PC 86-182, ~,,. ; . , ,, ;:,,~~ ,, ~,., . ., . ; , . RESULU2.IUN N0. PCf16-182 A RESnI~iJT70~v OF 1'HE ANAI-IETM C:ITY PLi~NNING COMMISSION R'HAT PETITION FOR CONllT'PIONAL USE QERMIT NU. 2818 BE Gk2ANTED ~ -, , WHE12E~~, khe Anaheim City Pl~nning Commissi.on did re4eive a verified ;etiticm For. Conditional U~e Permit Erum RAMESH PAZ'~L, 2650 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Califoznia 92$O1, owner and VERPIEI,L HAYWARD, 328 Nortil Beach Boulevard, Anaheim, CaliEornia 92.H01, agent for certain real property sikuated in the City of. ~.naheim, County of Oranga, State of Cali~orn9.a, described as: `PEl[s WIs'ST 150 r^EE'P OE THE EAS'I' 89$ , p0 E EF't' OF THE NORTE; fiALF' OF `.PHE C20RTH~AST (~UAI2`1'~k Or THE NORZ'HEAST QUAk'PEk2 4I' SECTION 13, TOWDISHIA 4 SOUTH, 1tANGE 11 WEST, IN THF I2ANCH0 LOS COYO'1'F5, IN TH~ CTTX OF ANAHETM, COIINTY ~JF OI2ANGE, STATC OF (:ALIFOR~IIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP THERE01' RP;CORDGll IN I30QE; 51~ PAGE 1].~ MI5~ELLANEOUS MAPS~ RECOhD$ C)F SAID ~RANGE COUN'PY. ;'r W[-IE:REAS, the City Planniny Commissi~,~•, did hold a public hearir~g at ; ~~j ttie Civic Center_ i,n tt~e City oP Ananeim on J~uly '/, 1985, ~-~L- 1:30 o.m., notir.~ ~; of saira public hear~ny havirig been duly yiven a:~ requir.ed by law and in ar.rordance w.ith l•he prov.isions uE' kh~ Anaheirn Mu.iicipal Code, Chapter J.8.03, to hear and consider eviaencc~ f.or and against said proposed conditi~nal use ~ermi~ and to invesL•igate and mal:e findi~tgs and recommendationa in connection l•herew:ith; and WHEREAS, said Commissi~n~ aftEr ciue in:~pection, investigation and study mac~e by itse.lt and in its bet~al.f~ and after due consi.deration of a11 evidence and repozts otF.erGd at said hearir,y, ~loc~; tind and c3etermine thP f:ollo;:ing Fact~: ~ ~. 'Phat the proposed t~.~e is E~~~~erly one Lor wh~.ch a conditional use pE.~rmit a.;: a~thor.ized by Anaheim t~unicipa]. Code Ser,tion 18.21v050.170 ~o wik: t~~ ret~ir~ fou~ (4) kitchenettes ln ~n ~xi.uting lo-unit motel. 2. 'Phat t:~e prop~~sed use will. not ~dvezsely aff.ect i:he adjoining land uses anil L-he ar.c~wth and developnent o.E thc- are~. iri whieh .it is proposed ~o be located. 3. 'i'hat the size u:.,; shape c~f Lhe site ~ropos~d for ~he use is adeguate ta al.low ~he full develoornent of the pra~aosed use in a manner n~t det[:mer~tal to the Particular area nor. to the peace, h~al~.h, sa~ety and general wel.Eare of khe Citizens r,,F the City of An~heim. 4. 'Phah the yr~inLing o£ the Conditional Us2 PermiL under the conclitions impose~3, if ariy, wi,11 no~ be detrlmeiztal to the pear.e, heall•h, saFe~y and genPral welfare ~E L•he Citizens og L•he City oE Anaheim. 5. Thah Y.h~ ~raffic generated by the pX~posed use wil;. nok ini~ose an uncluc burden upon thE str.eets and hi.yhways designed and improved to caLr,y tl~e ~raffic in khe aGea. ~. That no one indicated l:heir presence <~t said public hearin~,~ in opposition; an~.l that no cozrespondence was received in ap~osition to t'~e subjert pe~ition. 0870r PC86-18'l ;.;~ ,,;~ ,~ i, ;t:i . ' . „~ EN_ ~IKaNMEHTA~, IMPACT F'INDING: That the Anaheim City Plannir~g Cornmissinn ha,~ revieived the N~oposal to retain four ki.kchenetkes in an exi.sting 16-unit motel on an irregu].ariy-shaped par~:el oF land consisting of approximately 0.64 acre J.ocaL-ed at the sou~heast corner af Lincolq Avenue and Stinson Street, anct furr,.her d~scribed as 2650 W~sL- T.,incoln Av~r.ue; and does hereby app.ro~re the NegaL•ive Declaration upoii Eir-ding that ~ i~a~ cunsidered the Negativ? Declaral•ion tagether wzkh any comments r~ceiv~<1 ~uring the public r.~view pcuaess and L-urther finding or~ the basis uP the initzal study and ayy camments receivec~ thai: there is no substantial ~videtic~ ~hat the project wi11 have a significani-. eEfect on Lhe environment. ~~Wr TFik~REFURE, BE IT RESOL'J~A that the Ar.aheim Ciry Planning Commission does hpreby yrar,t :~ubject Petitian for Conc3itional t-se Permit, upon the followinq concliLions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisi~e to thc proposed use of: the suhj~ct Froperly in order to and general welf.are oE the Citizpns oF ~he CiLy of Anaheim;preserv~ the safety .1.< That: the owner of suMj~~G j,r~perty sha11 irrevocabl.y offer to dedicate to the Ciry of Anahei~n a 15 foot rad:iu:, ~~t tr,e corner, of Stinson Si:re~t and .C~incaln Avenue f.•ar : treet widening purposes. :• That all driveways shall be constructed or reconsL-ructed to accommod~te ken (10) f.oot radius curb returns as required by the City TraEfic Cngine•~r. ~;f ~, 3. ThaE thc~ owner of subjc~ct ~rope::ty sl;all pay te khc City af Anaheim a fe~ for street .lighting along Lincoln Avenue in a-~ ~moun~ ad deter.mined by th~ Cit,y Co~anci.l. 4. •i';~+: 3treet lighting ~dr1jj.t1GS al.on~ Stinsor. Avanue shal~. be inatallec; ~s cequired by (;r~~ U~ilities Genera.l Manager in accordance with speci.Eicatiu~;~ on filP i.n th~ O.ffice o~ r~~,il~.r_ies Gen~ra,l Managcr, arid er~~,r. security in thc~ L-orm ox a bond, certil'icate o~ ~ep~sit, letter of credir, or cash, :in ~~.n a:n~unt and fo.rm satisfact~,ry to the City oL Anaheim; sha:11 bc p<33ted rrith the City to Ruarantee tre sal:isfac~ory compler_ion oF the above-mentioned .improvemei-ts. ~a:id security sha11 b~ po=ta..d with the City aE Anaheim prior ~o issuance of buildir~ , irnprovemen~s shaZl be installecl prior ;:o ornnenccment o~~the activity authurized by this CP_SO.LUt1011. '• 1'r~a~ a1A enyin~er.ing r.equ.rements of the City of Anaheim along Stinson 5kreet, including pre~aration aP im~rovement plans and installation o~ all i~npr.oven;ent;~ such as curbs ar~d gutters, sidEwalks~ wa~~r tacilities, stre~t ycac~ing ancj pavement, sewe.r and drainage faciliti.es, ar o~h~r app~~rt~nant wark shall be complied ~vith as rFquired by the Cit:l En~ir~e~r and in accordance with specifications on file in t.he OEfice ~f the City Engineer; and thar. ~e~urity in the farm of a boncl, cert~.£icate of deposit, i~tter ~f credit, or ~ash, in an amoa~zt ~nd ;orm satisfactory te the Citx oL- Anaheim, ~hall be posted witF~ thF City to guarantee the sa~.isfactory comp.Letion ot said improvements. Said secur.ity shall be posted wLth the City prioc Go approval oF. impravement plans, to g~~arantee the installati~n of tt,e above-required Lmp~pvem2nts pr.ior to commencemen~ cF ~he activiry autl~~ori.zed ~y this resolutiun. _~~ PC86-182 ,- , :;':~ ~',,. ':~ .; ~:~, I ;. '_. , J. ; ;.. , . .... , , _. ... , . . . .. . . . , + •~r:~, _ ,;:.,; - , ~° ~ r.. 6. That subject prcE~erty shall be developed substantially in accord~-nce with plans and specifications ori f`il~ wih.h t.he Cii:y ~f Anaheim marked Exhibit. Nos. 1, 7. ,3, 4 and 5; provided, however, thak kitchen ef.f.iciency uni.i-s may be insi:al~.ed in no more than t.wenty-five percent (25~) oi the motel units, with a max:imiim of 6-cubic Poot. re£r,.igerakors, two-burner stoves eYCluding oven and baki.ng facilities, and single compartment sinks, estcept that the manager's u-iit will !~e allowed ro have f.ul~ kitchen f.acilities. %. That ~rioc ~o issuance oL• a building permit, or within a peri.od oE una year f.rom the datc of this resolution, whichevEr ~ccurs f.a.rs~, Conaition Nos. 1 and 3, above-mentioned, sha].1 be complied with. ;~; Ext~nsions for furr_her ~ime to complc:te said conditic,ns may be granted ,~: in accordance wi~h Sec~ ioi~ 13.03.n90 of the Anaheim Municipal Coc3e. 9. That pcior to final building and zonirig inspccti~na, Conditi,~n Nos. 2 and 6, above-mentioned, shall be ~~omplied wit.h. DF' IT fURTHF.'R RBSOT.~V~D t.hat tt~e An,~heirn City Planr.ing Commission does herek~~ find and determine tha~- adoprion of this Resolution is expressly predicated u[~on appl?.car~t's cumpliance with each anC all of the conditinns hereinabo~ve sel•. fnrtho Should ariy such conditir~ns, or any parr_ -.hercof, be declared invalid or une-iforceabl~ by ~he final judyment of any court oF competent jurisdiction, then --his Resolu~ion, and any appre~~als hPrein cuntai.ned, shall be deemed nul]. and void, ; ;~ ~~,,.? ; ; r'i r, THE FOREGOING RES~LUTION is signed and apnraved by me ~his 7th day of ~ ~~; ~'~; ~ruiy, iya~. ~,~~,~-° G~ ~~`~ - ,~ .~ _ - ,, - 1 1~ . . CHATRMA[~ , ANAHE~IM C.T.TY PI~A ~NG COMMISSIO~v ';f~. ~; ~ ATTEST: 'a, , ~,! ~~ /~ ~/J _, 1 v ~6 ~~. .~`""~''~• r ' SF:GRE`PARY, ANAHEZM CITX PLACINING COMMISSIOrI ~ STA'.IE OF CALIL ORNIA ) COUNTY 0~' Q1tANG~ ) ss . ' ,~ s~ CITY OF ~1NAHEIM ) c: I, Fdith L. Har.ris, Secret.ar,y oE the Anaheirn Citiy Planning Co~nmission, ,~'. ~'' do l~ereby certify that the foregoing resolui.ion was passed and ~dopted at a " ,;'~ meer.:ing of t.he Anaheim Ci~y P1?nning Commiss;on held on July 7; 1986, by the ;';,~~, ~ following vote of the member.s thereof: ;.~ P.YES: C~JMf4ISSTONr&S: D~UAS, LA CLAIRE, I~AWICKI, MC BUItNEY, MESSE '- ;,, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NGNE ABSENT: COMMISSIOP~~.RS: E'RY, F;ERBST ':,;~I IN 4~1ITNESS WHEREOC, I have her~ur~ko set my hand this 7t:h day nF Ju'ly, 19i3fi. „ ~_ ~~~' .~Q~L1-~¢.... SEGRF;i'ARY~ ANAHE~IM CJ`i'Y PLi1NNIiVG COMMISSION -3- `~,. ;, ':~ ;~. PC86-182 ~;yF;", . ;i