PC 86-166~, . ? P.ESOLU'rION LVO. PC$6-166 A Rk~SOLUTION OF' THE ANAHEIM CITa' PL:~NNING COMDIISS2QN 'P~RPITNA`PINU ALT~ PR~~CEEDINGS IN CUNNLC`.CTQN WT'PH VARIANCE N0. 2587 ~ WtiEREAS, on Ai~ril 15, 1974, Variance No. 2587 was granted under I"tesolution No. PC74-7~ by the An~hei-n ~lanr-ing Cotnmissiun L-o esta~lish a recreation vehicle storage yard with waivers of aer;nil.ted uses an~ niinirnum L-ront setback on a recLangularly-shaped parcel uf lanc] consisting of approxi:maL•ely 0.7 acre located on thn suuth side oF Bal], Road, approxima4-ely 65S Eeet west of the centerline of Knott SL-reet, and .furthec described as 3614 West Ball Road. WEiE12~AS, Richar~l L. Pierce, ipre~id~nL an~ ownet oL• Pierco DevPJopment, inc. ), h~y subtnitl-c~d a].et~er reguestiag terrniriation o~ Variance No. 2587 ir. satisfaction of a conditian o£ the grariting ot Variance No. 3507. NOW, THl~REFURE, }~E IT RE50L'JED that the Anaheim Gity Planning Canmission do~s hereby L•errni.nate all proceeciing~ in conn~ct-ir~n with Variance Na. 2587 on the basis af' the f.oreyoiny f inding ,. 'PHr' NUKl,GUINC~ RESULU7'IUN is signed and approved by me this 9th day at June, 1986. ~ i j -_ r : ~; . • ~•.. { • ~~ ~_-L.` ->,..~. ~~, r~t_ ~ : CHAIKHlC~f•iA~; J?~NAHEIM CI'I'X PLANN2NG COMMISSIUN ATTE51': . y SECRE7'ARY, AIJAHL•'IM CITY PL NNING C:OMMISSION 5TA`i'E~ OF CALIh012NlA ) COU:d`PY OF' URANGL•' ) ss. CI i Y OP ANAH~;IP1 ) ~.`' I, ~d?kh L. Harris, Secretary of Lh~ Anaheitn CiLy Planning `1~' ; Commission, do hereby certiry that the foregoing resoluti.~~n was ~assed ~nd ~~ ,' adopted at a me~ting ot the Anaheim Cit,y Plz~nning Commi.ssi~ri helci oxti June y, ~`~ 19~t6, b~r t.~e ~ollowing vuL•e of the men~bers ch~reof: ~;; ;` AYk;S; COMMT5SIUNE}t5: 1iUUA5, FRY, HEttk1S7', LA ~I,AIRE, GAWICK:[~ ~1C BUKC~E;X, M~:SSE. ~~ NUk;S: CpMMISSI~)NEi2S: NUNE , ?~li5E1VT; CUNMISSIUNEkS: lVt1C~r: ~~,{ r~' : :~'~~ ~ 'i~:,~ ' . 2N W1TNE5S WHEREUt~', I havP hereunto set my hancl this 9th day c,i June, 1986. ~~~~ . -~~~ ~.'c,t-~' SECRE'CARY~ ANAHEIM CI't'Y YLANNING CUM~IISSIUN U8~}9r PC86-].6ti