PC 86-227~..,..,~ RESO'LU~rzor~ N0. PCSfi-227 r^~, , ~ A RESQLUTION UF 'PHE ANAHE;TM CITY 'r'LANNING CQMMISSION THAT PETITTON EOP. CON1)t'1'IONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2Q19 BG GRA1J'PGD~ IN PART WHEREAS, the Anahei.m C:i.ty Planning Gommission did r.eceive a ver.ified Petition f.or. Condicional Use Permic fr.om FAR WES'.~ SAVINGS & LUAN ASSUCiATIOI~ (A[~I~RICAN rZDELITY GOFtPQRA~PION), ~~001 MacAr.thur. Boul~avar.d, Newpor.r Beach, Califor.nia 92660, ~wner and LIVING FAITti CHURCEI, 12a62 "H" Gar.den Gr:ove Boulevar.d~ GaT~den Gr.ove, Califor.nia 92E~3, agent Por. c;er.tai.n r.eal pr.oper.~y situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Jr.ange, State of GaliEo:~nia, descri,becl as: P1iRC~~L 1 AND 2, IN iliE i,LTY OE ANAEII~IM, AS SHUW[~ UN A MAP FILED IN ~300K 178, PAGES 2~1 `1'HRU 26 IN^LUSIV~ UF ~ARCEL MAPS~ IN `PHE OL'FTCE 0~' THG COUNTX R~.COFDL•'R OE SA.IU C:OUN'PY. 0 ..~;~ .~ WHEREAS, the Ci~y Planning Commis~ion did hc~ld a public he~r.ing at ." th~ Civic Center. in the City of Anaheim on July 7, 19l36~ at i:30 p.m.~ notice ` of. ~a.icl publ.ic hearing naving been du.ly gi~en as r.equir.ed by law and in `.t accor.dance with che pr.ovisi.ons of th~ Anaheim Municipal Coue, Chaptier. 18.Q3, - to hear. and consid~r. evidence Por and against said pr.cposed condit.ional u~e ~ p~r.mic ar~d to inveszigar_e and make findings and recammendati~rss ir~ connect9.on ~ ~her.ewith; sazd public hear.i.ng having been ~:~ontinued t.o rhe Planning ? Commission meeting uf Septeniber. 3, 19t3ti; anc9 WHEREAS, said Cemmission, afcer. d e inspe::ti~n, invcstigation and sc~udy made by itise.lf and i.ta its behalf, and af~er due considF~r.ation of all '; cvid~nce and ::epo~~t•.s oEfer.Pd at said hea.~ir.g, does Find and deter.m?ne the i fn].lowing Laccs: i ' 1. Tnat th~~ pru~osed use ~s pr.oper.ly onP for wi~ict~ a condir.ional use ~; ~ p~rmit is auchorized by AnaheiTn Municipal Coc]e Sectiori 7.8.6i.050.614 to wit: 1 t to permit: a chtir~h in the MI, (:[nduskrial, Limi~_ed) 'Lone wi.zh waiver. o£•: ~`' ,. r S~;CTIUNS 18.06.0`_~O.U2G6, - Minimum number. oE ~ar.ki-~y s~aces. ~,_ r ~ ~ 1~.OG.08~J ~r7D . 18.61.06tis050 ~ r~ '; 2. 'Phat the ~bove-mentioned waiver is denied on i:he ba~is rhat che ~ need Enr. the waiver. wae eliminar.ed atter pubic notit•ication. ~~;'1 ,; ~ :, ~ ~,, '; 3. That ~he ~~!'oposed use ~ai11 not adver.sely aftect the adjoinS.ng :.'y} ~ land uses and the gr.owth and development of che ar.ea i~i which ic is pr.oposed ;, '~~ co be locaked. '~~ ,, ~ ~1. Thar, thc size and ahape of r.he sir..~ ~r.opo~ed for the uae is ~ '~ ~dequare to allaw r_he ~u11 develo~ment oE ~he pr.oposed use in a manner. noti :1 dekr.imencal to ~he par.ticular. ar.ea nor. t~ the pea.^.e, healrh, safety and ~.~ gener.al keJ.far.e of the Citi.zens oz che Ci,ty oE Anahei.m. ~t ;y 5. Thar. che yr.ar.~ing of ch~: Cond.ltional Use Y~zr.mic unc9er. the ;~ con.ditions i.mposed~ i.E any, wtll not be detr.iment~l to the peace, health, j ''f saFety and yener.al welfar.e oE the Ci~iz~ns of. tbe ~ity of Anahei.m. ~~:~t ~ 918r. PCBu-227 ` ;:;~ .. ~;;' '•~w~ /,."' u~ ~ , ~ , z~p 6. Thac the kr.afEic gener.~eed by the pcoposed use will not impose an undue ~ur.den upon che str,eet:s nd hiyhw~ys desiqned and impr.oved to car.r.y the ~r.at-Eic in the ar.ea. 7. 'Phat no one indicated cheir. pr.esence aG said public hearing in oppos~tion; and thar no cor.r.espondencF was r.eceived in opposition to thi~ subject E~etition. ENVIRGNMEVTAL IMPAC'1' FiNllING: ~'hat the Anaheim City ~lanning Commission has r.eviewed tt~e pr.oposal. t par.mit a chur..:h in the ML (Induscr.i.al, Limited) Zone with waiver. oE minimu~n n~imber. of ~ar.king s~aces on an ir.regular:ly-shapecf parcel of l~xnd con~isting cf appr.o~timateZy 9.5 acr.es having a fr.aZCaye oF appr.oximately ?88.7 feec on the sou~hwest side of Tusti.n Avenue and a fr.ontage o£ 2£~0 Eeec on r.he nor. th side c~E Gr.nv : Str.eet, being loca~ed appr.oximately 180 feet sout,i oP che cc~nter.line oE M.ir.aloma A~tenue, arid fur.ther. descr.ib~d as 3584 ~ncer.pr.ise Dr.ive; ancl does her.eby appr.ove the Negativa Dec.lar.ation u~on finc7iny that it has cansider.ed the Ne~;acive Declar.ation tognL-her. with any comment;, r.eceived dur.ing the public r.eview pr.oceys and ~ur.ther, finciing cn cl~e basis of r.he init.ial study and any comrnents r.e:.ez.vec~ triar ther.e~ is no suhstantial evide~~ce that the pr.ojtict will have a si.gnificanc efFact on the ~nvironmLnc. NOW, TkiLR~FORE, BE t'~ RE^OLVE;D that Ghe Anahcim City l~lanning Cummission ~loes her.eby yr.ant subjeci: Petition £or Cor.d:itional Use Per.mi.t, u~on the Loll.owzng con~~itions whicti ~r.e her.eby Lound cu be a necessar.y ~r.er.equisite to ::he pt'oposc~d us~ ot the subject pr.•~per.ty in or.der. to pr.eser.ve the safety and gener.al welf.ar.e ~f ~he Cicizens oL r..he Ci~y of Anahtim: 1. Tha~ siclewalks ~hal.l be inUtalled along Tustin Avenue a~ r.equir.~d by the Cicy Bngin~er. and in accordance wich standar.d plans and sp~cification:, on Eil~ in r_he UEticc of the C'ity LnSineer.. 2. Thar_ subject pe~icion be yr.an~ed for a period oF 3 y~ar.s co ex~ir.e on Uctober q~ 19a9, xn ~ccord~nce with Co~e Sect.ion 3. Th~c s~tbject E~ro~ercy :~hall bc developed substantially i.n accor.dance wi~h plans and s~~ecifications on f.il~ ti~i.r.h the City of Anaheim mar.ked Exhibit No. 1, 4. That prior to Einal bui.lding and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 1 and '3, abo~~e mention~d, ~nall be compl.ied wich. BF I'P b'UR'i'HER ~2ESOLVED char. tce; Anaheim CLCy Planniny :.omm::ssion doeG her.eby Eind and del•er.mine that adopt:i.uri of ~his Res~lution is expr.essly pr.~dicated upon ap~~Iicant's comp.liance with wach and a11 of the conditions hcr.einabove set Por.th. Should any such <;onditions, or any p~r.t ther.eof, t~e declar.~d i.nvali.d or. unenfor.ceable by che final juagrr.ent oL- ar,y cour.t of competent jur.isaicticn, 1:hen Chis Resal~tt~.on, and ar~y appr.ovals her.ein cont:ained, ~hall be dcemed null and vuic3. ~2- pC86-227 ~'; f ' ~; r,~ ~ t~IFS~ ~ ~ ~~,,~ ~~~ tr,~ ; , ;{~ ~;~ ~;; 1~. ~ b `PHf;, FOR~GDING RESOLUTIUN is signed and approved by me th.is ~r.d day oF '~' September., 1986. '*~ ~~ v ~~ ~~ `,~ G y ' ~ t: CHAIRMAN, ANA hi CITY ~P AN[~ ,G COMMISSION `'°" / AT'EEST; - ;i _~~rn.~~..~-r~,c~~~~~~-~' SECkETARY PRO TEMP022F. ;::~ ANAH~IMI CITY I LANNIDIG COt1MISSION S'I'ATE OF CALIFGRNIA ) COUN~`X OF QRANGE; ) ss. CITY OE ANAIiEIM ) 'i ~'' I, Pamela H. Scar.nes, S~crer.ar.1 oE r.ne :~naheim City PZanning Cammissi on, do her.eby cer.tiEy that tha For.egoing r~solutic.in wa: passed and i ~:;~ ad~pted at a mer `ing of che Anaheim City P.lanning Gomniissic;.n he ld on September ~+~ ; +' 3, 19~6, by the followi.ny voce oE ~h~ member.s cher.eoF: . ~~' ~ AYES: COi~1MISSIONFIl;,; 130UAS, Fi2Y, HE~P,HST, LA CLATRE, LAWICK:C, l4C BURNEY~ ;+f MESSE ;i NOES CnMMISSJUNERS: NUNL ABSENT: COMMISSxONERS: NONL IN ~~IITNF'SS P~Hr'RLOr, I have her.eunto seti r~y lianc7 khis 3r.d day c,f Se~tetnbe~r. 3, 1986. ~~~u~/_~! .~.~~.~in~~ SECfiGTAI?Y PRO TEMPORE ANAEI~I[•' C'i'1'Y YLANNING COMPII~SION f. ?, ~ ''~' i ~~G~~: ~ ~~R . ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~'~<< i ~ ~Y ,, i 2 , , ~ x ,r,,, ,, , ~~. .a? ~~, / < < , ~ - G~.~b ~tC~ :.i r 3 a„ , ~y~~.,r+r~~~~x,vrMr . ~~'u~ .~r~'J~r?; x.1`<i; ~~ar. ,'a: ~:';y. -3- PCa6-227 , :~ . .~ .~ , .. ._._,r~Nw'