN: NR. ;;OSGPH Br1KBLRA, LUO We ,t lUth Street, Wilmingtan, Delaware 19801, owner, and SHELL QiL CUb1PANY, I~IiA~ICIS iULLEi:, I)IST1ttCT ENGINEER, 511 North F3~ookhurst Street, Anaheim, CaJ.i_fo.rnia 9'l$01, agenL for cerr.ain re~~l property siluattd in ~he Ci~y oE Anaheim, Gounty o~ Orange, Scate oi Ca~iforn:La, described a.s: T:iL' LA:i'f 2.U3 . UO PLE'1 Oi~ 'LEiL SOU'.CH 'l03 . UU FLLT OF LUT 14 , IN BLOCK "K" Ol THE Ki~1L't1ER 'LItACI.', IN t1iE CiTY UF ANAHEIM, CUUNTY UF UlL3NG~, S'TATE OF i;e1LIEULtNIA AS Sl•[UWN ON A P1r1:P kF:COitlll:ll IN }300K 12 PAGL'S 87 ANll 88 Gr MTSCELLAfJBUl1S RECOItDS, IN Tt1L C~FIICL' UF TIiL CUUrJ'i'Y ltl~t;UKllL•'K Ol~ Lr}g E1NG1:l~ES Cc)UN`l'Y, CAI.IFO1tNTA~ WHliRF:AS, ~he City P:Lannii-~ Cummission did hold '3 t?Ub11C hearing at t:ie (;ivi.c Center i~i ttie City of Analieim on hlay .l.'L, ly8(i at ~:30 p,m, , rioti..~ ot said public tieaz•ing tiaving been duly given as re~~uired by la~a and in. accur.danc~ wit~.ti Lhe urovisions ot the Anahe:im ~tunicipal (:ocl~, Chflpte~ 18.C3, Ce he~r ST1G{ consider evi.dence for, a:ici aga.inst said propusF~d conditionai use permiL' and to invesr_:i~;ate and ma~ce il:utin~s and ~ccummGnda'.ions in co:~necCion Cher.ewiCh; and WHf~R~AS, said Comuii.sstnn. afler due insper_tiun, iuvesGigation and 5r,udy madE by iLself and i:i its f)t'~1c111y aud :.~fr.cr ~lu~a cons.tderaL.ian oF all ev:ideiue and report.5 ofler~d aL sa.ic; hearir.b, does find and d~ter.min2 the fc~llowi.ng .lacts: .L. Tl~at. th~ ~rupo~;~~ use .C~ pr.opc:rly one L-or WI71CIl ~ cor.ditional use p~~rmiC Ls auL[iorized by Anahe.i.m Municip~i_L C,odi 5ection to wit: ~o per.mit a Paadmart k~ith ott-sa:lc~ beer and winc: and seli°sc.~rve gasoline sales anrl wiCh the Lo.Llowink~ wr:~ivers: (a) SE(:'1'LONS 1t3.05.093.U'L.L - M~ximwn uumber ot Irees~~.artdin~ sigt:s AN~ J.8.05.0~8 ~ _ (b) Sf;CTL0iJ5 l~t.U;i,093.U`L'3 - Nermi~tcd locaLion of tr~estan~lirtg ANU_:18.U5.098 sigris. (cj ~ECT:CONS 18.05.Uy3.Ql'J1 -- h11.ni.nuaui distance betw~~n Freesranditig A61U 18,05.()98 ~ ~•i~n:;, ~'~ ~ ;~ ;; -~ `L. 'L'Ii=.it th~: oroposed use ts tie~eby den:ted uu the basis that t~he subjec:t propert,y is located tn a:~ :i.ndustrl.al are4 wlie:e convenient av~ilahil:Cty u.L off-sale be.er ~nd wl.ne anci possi~le con~wnpL:Cou is r-ot an appropri.ate use; tliat ss.to use cou1J cr.c.al-e ~i d~nger. ko industrial ~mployees ~,per~Ci.nb lie:avy ec~uipmerit or. m:-cti:tt.eiy.; and °crtt«r tl~a. sub,Je~t pro~~erty is in the same vicinity as an existi.ng rECre3Lional cr~nr~r wt~F:re teen~gers aud young pcopie curce,:~ly con~rebaCc un waelcecids creat:ing tratFic .a~id tra~h problecns and that suhj~cl uae cuuid contribute to [hc:;~ prob.Lems. USUsr PC86~122 s: ~'.:~ . ~.: i..~/;.;'. ~ ( J ;i :,; :;; . `~~~i.j'`... ~"'1ror~. 3. ':lieit t_ltr~ proposrd use wil l adversE~ly uti~c:t the ad joinln~ .liind u:;a,~; .in~.l ~-~e growCi~ ~i~ld dc.v~l,:~~>mr:nC ol ~:he urca in whlel~ ir_ :is propoeecl tn b~ loc_tit~d . ~i . 'Cti.i~. Clif~ ~,r~uiU.nb ot Cl~.e Conctit.to-i<i.L llse Yerm.tC uttder Che condiCtoris itnpoti~~d, il' ai~y, wi.ll be deirlmenl~.il ~o L"llr~ pL;i~.e~ h~~alCtt, saEe:ey and gcu~r.al we.liur.c ~>t: C1~~ C1.Lizcn~~ ut C'~r. Cit:y uti Ane:heini. 5 'I'hat twc~ persoii~; trclic~-te~l tlieir pr.esence at said pub.li.c ~lt'.FICIil~ in oppositLon; 2111(~ ~~ha1: no corree.pc.neler;c~ was r~cei~'ed in upposltion Lo the subjci:~ pelitJ.!'~ii. F.NVLRUNh11:N'r~1L ihiPACT 1•'.LNUlNG: 'C~uiC Lhc~ Anaheim C.iCy P.i::nnin~ Comnti.s~~Ion I-ab revi~wed ~tti~ pcopc;sal to permit: a fe~c~dmart with off-sale Leer and winc, un~i and wit.h s~.1[-s~rvr ~;a~c~liuc: salc~s on a CucCacigulaYly-shaped p~rceJ. c~f .land con<>istin~; ol up,3r.aximat:e.ly U.52 ~crc~ locar.ed ~C tl~e n~rthwest eorner ot L:i P~!-n;.i :1vc:r.ue and Kra~~iuer U:~ulevat'c! ~~~tcl turl'her de5c:ribed ~ts "3Q35 i:ast La PaJ.m.:i ~'1v~~nue (Shell ;iervice Stution); <irid ci~es hereby disapprove tl~e Yc+};:xtiv:: Uecl<-c•atlcn t~~};ether w.tth ~-ity c:omuic~r;t5 recr.ived ~ucLtt~ the pu~lic review proc•.:;:: r_iiid Liirther Etridlu~: on ttie t~<<5it of the :Lniti<il r;~udy ~~nd ~sny cotmn~snt;> Cecciv~~cl t.uat thccr~ I:; ito ~ub:;tant.L.il 8~l1c1~t1Ce ClZat ttte projecl w.ill i~,~~~e :i sit;nif ican[ c:f f~c' on thu env.i r,.~nment . N~~W, 'CHL•;ltL•'~OktE, 151; i'1' Rl;SUI..JIai~ tha~ lhc~ Anaheiu~ City Plan~itng Cotnmi5~;'_~}n doe5 her~by d~ny z>ubjk~c~: 1'er.i.t~oce tur l;ondil.onal Usr_• FerntiC, on LC~c ha:.i5 uf Lh~ afc~r~~aeiitlo~ii~d Li.n~1i.-l~;s. '1'llL [~Q[:EC~11.~G kE50LU'I' LJ!J i.s ~si,;•~ed anct a~~~rov~~d by uie tnis ].2th d~7y ~, t td ~~ y, t~~ ~i Ei . ~ -? f/ /Y ` `-- ~' / `~ ~i~'~~~ ~~~I ~~rl.~..'L /(~~~ f''•L '~~~~ y \\{ CtIA.Lk',JUPIt1N, AhAtII:LPi CCfY YI,AN~'~LNG ~Uh1~liSSi.ON A'I"1'EST : -- --f :~y'= ==--' - 5L;CK';"le RY , e1NAlll•:~ C L l1 PLIINN 1NC; (:C)PIPi1SS1U~v 5'iATG 0"r CALLFURNLA ) CIIUh'1'Y i~F UMNGE; } Ss. C LTY UF A~{Allf: [rt ) !., E:clitti l.. !(~rris, S~cret~ry oi tl-e An~thetm Cily E'lannln~ CommLssion, do fiF~reby ~erriiy that Lhe for~~~;c~ing resolution was p~ssea and .idopterl uC a~~~e~.~tLn~ ot tbu An~-lieim l,ity k'.Launln~; (~ou~n~iss.i~~n held on May 1'l, 19$G, by the tolluwin~ vote c~E ;:hc a~erobers tt-er~ul: AYh::i: CO+L~ILSSLUNEItS: SUUe1:i~ k'ltY~ l!1•:kfi5'I'~ l,A CLA1.N.i~:~ L~1W1.Ci<L, MC t)UICIVh:Y~ rir,.~st. rtc~~:s: !:urtrtlssiu~~xs: hu,;-: nas~~h•r: (;Uf•1PIL.~si~Kt:K;;: ~uc~~ 19$~i. LN W1'1IJ1•;S:i Wi1L•'Fch:U'r, L uav~ Iv~reunt~., s~>t my han.t Chis 1'ltl~~ d~iy ~f May, • ~~~~'(/l.~y St:GKE'1'AKY; AI~iAH~.IM .;ITY t'I,ANNIfvG c~r~,~lssl.ocr --"6- !'C86-1'l2 /,. , ~ ,i