PC 86-154a~+ !:~'~~i~ ~ ~ / ~ , RF'SULU1'i0P] NU. PC86-154 A It~SUI.U'.1'TON UF '1'HL ANAyErM CTq~y p],,~~NIVING CUMM7SSlON THAT NF.TT'.CIt~[v Fl)R VAlt.iANCL NQ. 3~67 l3E; G~2ANTGll ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~'i:~`.. W!it,tttsAS, Pet:i~.i~n Lor Varx ~.hE ahcN Anahei.;n City F~,~ai~~liny Cornmissi~n did recei ve a frc ~ Ca:ilornia 92804, own . m llc)~ ~ WA'PK:iNS, 23,~ South Nutwoqd .,~ree:t er c,f cPCtain ~ ~ ~eriFied ,• pnah x f. ?~naheim, County uf ~, Ura rcal ng~, ;;L•ate of (;alitorn Pd in thP u ~, m, City of a d ycribed as LOT )9 pr '1'1tAC'!' ~'~~~%S 44-4y l)E' NU. `l2~)9 A:i F'I;Ft MAP TNEREOF RECURllEll TN BUCK MISCELLANBUUS M 70 CAL,II'Q12NZA. ~ ,~ps ~ K~%CUktllS 0: URANGE COUNTY, WHi~KL;AS, l-.he C~ty planniny Cormnission dir~ the Civic Center in ~he Cit ot Anah4' hold a publie hParing at c~i" ~aid Y zm on Juaa y, 1986, at 1:3U puk~lic heariny havi.ng been du].y yiven ~s r-a P•m•, notice accr~rdance with tt~e E~rovisions oE r~ y~~r~~ ~Y law anc~ in to hear anU con:~ider evi~~e~~ce For ~~nd An~aheim Municip~l Cod~~ Chapter 1~.03, investiya~e and make Eindin_ys and recommt~ndation,~ al~ r'ropUS~d variance and i:o in connection therewith; and WHL•'ft~;AS, sal~ ~ommission, ~,~~er due .Lf1S[)zCtlptl ,, , invc.stigation and study made ~y itselt a~ld in its behalf:, ~nd atter duE ~;oii~iderakirn ct ~ll evidencc and reports utfered at aaid l~eaci,ny, dpeU tind and determir!` ~.hg Eol].owiny ra~t~; ~. ThaL th~, petit:ion~r pro~oaes waivers o1 the follo~ing ta construct a tam:ilyroc,m ~iddition tc.~ ~,ing1`-famiJ.y C~siden::e: :it:CY,lUI`IJ ].~.~~,~~~,3,U3U - Min.imu-n rear. yard setback. (lU~~~r required; 7 f.eet ----r_ pro~os~;d ? "' That th~ aa~~~~-mentioned waiver is hzreb that there ~L~ special circumstances a~,plic~:~blc to i:h~ypr~p~rty uchf.a~:~ sise~ shape, ~opoyruphy, loc~ir.lo~ ~~,~„~ surraundi.nys which do not apply E~~ Qr_her. identically zonc~d proper~y in the sarne vicinif: / ot the Lon~ny ~ode de~,riv~~ the Y% and rt2at stricE a PLO~erty oi: P~l,icatiun propE:rtie~ .in the zdcntical zc~ne and classif.icati nr inl•the vic ni ye,~ b'~ other ~3• Tt~at ther.e are excevtioilu:l or exEraor.dinar. ~~nditiuns a~~ll~~bl~ t~ the ~ Y circurnstances pr pro~~erty L•hat do not a 1 ~ ~°p~"r~y involved ~r :o the intended use QF the same vicinity and zone.p~ Y yen.. ally to the properr,y ur class oi: use in the ~• :~'hat tre rcquested varaanc:~~ is ~IE;Ce3sdr'y ror the preservatinn and en joyrnenk oL a substantial p~~~,~rty right ~JUS.~PyJ(~(~ ~~~. ~tlier sume vicini.ty and zone, and deniECi l:o the ~LO r,, PcoPerty in the f P rky in questir~n. ~• `Phat L-he reyuest~d varianc~; t~~~ public we'.L'ate wi11 not be mat~rially detrimentul tt~ vici~iity and zore .itii w4ichntheiou:~ ~~ ~hE E~roNerty oX xmprovements i.n such Property is lor,ated. 6• `.Chat no one ind~ca~ed Lhe~.iX oppositiont and that no c:orres o~idence ~r~y~n`~ ~" ~aid pub:lic heaciny in Petitic~n. p was recei~ed in o ,~ii3~r ' pF?osition to sub7ect , ~ ,, PC86-154 ~ ~ t. -- ~ ....,., ~i !""-. ;' A '; ~r,c i+~;:4 l'r ENVII2~NML"I~"PAL IMPAC'P rINllINU: 'Phe Plannir-y llirector or his auL•horized ~epresentative has dF~ermineii th~t the proposed nroject fa11s wi~hin the dePinil:ion of Ca~eyorical Exe-nptions, Class 5, ~s defined in the State ~IK Guidelines and is, ttier.eEore, cateqorically exem}~t Erotn the eequirement l:o prP~are an L•'IR. NUW, Tt•IEKt3FORF,, BE IT RESOLVLD that the Anah~im C.ily Planning Commissi.4n does hereby grant subject Petiti~n for Variance, upan the E~ilowicig con;iitions which arw heret~y found to Ue a necessary p~erequisite to the pc~~osed u~e ot the subj~ct property in order to preserve the saf~L•y anci yen~:ra1 welfarP of the Citizens oL the City of Anaheim: 1. That sul~ject pruper~y shall be cievel~~~ed subst~~.ntially i~i aacordance with plans ar~d speci ~ icati.~ns on f il.a ~dith khe City of Anaheim markecl rxhibit No. l. gf; j~~ t~'UI2TNL•'12 RliBULVEi) that the Anaheim CiL-,y Plan-iin~I Commissi~an does hereby L-ind and determine that adoytion oE Lhis hESOlution is ex~ressly ~r~da.caLed upcn ap~~licznt's cempiiance with each and a].1 of the condita.on~ h~:reinabave sEt foztt~. 5houlcl any s~~~.~ condition, or any part thereof, be declared inva:~id or ~uienforceable by the Eina_1 judgment of any cuurt ot cnmp~tent ~urisdiction, then this Kesolutioc~r and any approva:Ls herein i;ontai.ned, shall be de~iner~ nu1.1 and void. T~j~; i~UIt~'GQIP~G 1.t~SOLUTIQN is siyned and approved by me this 9th day of ,:t~~ne, lyH6. _ ~ , ~_ , ( i>, c"t. C ~..:'..,.~.c. . ~, r:,;. (~_ - i 't.. c,.<.:---- CHA:IRWUMAN, aN1~I3EIM CT`PY PLANNtNG COMMISSTON A'1TES'P: _~~~_ ~ ~~.~ S~CRh;'P1~RY, ANAHEIM C Z'EY `LAIJNIN~ r.Olht~lI55IUN S'1'A'i'1; UE CAGIFU.FtNIA ) CUUN'PY UF CiKANC;E ) ss. Ct'1'1' OP ANAHE;7:M ) I. Ldi.th L. Harris, SecrcCary oF the Anaheim Cicy Planning Comrnissiori, do hereby certify that the foreyoing resolution was passecl and adoptec± at a meeting oL the Anahcim C.ity Planning Commission held un June 9, 193(i, by the io.llowing aote af the ir~f~mber.s Chereof: AYES: Cc~M[+1I55l0[JLH~: BUUA:i~ I'ttY~ H'r.F2HS'i'~ LA CLA.[RL, I~?1W'_CKI, MC i3UKNE~Y~ ML•;55E [vUES: ~'U[4~~9IS5I~)NERS: NUNL•' ALi5~NT: CUMMISSTOfJERS: NOI~N I[J YJI`1'N„5~ WHf3REC)F, I have nereunto set -~y hand ~his 9th day of June, i> n 19 E~ 6 . `V~~ i ,6 a SECRETARX, ANI~HEIM CI'I'Y PLANNING CUMt•(ISSION ; ~i „ s _;~._ PC86-1~4