PC 86-199~~ ..~ ~ ~ ~ .,~`i ` ;;1 REuOLU'PICN N0. PC86-199 ` A RESOLUTION OF THE ANA[iEII~'~ CITY PLANtdTNG COMMISSION THAT PGTITION rOlt CONllI`PIOL~AL USE PERf9IT N0. 2824 BE GRANTEll WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planniny Commission did recei.ve a verified P2tition for Conditional Use Permit from llUI2ATECH TNDUS`PRIE;S, INC., 5180 East °; Elt:nt~er Avenue, A~~ahe.im, CaliFornia 92807, ATTN: JAMES M. TAXLOR, owneL oE certnin real property si.tuatF~d in the City oF Allcjhei.~i1~ County ~L- Orange, State of. c:aliEotnia, described as: PAI2CEL 12 ~F tl MAP G'Z~~En IN BOOK 154, PAG~.S 3S TO 41 BUTIi I[~CLUSIVL•' OF PARCEL MP.PS, RECC3:tJS OF ORANG~ COUNTY, CALIL'ORNIA. A NUN-EXC'LUSIVE RECI~ROCAL 6ASEMENT FOR INGRESS, r;GK~SS, ACCESSy D12AINAC;F ANU UTIL~ITY ~UY.POSES, ON, (~VER AND AC~20SS THE WES'PERLY 7.5.00 FEET OL' Tl~~ NOftTHERLY 115. 00 ~ EE;'P OF PARCEL 13 QF S~'1ID PARCEL MF.P N0. 80-248 FILFD IN BOUi( 154, PAGES 35 TO 41 INCLUSIVE OE' PARCEL, MAPS, P.ECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. WHEt2EAS, the CiL-y Planniny Commission did hold a publie hearing at the Ci.vic Cenker in Lhe City oE Anaheim on Ju1y 21, 198b, ak 1:30 p.m., m~kice of said publ.ic htaring having beEn duly g iven as reyuired by law and in accorc~ance wit-h the prov:isioas of the Anaheim '~unicipal Code, Chapter 18.(!3, to hear and c:u.~sidcr c~vidence L-or and against said pr~posed condil.ional use permit and i~o ir.vestigate an~-~ make findings and recommendakions in connectzon therewi.th; and WIiGREAS, s~id Commissiori, a.EteX d~lc inspection, inveskiga~ion and study macle by itself. and in iks beha7.f, and after due consider~tion of all evidence ~nd reports ofEered at said hearing, does Lind and determine the follawing facts; , 1. That the rroposed use is properly one For which a canditionaJ. `;c use permit is authorzzed by Art~heim Municipal Code section 18,61.050.608 to `-t' wit; to permit a ch~mica.l manufacturiny Lacility wii:h waivers of; ~~ ,. 5EC'.C IONS 18.06.QSU.02i2, - Minimum numbpr. of parking spaces. r, 18.06.U50.031, (17 arkir-g s aces re uired; __...k?' ,~.,,,,__ 9 14 spacPS existing ) '~` ;,a 18.06.080 t- ' , A~1D 18.61.066.G50 ~`~ , N 2. That the regues~ed waiver is hereby granked on the basis that `,~ ; ~he parking waiver will no~ cause an increase in traEfic congestion in the ' immediate vic;i nity nor. adversely af~ect any adjoining land uses and granting ''~i~' ~f the packin g waiver under the c:onditiuils imposed, if any, wzLl not be :'~ detrimental to the peacer health, saLety and general wel~are oL- t.he citizens '; of thF City of Anaheim. 3. That th~ proposed use will not adversely a:EFect t.he adjoining ' land uses and khe yrowtt~ and de•aelopment oi the area in which ik is pronosPd ', , ,-; to be laca!:ed. 'i r' ;~''''j UBR;r PC86-199 ; . : ii ;'~' ;. ~~j ' ~ i:tj `~~i~~ ~ : . . . ' , ~ ,~ ~, . ~,........,.......,,.~,... ........ ...._ ..,.... .,.. ...,.~.~.,......__._ . . .. _... ........ . . . . . .. . ~ . ~ . s; ~! 4. That the size ~~C1Cj sYiape of the sitE ~>roposed for Lhe use i~ adequate t~ al:low t.t;e f.uil det~elopmenz ot khe proposed ust in a manner not. detrimenkal t;o rhe particular area nor to ~tie peace, health, safety and gencral welfare of the Citizens cF rhe City of Anaheim. 5. That the granHi.r.~ of ~he Condikional U~e Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrirnental to ti~e peace, health, safety and general wel£are oE i:he CiFizens oL the City of Anaheim. 6. 'Phat the traffir. g~~nerated by the pr.oposed usa will not imPose an ui~~«e burden upon the s~ref~i:s and highways desa.gned and improved ~o carry the traFfic in the area. 7. That no one indicai~ed ~heir presence at. sai.d public hearing in oppo~itiori; and that no catr~spondence was r.ecei.ved in apposihion to the subject petition. ENVIRONtdENTAL IMk~ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Piant~ing Commission has reviawed trie proposal ro permit a chernical manuEacturin;~ fa~~lity with waivez of minimum number of pa~:king spuces on a re ~a.ngularly-tiha~ed paresl of land consiatino oi ap~roximately 0.3~ acre, haviny a frontage of ap~aroximately 17.0 tee~ on tt~~ south ~ide of HunLer Avenu.e, and further described as 5180 Last ~unter Avenue; and does h2reby apprave ttie Neyative Declar.ation upon finding that :.t :;as considEred the Negative lleclarat.ior~ togeL-her with any commtnt3 received during the public revie~w process and fur.ther findicig o^ Lhe basis of the ini~ial study and any comme:nts received that there is no substantial evidE~nce that the project will have a si,gn.ifir.ant e£fect on the envi.r~nmen~.. NOW, THE1tEFORE, i3E TT RESO'LVED that: the Anaheim City :Plannii~g Commission Qoes hereby yranL subj~ct Pc~titian FoC ~.,~~ditior~al Use ~armit, upar. the ioilowing concli.tions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to t~he proposed use o£ the subject property in order to presezve the a:.fety and general welfare of the Citize~ls of ~he City oE Anaheim: 1. ~hat prior t.o issuanc~~ oF a buil~ing permit, tr,e appr~priate major tlloroughfare and bridge £~e shall be p~id to the Cit~ o.f Anahei.m in ~n amauti~ as speci£ied in tt~e Major Thoroughfar~ and Bridge Fee Frogram Por the Foc~hill/Ea.;tern Transportation Corr.idor, as ~pproved by Cil•~ Council Resolut.ion No. 85R-4'l3. ;', ~. A dike or drain system shall be ins~alled to t.rap the maximum quantity oP the largest mixing tank if a.leak ac spill occurs. 3. All corrosive and flammable materials in qu«ntities greatet than those listed i.n Tabie 9-A oE tne Ul3C must be stored outs,`~de or in a "one hour" stocage room inside tl~e buil~ing. ~. Tt~a~ subjeck property ~t~all. be de~eloped substantially in accordanc~ with ~la,ns and specifications an file with tt~e Cit~y uf Anaheim mar.ked ~xhibit Nos. 1 and 2. ~ 5. ~rhat ~rior ~u final building an3 zonicig inspecki~ns, Condicion Nos. ~ 2 and 4, above-mentioned, sl~all be com~li.ed with. ,; -2- PC86-199 ~;~ :1 ~ ~ i; ~ ' ri f i , 1 , ~~~ ~i -f ~ : u' rcl'1~ii : ~ iDl + , , .: : ~ ;~~ ,.... . , , _... ~.~_. ~~~..'?'~vr~.,:.t., . _ . _ s ~? . . . , . , .• ~ El~ IT FqRTHER t2~S0I~VGD that. th~ Anahe irr Cit}~ ~lanrriny Commiesf.on doc~: hereby f~.nd and deterrninc ~h~~~ ar3u~ticn o~f t:his Resolut.iuz~ is exp:ess.ly predicated upon app.llc~r--'s cumpli.anr,e w:ihi~ each ai;d all ot the conditions hereinabove: s~t forkh. Shoul.d any auch conditions, or. any ~arl•. ~herpof, be cieclar.ed invalid or un~nEorcF~ablc: by tha final J«dgmen~ of any cour.t ~~~ c~mpetent ;jurisciic~ion, then th.is Rr:solution, and ~ny a~~tovalr~ hetetn conf:~ined, sh~all bF~ deemed null and void. THE F'~t2LG0INC- 1~L:SOLUTIOtd i.~ ~ic~ned and approverl by me Lhis 7.1~h day of. ~Jul;~, 199G. .., `:`~ ,/~~'<=• ,-~~~~ CHAIRNiAh,~AN~ C.LTY P t1NING COMMISS.[0~~ ~ AT1'EST: ~'% ~:/ l~`-#.~'ti..r.. '1 ~' .~1c:1..~._ SECkt~~'TARY~ ANAHF.iM GI.'PY PLAf1MiNG CUMf4I5SIUN S'.'I1TE OF (:I:.,iF'UkC~IA ) CUUIVT.Y UF UCcANGG ) s~ , CITY U~ ANAHL::LM ) I, L•'dith C,. Eiarcis, Sccrekaty oE the Ane~heim CiLy Planniny Cumm.is~i +sn, do hareby c,rr.til:y ktiat the Eoreyoing r.esolution wr~s passed and adoE~L-ed at• n meetiny uL tt-,e Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Comm.~.s~ion heJ.d on ,luly Zi, 1986, ~iy the followiny voL•~ oE L•h~ member:~ ther.eaf: AYES: ~~7MNTSSIUtI1:;~S: DCUAS~ :'RY~ HEILf3;i'P~ LA CLAIRI:~ LAWI(;h:(~ MC BURNEY, ME:iSE; NOES: CUMMISSiOidL•'ItS: NOPIE ?+t3:i~N'T: CQ:4NISSIUNLR:;: NONE 7N WI`CNl:SS wtiLacr~F, I h~ive i~ereuntu :ret my hand ~:~i~ 71Lh dax ~f .7uly, 19 a6. ,, ~ ~ _ ~~~Ss.r~,~ ~ S[:C:R!'i'ACZY, ANAHL•"IM ~ITY PLAtvf~IyG CUM~QISSIUN i'` , , ; i ,;~;c ~. ~ ~.~~1,~~,' ! {l,~ 'r c~i.~ ; ~ _ . ~:~t , y}~; M p .yl tk ~,.;, l.'~ . `X. . ~1~.xti~ ..y. PCf~fi-199 ; ' ," ~i ~