PC 86-181oi , ~. ...~~,. , •.„..,, RGSOLUTIUN N0. L~Ca6-181 '''~r _ ,,~,` A R[.SOLUT:[ON QE` '.rH~ ANAH~IM CT'PY PLANNIVG COMMTSSION THA`r PFTITION ~OR CONDZTIONAL (~SG 2~ERMIT Pf~J, 2t315 HE GRA:v'PEll WHF.REAS, L-he Anaheim City Planning Co~nmissian did receive a veriEied Petition Lor Conditional Us~ Permit Erom liINCOLN PLAZA DFVEJ~OPMENT, 2040 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, Cali.~orr~:ta 90q67~ AT7.'N: CLIFFURD HF6IMERLING, owner and MOSl~AFFA ~EIAH I2ES'.C-RiVI, 299 South ~uclid Street, An?heirn, California 92a04 AND FRGD G. FLYNT, 29y SouL-r, Euclid Street, Anaheim, Cal_Eornia 92a04, agenL-s for cescain real ncoperty s:ituat~.e~3 in the City of ~naheim, County of prange, S;ate oF California, d~SCCibed as: '1'HE EAST ONL•'-HALF' OI' THr NORTHEAS~' QUARTER Or TEIE NORTHEAST QUARTER UF SEC.".'IC)N 17, IN T~WNSEIIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, PAP,TLY IDl TE1E I2ANCFIO SAT~ ,JUAN CAJON DE ~ANTA nNA AND pARTL'•Y 2N '.I'HF~ RANCHO 'LOS COXO`PES, I[v THL C:[TY UF Af~AHEl~t, AS ~HU4dN ON A MAP '~Hr;RLOF RECURDCD TN [300F: 51~ PAGE 10, f~]I:iCET,f~AN~OUS MAFS, RCCORL~S OF SAIll ORANGE COC;NTY, AND ASSTGN TO HIf~I A PROpO?t';~'Ip~JA:PE INTsREST IN A 99 YE;AR LEASE OF SAII? l?EAL PROPERTY DATED C~'i'Qk3ER 15, .1963, EXECUTED fiY ANu BETWEEN GFtAt~TUk2S AN~ I,INCOLN DEVEL 2M1:NT COMPANY, A PAR'PNERSHIP. WFIGP.EAS, the Ciky Planniny Commissiur ~~d hold a public hearing at Fhe Civic Cent~r in the CiL•y o£• Anaheim on July ., 19t~G, at 1:30 p.m., noti.ce or said pUI~I1.C hear ing hav.ing beEn dul;~ given as r~quirNd by lar~ and _n accordance wi.th h.he provisions of the Anaheim t4unicipal Ccde, Chapter 18.03, L•o hear and consi.der evi.dence L-or and against said ~ro~,osed cor~ditional use perm~t and to investigate a:~d make tir.dings and cecommenda~ions in cunnectinr. ther:Pwith; and WEi~~Rl:AS, said Comrnission, aEt~r c7ue inspection, invesh.igation ar~d study made by itself and in iL-s behalf, ancl a[ter due considatation of a11 evider.ce ar~d reports o.[f~Yed xk said hearing, dees find and deL•ermine the follOWing E,~Cta: .l. TF,tiL khe p oposed u,e is pr~~~erly one Eor wtxich a condi.tional use ~ermi.t is aut:~ori~ed by Anaheim t~lunicipal Code Section 18.44.Q50.060 « 18.44.Q50.000 -:o wit: to permit a used auh~imobile s~les and automoxive detaili:,g f~cility. 2. 2'hat th~ proPosed usc wi11 not: adver.scly afcecr the adjoinii~g 7.a.nd us~s ancl the gr.oc~th and develo~~ment of the area i.n whir.h it i~ pzonosed ro be locafed. 3. That the sizP and shape o~ Lh~ site propospd C;,~ the use is adequate tc~ ai].ow th~ Fu11 developme--t of th~ proposed use in .a manner not d~L•ri.-nental to L•he par.ticular 3rei nor i:o the peac~, ae~l.th, safet,y and general welEare of the Citizen5 oE tt~e City of Anaheim. 4. Tt,ak the gzanting of t:he Conditional Us~ Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wi:ll not be dekrim~ntal to the ~aace, ht~alth, safety and yeneraJ. w~lE1CP. oP thr~ r_itiz~ns oE the Ciky of An~he{m, ua6~z ~ca6-lei f. n,'' M` rNIM~,.~'~ 5. That l:he traffic generated hy the proposed use wi11. not impose an undue Uur~9en upon l:h~ street~ 1nd highways dastgned and improved t:o carry the traffic in the area. 6. That no on~ indicated I:heir ~resence at said p~ab'lic hearir~g i.n opposi~ion; and t}~at no correspondence was received in o~~position to the subjec.t per.ition. ENVTRONMEN2'AL 'lMPACT FIr1DING: Th~~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission h~,y ceviewed rhe proposal. to permit a tised autamobile sales and automotive detailing facility on a rzctangularly-shaPed parcel of land consisting of approximately O.A5 acre locatec7 at thP nortlZwest corner oF 8roz~dway and ~ucli.~ Streer and ±'ucther describecl as 299 Sauth Fuclid ~treet; and does her~.~l~y ~pprove the Neqative Declaration upon finding ~hat it has c~~~,~:idered the Negative De~latation togekher ~~ith any comments received during the pub.lic ceview process and furthet finding an thE basis of the initial study and any comment:s rsr.eivcd thaf theee i~ no substantial eviuence Lhat the project will have a significant ePEect on the environment. t~OW, TEIEREEC)RE, BE IT R~SOLVE~ khat: the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commi~sion does hereby grant subject Petitzon Por Conditional U~e Permit, upon the follo~ainq cond4rions which are hc~reby founr.i ~u be a nec~~ssary prerAquisite L•o l•he prnposed use oE ~he subject pr.uperty in orde.r to preserve tYie saf_eky a-id o~neral w~lfar.e o.f. tl~e Citizena o[ the c:;.ry ~f Anaiiei.m: ~ r~l~ ,.' 1. ThaF within sixfiy (60) days Erom thc date ot thi:; r~:sulution, a11 driveways shal.l be conshruct-.ed or rF~onstructed to acc~mm~date len (10) fouk radius curb re4urns as requirEd bj the Ci~~ Traffic Engineer. 2. Thak subjech propf;rty sha11 be devel.oped substantially in accordance with plans an~ ,pc.cifi.catic~ns on f:ile wiL-h the Ci.ty of Anahei.m marked Exhibit No. 1. 3. That prior l~.o Ei.~~a1 building and zuning in~rection~a, Can~ition Nos. '1 and 2, above-men':.ioned, sh~~l:l b~ compli~d with. A. '1'hak tihe Proposal s~~al.l cc~mply caith al.l. sigr~ing requir~ments of L•he CL "Commercial, Limited" Zone, unl~~s a vari~~nce allowi~ig si9n waivers is app:oved by the Pl.ar~ninq C~mmi,si~n cr Ciky Council. w ': I ~~r . E3E IT IURTHI3R TtESO'LVL;U th~t Lhe Anaheim City k~lanning Commissi.on do~s hE~reby ~inr] and decermine thah adupkion of this Resolution is r-xptess~y predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and ali of ktie condiLions her~inabnve set .forth. Should any such conditions, or.~ any parY thn:eof~ be declared invalid or unra-~iorceable k,y the Einal :iudgmenr of any court ot comp~~tFnL• juris~ic~i.on, r.hen khis Recolution, and ar.y approval~ hereii~ containc:d, shall be deemed null and void. -2- PC:86-181 ?ryJ ; ~t f~YV M1' i '1 ~ , „ . .. ,.. :;,/; ~t:'J3~ _ ...,~,,.._ . _ _ .,,...~>.w N~~z~r ~it.7f~: 1, ~~.~ _... .... . .. ~ . . , ~ .. _~:,~~... . . _ ~ . ~~~r _ } ,~i'~!r s h~ ,~k. ',~~Si( t~l°~~~~r~'~~~A~ ~ , , ., . ~•,~~ H'~ : •^^~,~ .--~, j w.. ~ ~ ~ ~NY~ ~ „~:I ~S~.U ~~ TEIE rOR~:GUING RESOT~UTION is signed and approved by me th:~s 7ch day of July, 1986. / ~ _~' /'~ ~ ~` / .~`_':. .~ CH IRMAN °-------- ~ ANAfiE:[ C T PLANNI COMMIa^SION ATTE57': Ce._ ,,~ d~.s.~_._.__ ,~' SECl2ETAR , ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMJSSTON ~,'~~ ~ STATE U~' CAL'IFORNTA ) ~ '~ COUNTY OI' ORAIJGE ) Sa^ . CITY OF r1NAl~zIM ) `L' I, Eraith L. ~ Flarris, Secretary of t:t~e Anaheim City planning Commissior~, du hereby certify ~hat Lhe foregoing r~.solukion was ~ adopted at a m~~ting of rhe Anaheim CiHy Plar.ning c;ommi~sion held onSJulya7,~ ',!~; 1~86, b.y the Eollowing vote oE thN members thec~og; - _ ;~ AYGS: COM41:CSSION~RS; RUUAS, LA CLAIRL, LA~AICKI, P]C BURp7Ey, MESS~ . ~OES: COMMISSlONk~RS: NUN~ ,'~~ ABSrl1'.C: COMMTS:iION~RS: b'RY, EIER3ST .:~ '1?,. ~L IN WI:CNE~s WHL•'REUF, i have hereunto sek my hand this 7i.`~ day o~' July, 4 19&6. Y ;n -.-~_„~~~~`~ SLCRETARY, ANAHEII~1 CT'PY FL'ANNIN COP~IS$TON ~r ; ;~ ~~ ; ..._ ~ '- ~?Yt~''i l. ~,'I ~',,. . . ~ F ~i ~ i,ti : ~= 4 t . Y,y t .v;~~~ ~jr~ s - ~ -t,c; , ' , ~~~ ~~aq,~ .+ ' ~ ~ , ~, '~ ~ ..T ~t1Y i l1 1 { ... Y C}, ~ ~1 ~~tri ~ ~' Y . ~1,~ ~~i~iS { '. , . ~ 1~~+ ~ : ,. a.r ;; ali ~:a:. y 1 1 s •3- PCb6-181 ; ~. ,i ,, r~ , , , ,.,.,;~~~~i