PC 86-193 ~..,..~~ ;~; ..... ~,.r.~. , ;; RESOLU~ION N0. PCBG-193 A RE5ULU7'IUN OE `!'H:: ANAFIL;IM CIrY pLANNiNG COMMISSIUN '~HAT PETITION ['UR VARIANCE N0. 3580 BG GRAN'PED WEIERLAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did rer.e~ve a veri~ied Petition fct V~ria!~ce fram rKrv R. HtINTER AND JEANNh HUNTER, 22~1 E;as~ k3roadway, Anaheim, California 928a5, ow~iers of. certain re:al ~roperty si.tuake~9 in the City ot Rnaheim, Co~:nty of. Orange, State of California describe~ as: I.UT 11 TN SLOCK A OF TRAC'P N0. 'L37, IN TH~ CITY OF ANAH~IM, COU~I`PY OF C~~2ANGk;, ~'PATE nI' CALIFO[tNIA, A5 PGI~ I1AP 12ECORllEU ?'N CiUOK 13, PAGE 24 OI' MIaC:E[ L'~F~OUS MP.PS, TN THE orrzc~ OF 'PHE COUN'~Y Rk,CORDL'h OF SAIll CCUN`i'Y . W1iEREAS, the City Pianning Coramission did hold a public hea[a.ng at the Civic Center in the City c~t Anaheim on .;uly 'l?, i98b, at 1;30 p.m., notice of. s~~id ~uUJ.ic h~ar. ing havinq '~c~en duly ~i.ven as re~uired by law and in ac:corda~ce with ~he P:ovisions of lhe AnF~he:ini Muaicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evide~ice For and against ;;aic1 nraposed vari.ance arid l:o investigat.~ ar.d snake f:indings and re~commendatioiis in c~nnec~ion tne[ewith; and WtiERLAS, ;aid Commissiun, aLtec due ins~eclion, investl.~aati.on and s~udy made by ir.aeJ.f. and ir. it:s behalL-, ar~d atter due c:,~n~ideru~:ior. of ~11 evidence and repo~t~ ofFer4d at said hearing, does Find ar.d determine the f:ollcwing facts: 1., 'Phat: i.;~e petitioner ~ropusc~s waivers of the follawing to construcr a 1~ and 'l-st~~ry, 4-uni~ af~~rl•mcnt building: (a) :;EC`P.LON 18.34.U62.C12 - t~la::imum struct~ral tiei nt. (1 storY within 150 Eeet of a singJ.e-Eamily resi~3ential zone per.mitted; 2 stories at SU f_eet £rom the wPSt property linc proposed) (b) ~L•'C'1'ION 18.34.U63,023 - M~.nimum sideyard setback. (5 teet Lrom side propecty J.i,.. requiced; 0 L•o 8 feet f.rom the n~~rt:h nr.oE~erty lir~e pruposRd) (c) SEC'PIOtd 10.34.Ob3.032 - Minimum recreatio-~al-lei:~ure area. (7.U0 sguace fe~t per dwPllinc~ uniL- [equired; 174 squar.e feet proposed) ri . l ~ 7,. That the above-menl•ioned waivers ar.e hereby granted on the basfs that thEre are s}~~cial circumstances a~~plicable ta the propecty such a~ size, sha~e, t~opoyraNhy• location and surro w~ding~ whlch do not appll L•o other icien~ically zoned prupe~L•y in the :iamn vicinity; and tt-at strict -.~y{~lication ot• the Zoniny Code ~eprivea the ~:ropecty of Privile,y~s enjo,ed by other prokecties in Che idenr.L~:a1 zur.e and cla~sificarian in the vicinity. 3. That tf~ece are exceptianal or extraordinary circamstances oe conditior.3 applicable t~ Che propert:~+ involved or ~o the in~ended use or the prope[t,y that do ~tiot apply generally ta the pcopecL•y or class o~ uae in the ~ame vicinzty an~3 zone. 0881r PCB~-l93 `~~~ = - ~. : : ~ . .:.ri ,~, . 4. That the cequasted variance is nt~cGSSary for the pre~ervation arid Enj~yment oi a ~ulastantial property right possessecl by other property in the same vicinity a~~d zone, and den.ied to the property in question. 5. That the requssted vac.ianc:e wi11 not be materially detrimenL•al to the public welfare or injuri.ous to Che pcoperty or improvements i.n such vt~ini4y and zone in which the proPerty is located. 6. That no orie inda.cated tt~eir p-:es~rice at said public hearing in ep~osi~cion; acid that no corresl?ondence was received in opposition to subjec~ petition. ENVIRONMENT~.I, IMkACT FINDING: That thc Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n has reviewecl the prop~sal tio con~truct a 1- and 2-~story, 4-unii: apa~tment building with waivers of- maximum atruc'tural heigh~, minimum sideyard set~ack and minimum recreati.onal-lc~isure area cn a r.ectangularly-shaped parcel ot land consisting oE ap~roximaL-ely 7,875 squ.~re Feet, having a Frontage of appr~ximately 50 feet on the. west side oE Lemon Slreet, and furthec c..:scribed ' as 721 North Lemon Straet~ and does hereby aPprove the Negative DNclara~ion tt~an finding that it has considered the Negatzve nec.laration toyether with any conunei~ts received duXing the public ~_eview process an~ further Einciing ort tl~e hasis of thp initial stud;~ and any c:omment~ ~c~cei~Pd that there is no substanl:ial evidtnce that the ~c~ject will t~av~ a signifir.an~ effecl on the anvironment. NOW, THF;RLFORE, BC IT RESOLVED that tl-e An~~heim Cit! Planr.ing Commission does hereby yr~int subject Peti.tion ~or Va~iance, upon the zollowing c~~nrl~t;ons whi4h are herek~y found to be a necessary E~rerequisiLe to i:he ptoposed use oE the sur~jecl• property in nr~ier to preserve the safaty and genera.l welEare af Lt~c Citizens oP the City of Anahei.m: 1. That prior to issuance oF a~ui.lding permit, appro~riate park and recreation in-lieu Eees sha.ll be p~iicl to the Ci~y ~E Anaheim i.n an amount ac detcrmiiied by the City Couricil. 'l. That ~~rior to issuance of: a buildiny pern:il:, the ~,pprapriate t:raffic sigrcal assessmc~nt. ~ee shal~ be ~aid to the City of Anaheim in :in amount as deteriained by the City CounciJ. ?. ":hat draina_ye of subject E~ra~Erty shal.l be ~isposed o: in a manner sati.,£actury co Lhe City L•'nginc~er. 4. That subject praperty shall be ~arved t~y ur,derground uti.lities. 5. Th~.t trash st~raye areas st~all b? ptovided and maintairied in accordance with apE~roved plans on fi.le w:iL•h the Stc~:et tQainkpnance and Sanitation Divi;~ion. ^ ~: ~. Tt~at subject pro~erty shall be developed subsL-antially in accurdance wit:+~ plans and speca.£icar.ions un f.ile with the City a~ Anaheim mackF~d ~:xhibit Noy. 1 and 2. 7. 2'ttat~. ~ri~~r to Ei~~a..l bui lding and zot-iny inspection;:, Condxtion Nos. 3, 4, 5 and G, above-mencionad, shall b~ c~m_~li.ed with. `~° FC86-193 ~ ~ ~ '~` '~?~ ,, ~'"".~ ""w" BE TT FUIt`.CHER RESOLVED that L-he Anaheim Ci.~y Planninq Commission c9oes hereby Find and dEtermine tt~at adoption ot ~his Reso].utlon is ~xpressly predicate~ u~on ~'~pplicant's comp.liance wi.kh each and a11 of the conditiony here~.nabove set forrh. 5hould any such condition, or any paYt, thQreo:E, be cleclaeed invalid or unenforceable by ~he .`.inal judymen~ ~f any court of compet•en~ jurisdicl.ion, then l:his Re:~alution, and any approvals k-erein contair~ed, sha11 be cleemsd riull and void. THE FORGGOING RL•'SO'L-J'PTO[v .is signecl and a~proved by me this 21th, day o~ July, 1.986. ~ (C /`; z~-' ~ `-~% .i - '"~ ~. ~ ~ CHAIFtMAN~'E1G:LM CI`PY LANNING COMMISSIOtI AT'PEST: ~ _ ,~,., ~ ~.~,c~~r SL•'CRuTAEt ~ ANAHEIM CITY 1' ANI~SNG COMMISSION STATE OE' CALIFURNIA ) COUNTY OI' ORANGE ) ss. CiTY GF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi~.h L. Harris, Secretary o£ ~he Anaheim City Planni.n9 Cemmission, do her~by cerlify that lhe foregoing reyolui:ion was passed and adopl.ed at a a~eeting of the Anahezm City Planr~ia, Coinmission held an J~sly 21, 1986, by the following vote ot- the members thereoi: AYES: COt4h1ISSI0NLRS: BUUAS, Fi<Y, EIFRBST, L: '.~IICKI, MC RURNEY, NOES: COMMiSSIONER:.: hIESSL•' AF3SF.N'~: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS'P:4IN: C~MMTSSION~3RS: LA CLAICtL I~~ w:t~r~~:ss tJHERE':~F, r have he~'~unto set my hand ~his 21th day of .;uly, 193b. ~i _ i _ ~ J. ~.~.- - SECRF~`1'AItI~ HNAiiEIM CITY P A~iNING COMMISSION ;; ~ : _3._ PC86-193 :. ; ~s .. ,a, ,•~,.~^