PC 86-189 M ~':~~1
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w~ir•.xEAS, the ..naheim Cit:y Planning c;ommis~ion did ceceive a veriEled
Petition t~r CondiLio;~al. Use I'ermit Erom ANAE1rJM HILGS RACuULT Ct,UE3, 415 South
;: Anahel.m H~.1J.s Road, Anaheim, California 928U7, ownec ancl 1~HILLIPS, ~iRANDT,
~ R~DDLCEt~ ATTN: PHIL~LIP R. >CHWAR'P'L, 18012 Sky Park Ci.rc.le, Irvine, Cali.fornl,a
~ 92714 and AMERICAN lllVERSiFTED CAi~I'.~AL CORPORATI0~1, 3250 Wilr~hire Bouievard,
Suite ZOUO, Los Anc~eles, Califorrii~. 90~710, agenr Cot certain r.ea.l property
~ ~itua~E~cl in the City of Anah~im, County ot. Ucanye, State oE California,
desctibed as:
PARCEL 1 QF PARCEL MAp ti0. 81-272 FILFD MAY 24, 19f32 IN 9UOK 170
WEtIiI:EAS, tne Cit.y E•.lanninc~ Commiasion ~id hcl.d a public hear~.nc] a~
the Civic Center in r_h~ City of Anahei.m on ,7~nc 9, 1986, at .1:30 p.,~., noCi.ce
af said public hearing haviny k,~en duly yiien as rQ:~uired by ].aN and ir.
accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Mun.iciPal C~de, Ch~~te!' ].8.03,
~o hear and considec evider.ce f.or and agai.nst :~aid propa~ed conc3itional u~p
pErrni~ and to investigar~ ~nd make [i.~t~litlys 3nd recommendations in connection
therewith; said rubliG hearinq havinq been ~ontinued to the Planning
Cornmi,ssion uie~tinq of July 21, ].985; and
t~HF,REAS, 3ai.d C~)T([ll`a'u),0I1~ aEter. Jue inspectior,, in~~estiyakion and
:~~udy made by it,-.lf ancl in i.ks hehalt, and ~,fter due considera~ion of all.
eviden~:e and rPports ofEerPd at said he~~cing, does L•ind and detecmine the
followin,y fact~ :
'~;~ 1. :"at r_ne E~ropoced use is ~r.operly one for, which a ronditional
uae per;^it is authorizec~ ~y Anaheim Munieipal CodP Secr_iona 18.21.05Ud325 anci
id.y4.020 to wit: r,~~ construc~ a 2 and 3:5tary 125-unit :~eni~r. cit;izen~
apar~ment project wi~h waivNr~ of Lhn_ folluwf.n~:
k ~a) S~C'PIOtJ ].8.34.OG5.U11 - Minimum strucr_ur.al ~er_back.
~ (b3 Sf~:C'PIUN 18.64.05'1.U7.0
_... _ - R u ~
eq ir~d uu.ilding locat:on.
; (c) SE:C'PI~~N I8.9q,033.U3:~ - Re uired necreation-T~eisurN 3rea.
: (d) SE~C~.PYGN 18.9~i.037.010 - Ne- uirPd Uoiindary screeniriq.
~ (e) ~r".CTION i~.g4.q4q _ - C<e uired number o£ a[r.prdable ~.tnir.s.
~ 1, Thar. the proposed ~se is heceby ~~c.~:~ted to permit a 118-~r.it
st ni~r Clt.{Ze:C~3 a~ar~r~~.r~t C411~'ijgX inrtead ot 125 ~antts ~s oriqinally
requeated and advertisec~.
3. That th~ reque3ted 'vraj,V~CS (a), (b), (c? and (ci) awF hereb~
danf.cc3 on the basi3 th~r_ revise~ p>>ns were suomitced deletiny the r~eed f.or
sai~9 waivers,
Q877r pC86-189
4. That waiver (e) is t~er.euy denied ~n the basis L•hat ~l:e
C~etitioner atipulaL•ed at the public heariny to providE "afEordable uniGs", as
required by Code S~cL•i.on .18.94.U4Q "RcquireA AEEordable UniL-s".
5. Thac the ~~roposed use is hereby qra.~t~d un the basis th~~t
evidencc wa~ pr~sent~d showing that ~said pr~ject is .ceat~onably accessible to
necessar.y services, i.nc.luding c~rocery stores, lran5it sto~s, medical
Facilitie~ an~ banks.
6. '1'hat the proposed use is hereby granted sub~ect t:o tlie
to.lJ.owing ~tipulatzuns made by th~ petitioner at th~ public hearing:
a. 'Po ir.itiate a Ge~eral L~1an Amendment to rede~ignate the
cemaining tennis c.lub pcope~ty as '~pen space", with the zoning
to remain RS-A-A3,OQa (SC) aingle, Camily
Res:~.dential/A~ricultura.l iScenic Corridor Qverlay? Zone.
b, That all assigned parlcin,y space~ shall be located a~ close to
individuai units as poss.ible.
c. That a TratEi~ Study shal.l b? cc.~nducted (at the develo~:ec's
expense) to show whether tcatfic f.rom hhe ~~r~posal wi..l
ger~erate a~ditional traff~c along tt~e acces~ ra~d (known as
Walnut ~reek ?tuad) to the '1'er-nis Cl~~b, which trafEic is
detrimental ta residen~s in the singl.e-family rzsidential area
around La baz Etaad. If ~aid study shoNS that such traffic is
rietcimental, said acc~ss rcad shall be closed (in a manner
approved by the City of• ,1na1-eim) t:c cesidents, employees dnd
visi~ory nE the propo~al.
7. `z'hat tr~e ~ roposed ur~e will not adversely aLfect L-t~e a~joining
:1and uses and the growth and development oE the acea in whi.ch it i•s proposed
to be .locatecl.
8. 'Phak the :~ize and shape oE the ~iie rroposed Ear the use is
adequate to allow L•he eull development of the proposec! use in a manner not
detrimental to the particular area nor to the ~e~ce, health, safety and
,yeneral welfare uf the ~itizens oF the Cit;y of Anaheitn.
9, Tha~ the yra~~ting oE the ~unditional U~e Permit under the
condir,ior~s impc,sed, if any, will not be iietriment~~l to the peace, hsallh,
:~aPet,y and yeneral. welfar.e oF the Cil•ir.ens of the Ci.ty of Anahefm.
10. That the trafEic ye;~erated by the pro~:oseC u~e will r-ot im~ose
an undue burden upon tt~e streel3 an~~ highway~ de~igned and l.mpcoved Co carry
the tcat[ic in the area.
11. That six (6) nersons indicated their pre~ence in opposlL•ion at
the JUnc 9, 1986, public t~earing; and nine ('~) per~un3 in opposition attenc:ed
the June 23, 19a6, public hnaring; and four (4? peraons in opp~si.ti.on attended
the July 21., 1986, public hearin~a; an:1 th~t p~tiLions and letters containiug
a~~proximately 194 ~tqnaturFS wer~ receive~ in opposi"ion and a petition
containing approximately 43 ~ignatuce3 NaR rec~ived in [avor oE subjeat
-2- F~C86~189
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ENV'lRONMGNTAL IMPACT F'INUSNG; That the Anaheim C.ity Planning Commis~to~
t~a~ revieweG the pr~pos~~l to permit a two and three ytory .125-u~,:t •enior cxtizen
apartment project witti waivers of minimurn structural setbar,k, required building
locati~n, reuuired recr~ation-leisure are~,, cequi.red bounda.ry screeni~,y & requfred
number af af.f.ordab.le units ~n a irreg~al~r?.y-shaped ~arcel o~ land consisting of
approximately 5.31 acres 7.ocated at ttie northwe~t ccrner of Nohl Ranch Road and
Anaheim Hills Road, a.~d further descr.ibed as 41~ Anaheim fiil.ls R~ar~; and does ~`,
hereby approve the Ney~,tive Dc~claration upon F.inding that it has consideced the
Negati.ve Dec.laration tooether with any comments receiv~d durin ~he '
~roces~ ar~d further fin~iir~g on the basis of the initial srudy a~~d ~ nyicomments '?f
receiv~d that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a !~Y
signific:anl-. eftect on trie c~nvi,ionment. ,
NOW, ~CH~RF.k~~ORG, r.~L•' ~T RESOLVEU that tha Anaheiir, City I~lanning CommS.ssion ~'
do~s hereby grant subject Petit:inn Eor Canditional Ose Pecmik, upon the foliowing
conditions whieh are her~by found ta be a ne::~ssar.y prerequisite to the proposed
use of the suhjec~- properry~ in order to preserv~ the safety a~d general weltare of
the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. 'Pt:~~t the owner of subject proNerty s hall pay ta the City oE Anaheim a
Lee Eor tr~e planting purposes ;:long anaheim Hills Ro~d and Nohl Ranch
H~, 1 i.R ~~n ~~mc,u~,~ .i:; ,t~•~ •::.~iri~~d by the City Council.
Z. 7'ha~ j~ri.;~r to iasuanc:e of a build.ing permit, the a~pro~riate ma jor
rhurouyhtare and ~rtdge Eee :~l~all ba paid ro ~he City of Anaheim in an
~~macnt as ~~~~cified in the Majnr I'horoughtare and Bridye Fee Program Ear
rhe Foothill/~:astern Tr~nsportation Corcidor~ as approved by City
Council l:esol~tiun No. ti5R-4"l3.
3. That ~rio~ ~o issuancF oE ~ building ~ermit, appropri.ate park .~nd
recreation in-lieu f~~s shall b~ paid to ttie Cit~~ of Anahei.m in an
amount as dete~mined by the City Counci~.
4. That ~rior to issuance of a buildiny permit, the appropriare traffic
siyna.l asUessm~.nL• ~ee ahall be paid t~ the Ci~~ oF '~naheim in an amount
as cleter.mined by thf City Couii~.:i.l for. each new dwelling unit.
~ i.
5. 'Pl;at the~ vetiic~il~r acc~ss rights ~o Nc~hl Ranch Ruad except at ap~roved
access point~, shall b~ dedicated to the City of Anaheim.
6. 'i'hat sidew.alks ~hall be insta.lled aLong Anaheim Hill~ Road as cequired
' by thJ~ City ~:ngineer and in acc.ordance with ;~tandard plans and
s~eci£ica~ions ~n £ile in the UEEice of the City Enginec~r.
7• x'hat ali dcivcways ahall be cc~nstrur,t~d oc reconstructed ta ace~~mnoc9ate
L•en (.10) foot rael.ius curb rc~UYt15 as required by the Cit,y TCaf.fic
F.~:c~~neer .
8. 't'hat dr.ainage uf suhject r~ropert•y sha.ll be dt3pU~ed oE in a;nanner
saCi~£ar_Lory to ttie C.ity linginc~er.
v. 'fhat in th~ cvent subjert property Ls r.o be c)ivider3 for. the pucpose of
sa1e, lease, ~~_ financing, a~arcel map to cecord the appro~ed rliv.Lslon
of subject rr.~r,erty shall. b~: 3ubmi.ttPd ta and approved by rhe City of
Ana:~ei.m and ~:nen be rECOrded in the OEfice of the Ocange Coi:nty i~ecorder.
r~ PC86-189
(j'..+M1 ,~lyd '~`~./'S 4 " . ..
,K~., ~If91t~
1 (
],0. Th~t not mor:e khan t.wo ( 2) persons, at least one (1) o~ whom must be a
seni.or citizen, cha1:1 l:e,side in, or be permikL•.ed t~o r~aide in ~ny
bachelor uni~ or cne (1) b~~druom unit.; and that not more r.han three (3)
persons, at least one (1) of whom must be a senior citi2en, stiall reside
in, or be ~erm.~tted t:o re~lde in any t.wo (2) bedr.oom uni.t; and that all
occupan~~ and residents uF c3llx dwe.tling unit who are noh senior citizens
otr~er than the :~pou.~e c,r cohabitant oF, or a person who resides with and
prov:ldes primary physical o~ economic suppor~ to, the reside~.tt senior
citizen, stial]. be at ltash 45 years oE age except th~~t temporary
resideitcy by a person 1e~s th~n 45 years oE age for a cumulat .ve period
of s.ixLy (60) days in any ca'lendar year shall be permitted; and that a
coverianc ~hall be recorded by the owners of L•he property in a form
approved by t.he City~ Attorney so limit.ing suc;h occupancy. A copy of
said ccvenant shal~ L•i~en be submitte~ ~~ the L~lanning Department.
11. 'fhar. subje~:ti property shal.l be served by ur~;~ergrou~~d uti.lities.
12. '1`hat pci.or to Che prior ro iss~iance of Lui].ding permit, the appropxiate
tees due for {~~imary, ~econdary and Eire protection shall be paid to thQ
Water U~ility Division by the ~eveloper in accordance with Rules 15A and
20 of tYie Water. Ucility Rates, Rutes and Regu'lations.
13. That. prior ~o commencement of sCtuctural Era~ning, fire hydcants shall be
installed and charyed as requir~d ar4d rietermined to b2 necessary by the
Chief of the C'ire Depart;nen.t.
14. That fire ~~rinkler~ shal.l be installed as r~quired k~y the Ciky Fire
15. That lrash storaye areas sha11 be provided anC maintained in accordance
witn ahproved pl~~zns on Eile with the Street Maintenan~e a~id Sanitation
1G. That prior t:o final buildiny and zoning inspections, "No parking ~oc
street sweeping" :;igns ~hall be installed as rEquired by ttae S~r~et
i+laintenance and San.itation nivision and in accardanae with
~~eciEication.. on file wit:h said divisiori.
17. That in accordanc~ with Sect~ion :18.94.020 "Conditional ~se Fermit
Required," the ~wner(s) of subject pCOp@Cta? 3ha11 execute and record
covenanr.s, c~nditions and res~ri.ctions ("covenants") agai.n:~k the
property in a form approved by the City Attorney's Office agre~ing to
resr_r.ict or.cupancy oE a.ll senior ~itizert3' dwelling units withir, sucti
project~ to persons at l~ast one (1) of. whom i~ a senior citizen. Said
covenants shall furr.her cestrict the age of ail other oct;upants oE
senior citizeny' dwelling units wi~hin such projec~ to t:ha greal:.~s~
exr_ent legally permissible under the ~rovistons uf S~ction 51.3 of the
Civi]. Co~e of th~ StaL•e oE Cal.ifor~iia. A copy oE 1:he recorded covenanks
shal..l be furnished 'c.u the Plannin~ Depar~rnenr..
18. 'ihat-. subject prop~rty :~hall ba de~.:loped substantia.lly in accordas-ce
with ~lans and sp~c:~Eication:= on file wirh t:he City ~f AnahYim marked
Revisic~n No. 2 oi L"xhibi~ Nos. lr 4 an~i 5~ and Extiibit Nos. 6 and 7.
~. 1
-4- PC86-la9
IJ;::. ~.~. .
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19. 'Phat pricc to issuance of a building permi~, or within a period c:P c~ne '
year f.rom the da~e oE th~s re:~olufion, whichever occurs first, Condirion i
No~. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 1.7, above-mentioned, ~ha11 be complied
witha Extensions Eot f.urther tiime to complet~ said c~nditions may be
granted in accurdance with Secti~n 10.03.090 of L-he Anaheim Municipal Code.
"lU. `Phat prior to f.inal buil~i.~~g and zc~ning ~napectians, Condi~ion Nos. 6, 7,
A, 11, 14, 15, 15 and )8, above-mentioned, shal~ be complisd with.
21. That a~huttJ.e service to ~ocal st~opping centers sha11 be pr.ovided to ths
reair3ents of the ~enior citiz~r,:~' ~P~rtment (to be known ~s Nohl Meadows).
)2. That Pollowing f~11 occu~ancy ~f: the pcopoyed .~er-ior. citizens' apartment
pro;ect, a'Prak£ic S;.udy shall be conductec9 (at the~ developer's expense)
to st~ow whether traEfa.c L'com the praposal. will generate ad~liti~nl]. tcaffic
along the access roa3 (icnown as Walnut Creek Road) to ~he Tennis C].ub,
wtiich t~:aEPic is detcxmental t~ reaic7ents in the sinyle-farnily residential
area around La Paz Road. If said 5tudy shows that such ttaffic is
detrimenL•al, sa;.c1 acce:s road sha1J. b2 C~OSP.d (ir~ a manner a~proN~d by the
City ~f Anaheim) l:o reaiderits, emp.l~~yees and visitors oi the proposal.
~E I~P ~UR`~tiEFt RESOLVED that the An~h~im City Planning Commission does
he:teby Lind a~id det~emin~- Lhat ado~ti~~-~ oF ~his Resolution is expres~S.y predicated
upon a~plicant.'s compliac:ce with each and aJ.1 uL the conditiocis hereinabove set
r~~rth. Should any suct~ condit:ion~, or sny ~arti thereof, be declaxed inva.lid or
unenEurceable by ~he Einal judgment of any court oi compete~ni jurisdic~ion, then
L•his itesolution, and arY ~PProvals nerein contained, s:~all be deemec7 null ar.d void.
THL' I'UREGOL`7G R~SU[,UTION is .igned an~l ~,F~1~roved by mc this 21~h d'ay o=
Ju:l.y, ].9n6.
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Z, EdiL•ti L. ilarris, ~ecreL•ary of: the Anaheim City Plar.ning Cnmmi~~fon, do `,,`~,
hereb~ certity that t.he Eoreyoing re~~lur.ion r~as pas~e~ ~nd adop~:ed at a meeting
of the Anaheim City ~'lannin~ Commission held on July 2t, 1986, 5y Lhe f~llowing '~
vote of the members thereof: `t
~p~;$ ; CUMMxSSION~;E2S : NUNF
~ IN WITNGSS WFIBREOE, ti have hereunto se-: my hand this 2.Ltti c3ay o.t :tuly,
'~, ' ' 19g6. /
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