PC 86-14rr~„ , ~t,~ ~, .. .., , .. . . . ....: .. ...... . _ . . ~ ;;,~', ~ rntil`~y,~~~ 1 . .,1„ , ~ j , ;.,~~ ti: r~, ;~„ ,. f .-.. ;~!;:'~ °: 4 RESOLUZ'ION N~. PC8G-.14 A R~SOLUTIUN Ul' x'HE ANAEIEZM C:ITY PJ~l,NNING CUMMISSION 'PHAT PL•'2'!`PT.ON FUR VAItIANCF N0, 352y DE GRANTED WHER~AS, tt~e Anahei~n City Planning C~mmission did xeceive a verified :~ Petition Eor Variance from U& D DFVELOPMGNT COM~ANY, 711 East Imperial ~ ~,"" Highway, #3 3rea ~ „ `' + , alifo=nia 9i621, AT1N; CAMILLG CpURTNhY, owner of cer~ain ~ " r~a.). property situated i~i the City ~.f Anaheim, County oL- Grange, St~te af Cali.Eornia described as: `PHAT A POR2'ION OF TEi~ SUU`PHGAS'r QUARTER n~ THE; SOUTfiWEST QUAkTLR ~ OF SECTIUN "l, 'POWrJSE1IP 4 SOUTH, ItANGE 9 WGST 7N T8E RANCHO 8AN ~;;; " JUAN CAJUN 1)E SAN7'A ANA, C:['PY OF ANP.fitlIhl, COUN~'Y OI' ORANGE, ~! ' STA'.CL•' UE CALIkORPIIA, AS SEfUWN ON A P1AP fiLCORD~D '!N F300K 51 kAGE 10 UP MISC~LLAN[;UUS MAPS, RLCORDS OE' ORANGF CpUNTY, CALYFO~2NIA, +~ DESCRIF3ED AS E'UI~LOWS: ,' ~ L'LGINNTNG AT A POINT IN TIIE; CENTER LINL OF 'I'EiE ANAH~IId-pI IVE ; `' ~ I?UAD, SAID PUTNT. BF.JING 5)5.G8 FEL•"f SOU2'H 73° 7' S0" EAST OF' ' AN IROId I30LT MARdCING TkIE ANGLE FOINR' AT L;NGINGEKS STATIONS ] 13+76 32 E . . U uAID ROAD; ~1~HGNCE SOUTH 16 ° 3' 30" WEST ALOt7G A I.~J:NI; 1()0 FLE;'i' EAST AT RTGFIT ANGLES FROM THE WEST LINE UF THE GARDLN ~ G120VE~ STORM WATF..R DISTRICT, TC ITS INTFFSECTION WITfi THE SUUTH ~ LT.NE UG SAIll SLCT'ION 7, 7'UWNSHIP 4 SOUT!~I, RANGE 9 WF.ST; `I'H~NCE W ' ES P Ai,OIvG iAID LINE 'PO .ITS IN'T~RSEC'T'ION WT'1'fi THE WFS'1' LIN1~ UF ` t ; iHE SUUTHt:AS^_' QUA.RTFR OL' THE SOUTHWEST QUAR'PER Or^ SAID SEc"PION 7 2'H t ; ~NCE IVORTH ALONC; SAIll wLS2' L'!NE Z~0 I'P~; INT~RSECTION WTTE THE ' ; CL NTER LINE UF Y't]P t1NAFIEIM-OLIVE ROAD; THENCE ~AST ALONG ; SAID LiPJ.E 'PO THG AOIN~' OF BEGINN:[IJG. i E;XCEP'i'ING `PHLRFFitQM '.1Hc; EOLLOWiNG DESCRTBEll L,AND: HEGxNNSNG A'P 'i'FiL•' :iN`PERSLC'PICi~ U! THL CL:N'rER LINE OF THE ANAHEIM-OLIVE ROAD W.I`.L'H 'PHL WEST LINr' Oi THE EAST 7NE-HALF 0~ Ttt~' u0U`PHWEST QURRT[3R Or SAI1D SECTION 7, TUWNSHIP 4 SUUTH, RANGE y W~S`P; THT~NCE SOU'1'fi 71LONG SAID Wl's5T LINL 307.7'l F'E~'T; THENCC CAS~ PAR~fLLGI, WITH Z'NE SOUT!i L'ING OF 5~1Tll SECTI0~1 7, 153.11 EL•'E'P; i'HENCE NORTFI PARALLEL WT`PH :,AID WES'i' LIN~~ t~r THE EAS7' ONk;-IfALF ~JE' THL•' SOU'i'HWEST UUARTER UF SAID SECTIOIJ 7, ~61~~~ FL•'~`i', MORli OR LESS, TO Til~ CEN'Z'ER LIN~ OI' TliL SATD ANAHr~IM-OL' FL'E FOAA; 7.'fiLNC3 NQRTN 73° 7' S0" WGS2' ALONG SAID CEPIT:,'R LlI~G OF ANAfiL•'iM~OLIV~: RCAp, 16U FR~;'I' `i'0 '1'HE POINT Or^ BEGINNING. FXc:~~7.' 'PHAT P4RTJON DESCRIAF.ll IN A nEEn TO CIT:' OF PLACENTIA, A MUNIC'1'PAL CURYORA`i':[ON, k2ECpRnf:p NpVCh1IiGR G, 1943 IN BOOK 12I8 PE1GE 37U, OFNICTAL RECUP,DS. AI,SU EXCL•'PT ~rfi~'1' PO1Z'i'IUN DESCRI3CD IN A DEED 2'b OI2ANC,L•' COUN'PY FLOOD CQNTROL DlS7'RICT, A HOllY CORPURA7'E; AND POJ~T'rICo RECORllED 0(:'I.'OE3F~~ 18~ 1955 TN }3n0EC 7706 PAGL•' 971~ OFFIC:lAL RECORDS. _. U687r r~''•" ~±Y.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~,`.~: ~ r s PCSF•-~4 r}'~ ~:1~~ J h.}: ,... ~~• ^~~ PARCEL~ H: `PiJA'1' PORTIUN UF TNE St~UTHEAS`P QUAf.t'PEH OE 'PHL SOUTHWGS'P QUAFCTER OF SE(:TIC.C7 7, ~POWNSHI~ 4 SOU'L'H, RANGF~ 9 WGST 2N '~'HE RANCH~ SAN JUAt~ CAJON DL•' SAN'PA AN~1, CI7.'Y OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OI' ORANGE, STR'PL OF ~AL'!r^URNIA~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECOItDEU TN .900K 51 PAGE 10 OF MlSCELLANL'OUS MAPS, RF'CGRT'iS 0[' ORANGL' COUt]TY, CALIF'URNIA~ llESC:RIBL•'D AS L'OT,I,GWS : F3EGINNING A'P 'PHR IN'PERSECTIUN OF THE CLL~7'F,R I~INL' QF THE ANAHEIM-OL.IVk~ ROA1.~ W~TH ~rF~.L WG52' LIi~E GF THE EAa'i' HAL~ OF 7.'HE SUUTFIWE~'P QUARTEIt 0[' SAID S~;CTION 7, THLIJCE 50UTFI ALONG S~IA WESZ' LINL 307.%2; TEIENCE EAST PARALL EL WITH 'CHF. SOU2'H 'LINL OF SATD SECTION ? ] 53 .].1 FN F T; THL•'N::L NORTH PARAJ~LFL WITH SATU WEST L7~lE OF THB EAST LiALF OF THE SOUTHWE~i QU7RTER QE SAIll SL•'CTION 7, '1G1.29 CEL'P, MOR~, OR LESS, 7'0 THG CENTER LINE OF TyE SATD ANAFiF.INI-OLIVL I20AD; THEP+CE IJOR~i'Fi 73° 7' S0" WEST ALONG SAID c.~N'i'ER LINL•' UF ANAHdIM-ULIVE ROA.D, 160 CEI;~1' TO THE POTNT OC BEGINNTNG. WFIERLAS, th~ City Plann.ing Commission did tiold a~ublic h~aring at the Civic Cente~ in the r.it-y of Anaheim on .Tanuary ~, 1986, at 1:30 ~~.m., notice of said public heariny having been duly given a~ r?qui.red by law an~l in accocdance wi.th tl~e prc.~visi.on~ of the Anat~eim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.~3, to hear and consider ev~denre f`.oe and ayai.nst said propored variance and to inveskiga~e and make finclings and recommend~~tiens .in connection lhecewith~ and WHERE;AS, said Commissi.on, af.ter d~~e inspection, ir.veutigation and sttid~~ macie by it~elf and in ih.s behalf, and al`ter d~e consideraL•iorz of all evidence anci reports ~~Efered ai: said heaciny, does find and cietermi~P the following facts: 1. Th~t ttie pel:ition~r proposes waivers o.[ the £ollowi.ng to per~mit a 9-l0~, 99-unit RM-3UU0 condominium subdivis.ion: SECTION 18.U1.13U - Requiced__lot fzonta9e. (All luts re uireci^to ~but a public street; one lot not abuttin~ ~+. ~~ub1 i c:~treet ~roposed ) 2. That the above-menhianed ~aaiver is her.el~y qL~a[It(~d on thE basis rha~ tk»ce are special circumstancES applicable to ch~ pcoperty such as ~ize, sPiape, topography, location and surroundings which do not apply to nther idPntically •~oned nroperty in the same vicini.ty; ~nd that strict ar~plication af tt~e Zoning Code c~eprives rhe }~rupert,y of privil~ges anjuyec3 by ottier pr.operl-ies i.n the idenl-ical 2one and clas~ificati.on in th~ vicinity. 3. That I:l:ece .~re exceptional or extraoedinar~ circumstances or condil:ions ak~~lic~b.le to t.he pr~.~perty involvea or i.o the is~tended usE o.L l:he propPrL•y that do not z~ply generaily to Che property or class ~E use .in tt~e same vicin.ity and zone. a. That the xequesrncl variance is neces~ary for the pr~servation and enjoymenk of a substar~tial property right posaessed by othe: property in thP same vicinzty and zune, and denie~ t~ the property in question. ; ;, t, i~ ~~.~~ ; `;! ': ; ;. l;~ ~; ,;': ' "r;';r. °' ° °;~ I;. i•!+ ~' I `'. _~_ PCR6--14 ~ >:~; . ; ~ , ~y~ ii ~ .'~{ '. i~""'ti` ~ . ~ ~., ''i 5. That the r.equested vari~-~n~e wi].i nnt h~ [nateri~lly dekrimentaJ. to ; the public we]Sare or inj~arious to the propert~~ or improvements in suct: , vicinity and zone in which the prn~erly is located. , 6. Thr.~t ne one iridicated l•heir presence at said pub~ ic hearing :in opp~sition; and Chat no c~rrespondence was raceived in opposition ta subject petiL•:ian. ENVIRONMT:'NTAL IMPr1CT FINDIIdG: Environmenta]. Tmga• `. Report No. 259 was ~reviously cer.tifiecl for subject property by the City Council on Decemher G, .1JF33. NOW, THEREFO.RE, Bi, TT RESOLV~n t-hat the A:~aheim City Ylanning Commission daes h~reby grant sul~ject Petition fac Variance, upon the Eollowfng conditions whict~ are her.e~y found t~~ be a necessary prerequi.^,ita to the ~coposed ~se of the subject propert•y in ord~r ~o pre,erve the saFety and gerieral we1£are of` thA Citizen5 of the Cily oE Anaheim: 1. Tha~ this Vaxiac~ce is yzanted subjecl to t5e ~~doption ot the Zoning Ordinance in connection with Reclassification No. 85-86-3, now pendiny. ~. That sul~ject properta~ shall be d?~~eloped substantial.ly in accordance with p.lans ~n~] speciEicat:ions on file with the City of Anaheim marned 13xhibiY. \~. ~. 3. °_~i~al- prior to Pinal buildi~ig anci zoning inspections, Cond.itian No. 2, above-ment9.oned, ~hall be aotnplied wilh. BE .I`.' FUR'PHLI? HESGLJEI) thrat the Anaheim Cit:y P.lanning Commissior, does heceby find and determine that adoptioii of lhis Resolution is exp.ressly predicater] upon applicant'~ comp.liance alith each and a11 af• the conditions htrein~bove set £ortl•i. Should anv such conditzon, or any part thereof, be declared inva:lid or unenforceable by the [inal judgmer;t ot' any c;ourt of. competenk jur:i,di.c.tion, then this Reralur_ior., and any approvals herein contained, shall be dr.em~d null and void. TfiL FOREGO.ING RESOLU'P10N is sign~:d an~~ approved by me Lhis 6th day of. Jan~iary, 198G. /r ~~ ~^~ ~" . ~ ~~!..' r,i ~~....~y~_-t_ ~(~' ( ~ /~~ rf .._., ~ ~ ~ C~- ."' "'` ~C -G:L.-~.._./ CN,AIfialGM71N, ANAFiI;JM CT:CY PLhNNiNG COMMISS.T.ON t; AZ'2'EST : ~-; . ~ ~~CZ%~ . i ~ ° .r..L_`~-G~iL'G(~~. SLCRLZ'AI2Y, E+:~aE1LZ4~1 CI'I'Y PLANNII~G c:UMMISSIUtJ ~<<3 ~,.i ~ yri: ~~~ -3- PC86-1~ ;:iz ,.. . ~~. ~~ S~'ATF OL CALIFORNIA ) C4UNTY O1 C2ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) AflSE[~`1'; COMMISSIONGRS: FRY, LAW.lCK.I, I~1C BUKNLY IN ~i~ITNF.SS WHGP.EOF, I have hereunta set my hand thzs 6th da~~ of January, 19t36. ~ ,~/,~ . _ G/R./ . ~/~/i ~ ~rct~~c SLCTtE'PARY, ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNING COMMISSIpN ~~~o rr+~ ! r, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anah~im City ~lanning Cnmmissi on, do hereby certify thai: the Foregoing res~lution was passed and_ ; ~ adopCed at a meeting ot ` tt,e Anaheim ~ity P~.anninq Commissi~n he1~ on Januar.y 6, 1986, by thP following vote ~f the members thereox: . ;~ AY~S: CO MM?SS.LONFIt~: BOUAS, HEFtBST, i.A CLATRk~, MFSSr '::! NOES: ('O MMISSIONLRS: NONE i i!,'!~ ~ ,;;~ ;,~,;c '~';'`~ `::tr ~, ;s -g- _ _ ~:i: r~;~~ ;; ~~ ~,'rt resb-~~ . ',;,~~ ,; ,~, ~; ~ ~~ F~f a .-',•.9h~~ ;;75~, pr.c,y.v.,~,^.>:.cDr45V~edACk:tA3'~