PC 86-150wn , 12E,5~OLU`I'IUN N0. Pi;$6-•15U ~, A RESULUT'IUi.~ QP '1'HF.' ~NAH@;:[M C7:'rF PLAPININ~.~ COM,MISSION 7'HA'1' P[:'rITION E'UFt CUNllI'PIGNAL U5E PLf2hITT N0. 2808 BL GRAN7'El) WHFs.RLA5, the .Anaheiin c:,i+;,y Planninca L'omniss.i~n ciid i:eceive a vEriLa.eci ~ FcC.ition ~ol: C;onciitic,nal Use i~etmit i:rom RAr10IQ CALULNOtJ ANll i.?LP. ~ALpFkGN, 1633 Wes~ ~].8th 5creet, Torranc:E~, CaliLornia 905U1, owners, arid CURA 13. T,',L~ERA, , 1'?7 NorLh ~r.arid ~trect, Uran•~e, California 9?.666, agent ~Eor certain re~l propecL-y siti.~a,~ed ii~ the Cit:y of: Anahei.m, Couni:y oi Orange, Stale ot~ , Ca~iL'or~z.ia, ~~e;:cri.bed a~~; Tl-lE c;OUTHI;;2'i~Y 40 TLE'P 0~ L~J'1 F, ANU ~r~i~ NUk`1'HEk2T.X 20.31 I?EE`.C OF LOT 7 OF 7':2AC'i' ;AU. "230, 1'.N '1'HE CT'CY OE ANAHE:[M, :CN TI•fE CUUh`.~X UF ORAyGE, STA:'~'~ Ol C:ALIL'CiRNIF,, AS PEIt MAP RECURDk'D Iid BOOK ].3, PAG~ 25 OI' , M.iSCE~LANk~UUS f4AP5, IN `i'k{L UI'FTCL•' OI' THi3 COU~ITY RECORDE:2 OF SAIll ; CU[)N'1'Y. 'n'[ir~k2i;l~~u~ kt,,~ City .P?.:~nniny C:~JIlllill.SS10C1 cli.d hv.Ld a pizb~.ic hearing ~t t:he ~.:ivic Cent~:~r a..n ~i~e City oi` Anaheim on June 9, 19b6, at 1:30 p,m., not.i.ce ol' said ~uelir, t~eariny h~~viriy been ~~uly given as requir~d by law and in accordanc~ with hllf? pr~~vision:; of the~ Anah~im MUf12Cl~,Ja1 Code, Cha~ter 18.U3, t-, h~~ar ar~d cc~riz:ic,~r evidr:~~cc~ Eor an~ against said proposed candition~.l u,se p~cmit a~~d to invt:sti.yate and tnake L-iridin~;s and recc~mmen~at.ion,~ in cannect:ic.m therewith; anri WHE1tEP,::, sr~id Commi.ssion, a.fter due insoection, inve.~~lCJdtl~•~n and sL-~idy ma~~e by ii::~e1.t ~nd in il;s beha.l[, and ~ftHr due conside.ration uf all ~vide~nce and S2E.~ULt:; atFered aL said h~arin~~, does Einci aad ~1etFrmine t.he tallawin~~ L=acts~, 1. T'riat :he orok~o~sed use is proper.ly one for whic~~ a c~n~~ilional use permit is ~~ut).~c~ri :ed by Anaheitn Mun.ici.pal ~ode SF~ct:ion ~d.44.035.01.? to wik: :o NecmiC a c}iiruptac*.ic c.lini.c iri an exisl:iny resid~~n~iaJ. ;tructu~E~. 2. '1'hat th~ proposF:c~ use wi.ll not adv~ars~~l;~+ ~ftect thu ac] joininy land use:s and tt•.e ,ro~rtti arid d~v~+lo~ment oL' tlle <~rea i.n whicn iL• i:s proposec? t•.a i~~ 1o~.at~c1. 3. 'lhat th~~ .size and st~.~a~~e ~t t,~c: site ~~rof»sed F~~r tlte use is acltyuat~: to allow tht ~ull devel.o~~ment oL' the Nropo:;::d use in a manner not ~]~atrimental to the vai~ticu.lar area nor. I:o l:he pF;ace, hea~ th, safety and ye~-iera]. welfare of the C'.itizen:a of the City c~L Anahe•im. 4. 7'hat the yrantiny oz L-h~~ ConWi.i:ionaJ. U,se ~ermit U11d4'C the conditions im~osed, i..t any, will not be deCrimenL•al to cnc ~eace, health, ~atek~! and yeneral w~•llar.e af thr~ Cit~.tens oc the City af Anaheim. 5. ~'hat the traLiic generarc~d by th~ pcoposed u,se wili not impa~e an undue butden uE~o:i th~ streets and biuii~vays desiyned and im~~roved to carry Che traflic in the area. 5. 'L'na~ no one in:licated cheir presencE; at saica public heax Lng in _ oppo~iti.on; and th~t no cotresk~ondenc~ was receiv~~d in o~p~sition to the subjer.L petition. Oti33r PC86-150 ~`: _ ,~~C~.r rr?+ ,-. . .. . ~ . .. . ... ~t~ o a rrt ~t{; ~ t°/y~YJ~i~y~~XN'~~'.i'{ ' ... ...~ . ~. . ~~ . ~ .. . ~ . ,' ~ ~.. ,~•,~ ~~ y '; s: ,,,; , ..~. ~ ~ LA(VlRUNI~f~N~PAt~ iMPAL"~ rTNDTNG: '.Chat the Anaheim City Pl~nning ` C~mmission has reviewecl the uro~osal to r~cl~~s:,ify subj~ct property trom Lhe KM-.12UU (Residential, Mullipie-ramily) Zone to the CL' ~Commcrcial, Limited) Zone a-id to perini.t a chiropractic clinic in an exisL•ing xesidential structure on a rectangularly-;;ha~ed par.cei o!' land consisting oE approximately GO feel located on th~ east side oF Anahe.im Buulevard, approximately 140 :Eeet north o£ the centerline ok Vecmoi~t Avenue, and furthet~ described as 890 South Anaheim tioulevarcl; and da~.;; hereby approvQ the Nega~ive lleclaraL-ion upon tinding that; it has consid~red rtae Neyative L'eclaration tagett~Er with aciy comments r~ceived durir~g the public review Nrocess and ~urther Einding ~n the basis of khe initial study and ariy comments rece.ived th;.~ there is no substantial evic]ence that the project wi11 have a,~.i~ni~'ic~~nt effect ~n tNe ~nvironment. NOY~, T[iL•'ltECU1tL, liE IT 1t~;SULVLD that thP Araheim City Planning Commi:sion does h~reby yrant subject Pe~itian ~ar Conditional Use Permit, upon the fo).lowiny conditions ~•~hich are hereby found to b~ a necessary prerequisit2 to ~n~ pro~osed us~ of the subjc~ct property in order tc, praserve the saEe~y and general w~ltar~ of- the r.i~;.~ens of L-h<~ City of_ Anaheiru: 1• 7.'t~aL due tc~ the chanye in us~ an~9/or occu~aricy of the builc~ing, plar-s :~ha11 be submitted to the Building Di.vi.sion showi.ng aomplianre with the minimum standards of ~he Cit:y oP AnaY~eim, inclucii-ig the UniForrn ~uilding, Plumbiny, ~:.Lectrical, Mechanir.aZ and Fire Codes as a~9opted by the City oi: Anah~:im. The app.ropriate per.mitN sha11 be obtained fo~~ anX n~cessr~ry wurk. ?. That s~bject prop~rl-y sha11 be develoE~ed sub;;tantial:ly in accordance wiL•h ~~1.ans and sp~cifi.cat.ions o,~ fi:1e wi~.h the~ City of Anaheim m~rked Lxha.bit Nos. 1 and '?, 3. ThaL- ~rior t.o tinal buildiny and zoniny inspecr_i.ons, Condition Nos. 1 and 'l, above-menl•ioned, sha11 be complied with. B1s I~r r•u~irHrx Ezcs~t~vLll l:hat i:he nnah~im City l~lanninq C~mmission d~es hereby fincl and deter[nin~ that adaption oF this 1?esoluti~on is expressly predicatcd upon ap~licant's coir.pliance with each and a11 oE the conditions + hece~.nabc~ve set Forth. Should any such conditions, or any ~~art thereof, be declared i.nva.lid or un~nf.orceable by the final judc3ment oE any court uf competent ;uci:~diction, then this Resolution, ~1nd any approvals herein ~~onL-ained, sha;.:~ be deemeci null an~ vo.id. NUW, `i'HEREEURL, I3E Ii~ RESqLVEU that the Anaheim C'ity Planning Comrn.ission doks hereby grant subiect Petition tor Conditional Use P~rmit, unco;~ditionally. TH1; rUttEG~INC; -~SOLU~1'IGN ~ •i~.~n~d a~d ap1~roved by !ne this 9th day of June, 19H6~ ~. - ~ , ir C! -C ..~ ~, ( ~~ c: t, ( ._. (. GY.~c, t._ ~~ ~ CHAIRWU.M:AN, ANAHLI:9 c:T`PY PLAP7NING COMMISSIQCd AT'1'E~ST; ~G~~'~ . _ SECRP:`PA Y1Q , ANp,HGTM CI'PY PLANNiNG CO[4h1ISSI0lJ wl PC86-150 r ;~ ,:~~~ . ..:..... .... :c , .._ . . . . ,:. _ , - , , _ _ _ . .. .. . ,. ~ .~..~ - -- - - ~ - --- -_ ~ ' ,,?~xtuy;i'liKA9i .,,... ,....., , ......... ,. :~., . , ., . ;s~.;,,,,. s~A~rE o~ c.~a:,?eouNrn ) CUUNTY OF UF;AtVGL ) ~~ ~ CI'1'y UF AN~H}i~TM ; I, E;di.t:h L. Harris, Secretary of the Anah~im City Planning Commission, do hEreby cer~iPj that the f~regoing resolution was nass~ad and adoptecl aL a r~eeti.ng of the Anah~im City Planning Commissian held on Juns 9, 1986, by the tol7.awing vote of ~he :~embcrs thereof: ~~L~: COMN,ISS70NElt5: f3UUAS F1tY HF: ~ ~ x~~'~r ~1~ CLATRF, LAWICKI, MC 3URNEY, M~;SSE, NOES: CUMMISSIQNL•'RS: NO[vE ALiSEN~l': CUMP9ISS10MEl2S; NONE TN h~iTNLS~ WFiERLUF, .T have hereunto set my t~and this 9tn day of JunP, 19ti6. ~ . J~C"~.~. ~ Q,~,,~.. SG~RE;'PAF,Y, ANAf~EIM CI'PY PLANNING CC1MMISSIplV ~~,i ; .~; ~f, ':'~~ ;;s ;i .~.'r: f ~I', ~;•:~~~: ~~~ li ~t~' ~` ~' j il {: i, .. ,, ~. , ~ -:3- E~C86-150 •~ : y;: ,, ;z „ ,...~:~::,,r.:~~#