PC 86-232RF,SOLU'PIOh N0. YC86°232
` A'HEREAS, on December 15, 1980, Fhe P.naheim City Planni.ng Commission
~ granted Condi~ional Use Per.mir No. 2155 (RQsolutiun t~o. PC80-233) to per.mi'- .,
~ chur.ch (Anaheirn ,lills Cummunity Church) at 5401 Gasc La Palma Avenue Por. a
? p~riod of chree (3) ,yeay-s, subject 'to r.eview for. ~ossible extensi~ns oF time,
and locac~d on an irr.egular.ly-shaped par.cel oE land consi5'ting of
appl~oxi.maL•ely 1?..2 acres, having a frontaye of approximately 500 iect ~n the
nor. zh side o~ La Palma Avenae, having a maxi.,~um depth of ao~r.oxi:nal.e ~y 1, 325
,j r'zet and beinq iocatec] approximate]~ 1,850 Feet wesc ~f tl~e cenL•er.li.ne af
~ Imperial [iiyhway ana Eurther describec] as .i425 Cast La ~a1ma Avenue; and
~ WHFRFAS, two pr.~vious extensio.as of :im~ h~ZVe been gr.anted by th~
' Planniny Comrr~ission, che lasc one to expire an Decernber. 15, 1988; and
V~NrR~r-~, the petit:i~ner, F3ryan L. Cr.ow, i~a,stor (Euclid Str.eec Baptist
~ Chur.ch) ;.equested a~pruva] of revisec] ~lans (R~~vision h~. 1) co yer.mil: a
w church in the ML(SC) (Inuus~r.ial, Gimitzd, Scenic C~rridor. Over.lay) Zore;
~ specifi.cally, co tr.ansF~r the anproved crur.ch use Ero:n 5401 East La Palma
Avenue (now occupied b,y an industr.ial use? to another building on subject
, pro~erty ar 5425 6ast. La Pa1ma Avenue; and
WHEREAS, tt~F rity P.lanning Commission did hold a public hear.iny at
the ~ivic Center i~i the City oF Anahei~~ on SeptemUer 3, 19BG, at ).:30 E~.m.,
notice oF said public heari~~g having been duly yiven as r4quired by law anc in
accc,rd ~rice with t.he provisionN of the Anaheim Municipal. C~d~, Chapter 18.03,
co hear and cons~der evidenca for. and against sxid prc+~osed r.evlsion of
aE~prov~d plans Lor r.he conditional use par.mit and co inve:;tigate and m«ke
finuinya^ d11Cj recomrtiendarions in ~onneccior~ ther.ewith; and
WkiERLAS, said Commission, afcer due inspection, inve~tigation and
st~tdy made by i~:self and in its behalP, and aFter. due considerat.ion oP all
evicience and reports oi~er.pd ac said hearing, does find an~3 dpter.mine clie
fcl].owiny Eacts:
1. `Phat the pr.oposed use is pr.operly o~e for ~dhich a condi.tiona3. use
per.mit is aur_huri2ed by AnahFiin Municipal Code Seati~n . to wa,t:
to permi~ a church in che Anaheim Carzyon Inclustrial Area.
2. That t;;~e pr.oposed use i~ h~reby granted for a neriod of chree (3)
years, ~o expire on :epkember. 3, 1989.
3. That t.he proposed use, as granted, will nat adversely a~Fect ~he
adjoir~is~g land uses arid the yrowth and development oP the ar~a i.n wiiicti ic is
~ro~ose(3 to be l~cated.
9. That che size ancl shape of ~he sice pruposed for the use, as
gr.ant~d, is adequate to a11ow the fuJ.l ~9evelopment of the pi-oposed use in a
manner. nor detr. imental *.o Gt~e par. ~icular area nor to the peace, 1•~ea.lth, safety
and gener.al welEar.e ~f the Citizens oF the City ~f. Anaheim.
0923r. PC86-?.3~
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5. That r.tie yr.anting o~ the Condicional Use Permit under. the
c~~nc7iti~ns imposecl, wil.l not be derr.imen~a:1 to the peace, health, safety a;,d
yener.al welfar.e oE the Cicizens uf che City oE Anaheim~
6, That t.he tr.aEEtc gener.ated by r.he pr.oposed use, as y-'anted, will
not impose a:~ undue k~ur.dnn u~on the streec;; and highwa,-s d~signed ar;d impr~~ved
t~ car.ry CI1C'_ 1:raffic in tne area.
7. 'Phat no one in~ai~aL-e~i chei.r. ~r.esence at said ~ub:lic hearing in
opposition; and tha'c no cor. r.espondAnce was rec~i<<ad iri opposition tc: the
subject ~etition.
L'NVIRONMLNTF:L IDIPACT }?INllTNG:. That on Dec~~nb~r. 15, 19t~0, th<~
Anaheim City P.lannin9 Com~ni.ssion +r.onsidr~red a Negative Ueclaxation for.
Conditional Use Per.ini.t N~. 2155 and a Nocice uf p~ter.minarion was filed with
thc Ora~_g? County Cl~:r.k on ~Jar~uary 7, 1981.
NOW, Tti~RE~~ORt~'., BL I'.~ RESOLVED that the Anar~eim Ci'r.y Planning
Co:nmissian does h~r.eoy arprove r.cvised p.lz.ns for subje~t petikion for.
cor-di'tional use ~er.~nit, upon the :~l.lawin~;~ conditicns whirh ar.e heraby found
tu be a necessary prer.ec{uisil:e t.o thf~, pt'OpOSPd use ~f the subjec,t pr.opert~,
ancl which supercede c~~rtain canditions in Itesolucion No. PC~O-`l33 (includin,
deletian cf Condi.ti.on No. 1), in or.det~ to ~r~ser.ve th~: saLetiy ancl gener.al
welfare of .`.hc Citizen_~ of the City oE l~naheim:
2. ThaL the exisi:ing industrial unit \J'~1G5 ~ast La Paln~a Av~~nue)
sha11 be brought up r_o the minimu:n standar.ds uf che Ci~y a£
Anaheirn, ircludir~g the UniFoi•rn 3uilding, Plambing, F.~ecrr.iaal~
Mechanical and F.ire Cod~s as adopted by ~n~ Cicy oE Anah~irn.
3. `Phar subject pr~perry shall be deve].oped substantially in
accor.da~~ce with ~lans and sp~ciEicacians on ~i.le wich the City aL
Anaheim ~narkc~d Revision 1 of Exhi.bic. Nos, 1 and 2.
4. '~'hat Candici.on Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied
wikh ~rior 1:n :_na1 auilding and zoning inspe:.tionu or.
cornmencement n~ rhe activicy ap~r.avecl iierei:~, whichever. occ;ur.s
~. That che use is hcreby gr~nt~d ~or. a~eriod oE t.hre•.: (3) .Y`-'~rsr
eo expire on Sept:etnbNr 3, 1989.
6. Thar_ thc cwner(s) oE :;ub;ect ~r.o~er.ty shall p~y the differ.ence
between indu3tr.ial and commer. ;i,ai tr.aftic signa.l. assessment £ees
(Ordi<<ance No. 2a76; , ir. an amour.t a~ uerermi.ned by th~ ~ity
ib~~ncil, tor. thc pro~~rty at 5425 East La Pa1ma Avenue (pr.oposed
r_h~ar.ch lnc~tion) pr.i.or: to issuance of ra bui.ldin, ~er.mit, ~.r
~ommencer~•~nt oE che aczivity author.ized cnder thi3 r.esolution,
whichever occurs Eirst.
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Thac subject ~.~•^e may not cornm~nce ac~i~~i~:y unti~ af.r.er. hhc
eff.~~tive dal:r uf Ordinar.cP No. ~y743 (amendi.rig Code Secrion
18. G1.05G ru cond~ ~~ onally pe: mi t chur.che5 in che C~nyon
in~u5crial hr~a).
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