PC 86-15~ i RESOLU`PICN N0. Pt;85-~5 a wt - . . . . ~ . , r~'. '~ A RESGLUTI~N OE TH~ ANAHLIM CT'P`1 PLADiN?NG C:OMMISSI4N THA`P P~'.~ITTON FUR VARIANCC N0. 35.30 BE GRANTED WHEFtLAS, the Anaheim Cil:,y Planning Cummi.ssion did receive a veriiied Yetition For Variance from SOUTEI STREE'1' PAItTNrRS, C/0 TH~ HAYES COMPANY/61ANAGZNG PAR'.CNER, 150 Paul~rino, #142- Cost~ Mesa~ Cala.fornia 92G26, A7.'Ttd: DAN a. [iAYtis, own~r of certain reai prup~rty situ:~ted in the Cil,y o£ Anaheim, CounL•,y of Orange, Si.aLe ot California described as: PROPUSED PHFi~EL MAP N0. B5-:~6~ BEING A SUBllIVISION OF: VINEYARD LG'P H-2 QI' ANAFlFIM, AS SHOWN ON a MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4~ FAG~S ti29 AND ~:iU OI` DG~llS OF LOS ANGELES COUt~ITY~ C7+Lr~ORIvIA, TOGE`PHF.R :~IT'H 'PH~: SOIi'~H UN~-EIALF OF 7'hP.T ~GFTION OF TFiF AWL~Y ADJOINING SATD LOT H-2 ()N TIiE NORTH, AF31sNA0NEll BY THA7.' CB~tTAIN RL',SOLIJ'SION N0. 71R-.`~47 U`r' `LHE CITY COUNCIL UE THE CI`.~Y OF ANAtiEIM, A CERTIFIEn COPY OE' ~"'ICH WAS RC~012DED JANUARY 6, 1972 iN BUQK 9351, PAGL 175 OF OFP'ICIAL FtLCORDS UF ORANG~ CUUNT'Y, CALIk'OR[3IA, BUUNllG~ W~STERLY BY `PHE NQI2'i`E3ERLY PROLUNGATION OE' THE EAST~RLY LTNE Ok' `PH~ LFf~D DL•'SCF2T13EA tN DE~E;D TG TEI~ CITX OF ~NAHr~IM RLCORDED ['EBRUARY. 24, 19.1a IN BOA~i 250, PAG~ 110 OF D~LDS, ItECO.P.DS OF SASD GRANGE CGUNTY RND P.QUNDLD EAS`.CERLY BY 'PFCE 50UTHLRLY Pi20I.ONGATION OL~ TE1L•' EAS'CERLX L'iNE dL' I,OT 2 TN ~LQ~K t: pF 'PHE RGSUt3AIVISIO[J Or `PHEOll012E FtEISER'S SU[3DIVISION, AE SHQWN ON A MAP RF.c;ORDLll Irl BOOK 1, PAGES 10 AL~D 1.l Uf' MIS~~LLANEOUS I•lA1'S, REC.ORDS 0[' ~AID ORANGL COUNTY. E?{c:EP'1'TNG ~r~i~~~.~ruot~l THAT PORTIUN INCL~:DED WIiHIN 2'H~' LANA AESC12I~iED IN Dr:L•'Du '1'U THE CIxY. OI' ANAEi~:CM RErOFcDLD FGBRUARY 24, 1914 IC7 BOOK 250, PAGL J.10 AND AP~2:IL~ 3, 1912 IN I300K 210, L'AGB '154, BO:CIi QE DLEUS, I~F'CURllS OL•" SAID ORANGG CQ[iNTX. WHEREAS, the Ciry P1a~,ning Co~rimission did hold a publi.c hearin~ dt i:he Ca.vic Center iri L-hc~ Cit~~ ot Anaheitn on January 6r 19~6r aL 1:'n ~•m• ~ notice ~f said public hearing having been duly given as regu.ired by law and in accordancc: with the proviyions of the An%~heim Mt~nicipal Code, Chapter 18.Q3, to hear an~1 cur.szder ~vidence for ~r.d against said pYOposed variance and ta i.nvestigate ~nd make [indings and cecommendations in connection therewith; and WEI~RLAS, said Commission, after duc~ inspGCtion, investigata.on an~ study mnde by it~elf and in its bet~alf, r~nd after du~ consideratiun o£ 311 evir~ence and reports offerad at sai~i h~arino,, do~s Ei.nii and determine ~he L-ollowing fact.s: 1. 'Pl~~t l;he p_titiai~er ~roposes waivers of the Pollowing to construct an industrial wa.'ehou~e facility: >.;;:-;~ 06~8r ~';; tis~ ~~,'r", ~ ~ti~,:;~ (a) SEC:'i'TONS 18.U6.090.032 - Maximum number of sm~xll car parking s~aces. lE{.06.U80 (?.27 ar 258 of the totA1 permi~ted; F~ND 18.61.0~6.U50 40i or 44~ o~ t.he total proposed) , '~ ~ ~: (b) Sk.CTIQNS i.9.06.U50.U31 - Minimum number pt parkinq s~naces. _, ~_; ].E.06.U80 (99g spaces reguired; 906 ~pace~ propased) - PC86-].5 ,i ... .., . .., ~~` , ~ . ~ ,. . ,.. . .._. , . ... . . , ~, .:. „ , ' ~' ~' ~~7~ _ .. ..... .:.. ..•..: . - - ~ . , .. , ,~ , .. _s ~ ,; ,~ -- i ; ~ . , . . . .. rc~;;r. . i 2. '1'hat the above-mt~ntioned waiver (a) is hereby gcanteu on the basis tha~ tt~ete are speci4l circumst~~ncNS a~pl~.cable to the propert:y such as size, ~h~C~r, topogra~~hy, loc~~tion and surr.aundings ~~1~ic1, do ;~c~t apply to ~;~:her idenCically zaned proper.ty in thc ,amn vicinity; and that atrict a~plir,atio~i oE the Zoning Code de~rive., the property of ~r.ivileges enjoyed by oth~r ~raperties in th~ idcnti~al zone and clas;;ificati.on in thc1 vicinity. ~. Tliat the above•-mentioned waivec lb) iy hereby granked ~n the basis ~hat the parking wr-~iver. wi1L not cau~e an increase in i:raf.fic conrje~tion in the immeciatc: vic.inity i~or adv~rsely aff.ecl any adjoi.niny land uses and granttng of the ~arkiny waiver under t•he coiid.i~ions irnposed, ii an.y, wi.ll no~ be de~riment;~l ~c~ r i~e peaee, hea.l~h, safety anri geneca:l w~~lfare of the citizens of ~he City of Anaheii:i. `~• 2'~~~+-- ther.e ar.~~ exc~~tional or, extraordinary circum~tance:~ or condil-ions applicabl~~ to the rrupE~cty invclved ~~r ~o t~e i.nter~ded use of the properl•y t.hat do ,~ot ap~,ly yenerally L•o rhe praperty or. c.lag:~ of use in the ~ame vicinity and zor,e. ~• That the rec~~;~;;L-ed varianc~~ is -~ecessary for. the ~raservakion and enjoynent of a substanti.al propec~y right possesse~i by other property in the ~ame , vicinity and zune, and ~.ienied to ttie uror,t~rL•y in que~tion. 6• 2'hal- L•he requested variance will not be rnateri.a.lly del:rimental to rh~ pub.lic welfarP or injurious ~o r.he properl•y oz imp~oveinents in s~ch vicinity and zo:-e in wh.ich ~he E~~•opec~y ;s located. 7. That no cr~r i~dicated the~r pre~enr_e nt said public heacing in opposition; ~nd thar_ no corr~~ponden~_e was receiveci in op~asi~iott to sub~ect . faeti~ion. E:NVINONb1ENTAL IMPA(:T Fltvl)IP~c;; Thr,t Lhe Anaheim Ci!y Planr.ing CommissLon has rev~ew~d khe proposal con~l-ruct an inc~ustr.ial warehou3e f~c.i.li'ty with waivera o[ maximurn number uc compact• ~arkir~g ;;p~,cP;, ~n~3 minimt~rn numbr~r of ~~rking s~aces on a rect_~ingul~3rly-shaped parcel of. land cunyistin, oF. a~praximately 20.4 ac:rea lc~car.~d at the northeast corner of South Street and Olive Streetp and doea hereby a~prov~; th~: Neyativn qe~alaraL•ion uNon f.inding t:t~a~ it ha~ considered the Negative Declaration t.oyether witn ~ny cc~mmenl:s receivecl during the ~ublic review proce~s and fucr.t~er Li~ding on the ba:;i.~ ot the initial sludy an~ any comments receiveC tliat r.here i„ no .^ubvtantial ~~vider,ce that r_!~~ project will have a signiEicant et~~ct on r.he environment. NOW, 1'iiEftL•'EJRI:, Ht:' I~f RESO[~YLn t;hut the Anaheim Ci~y Pl~nning C~mmi3si~n cloes~ hereby yr~nF. r,ubj~ct P~kition For v4riance, unon ~ha Eol)owfng conditi~n3 which are hereby f~~und tu bn ra ne~;e:csary prec~gi~Lsite Co thc ~,tr.Pn.r,td use of the subje~t propert,y ic~ order to pr~serti~~ t~~e ,~afety an~.l neneral welf.,.ire of the Citizehs of th~_ CiGy ok Anah~~tm: 1. That prior ~o iLSUanr_e of .a b~~ildii,:,, pe:mi.t, th~~ apprap~it-te tr~.~tic ;~t~n~l asses~ment fee shaJ.l b~~ paid tc khe ':tty o~ Anat~eim in an ~mo~ant as ~.~etermine•J by ~he ::ity Coi>»cil foc nc:w indurr_c: ~I bstf ld1r,~,~n, 2• '.Char_ the ownet of. :subjert pr.oE~err_y f~h~ll irr.evocat~l} oEEer to dediCrC~ to the Cfty af Anahetm ~~ ntrip c;f land 32 fAe: in width Eram thP ~:enterline oz thc stcc~rt alon~,~ South StceNt and 34.75 teet .in wicitt~ fcam thQ cen~erlinca ot thc :;tKecst al~~nq Olfve atreer for ctreet wiQeninu p~~ r~oses. _ -~~ ~C96-15 ~ ~;, „~, , 3. That ~a11 enginc:criny requirement:~ oE the City oE An~~heim nlong South 5treet, Olive Str.eeL- and also Al:r.hison Street iE the aba.ndonment of Water SLreeL is csppr~ved, includir~g preparatian oE improvement plans anc] insL•allation af a~l. improvemenL~ ~~a~h a~ curk~s and ~9WeC~~ and$idra.~'~nage w~lter E~ci.litie:~, stceet gradinq and pavement, faciliti~s, or othex appu~t~nant: work ~ha11 be complied witn as rPqaired ~;y thc. C:.ty Lnyineec and i.n accor~ance wit:h spcci.LicationG ~n fi.lo in the OfLice oc r.he City Lngineer; ?:id ~ti~C :.~ecurity in the Eorm of ~'- bond, certifica~e oL deE~osiL•, ].et~er of ccec~it, ar cash, in an amount and form sati~tac~:.ory Co r.he C:ity cf. Anaheim, shall be posteii with the City Go yuar~r~tee the satisfGcto~y completion of sai.d impravements. $~~d sc~urity sha11 be ~osted with tihe CiL-y prior to issuance of buildiny perrtii~s. 4, ;hat street lic±t~ting f.acilities along South :tGeet, Oli~e Street, `ancl al,o Atchi.son Stree'~ if r.nE abandonment of Water General1SM nagerJein sha.ll bc~ in:ctalleci as rE~uired by tr~e Utili!~.ies ciccordance witl~ sp~.ci~icat.ions on fil~ in th~ Uffice ~f UtiliL•ies Genecal Mana~er, ~~nd t•.hat :,~~curity in ~.he form oF a. bond, certificate o£ daPoslt, J.etter oE credit, or ca~h, in rin ~a~ount a~tci fotm satisfactory to t.he City ~~L Anaticim, shall be posl-.ed wi~h the City t.o guarunLee the sari.sf~ctory r.ompletion oL the above~-menti.oned impr.ova~menkC . :~aid ~ecuritY ste nitse posted with 1:he City of Anaheim ~rior to is~uance of. buildiny p The .xbove-reyuir~~d i~r.pr.ovements shall be instal.le~a prior ho xcupancy. 5, ':i~~it subject aroE!c~r.-:Y shall be servec; r~y undtrground ~tilit;ies. G, ~That the driveway:, shall be ~onstructc~d to accommodaL•e ten (lU) foat radius curb retucns as requir~c~ by thc City `~'z'af.fic ~ngine~r. 7. 2'hat drainaye of subject property ~ha11 be di,~osed oP in a manner _a`isfacL•cr,y l.~ tht-: Cit.y Lngincer. `Phis shall inclucle ronstruc4ton of a storm dcain t4om South Streel- north~rl~l ~~ inCeccept L•he existi.ny storm dr.ain p1Pe ir Water Stre~r. easterly oi Ar.ct~ison Stceet; and that security i.n ~i~e form oF a k;ond, certif icat~t ot tp~~the ~ Cityteot °Anaheim,~ hall ~be in an amount and f.c~rm sati.sfactory post~d wi-:ti tt~e c;ity to ~uarantee the sat~.isfactory completion of said im~~rUVt~merits. ;;aid ?.ecucity ~ha.ll be ~os~ed wi+:ti~ the Cit,y prior to ,' is.,ua~c~~ uf'. building ~~er;nit.~ t~~ gi~~~antee the construcc.ion o` the im~~ruvt~~r nts prior i.o or.cupancy. ~ ~ti: , g. '~}~~t ~ ccclue,t Lor the abai~donment o£ t~ater stceft ~he~lat~ nd nmenCs~is ; I~riu;: to thc :ssuance ~~f ouilaing Per.mits. : ap~r~~~'ed, c~edicatioi~ aha11 t~e made foc a~tan~laru cul-•de-33C as reguir.ed , Uy ~~;e :;ity i~.nyineer and L-hc cul-d~°sac r~hall be constructed bY the ., ' devclo~>er at~ the :;outherl,~+ tF~cminus ot E~i•,cl~ison 5trcet. ;~ I C the abar:donment ~.~ not ~;f~pr ~'~ec~r r,he own~r. shall irrevocably offer to ~S dedicate La L•h~ c:ity oE AnaheiT;, a strip'of land 32 ~uc~or.es W<~ndhr~h811 ttie centerline oE waCer S.:reet for atre~. w.ideninq p E~ ^ im~~rave LfF ~tecet and tyond E7C ~.h~ im~~r.ovement.s ~~; c-~quiced Eor ..ouLh 5tr.cer, and o3.ive Stc~ee~ • Tt'e `~nnn~~o`f~the 4later :;Lteetap ~tr~et light~ anc] a moditied ..ul-dr:-~ac at ~ a:;h ~ y. That prior to cor~mt:ncemerit oE Rtr.uct~~ra.l fcamin~, fire hydranl•s ehall be i nstalle~i a~~d <:na.yed ~;a req~sired and de+:ecmined r_o be nece3saxy by the Chief oE the Pic~~ Dc~,arCmen-:. PC86-J5 ~3- yf }. - - .:~ ~'P.' '.Y~. ~ lU. That traah ~torAge area:s shall be C>ravir]ed ilT1C~ maintained in ~~ccoCdanc:e wirh approved ~?lan~ on £ile witih the Str~et Maa.ntenance and Sanitatian 1)7.V1SlOI1. 1.1. 2'hiit in th4 event a p~+rcel map i.s recorded on :zubjecL• property, a re<:iproca.l acce.~s agre~ment, in a torm sat:istact~ry t~ the City Attorney, sii~~l.l be recorded with ~t~e Ofiice of L•tie Otiange Counr.y ~t~corder. A copy of the recot'de~1 agreemenl• shal.l t~hen be submiti:ed to the Planning Dc pac t~net~t . 12. 'rhat in the event subj~~cl property is l-o be divided far the ptirpos~ ~~ sale, 1ea.;e, or t.inancing, a paccel ma~ i:o rac~rd tt~e appr.eved diviston of raubjeck Fcop~rty shall be submitted to and approved b~+ the City of An,~t~eim and l-hen be recor.d~d i.n the Office of the Qr.anye Co~ .~ty Recorder. 13. Th~~~ all air conditioning iaci?.ities ~nd other coc[ and ground mounted e~{~aipmer.t ~ha.11 be E~roperly shielded from view. 14. 'I'h+at ;:he prope~al shall cornply with ~~11 signing requ.irements of the I~1L 'Lu~;e, ~ln.less a var.ianre ~~llowinh :;ign waivccs is anproved by the Planning Cor~mission ~.~r City Council. 15. 'i'h~t a covenant sh~i11 k~L recorded in the Offi.r,e of thH Oc~nge Counky Itecorder yuaranteF~ing the pr~poaed `_aci.lity shall be limiL•ei~ to be ser.ved by vehic.e:s or u cumbination oE vehicles coupled together ,not exceeding 60 Eeet :in overall length. Should the operation of this facilii:y requlre ar request servica by vehicles of a comhitted length :in exceys oF 60 feet lonc~, a detailed route plan sha.ll be sut~mtttFd to the City Tra.ffic Eny~ neer showin, vei~icle E~aths an~9 3r..r.eet radius c.~iculations. Any modiPication(e) '_o the rey~ired rtreec geometCics as indicatf;d in the r{.quired rlan, :sha.ll b~- paid Loc and in::talled b;~ the applicant. 16. 'Ch~~ ::ubjecL• property shall be develope.i ~Per.iEically in accor~anae with ~lan:, and ~~~eci[icat~ons on f:il^ with ~he City uf Anaheim marksd EXhibit ! ~ Nos. 1 r_tiruuyh 5; incl~.idin~7 the provi~:iun t.hat no trcck doors shal: b~ inscal.J.ed Eacing S~~urh Sr_rtiet at locations other rhan tha:~e speciEic~ ~~.y shawn on the exhibi!:s; nor shall any truck donr~s be inatialled in :zatii su4th•-facin9 wa11 in the ~zteas labelled "knock outs". Apprcva.l fur additional t~uck doocs shali be subject to the re~~i'w dnd approval of the City 7'ra~fic L•'r~yineer l•.o gu~~ran'~ee that na r_ruck dooc will be in.~tal:led zn c:~n~lict with the ci~;~ewa,s• "~'hut 17 ~~.~ioc to is~suan•,~~: oF. •a buil~iiny ~erni~, or wir_h:n a peric.~~3 ot one . ye~ar tr.~an: th~ c:at~ of this re:;olutinn, whtcnever occuxs fir~t, Conditi~n Nus. 1, 2, 3, 4, ~ and _l5, above-tnentioi~e8, shai.l be r.omplied wilh. L•'xten sic~ns Lor f~arther time to comp.lete Ra1d conditions m.~y be granted in t~cr,ur dancF~ wz~h secr_ic~~i i4.U3.090 oC Che nnaheim tdunicipa~ Co~._. 18. 'it,at pi.ic,r tc~ tinal bui.i<1i.ny and •t,oning inspections, Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 3, .lU , 13 and lF;, abov~-mentioned, :.:-~.~l.l be cnm[~lia.d with. -4- PC66-15 ~ ^-. r° ~ EiL I~t' EUR.'PH~:R RLSULV~~ hh~t the Anahei.m City P~anning Commissiun doe~ hereby ~ind and d~:t~r.mine that adopki~~n of thFs Re:~o'luti~n is expressiy predicated upon applicant's complianc~ ~rith each and a.ll of the condit.ior~:~ herein~t~ve set f:orth. Shou.ld any such conditian, or. an~• parl• the.reat, be decla:ed invalld or unenfor:ceable by I:he final judgment af any court o~ competEnt jurisdict.Ion, then this Resolution, ana any app.roval, herein contained, sha11 bc deemed null and ~aid. 'PF1E FGRF.GCINU RE;SULUTION is signed and appr~vecl by me this 6th clay oF ,r.-~nuary, 1986. . ~ , -~. !IL,•fc l_/„~.~~__L.:.~~~~ ~~ < ~1~-c..~ti, ; ~HAIRWOMAN, ANAf:G1M C:I'1'Y PLANMI~IC COMMISSION AT'!'LST. / .r /t~-~, ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~t/~-C.~Y SLCI?~7'ARY, AHAHEIM C:IPY 1~LANNING COMMTSSION STATE Uk' CALII'U12P~lA ) CUUNTY ON ORANGE ) ss, r;;~~~y O[' ANAHFIM ~ I, L~lith L. Har.ris, Secretar.y oL 1:he Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssinn, do hereby cer.tify that ti~~ LorFgoing resoluL-ion was pa:,~ed ~~nd adop~~d at a meetin~ ut the Anaheir~ city Planning Comm.is ~ic,n hcld on ~~anuary G, 1986, by ~he fo].lowing vote oi the nembFr~ thc:reof: AYES: C:Ol~MI5StONERS: DOUi15, HFk2B~'P, LA :.'~AIRE~ MGSSE~ NUL•'S: CONMISS.IUNF•.'!?S: ti~NE AB~ENT: CUMMISS.T.ONisk:S: ERY, Ln.:~~.CKI, P1C LZURNLY ZN WI'PN~SS t•:~;i.REOt~, T have hE~reunto set my i;aiid this 6th day ot Januar,y, 19 fi ti ~ ~N c~ ~ ~ .. i! ,t_.! i ~__~ ..~~ SEC:RFTARY., AMAl1F.IM CT'"Y PLANNING COI~MISSION -5- ~C86-15 ~s~e ,,:.i? ~ .;~:.~