PC 86-152~ RESOLU~rzoN No. Pcsr,-1,2 A RESULU`PIOh OF TEIti ANAHETM CI~PY PLANI~ING COMMISSIOP~ `PHAT ?ET:[T:[ON FOR CONDTTIO[~AL US~ PLItMIT [dc~. ?~07 BE GRANTt~U, IN PART WHEKEAS, the Anaheim City Pianhing Commis~ion c~.iii recei.ve a~reri,L•ied Petition for Conditional Us2 Permit from ~~OSBY WAY PARTNFRG, 51U0 Bi~Ch Street, "lnd floor, Newport i3eact;, Ca].ifc~r.nia 9266'~~ owner, and SEiARON R. k3xUWNING, "15.12 Chambers Road, Sui.te 2U6, Tus~an; Cal? fc3rnia 92680, agent for certain real property situat~d ir. the City uf Anaheim, County of Oranye, atate of Califo~nia, described as; PARCLL 4, AS SHOWN CT'. A MF,P E'ILF I[v BOOK 90, PAGES _i AND 6 OF PARCEL MAPS; IN 'i'HE UFFtCL OE 'i'HE COUN~i''Y kHCORllL1~ UF SAID CG~J,JTY, WHEk;AS, the City Pla^~ing Commission did holc a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Ana~:ieim on June 9, 1°F36r at 1:3i1 p.m., notice ot sa~d public heuring having been c~i~ly ~3iaen as re,7uired b~ law and in accordar.ce w.ith the provisions oi the 1lnahei.m Muniai.pal Code, Chapter 18.Q3, to hear and ~~oi~sider evi~lence for and againsh said ~roposed conditional use p~rmit and tio investiyal:e and make ~1t1Cllilg5 and recommenditions in connection cheretJ.ith; an~9 WH1r;Ri3AS, said Comrnission, aEte:r due insZ~ection, investigation and study made ~y a.tself and in "-, beha:tf, and ~ iteL~ due consideration of al] evidence and reports otfered zt said 11P_dZ].11C~~ does find ~nd determine the £ollowing fact:s: 1. That ~hE proposed ~.tse i.s ~ror~er.ly one Eor which a conditiona.l use permi~ i~ au~horized by Anahea.n; Mun~ci.p~~l Code Section to wit: to permit personal auto repair~ and storage in an existing mu.lti-tenant industrial building with wai~~er oC ':he Eo1lcti~irig: 5~C'i'TUNS'122, - Minimum number o° parki.ng spaces. 18.06.05U.q31, (76 s aces r~quired; 7:~ s~_aces e~ist;ing) 18,06.06p A1vD ° ~8.61.OG6.U50 2. Tha~: the requested ~~aiv~r of code requirement is hereby denied or. the basis that th~ ~~ekitiorier sti~~u.lated at tb.a public hearing to lirnit the autamotive repair and st:o~age to three units, triPrP;~y dele~ing the n~:ed for said waiver. 3. Tt~at tre use Eor pe:sunal autumotive repa~rs and storage si.7a11 bA limited to a per.iod r~t: one (1) year, to expirc on Jun~ 9, 198?. 4. ~.ehat personU.l autio;nobile repairs and storagc shall be limited ~~ Units M, N and T (304U sc~. ft. ) af tne existing ~~~~xlki-tena~it industrial bui~.di.ng. ~. 't'hat the pr.opused use, approved for. a maximum af 3024 sq. ft. (3 units), wi.ll r-ot adver.sely affect the adjoinina land usea a~;d the growth and developtnent of ~he area in wtiich it is proposed to be located. U835r PC86-~52 !,. G. 'L~hat Che si.,:e ancJ si~apc: ot the site pr.up~sed Lor th~ use is radec;uate ~: - alluw th~ Eull dev~~.lopinen~ of the ~rapos~d usc~ ir, a manne~ n~~t detriment~il to L-h ~ ~>articular arc~a nar ~~ the p~~~+r.e, healCh, safeh,y and ye.lE'LdL wel Lar.e uE Ct~4 C~tizens oE L•he Ci.L•y of Anahe:.i.tn. 7. `Phat. the gr~~ntin~~ oti L•he Cunditi.ona:l U:;~: L~eGmit undet the cuncfitions itnpose~, i.i r~lli~ w:~ll nat. k~~ detrimental t~ the pea ce, heaJ.th, :~ater.y and gen?r~~l welfare ot r.he c:it-.i•~c;r.s o1' ~he Ciky of Anaheim. ~. 't'nat the tcafEi.c gencrated by rhe pr.oposed U~E? will not im~~os~ an unciue buruen upon the ~.tre~ats and t~i~~tiways c'.esiyned and imE~~oved to carry the tratEic: in thE~ area. 9. 'fhat onc~ per~on LIl~jlCated th~~ir ~reser~ce ~~i: said pu~lic hearin~ i.n eppo:;itiun; ~~nd that r~o c~rresp~nci~'~-~~e' wa~ ~eceived i~i opposition ~o the su~~ect; pe!_ition. ENViRUNMENTAL IM'?ACT ['T.NUING: Tt,.~~: t.he Anaheim CiLy Ple,r.niny Commiss.ion h~+s revie~dec+ r_hc~ prcposal L-o ~~~rmit per~onal automobile repairs and stocaye ir, an existing mul.ti-Len~r~t industrial t-.uilding ~~ith waiver of minimutn nu~r.l~t~c of ~~~rking spaces on a rectanyul.arly-shaped parcel oE lan~a consisting oi a~proximatel~ ].5 acr•es, havi.ny a frontaye of appcoxim~~tely 35 Feet on the norrhwest side ol' the noe~her.ly leLminus of. Cosuy Way, and furth~r described ,;~s l.lbl North Cosb~/ Way; and ~jaes her.ebX ap;~r.ove thc-~ Clegative Declaration uaon fi~~ding that it ha: consideced Llie Neya4ive Ue:;laratio~ toyethe[ with any com-nenr.s ~eceived du:ing Lht puF~lic review E~rocess and f.urthe: f.i.nding on the basis nf tne in.itial study and a~y co~nmer.L-~ rece;veci th~t there is n~ sub~tantial. evi.dence tha~ the pro;~'ct wiil t~ave a signiEicant etfecC un the env ir.o-vner_t. :~iuW, 7'Hr;itL.EUf=.L, BE I'1 i:~~~~~~V~%U lhat the Anaheim City Planni!:g Comraissio;~ does here~'~ yr.<~nt aub~~:~t l~etitiun fc~c Condit.ional Use P cmit, u~un th~ f:ollowi.n~,~ conditi.ons which are har~by Founr.~ to Le a i~ecessacy pr.etequisite tu th~~ pra~c~sed u:se ot tne sub7ect pro~~erL~ i~ ord*~r to pre.serve the s~Eety and ~;enc~[al welYare of. the C~tirens o:: the Cil:y of An~heim: 1. That :~ub7~ct: proE~erty ~nall bN developed 7ubsCaititial.ly in accord«n~e witi~ E~lans anc3 ~p~~iEi.car.ions o~ f.ile uith the C.ity oE Anahei.m ma~:ked Exhir,i~ Nus. L, "Z ancf 3; [~rovi.ded, however ~ ~hat ~ersoual aut~~mot:ive cepaics ancl stc;:a~~e ahall be limited t;o an area h~ving a ma:.im~nt of 3pq0 sq. ct. (Uni.ts t4, ty an~1 'P) oE tne existing mu.lti.-ter.an~ ir~du:3tr ial bui ~cliny and shal..l ue li.mited ro a peC iocl oE onE (1) y~ar, ta er.E~ire on June y, !91i7. E:h1 L`P E~UK~.ttEltt It~:SULVL•:ll Lhar. the Anahei.n~ City ~lanniny Commission daes hereuy tinU and det<.~cmine ehat ~~do~tic3n ~~L ti~i..: .tc:n~~lution is expressly YrecSicated upon a~plica~t';~ compliancn wi`h eaclti and c~:i oE th~ cond.itions he[eiriabove :~et G~~rr.tt. Shoul~i any such condi.tian:~, ur ~nY p~rt t;hereof, bE: dc:cla[ec! i.nvalid ~~c un?nEor~.:eablc by th~ f ina:, judym~~nt vf any c:~uCt ot comE~eten"_ ~uzi~di.cr.ion, then thi.~ Itesol.uti.on, anci any ~~~r~ro~ala herein containcd, shall be deen«~:1 null and vr~id. ~2~ C~~C~~J4 ri -;z1~ ,.,..,....~ . . _ i ~ {l 17~y~f r;y: .~d ~ ~;j4 . ",. _ . '~a 't'FIE FOREGc;TN~ RE;SULU'1'1'UN i:~ signerJ and ~pprov~d by me this 9th clay o~ Jur,e, 19E36. •r ; .' •' _ _(_ ~ ~ _ i ~ l.l [ '~~ ~,41.~L.~L ~' l.~ .i..:; GHAlitWUMAN~ ANAHETM CI`PY PLANN:iNG COMMT95TON ATT1;S'~: SI~CRta',('AltY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING CUMMiSatOD! S'.CA'I'k: UF CALIF~)R~1:[A ) CUUN'PY U[' ORANG~ ) s5. C.I'.CY Q: ANAHE;TM ) i, Lc~ith L. Harris, Seccet~~ry of the AnahNim Ci.ty Planning C~mmissi.on, do htrei~y cert.ify that r,;~e Foregoiny resolutior~ was ~asse~ 3t1C3 adopted at a inceting af the Anaheim City P]anning Commission held on June 9, .19~6, by the ~ollowiny vote ot the memb~rs thereoE: AY~;S: COMMISSTUN~I2S: BUUAS, I~Rx~ H[~RBS'P~ LA CGAIP.E~ LAWICKI~ MC FiURNBY, M~S:~E, NrJLS: CUMh1I5S7UNER~: NUNL•' AtSSl~N'1': CUMMISSIONl~KS: NUNL IN WT'P.N~SS W1iEKLGF, T have l~ereu L•c :;et ~ny hand L•his 5th day of June, lytiEi. - I ~ ~•__.l~~F~t~____._._._ Sk:Cit}:"!'AKY~ ANi1HLTM CI'i'Y PLl:NNING C:UMt~1IaSIUN -3- PC86-15~ !~ ('.. . . . . . . . . . .'Y ~1 , ~dY Y;1.S!O:L~~