PC 86-133~ RESOLUTTUN N0. pU8b-133 A RLSOL'J'tTUN O1 THk; ANAHI'sIM CiTY PI~ANNING COMriISSIUN '~HA7' PL'CI'.LION k UR VAIt- ANi:B N0. 3563 f3E G1tANTEU ~ ' ~~ ~ ; ~,, .:; ; ~.;;;: ~'~; WHF:I~J_,~1S, the Auahe:Cm C~i.ty Yla.nn_ing Comcnission dld receive a veri.fi~c1 Pa>.ttti.on far Variance froiu ICt~,UFMAN & DftUAll G'r' SOUTHI;RN CA.LI~URNIA, INI:., ~500 Last Santa Anl Canyon ltoail, Anatiei.m, GaliPorn:~.a ;~t307, ATTN: M.~l~k ~OOllMAN, owner ~f certa:Cn real property si.tuate:l in the Ctty of Anaheim, County of Orzr.~;e, State ol Cal~.Lorni.a descr.i.bed ~is: i'ARCELS 1 t~Nll 4 AS SN.UWN OLV A MAP FILEU iN BQUK 184, PEIGES ?.4 AND 25 U~ YARCL'L MAPS LN TL-IL OFFICL" UF THC COUN'PY I:L'CORUiR UF UIZANGE COUN'CY, GA1~II~URNiA. ti7-{~LtEAS, the City Planri.ing Conunission did hold a publ:Lc hearing at ct~e C: v~tc Center t.n the City uf. Anahei.m c~n May 28, 19tS6, at 1:30 p.m, , not3.c:e of said publi.c hearin~; having been ciuly givei~ as requir~d by law and in accordai~~e wi.th the prov:i.si_ons o.E the Ai~akiei.m htunicj.pal Code, ChapL-er 18.03, ~o hear arid c.unsid~r evtdenc.e Lor and aba.i.nsC s<<td proposed vsriaiir..e and to :i.nvedtigaCe <in~l mezlce t.indings ancl r.ecommendat:ions ir, connection Lhe.rewiCh; and 'v~llLREAS, ~zi.d Commiss:f.on, after due {nspecLi_un, tnvestl.baCi.on and stucly rnade by i.tselL- arid in its uehalE, ancl af~er due consideraLion of a1:L ev.idenr.e and reports offared at said heart.ng, does fincl and deLermt.ne thu IO.LLOW~.Il~* .E~Ct5: l. TkiaL tt~~G petCCioner proposes wt:~~lvers of t~te tollowin~ ro ^unstruct a 15-10~ ;;i.nbit-Yamily det.actied subdivl.sion subject to RS-5000 site deve.Lopm~nr stat:dards with Lots A und B ~les~i.~nated as ~pen space: ~A) SE;CTIJN 1$.U1.130_ - kec~utred lot fronta~e. ~~~ f ~1ot ~ronta~e a:i a publi.c. street requiLed; .L5 1.ots on a pri.vaC~ slr~et praposed) (B) 56:.~'lUN 1$.04~U42.UGU - ^ Mini.n:um sCr.uctural seCback oa cul-de-:~acs. (1S-.foot se~:bxck required,• lU-foot setback - r ~Tnj)OSl?Cl~ k;' (C1 S};C'.C.TUh' 1$.'L7.Ob1.0'LU - ~r Miriimtim ~~uildiut~site width. (50 iract buildl.n~site w3.dCh °' requ:Lred; Lot ~.Jo~. 2, 3, !+ and 5 rang3.n from ' 19 to ?9 feet proposed) , ~; (U) SECTT.UN 1$.27.U61.0'LJ. - ~ P13.ni.u~uut b~ii.lding ~i.te wi.dt~, oi~ a cu:l-de-sac. ~ (45-fcec reclui.r.ed; ~U f:eet proposed ~ar + ~~or. No. 14) ,t ('3) SEC'l'iON lt~.'L7,U63.U1'l.4 ~~~ ~~ - [•li.n.~mu~n front-on ~;arage setbac.k. ,; (25-foot setback far Erunt-on garage un a ~~; ' cul-de-sac. reyu~Lred; 10-feet proposed for r Lot No. 13; U814r PG86•-~33 ,,~,,~,, ,. ,` z ,'` . - ~ •~r.~ , ~ . . '~r;~p' `;~,~, , . , "`-'~ ~ . . , ~ '~ri , 2. That the above-inentionecl waivtrs are liereby grantr~:: ur- ttie basis ~t Lhere are ~pecial circumstarices applicabl~ to lhe gruperky such as s3.ze : , ,: ipe, Lok~o~;raptiy, locaL~ton and surrouudings which do not app'ly to other ~l~ntically 'LOllt?Cl property in the 5ame vzc3.nir.y; an.d that strict a~,p.tication f ' u the Luning Code cleprives thp pro~~~Nty o:E pr1.vl.Ieges enjoycd bq othet properl:te, tn tlie idenL-:i.cal ~one an:l c.la,si~:tcation in the vi.c.tn.i.ty. ,, 3. That there are excepL-.i.oiia~ or exlraordinary c:Lrcucistances or conci.tCi.ons appl icabl t tt ' 4,, "'" . e o ie pruper~y involved or ta th~ :lnCe~-ded use ot the ` '' property thal do r.ot a 1 ~ pp y~,encra.lly to tl~e prupercy or r~d~s of use :Cn th~ ~ame v.ic.tn.ity and zon•~. 4• 'Ct~al ~he requested variancc ~s nec~ssary fur the prc.servation ~~' a d , n eajoymeni. of a substanti.al pt'o[.~~~rty r~.ght possessed by ottier ~ropert~ tn Ch e sa;ne vi.cin-ity ancl ;:one, ar-d denied L~, the property in CjUCuCIOTI. ,~, , 5. ThaL tl-~~ r~yuc>sted variance wi..ll not be mater:i.ally detr: [ ment~l . . to thc publ~Lc welfaze ur i.i~ju~• i_ou~ to tue prop~rryo ur tmproveir~~>>~ts :in such v:~ cinit d . ai~ zon~ i ~• ., , Y n whi.ch k , h~ ro ~~ Ct is 1 . ( ora~:ed Y . . G. Thar. no one i.ndzc~iked thu ~ r i,reserice aL said public llearin~ ! n - ~ ~ . oppesi.L i.on; aild [l?aL nu cot~re~pondence w~~5 ~, ~~cei.vecl in appos~tion ro subject + peti.t.ian. LNVIRUI~f•IENTAI~ Ct~1PAC'1 1:'.CNUTNG: ThaL Lhe 3natiei.m City Plauning Commissi.on l~ias reviewed Che proposal to c.onsLruct a 1.5-1ot ftS-SU00(SC) subd3.vi_sion wLth Lols A and f3 de~.igriated as open space and witli waivers of r~quirect lot fr~nLage, mt.nt.u~um struc:tur.aL setbar..ks on cul-dc-sacs, m.inimum bu:i.~di.ng sit~ w9.dth, m.i.n.t.n~um buL:~di.ng si.Le wiclth on a cu.i ~!e sac an.d ini.nitnuut , Iront•-on ~;~xage ~etback on an i.rregularl.y-shaped p;arcei oi: la~id consisling o.f approx.i.uiately n, J ac.r~s gener:~l.ly .Locate~l westerly of the inter~ect:l.ort ~f i3auer Road and Monte Vi.stx ltcad, and turt:tier descri.bed as Kendra Court-East Ht1:Ls (Bauer. Knnch - Ar.ca 7); ancl does hereby ap~~r.ovc. the Ne~ati.ve Decleiration upen findi.;ig that i.t has co,lsiciered the Negaltve lleclarat.ir,n together ~wit~i any commen~a r.ecei.ved dur:t.n~; the publ.i.c revLew process and furLh~r .Ei.nding on khe ba~is of the Lnitial study ;~r,d any cummenLs recei.vFd. that there is uo substanti.a:l evi.~Gnce that Lhe pro~ec.t wi.11 Il'clVL-' a s:t~;nifir.ant effect on Che environment. i;; NUW, 'l'1{rRt~F'ORL, 13E t7 k1:SULVLU ~ha~ tkte rlnaheim C:Lty P.lanning ~ Cor~imissi.on does hereby graiil; subjc~ct Petttton tor ~iar:i.~-~~7~P, upon the fol'lowtng a' conc~~ti.ons wl-ich az~e herF_Uy fc~und Co be a ner~ssar : proposed ~sE oi tlie suh'erc; ~ ' Y prerequi.s~i.e to th~ ~; ~ ~ properL-y in ordcr to pres~_~rve l-n~ saPe;:y anci ~ generai walfare o~ the C1.t.izen:~ of thc: C:i.~y ot P.naheim: '' ~; ~ ~ .1.~ 'rhat pr:ter Co ~[ssuance of ~ but.ldinj; p~~rmi.t, primary waCer. mni.n fees ' stia.ll be ~~a~Ld to the Ci_~y ~t Anahetiu, i.n az amou;~r. as del-ermined bv ~ Lh~ Gtfzc~_ of tl~e ULi..li_tic:s Gencrli. ~lanabe;r, r ~ ' 7_. Thtit prtor Lo tssuetn.ce oF a buil4tng permi.t, appc~pr:l.ste park and ~ recreati.on in~-lieu f~es shall be patd to the GJ_Cy of An~heim i.x1 an I } amounk as deter-nine~t by the Ctcy CouncL~. , -z~ PCBG-133 .. _ ~~~: : , .:: : ,_,~ _._-__.-.- ' . . .;. , - ... .. . ....;~rM.rY.cl I / cf~ ~. ~ ~~~ ` ,,i I i ' 3. That a:ll private streets shall be developed l.,z accordance with the City of Anal~eim's Standard llet~i~.l No. 12.`l ior private street~s, includ:tng installat:ton oi srrcet name i;igns. Plaus fur the private street ].igh~in~;, as required by the stau:lar.~i det~il, shaZ1 be submiCted to tl~.e tiuildin~ llivi.sion for a.pproval and i.ncluded with the butld.in~ plans pr:tor ~:o the t.ssuancN of building nertni_ts. (Pr.i.vaCe stree~ts are those whi.ch prov.tde prtmarJ~ aacesG ~.~id/or. circu].~tion within the project. 4. That temporary street narne s.t~ns sha.~l be tnstalled ~rior to ~~-ny o~.cupancy i£ permanenl-. street natie signs l~.ave not been installed. 5. That no r~ublic or pr.tvate street grades sha11. exceed lU% er.cept by prlox approval of the Chj.et of the ~ire llepartment a~id the Enb_it~eer~I.ng llivts.ion. 6. '1't~at draina~;e of subject property shall be disposed af in a wanner sat.i.st-ac~ory to the i:i.Ly E n~i.neer. 7. That grad:Lng, exc~ava~~on, ar.d all otlier coastruction acttvir.i.es sh~i1:L t~e r..onducted in sucki a manner so as to mintR~~ze L-he possib:tlity of any sflt e;.ig in~tin~ frum Ch:~s project bei_nb c.arrieti inL-o the Santa e3na River by st~rm water oL•i.ginating trom or Elowtng Chrough this Nro jec.t. S. ~~:~lelt a11. lots wiCtii.n tlii8 CrFlr_.L shall be serv4d Uy underground uta ll.~tes . 9. That prl.or to co~~meucemenL- ol struckural .[rami.ng, fi.r? hydrants sha11 be i.nsCalled and charged as rec~uired and determ:ined t~ be necessary by the ChteF ~.f tlie l~i~r~ Uepartr~ene, lU. Thzt a11 requirem~nts of ki.re 'Lonc 4, c3therwise xdentlfied as Fire Admi.nistraLi.ve Orcler No. 76-01, shall 6e met. Such requ~trements iuc.lude, bu[ ~ri: not limi.te<< Cc: ck.~in,,ey, sp~rk ~rre~tor.s, protec.ted at,t:~^. and uuder floor U.L1~.i1~5~ Class C or betCer roaf:tn~ mater.ial arid one l~our ti.re resist~:f.ve consLructi.on ot hor:t.zonta:L surf.ac.~s if lc.:ated wl.th.i,il '~OU ieet uf adjacenl brushland. ~:~ y, 11. That in accordance wiGt~ the requir~mencs ot Seclion 18.02.047 of the. `. AiZah~al.~n blun:i.ci.Pal Code perl..3iutng to the J.n1C3.a1 sale o.E r.esidences ~ "~ iri the City of Anahei.m Placining Area "]3", the sel.Ler ::ha11 pr.ovj.de I ~~ each buyer wi.tti wriClen i.riformattoiz concern:Lng [he i-naheim General i PIALl a~id the exi.sting zon:tn~ wi.tl~ij.ri 3UU teet of the b~undaries ~f ~a subject trlct,. .!+ :L2• 'C1ia~j as spec:l.fiec! in Anahei.:n Muixi.c:i.pal Coae Section ;v~o. 18.~34.06'1.03'l, rio roo.[-ii~ou~~ted ec{u~i.pme~ltr whalsoev?r, sh.~1], be perm.tLted, 13. 'Chat prior to 3.ssuance ot ~i I~ui.ldi.ng Permit, Lhc aE~pr~pria!:e ma jor thoruughL~re a,~d bridbc fee `tlialJ. be paict L-o tt-e City o.f Anat~ie~.m in an au!o~~nL' as spec.~.fied tn tl~~ hiajor. 'rhoroughfare and Bridb~ Fee Ptogrum lor the loothl.ll/Easlern TransporC~C:i.an Coi:r:t.dor, us approvcd by Che GiCy Counr.il [Zesolution No. l35F-423. ' :i' PCSu-133 ;. , , ._ _ ;r : ;:,,~ .~:r'. ,•. , •.,: , ,,. _ : ;... ----- .. . . . .. ~ .. , , , . .. - ~ .. . . . . . , '~~.r ~'~ - ~.,,,,, >; ~ , i '.4 .'~~ .. . ~ ~'Fi :L4. That subjecL prop~rLy shall be dc:veloped substant:Cally ~i.n s~ccurd~nce ~ ~~ w:tL'h plan.s aacl s~eci.f:Ccation;~ on file with thG City oi Anaheim ma.rked 13xhibtr No. 1 L-hrotibh 14. ,; 15. That prior to ~.ssuance of a building permiC, or. ti~:t.tnl.n a j~erioc! ~.f ~ne year from th~ dar.e of rhts resoluLi.on, whichever ~ccurs fi.rst, ~ Cond:ttt.on Nos. l, 2 and 13, above-mentioneci, shall be compl:Led w~.th, %' I~:xtension:; for Y~ furttier ~~iiue to complete sa.i.d condl.tiou~ may be granted :Ln r~c~~.ordanc.~ w•J. tti ~ect:ton 1$.U3.090 of the Anaheim i~1u~s:i.cipal Code. 16. Tliat priox to fi.nal butldi.n~ and zoni.ng .inspeclions, Condi~ion Nas. 1Q and 1.4, above-~nenti_oned, sha11 b~ .:omplied wiL'n. ;; +,~ ~' B~: IT FU1Z7'LIi'slt ktESOt~V~L thral the Anahei.m Gi.ty Planning Commissioil dues `;'; ~; here6y fi.nd ,~nd c!elermine Chat adoptiun of rhis RESSOIutton i_G expressly ~` ;i pr~dt.cated upon applicant's comp.Zi.ance with each and all of Che. cnn~i3.tions ,' her.:i.n:,bove set .forth. Should any such cond:Llion, UI' 'r1P.y part there~f, be "; ~' declared Cnva:lid or unenfor~eable b the tina.L ':`' ,+, Y juclgment of auy cuurt oi '.~ coinpetent jur:Lsdi.cti.oii, tlzen Lh.is l:~solurion, and any a~provals t7ere~n ~~~ coLitained, ~hall he deemed nul:L and void. ~ ,; BE T'7' I URTHEk lZLSOLVBll tk-at Lt~e Anahe~in Ci.ty Plannin~ C~~mmission does ~: hereby f.ir.d ~nd deter~n:Cne thaL aciopti~n of th~.s ResoluL-i.on is expre:.~sly ~'~' predi~ated upon appl.icaiit's coiupliance with e~zch and al1 ot Che c~ndiL-ions here~.nabove 4::t turth. Shou.ld any sucti conditzons, or any part thereo~, be ' ~ d~~cla~red invalicl or unenl:orceable bj~ the i-.inal judbment o1: ac~y court o.f r~ competent juri.sdi.ct~ton, the.n thxs (~esolut.ion, a.nd any ~ppruvals l:erein _~ co~~ta:Cned, shall be deemed nu11 ar~d void, ;; THI: I'ORLi~UIrI~ RI:SGLU'fiUll ts ~i.~;n~d and appr~ved by me teiis 2$th ciay '; of t:ay, 198fi. `;; ~fi~-~"'~-~•c~'.~.-~ ~;~ ~.~~~J ,;. CHAIRWOMt1N, ANAEIEIM CiTY PLANN'1'NG CUMMI.SSLON ;;j~ AT'T' ~3 S'T : ~ L / ~ ti; ~~ ~; ~ . ~ ; ~ ~`.~/(:~t<a ~ SEC;~tP:TAR , ANA}iI;IM CITY PLANNIN~ COhirIIS~IUN ;~ STA:rL' OI' CA1~II~ORNIx'~ ) ;;:' ; COU~ITY O , ., F URANC~ ) ss. ,~~ CiTY Ui ANAHLINI ) I, Ed:itti L. Elarris, S~cr~tary of the Analzei.~n ('.iL•y Plannin~ ,~~ Comariss.i on, du hereby cerC.i.f.y th~it the f-or.egoing resol.ution was Passed and aclopted at a meetinb af the Ariaheim Ci.ty P1ann.i.n~ Commi.ss:i.on he1c1 on May 28, .l~~G, by t.he 1c~11owin~ vaL•~ of ~tie memb~rs Ltiereof : P.YES: COMMISSIUNIs'RS: I~RY, HEKBS"1', LA CLAtftG, LAW.LCKZ, hiC BURNL;Y, Mk;SSF NOL'S: COM.MTSSTUNERS: NONL; AfiSENT: (,OMMISSTUNk~RS: BOUAS - 1N Wl'f.NL'S6 W1iLLt~U1 , i have her.eui~.t ~ et my hand Lh.ts 28th day of rl~y 1986. ~ , ~t- ~' ~~ , ~ ^ ~~~ / H (,,,/ `/~j ~ . . SLCRET , ANAHGIM Z Y LANI~I:CN~ COMMTSSION -4- PC86-133 `'` _ - ~ __ ' .. . . . . . , ~ . ' ~ . . . .. ,l~k.