PC 86-190A iyw RESGLIITION N0. PC86-190 A RESULUTION 0~' THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION' TdAT PGTITION I'OR RECLASSIEICATIO~~ N0. 05-86-32 BF GRANTEU WHEk2k7AS, the Ar~~~heim Ci.t,y Planning Commi~sion did ceceive a veriEied petition .for Reclassificltion Er.om YUK T. LAU AtVD SO Y.UEN LA[I, 314 North Beach Boulevard, Anaheim, Califaznia 92001, owner dnd DENNIS MAkCHAND, 1%362 Gothard Street, Huntington t~each, Califor.nia 92647, agent for aertain real property situated in L•he Cit,y of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of CaliForni~, desc~ibed as follows: PAFtCEI, 1, TN THE COUNTY OF ORANGB, STATE OE~ i,ALIEORIvIA, AS RECORD~D IN 300E: 9~, PAGE 11 OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFPIC~ OF THE RN.CORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the CiL-y Planniny Com;nission did hoJ.d a oublic hearing aL• ~he Civic Center in the CiL•y of. Anaheim on May 12, 1986 at 1:30 p.m., notice ~F said public hGa;.ing having been duly given as reguired bl 1aw and in acco.dance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Cha~~er 18.Q3, to hear ancl co-isider evidence for and against said proposed reclasyification and to investigate and make Einding:~ a~id re~ommnndations in connection therewith; said p~tbl.ic hearing having been continued Lo the Planning Commissian meetiny of ~July 21, 1986; and WHEREA5, saic] Cummission, aP~ec due inspection, investigation and study made by itsel: and in il-s behalf, aiid afLer dae c~nsideratinn of a:l]. cvidence and r~ports ofEered at s~id hearing, dae. find and detexmine thE Following facts: 1. 'Phat tt~e petit.i oner proposes r~classification of silb ject prapcrty FYom the RS-72UU (Resid~ntial, Single-Family) 'Lone to i:he RM-2h00 (Residential, Multi~le-I'ami'ly) Zone. 'l. That the General Pl::n d~signates subject ~ra~erty Lur medium den~ity residenrial land uses. 3. 'rhat the proposed r.eclassi.ticatian of subject properl:,y is neressa~y and/or desirab.le ~or L-he ordcrly and pcuper develogment of the community. 4. Thak the prnpo~~d reclassifi~at~on of subject property does propeily ralate to the zonES and their permitted uses lucally established in close proximity to s~ibject ~~ro~erty and io the zones and ~t-eir permittec3 uses genera.lly established throughou~ the comrnunity. 5. That h.he propose~ recla~sifi~ation of subject pr.opectv tequires the improvament of abutting streetr~ i.n accordance with the Ci.rculati~n Eleinent of the General Pla.n, due ro L-he anticipated incr.ease in LrafFic sahich v~ill be yenerated Uy che intengification of land use. 6. That 12 person~ indicated tlieir presence a~ the May 12, 1986 pub2ic heariny in ~pposition and that ~etitions containing apprAxl;mately 45 signa~ures were recetved in c~po~iti4n L-o subject p~tition, ;: <., ;r4 ' ''f ; 7 Y;~ 0878r PC86-190 . . . ~ ,;.r r, :s;k ' ~ J ,' `V~. ., 1~+. ENVIRON(dLNTAL IMPAC~' EINDING: That the Anaheirn City t~lanniny Commi.ssion h;~s revie~~ed the pr~posal to reclassiFy suUject propecty from thE ,~'; xs-7200 (Resi.dential, Sinqlp-Family) Zone lo the RM-2400 (Residential, Mu1L•iple-Family) Zone to construct a one-story dupler. with waiv~ars of minimum - yar.d requiremen~ and requized recreational-leisure ~rea on a r~ctangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of ap~roximately 6,G73 squar~ + fent, having a Erontage of appraximately 50 feet c~n the ea~t side o£ Harding ~' ~ Avenue and further described as 114 So~ath Harding Avenue; and does hereby ~ approve tlzc Negative Declar~tion upon finding that it has considerPd the h~gative Declaration togel-.her with any cetnments r.eceived during the public t~ review pr~cess and further finding on the bas+_s of L•he i.nikial study and any -' comments received that there is na substantial evidence ~I~at the projeck wili '''~ hav,: a nignificant effect on the ~nvironment. ~J NUW, THEREFpRL, (3E TT KESUL' VGD tha.t the~ Anaiieirn City Plannir.g Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassifiration and, by so doing, tha~ Til:le '18-Zoniny o£ ~he An~Zheim !,unicipal Cude be amendec~ to exclude the above-desc:ribed property Lr.om the R~-77.00 (Re:~idential, Sinyle-E'amily) Zone and tc incorporate saicl d~scribed property into the RM-24Q0 (Residential, Multiple-I'amily) 'Lane ~s~:on the f.ollowing condi~ions which ar~ hereby Found to be a necessar.y prerequisite to the proposed use of su~jec;t prc~perty in order to preserve the safety and general welfar.e of the Cita.z~ns of the City o~ Ariaheim: 1. That the owner oP subject property sh~ll irrevocably offer to dedicate ko the City of Anah~i-n a strip o£ land 32 feet in tvidth L'rom the centerline of the street along EIarding Avenue and a strip of lanc~ 10 feet in width fr.om the cenkerJ.ine of th~ alley f.~r street wi~~niny ~urp~se:. 2. 'Phat }~riar to the in;:roduc~ion oE an ordi.nance rezoning subje~E pcoperty, Co7dition No. 1, above-mentioned, ~hall be complei:ed. The provisions or ri~hts gr.anted by this resolution sha11 becar*~e nu11 and void by activn af t-iP Planning Commissic~n unless said canditinns arz complied with withiri cne year fcom L-he date oF L-his resolutiori, or such furttier ti.me as hhe Planning Commission may grant. k3G I'1' rURTHER RF.80LVED that the AnahEim Ci~y Planning Commisr~ion does hexeby fi.t~c: and rletermir-e that adoptzon of. this Resolution is expressly r; predicated upoi~ appli.cant.'s complia~ce with each and al1 of the conditic+ns - he.reinabove set rorth. Shauld any such condi.tion, ur, any part thereoF, be " declared inv~lid or unenforceabl~ l~y the Pinal judgment o~ aay court of cortipetent ,-jurisdiction, rhen this Resolutian, and any approvals herein contained, shall. be deemed nu11 and vaid. 'PHE E'OREGUING RBSOLfJTION is signed and approved by me this 21th day oE July, 198G. <~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ .;. ; . ~~.~ ~ .~~ .~ ` H IRMAN, ANAEIEfM CI'PY PLAN NG CUb1MISSION ~ ~ ATTEST: ; . i ~~.._ ~~~ °~~ ~~L._,__ .___ _ . SECKETARY, ANAHE7M CTTY PLANNINr, ~pMMI~SION ~. ,. , i -~- PC86-19Q ?f~~, ~ ~ ' , < ~ ~ ' "~ ~~j'~ i ~ ~; i ` ~.` ,' ' r '. ,:. ;~ ~1i~~~~u~~l ti,~~~ !! ~,~ _ , . V~' Ir,. .~v.~. . . .... . .,. ~ .. . ' . , . . . , .. , ~.ik"R ,r r ,.,~ STATE OF CALII'ORNIA ) COUNTY UE QRANGE ) sS. CITY. OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Hrarri~, Secretar,y of the Anaheim City Planning Commissiori, do tiereby certify that the Foregoing reaolutzon wa~ pa~sed ~nd ~dopter~ at a meetiti~g oP t.t~e Anahe:im ~ity F~lanning Commission hs~.d on July 21, 1986, by the Lollnwzng vote o[ ~he ~nembers ther~of: ~Y~S: COMMISS:[ONERS: HERBS7.', LA CLAIRE, LAWICKI, ML` BURNEY', t9E5SE NOES: COMMISSIUNER5: NONE ABSEN`r: COMMISSIQNERS: DOUAS, ~'RY IN r~iTNESa WHERSOF, I have herEUnto set my hand th~s 21th day ~T ~7uly, 1986. ~~;.~~ ~ scc~ET z ~~~_~~~~~~~ _._. Y, ANAHEIM CI'.CY PLANNING COMNiISSION ~;:... ~;,,;;, ~~'~';~+j~~r ~~, ,. ,~ . ~ , ~+~~~~ r~'~ ~ "~'~ ~SS~ i ~,~ ' r r ~'~'~~~~~ 4`v ~Pd'~1' t; "~.~.r}~' ' f~ i~ ''; r ~ , ..,~., ~ `? , ~.} , t~.;, r~ ~ ,~m~r~`~, ; ~ 1~ t'~~ a ; ~ ," ~ ~ ~,IIyY..il~.~ ' . ~ reS~~1 ~ ~t {I S'' .t°~~ F ~/' dt..~.. ,'4;i;#;'1i(.:; vj:.. w3- P~tt6-190