PC 86-23~;,r,; ; J.,, , ._ ...~.,.. .:.... . , . :.. .. . ,. ._......_ ;, , :; ,~. ,,.,xu; :.,. RES~LUTiON N0. PCf36-23 A RESULUTIGN OF TIiE ANAlIEIM CITY P. L~ANNIPdG COMMISSION THAT PL;TITTON FQF CUNnTTIONAL U5C PERMI'P NO. 2749 BE GRAN'PED, IN PA~'r WHEREAg, the Anaheim Ci ty P.lanning Commission did t ~ceive a ~erif9.ed PetiL-ion for Conditional Use L~ermit from THE PRESBITERY OF LqS ANGEI,ES, C/p S:N00 OP SOUTHEP.N CALTFORNIA & HAWAII, 1501 Wilshire Boulevard, Lus Angeles, ~alitor.rtxa 9UU17, 1~1~~N; p,. W, GARRISON, owner, and DARWIN MANUEL SERVTCE ~OR?ORA~ION, 238 South Orange Avenue, Suite 207, Area, California 92621, agent for certain real proX~erty siL-uated in l-he City o~ rlnaheim, County o£ Orange, S~ate of Cal.ifornia, described as : 7.'HE NURTH 6 ACR~S OF THE WEST FiALE UF TiiE FRACTIONAL WEST HALF OF TIiE NOR'PHWL''ST S;,iUAR`I'Et7, UF T.4iE SOUTHW~ST QUAfitTLR UF S.ECTION 1? r II~' TOWNSHIP 4 S00'iH, RANGE lU t•~EST, IN `PfiE KANCHO LOS COYOTES, ZN ~~Hr% CI'.I'Y OF ANi4HEIM, AS S:iOWN ON A MAP '.PHT;R~OF RECORDED '!N f~00K 51, PAGE .lU, MISCE£.LAtVEOUS MAPS, RECO.RAS OE' ~;'?.TD ORANGE CUUNTY; I.;XCLP'i' THE ~r~~~rH 15U r^EgT 'Pl~1:RL•'OF. ~AZll LAND Is TNCLUDGD InTITHiN 'PHE LAND SEIOWN ON MAP RECQRDF.~ IN ;3UUK 88, PAGE .17 UL' RECORL'• pi~' SURVLYS. WH~RCAS, the Cit,y ~lanning Commission did hold a the c;ivic Center in l•he City of Anahei;n on ~Tanuary g~ 1~86ub1,aF hearing at notice of sa.ici public 1iearing ha~~ing been dul ' 1:30 p,m., accordance with the Y qiven as required 1-.,y law and in rrovisi~ns of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap~er 1a.03, t° -~ear and consider evi.dence r'or anci against said Per~Tiit and to inv~stigats and make findings and reco m n~dat onspin~ cunnection th~rewith; said public hearing h~ving ueen continu~:d to thp Planning r,nmmission meeting c~~ Janiaary 20, 1986; ~r~c9 WHF:RL•'r1S, said C~mmissian, a[ter due inspectipn, invcstigatinn and btudY made by it•.self and in its behaZf, and a#ter due consideration of all evzdence and reports offer.ed at s~id hearing, dozs fzna dnci determine the fol.l,owing fact~: 1. Tl~at ~l~e prc~posed us2 is properly one For w;,ich a conditional use permit zs authorized by Ariaheim N,unicipal Code Sectiops 18.?,1.U:a0~325 ancl 18.94.020 ko wit: to p~rmit a 40-unit : enior citizen's apartment corr,pl~x with wai~Ers oF the Eollowiny: ~a) S~C`i'IONS 18.34.061.U7.0 -- Minimum bui.lc;inq site alea. ANL? 1'a.94.031,p~p - "_ (b) SECTION 18.94.O:12.U10 - Ma~timum s ~ - tr~ctural he7.qht~ (f1 :fee~ in height permikted; 29 [eet ~ropoaed) 2. TY,at: the r~que~t~d Waiver. (a) is hereby denied ~n the. basis th-at revised plans wer.e s~ik~rnittecl subsequent to adv~rtis~~nent de:~eting saic wai.t~er. UG95 r ~~ A4~I+.n~'hJt . ~ . ^ -_ ,'~ ~~~ ~~'~ '.~~ PC86-23 I . ~ ~ . ~:~:.'.{ l . . . . . . ~ ~~ . . ~ I ~~ P.i 4 3. `lhul wr ~e~ (b) i:: hc~reby granttd on t:t~e basi~ that hhete are ~pecial circum:~r.ar ap~licable Lo the E~COpECty yuch As t~ize, shape, tu~oyraphy, lacati~.~ ~nd surcoundings which du not apply to other ider,tir.all.y zonr~d pr~l~erty in ~h~~ ~3arne vicintty; and that stri~ct: applict~tfon r~f the Zoning c:ode depriver~ the propert:y of: privi..leycs en joywd t~y ot:her. ~~ropertie~ Ln the idenl•.ical zune and c:las:;iEtcal•..i~~n in the vicini.ty 4. Tt;at plans were originally :~ubn~itteci Gor a:?-unit project, but rEVised E~lans for -~0 u~.its wert ~ubsequenL•ly .,ubmittecl after u.ivert.isement and are t;er~~b~f ~p~,roved by the Ylann.ing C~~inmission. 5. 'Ph~t the ~~roposed ~.se will nol a~3ver3ely affec~ thP ~djoining 1an:i u:;es and the growth and devela~ment of. ti~e area in which i.t ts proposed to be :tocu~ed. 6. 't'h~at the sizn ar~d shapr uL 'chc~ <;ite prop o:,ed for the u:~e is adequate to allow the £u11 developtnenL o[ the proposed u:e in a manner not dc:trimental to th e particular area n~r t~ the ~eace, health, ~aEety and genera3. welf~ire oE the Citiz~r,s uf the Ci;y ol Anaheim. 7. ,h~L tt,r. yrantiny ~~f: t~he Con~itional Use Permit uncier the cc~nditiuns imposed, :f any, will noL be detrimental to th~ peace~ healCh, saFety an:1 general weli~ire of the Citizenc~ oti the City of: Anaheim. 8. T11at L•he traffi:: generated by the prnposed use wi~l not impose an ureuue burden u~or. tl~e str~ael.s and h.ighways desiynFd a.n~l iinpruved to carry the truf+:ic in r.he art~a. 4. 'i'hat 1'7 per:;ons indicated tt~eir Nresence at said publ.ic hearing in favor; and that no corr~,apondenr.e wa~ recezved .in oppositinn t~ the su5jeck peti:ion. F~YVTRUt~M~N17ti1_.___IMPACT [•'INDING: 'I~hat the Anaheim cir.y P1aMi.ng ~omrr~i~: ion t~as reviewed tiie proposal to permit a ti0-unit sQnior cxtizQn'H a~artment cumpler. with a waiver oE maximum structural height un a rectan~~utacly-sh~iped f~arr.el of land concir~ting ot appror.imately 3.89 acr~s 1u~~7tCd ut. the southc~asl corner oE C~range Avenue and Magnolia Avenue, &nd Eucther desc~ib~~d as 2580 West Urange Av~:~nue (St. Pa~i's Presbyker.ian Church); and aoes heret,y approve the Negal.i.ve Ueclacat:on upon finding that ft hp~ con+sideted tbe Negative Grc.laration tog~ther. wtr.h any comments cecpived durLng th~~ puullr_ review prrlce3:~ and further fi~~ding c~il the ba~ia of the inftial sr.~~dy and any comments cec~ived tnat Chece i~ no ::ubstantial evidence ~hat the pr.njecr. ~ill havc a;;iyttifican~ crtfect ~n thr. environment. NUW, ~i~-~~~~ „FUFiE, F3E tT HF:S0I.VL•'U that. th^ Ananeim ~.ity Plannfn~J c:ommis~ion rj4E:: -.~.;by yranc :,ubj~~c~ Pcr_:t;un t'o~ Conditiona2 Use Permit, upon the tolJowin,y cc>ndit~ons which are hetr:by Eu~inc3 to F~.e ~~ necess.:rf prerequisite L-o the propo.^,eri use of tli~.: ::ub ject nr.o~~~rty in n:der to nceserve the satety and qeneral welfac~ aF the Citizenu oC thE~ City cf Anahe.~irn: 1. 'c•hat prtor to issuanc~ ot a bu:lciiny ~~rmi.t, ap~~ropriate park ~nd :ecccar.ion in-lieu Eees shall be gaid t~~ the City of Anahefm in an um~~ur.t ~:~ cirtermincd by the L'ity Counc.il. -"~- PC(~6-13 ., ~ ~ i i i ! ?. '~hat prlor to issuance oti a bui.lding pe-:mit, lhe appropriate tXaffic s.iynal ~~ssessment fee ~hall be pald to ~he City of An~heim in an amount a~ derermined by the City Council for each new c3welling unit. 3. 'Lhat curb:; sh~1.l. be remove' an~~/or recan~tructed alung Orange Avcnue as required b,y thn Ci~y Fngineer and i.n ace~rdance with sCandard hlanr and specificationF~ on I'ile in t:he Office of Che City ~:ny~n~er. 4. 'i'hat all dr.i~~eways sha.ll be construcr,ed to acc~~Timoda~e ten (10! Eaot , r.a~iius curb returns ~s required by L•he City Tra~f.i.c t~ngineer. 5. `1'hat draina~3e of subjec~ property shall be dispoti~~'~ of in a manner sati:;t~clory ko the City Lr.~~ineer. 5. 'lhat street li,yhcing faciliL•ies along Or.ange Avenue and Ptagnol.ia Avenu«~ ~hcill be insta.lled as required k,y ~he U~iJ.ities Gen~r~~l ~ Managet in accordance with specifications on file in the OfEice of Util.itias Gencral M~nayer, ~~n~ that se~curity in the [orm of a bond, ce:tificaL~ of cie~~osit, letter oF. credit, or. cash, in an amount and EoLm satisCactory to l•he City oi Anah~im, shall be posted with the i ::ity tu ctuaran~ee the uatiyfac~ory completion o£ the abuve-mentioned improvements. Said Ueruril•y shail t~~ ~o:,l•.ed with the CiL•y of Ana~~eim prior +~a issuance ~i bailding per.mi~s. 'Phe above-required i im~.•rovement, shall be instuLled ~~rior to occupancy. ~. 'ChaL ~ubject proprrty shall t~e served by undergrour-d utiliti.es. ~. Ti~at prior. lo conzmer...~.ment u[ structural fruming, i•ir.e hydrants shall be installed a:-d charged a~ cequired and dete[mined ho be nec.essary by the Chiet oc Che~ F'irr D~partment. ~. 'i'tiat trash storaye ureas ~hall be E~rovided and maintained i n acccrdance with apE~rove~3 plans on rile with the Street tdaint~nAnce an~ Sanitati~n Divisxon. 1U. 'I'hat the ownfrc of subject ~~r.c~perty stia.l:l pay t~ the Cxty of An~heim a fee for tree: planking pi~rpo:;es a2ony Oranye Avenue and Magnolia A~ienuN i.n an amount as determined t~y th~ City Cvunc.~l. 11. ~haC F~rioc ro i:;suance of a buildiny p~rmit, primazy water main fec~~ shal.l t.,: pai~i tu r.tie City ~~t Anaheim, in u~ amour~t as determinPd ~y the `1ff1C@ of thf Utilit.tc~ Genecr~l Man~-yer. ? 12. 'i'hat in the evc~nt subject prop~rty i~ lo be dividec] for, the purpose ~ of sale, leasr, or fin~3ncing, a parc~~l tna~s tu ~e~ord the approved ciivisinn ol z~ubject E~roperty :~hall be ~ubmitke:3 tu and approved bf the Citiy of An:~hein and t:h~~n be recorded in the OEEice oE the Orange + County 1?ecordr_-r. 13. 'Phar_ all air conditi~ning faciliti~U anr? ~ther roof and yraund mour.ted ~yuipment :,hall be properly shieJ.ded Erom view, and thc suund t,uife~ect lr~rn adj:acent re~idential proper.lie;~. 14. 'Pha~ aciy gates inskali.ed acro;s an~ driveNay in a locaGian cloaer '~ than r.i,xty (4~) feet t~.n a~rublic erreet ~igttitr,-of-way aha11 fir.st ~; revi~:rc~ and ~E,proved by rhe Ciey Tca~FEAc ~nqin~er. ;~ '~' -3- PC85--23 .; r -, ? F'"~ ~ ~.. '~~'~'~:~", '''r;~~ ~ `~ "~ .;~ , ~ ,.._, , . _ • , ,;.r.~ 'y ' 'i i , 15. '1'hat•. pric~r t~~ issu~nc~ of a buildin~~ permir, lhe dtveloper shall c~nr_er intu a r~corded a~~reement with Lhe Cit•,y ok Anaheim pursuant rn C:ha~te: ].8.y4.04p, Pertair-ing to requiced Gfford~ble un.ita. C~overnment Code $E?Ct1Ut1 65916 to providc that twenhy-five (25$) oF t:~e total number ot rnsidentia.l uni~s ~hA.ll be rF~ raoacratE: income hou~ing as detined in Covernment Codet~5 ctionl 65915 and with appropriat;e r.~enl•al cantrols a:~ approvecl t~y the City of Rn~~heim f~r a~er.iu~ of nal .less than thirty (30) y~ars from the aAte of is~uance oP occupancy ~~ermits. 16. Th~~~ a ~~~venanL• in a form reviewc~l and apProved by ~he City Attorney sha:il be cecorded agai-;st the proper.L-y restri.cLing lhe Uccupancy of the unit:, said ccvenant ~ha.l.i inc.lude the fol7.owing restricLfons as required by 5E}cti~n 18.94.U39 ut the Anahei.m Municipal Cocle: ( a) That,; ~o~ ~r~r~ ttran two ( 2) pecsons, al• leas~ on~ (1 } of, whom must bt ~ sen.iur cit;zen, •;hall re~ide in, or be p~rmitted to reside in, any bach~'.oc tin.it. or une (] ) bedr.oom unik; ( b) 1~)i~r ~~or mor~ than three ( 3 3 persori~, ~~t least one (1) of whom must be a seniuc citi.zen, shal]. reside in, or be permitted to re~ide .in any tw~ ('Z) benrootn unit; (~) i'hal- all c~ecup~znts and re~sidents of any dar_-l~ing unit who are not senior citizens, other thar. the r;p~u~e or cohabita~k oF, or a perso;i wt,o reside~ witn 4nd Provid~: p~.imaty phy~xc~~1 or economic supporr, ko the resi:lent sc~nior citizen, sha.ll b~ at. least q5 Y~•~r~~ ot aye cxce~c that lernporaey re:;idency bY ~ person lpss than 45 years of :,ge Lcr a cumulativc period oE :~ixty (60) days in any c:alendac ~•eat: :~ha.ll be perr.,i.ttEd. (d1 'rhaL the tar-n 'coh~~bitant' as u;;ed in thi:; Uection shall mean per.sons whc~ live r.ogether. a:; husband ~nd wiEe. 17. Thal• subjtct property sha11 Le dev~i~ped ;;ut~s~antially in accordance with X~lany and specificaL•.ions o~ file wi.th l•he City of /~n~heicn marked ~:xhibit tio~. 1 through 4. js. `1'hat prior t~ issuanc~ ~.E a b;iilciiny ~ermit, or wil-hin a periud uf one year ir.om the d~te ot t:hi~ resolutiun, wh.ichever or,curs fir~t, c:oncliti~r. No:.. 1, .'., 6, 1O, i1, 1F, and 16, above-mention~d, sha.ll be com~~lied with. ~xtensiunn ~or turther time to complete safd condilions muy be granted in accard~ni:e with Uect.{on i8.03.090 cf the Ar.aheim t4unicipal ~~~~. ly. Th:it ;rior to Einul building ar.d zoning inspcctionr~, CandiL•ion No~. I ~' 4~ ~~ ~. 7. 9, 13 and 17, abc~ve-mentioned ~ ~I , .,hal.l be comp.lied wfth. 13E: I'i' !'Uit'1'ItER R~SOLVEI) thn~ thc~ Anaheim City Plannfn~ Cortlnis3ion doe3 hcrt~by find r~nd r;~•termine that ~doption ~f. thfs Hesolutt~n i~s ax~ires~sly pr~~;ir.~L•ed upon appticant';c cr~mp.lfarice with each and al.i of the ec~ndil•ions hwreinAbove 3et Cortt-. Should ~ny cucn conditiuns, or any part theceof, be declareu i:ivaliu oc unen£orceablc by thn [fnal ~,;udgment o[ any court ~f c~~mpAr.er~t iur isclictian, L-hen chis t2e3olukion, and any aF.,~:r~v~ls he~zein contuinnc~, ahai~ b~ d~eme~ null and v~id. -4- PC86-?.3 ~ s - ~s -~ • • ~1 ~~, I ~ 'PHE FbItGGOtNG RESOLU`P20N is signed and apprnved by ~*e this 2Uth day ot ~anuary, ].9t~6. (~'~ ~~'i' l.-!rt'.• ~{' `~~_ 'C C. ~'~~ «"! L-~~ CHAIRWOMAN, ANAli~iM GITY F'LANN:[NG COMMISSION A'P'rLS~~ : ~ ~ ~ ,~ SECR1:'PARY, ANAiI~;lhl CI'.CY PLANNING COMMISSION S'PA'i'E UF CALIFURNIA ) COU[JTY OE' Cl]ZANGP ) ~~ . CI~PY U~ ANAHEIM ) !, E;dil•h L. Elar[is, Secretary uf the Anah~irn City Planninc7 Cammis:;.ion, do hereby cec:tif,y that the f.o~:goiny reso.lukion wus passed un~ aUopted at a meeting of the Ar.aheim City Planning Commis~ion held on January 2U, '1985, by Che L-ollowing va~e of the members th~reof: AYES: COMMISSIONEI2S: BUUAS, FRY, [iE12BS'P, I,A CL~:[Rc, L'AWICKI, MC HURNLY MEuS~ NO~S: COMPIISSIONER6: r~ONk; AfiS1;N'.~': COh1MISSit)N~;RS: NOtJL•' IN WI'i'NLSS PJIiERLOt', I Have her.eunto set my hand thi~ 20th day of ,Ianuary, 1986. ~ . / ~. (~ ~ ,., __ .~ ,~=~.. ~~,~'! ~~ SECRF:^tAR.`( ~?1NAHE'IM CI'i'Y PL~NNiI`I<.; CO6IMISSION -5_ :~C86-2 3