PC 86-192,'» `~ kE;iOL~JTZJP7 NO. PCF36••197. A 12rSOLU'P?.OiJ Ol' 'P[aE ANAIiF,:[M CIZ'Y PLAN~~Ih~~3 COMt4lSSION 'i'tiA'~^ PE'PI'.CION FOR VARIAhCE N0. 3579 f3B GE21N'PED WEIEAEAS, the Anatieim (:.ity Plr.n~iny Commission did ceceiv~ a verifi.ed l'etition For Vr~ciance fro-n SID CROSSLGY AND CHARLENB CRUSSt,EY, 1U55 Rose ,. AvHnue, Ualm Sprinqs, Californira 92'?62, owner~ and Eu SPA~~CtiSAN~, 131~9 , t3roolchurst S~reet, Garden Grove, c;a.l.ifornia 92693, agent E~r ceri:ain :eal properL•y situatec3 in th•a ;,'tr.y o£ Anaheim, County of Orange, St:ate oE Calitornia clesr_r:ibed asc TtiE EAS'1' "LUO EFF'P (MEASUFt~U 'PO THE CL•'N'P~R LING OF MAGNUf,:[A AVf:NU~) OF 2'HE SOU'PH 31'l FELT OF THl: NORTH 5Q2 EEF.;T (ML•'A(~UitED 2'Q ~, 'I'HE ('cNTEkLINE UF BRO~'~DWAY AVENUE) OG 7HE ~IORTHEAST uUARTER Qr ; THF: SOU'I'IiEAS'P QUARTF.ft Of~ TEiL•' NORTHEAST QUAR',Gir UF SECTSON 13~ 'IOWNSI{?P 9 SOU'PH, RANGE 11 WF.S'1', IN ;ii~ RAtJCH~ LOS CUYO"1'f S AS PEIt , MAP K}~CORll~D IN N~UIC 51, PA;;E 1.1 C~r' MlSCELL~ANFOUS MAPS, iN THL OFEICE 0[' T[lE COUt~i'~1 hECORDER CIF SAIU C7U.J?;Y. WHEItE:AS, the Ci~y Plannii~g Commission did hold a p.iblic heariny at ti~a Civic Center in Che City of An~nc~im on ,iu.ly 21, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heari.r~y havi~ig bee,i d~ily given a:~ requiced by la~a and in accordance with tl~e ~~revisions of. tt-e Anat~eim Mu~iicipal Code, Chapter 18.0:, to hear and con~ider evid~nc~ foc and ayainst said proposed vari.ance ar~d to investigate and make E.ir~diny;, and recom;nenda~ions in connection therewzth; and WtirHEAS, sai.d ~:ommi.ssion, after due ina~~ction, investigation ancl :;tudy made b~ it~elf and in its behal[,. and atter due consi:lerar..ton o~ all evidence and re~oets offered at said hearing, dc~~.s f.ind and determinP t:he foliawing tacl•s: l, 7'hat the ~,el:itioner propuse:, wuivf~rs oE the f.ol.lowing tca cc~ns~ruct an ~ddi.tion ~o ~n ~Xi3ttR~y c~stu~rant: S[;Ci'IUl3~ 1.t3.136.OSf1.OlJl ~ Minimum nu;nl,er of. reaulred packin ~~acla. 18.06.q50.t17.2 ( ~0 ~~arkiny c~pacn_s r.ec~ui[ed; 60 par~.in4 18.U6.(150.07.31 s ace~ ~ropo3ed) 18.UG~U5Q.0261 18.06.080 ANp i8.44.066.050 2. Tha~, thP above-mentione~9 waivHC is t~erAby gcAnted o;i the basis thal th~ parking waiver will nat cau:ae an .inccease in tr.afEic congeation in tht~ immedi~,Ce vici~.ity nor aclve_rsely af[act any adj~ining land uaes and granr.irn~ of t!~e E~arki.ng waivec un:9er the cond.ttinr~s im~osed, iE any, will not br: decrimenta.l. to rhe ~eace, h~al~lti, saf~ty and ~~neral welEare ot c.ne citizens of the City cE Anaheim. 1. ~t'liat tnere are cxcept.iona~ or extraordinar,y c:rc~im:sl.ances or eondi~i~~nd apr,~ieable to the pr.oE~er.ty involvt~d c~c tc; tr,~ inLcnded u~e of the proper*,y that do n~t ap~;iy yenecalty L•o Li~e propeY;.y or ~~as~ oE u~e in Lhe aame vLciniCy ancl ;~one. U680r PCBh-192 ~f}"''? yr" , ~. f~.•,.y.~ , . „ ~~1C5~`r.?.5':tR; : '~ie~h. 4. That t•he reyuested variance is r_PCe~sary tnr l•he pro~ervation and enjoymenL ot ~~ ~ubsL•anti~l pr.o~er~y riyht possessed b~ other pr~perty in the ~ame vicintty and zone, ~nd denied ko the propeet.y in que~tion. 5, 1'hat the requested varilnce wil.l no~ be mate:ially ~9etrimental to Ct~e publ.ic welfure or injxrious to the property or i:nprovPments in such vicinity ancl zone in which the ptoperty is located. 5. Tt~at n4 one indi~cated their presence ~,.. s~id public hearirtg in oppusiLion; and that no corres~ondenr.e was received in oppo3ition ~o subjec~ ~ec.ition. Et~VlRONMENTAL IMPAC'C b'INllING: That '.`~e Ar-aheim City Planning Commiss.ion has reviewed L•he pro~osal cons~ruct a 15'0 square Eoat addition to an e~ti:~ting restaucant wi~h a wai~ler. oi ~nznimum numb~r of requ.tred parking spar.es ~n a ~;ec:tangulariy-shaped parcel of land consi~ting a£ appr~ximal•e~y 1.05 acres located at l.he no~'chwest cor~~r. ot Rowland Aven~.~e and Magnoll.a Avenue aiid Fucther dc~cril~ed as 313-341 South MagnoZia Avenue; and doe~ hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that ir. has co~~idAr.ed the Ivegative Declacation togeti~er ~rith a~ty corn~rents received dur.i~ig the pualic revip~•t process and Eurther find:ny c~n the basis of the initial study and any cornments rec~ived that there is no substantial evidence that tr,e project will i~ava a si~init-icant effect on r_he environment~. NOW, TNERh;rORE, Hh, IT RESOLVLD that th.: Anaheim Ciky Planning C~m,~niss.io7 does hereby yran;: subjec~ Petition Loz Vaziance, upo-~ the Follawing condiL•ions which ~ce hereby tuund to be a necessary prerequisite to tl~e proE:u~ed use of the subject ~roperty in order to presecve the safet;~ and 9ener~l welfare c,E the Citizens oF lhe City of Anaheim: 1. That prioc to i~suance of a builcliny oer.mit, the approptiate trafFic siynal as~essmenC fee shall be paid l-.o the City o£ Anaheim in an ainount as rletermined Uy the City Co~.~nc.il. 2. ~i'hat tl-~e owner o~ subjec-~ proparty sha:ll irrecocabJ.y oEFer ~o dedi~:ate to the City ~[ Anaheim a strip oE lar~d 15 feet in width tcom the centerline of r,he streek along ttie corner radi.u3 intE~ra~ction of Maynoli~i Avenue and itc~w.land T.~enue for stre~t wi~?eniny E~ucposes. 3. 'i;!at all drivev!ay:~ shall be c.onstrucr_ed or reconstruc~ad to acc~j,:nodate ten {10) foot radius cur.b returns ~s requice~ by ~he :.'it~• '1'r.affic Engin~:~r, 4. That i~ubjxt t~:operl:y sha11 bF~ d~velop~d substanr.ially in acc~~rdance with plans and Lpecif:cations on Eil~~ wi~h ~he City oE Anaheim ma:kFd t.xhi~it~ N~3. i; 2 and 4. 5. Tha~ prior to is,~ua~ice oE ~ building permit, or wlthil a pe~J.od of. one ye~.r :rom the date of thiG re:;olutiu~i, whichever occurs First, Condi'.ion Voa. 1 and '1, abovc-menttoned, sh~la. be complied witih. Lxtenaiona Eor further *_in-a to co-nple'te said ~:c~nditions m~s~ be granced in accordanre with Section 18.03.U9U oE thN An~heim Mur.icipal Code. -2-- YC86-192 ~'; ~-~:'t~~,,. , , . . .. _ . ~~, 5. That th~ exis~iny dciveway on Rowland shall be removed and replace~ with 3tanciacd curb, gutter, ~i.dewa'lk and ].andscaping. 7. That prior Ca final bui:lciing t~nd zoning in~~ections, Conditiun Nos. 3, 4 and f, ahove-men~ioned, shall be campliec3 with. KE IT EUR`PHER RE;;OLVED that khe Anaheim City P1Anning Ccmmissi~n does hereby find and determtne that ado~tion of cnis Fiesoluklon is expressly p:edicat~d upon applicant's camp:liance with each and al.l of the conditions hereinabove ~et forth. 5hould any :;uch conditior-, or any part th~reoE, be cleclaced invalt.d or unenEorc~al~le by the [inal audgment oE any court of competent jurisdictio~, ttieri th is Resol~ition, ar.d any approva~s herein conr_ained, shaJ.l be deerried null and void . ^ 'CHE FOREGGINC E2ESULU't'TOt~ .is signed arad appr.oved by me kh.is 21th day r''~ c~ Ju1y, 198G. .~ ~~ ` ~•!.~ ?~ ~~(~ ~ /~~~ / ~'~r~"~, ~7 ~' CHAIRtdAN~ ANAEI tM CITY Pf~XNN2NG COMMI5~ION ~ Y , AT'P~;S`i': ~`, . ti. ~.' ~ ~. / , ~~ ~ f~ ~ ~_~ SECRE'PARSC, ANAHEIh1 CI'PY PLANN:[N~ CUMh1ISSIQN STAT~; pF GALIE'ORNIA ) COUNTY UF' ORANGE; ) y5, CI'tY Oi ANt1HRTM ) I, Ec]it-: L. Hazris, Secrtt:ary oE tlie Anaheim City Planning Co-moission, do hereby certiEy that thE foregc:•iny resolution was passed and ad~pted at a meetiny oE the Anaheim Cit,y Flann.in~~ Commissiur neld on July 21, 1986, by the fo.l.lowing votF~ uL tiie mcr~bezs `.hereoF: AYGS: Cl1t4MT;iSYJNERS: BOUAS~ FRY~ HSRE3S'P~ C~A CLAIRE~ C~A~AICKI, MC BUFZNi;Y~ MESSG•' NOES: CUMPIISSI0NER5: NpNI: AE3SEN'P; COM~~I:iSIUNEEtS: NOt~E IN WTTNESS Wli~RE+~C, I have I~eceunt~ ~et my har:d this 21th day ~f July, L9E36. -~~.-.c'= =,r-s~.' o~' ~~L~~G SLCRC`TARY, ANAHh:tM CITY o:,ANNING COMMI551JtJ f ,' ' a 4`~i r w'- : •`~ -3" ~C86-192 I,~ ;~r ;~4 ;~