PC 86-236•;,: ,~<.,, ..,~. ~ _ ,._ . ,, , .. ;~ , ~~;: ~~,:`? , - ,;~ ','; RESOLC'Z'ION NU. PCB~-236 A RESOLUTTON OE' THB ANAHEI~1 C.ITY PLANNING COMh1ISSIUN ;; TEIAT PETITiON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 86-87-6 BF' DENIFD , ;; WFt~,REAS, th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified R r; petiti~n Eor Reclassification froir, MR. & MRg~ R(JGg~;N p~ LEON, 1:1.095 Meads, ~~tu ,.~. Orange, CaliFurnia 92667 and MRS. MARGAR~T ENNIS, 24165 Fortune, EI Toro, ,i . California 9263p, owiiPz~ ~qd PIE;RCO D~VELOPMENT n. ~ ~~~~~ Tusti.n, Ca1iE'ornia 926a0, agent: Eor c~~:tain rea~~ ~NC., 14771 C Plaza Drive, ",~f 1 (:~ of Anah~im~ Coun~~~ cr Orange, State of California Pd scribeolasapo~loWSthe City '' L~T 5 UT' TRACT 255, ~~g~~ ~~AHEIh1 SUB-UIVISION AS SEiOWN UN A MAP RECORDED '!N BOOK 19, PAGGS 25, Or MISCFLGANECIJS MAPS, RECORDS 0[ O.RANGE CUUN'PY, CALIFORNIA, ,; ' LUTS G, 7 AND ~ OL' TRAC'i' N0. 255, 7i~ 7'HF CT'rY OE ANAHGIM, AS PER Ma1' RECORDEI) IN BOOK 1~}, L~~'~GE 25 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN 'I'HE OFt~ TCR OB' THE RECOI'tDCR OF SAIll COUtiT'Y . EXCEPTTNG 'I'HERLP'.ROM TE1G WES'Pk:RLY 5 FE~'1' OL SAID LAND. WfiEREAS, the Ci~}• .Planning Comrnission did hold a~ub~ i;, hearing at the Civ.i.r Cente~ in the City of AnahEim on Sept;em~eX 15, 1986 at 1:30 p.m. v notice of yaid ~unlic hearing having b~en 'ul ,, accordance w.ith the Y 9i~'en as required by J.aw and in ~~ p~:c,visions of the Anaheim Municipal CoGe, Chapter 18.p3, I` to hear and cansider evidence far and against said propused rec].assification ~ a~d to investigatc and make findi-igs alid recommendations in connect~on , tl~erewith; and ~~ WH~R1;A5, said Commissiun, after raue in,pection, investiyation and study made by i.t~~lf and in its behalf, and af.ter due consideratinn o.~ ~ll evide:ice and re1aorl:s eEfered at said hez~rir~g, does Lin~3 and deh:ermine th~ following ~acts: l. That the~ petitioner ~r,~poses rec.la:;si,[icati.ort Qf from th~ RS-720p (l~~sidential ~~ =ubject prop~r~~, (Residential, Multi.ple-E'amily) Zone orJds~g~esFintense zonre t9 the RM-120U 2. That the Ar.aheim General Plan designal;.es subjecL• pruperty for low-mediuin densit~~ residentia.l lanci uses, w!~ich desiqnation does nok permit FtM-12G0 residcntial densi.ties. 3. That the proposed rec.lassiEicati.on is liereby denied on thp basfs that the use w~u1d have an ac~~erse impact on surroundiny residential uses, and on the ba~is that Gener.al Plan AmeiidmEnt N~~. 7.2~ L•o red~si,yriate -.he ar.ea for mPdium-d~nsity residentiaJ. 1a;~~~ usny was der.ied. ~ 4. Tnat the proposed r.ec.lassiFication of subjer_t pr~pErty is not necessary nor desicab.~e foz tt~c arderJy anc3 proper developmNnt of the cornmunity. ~. That the propo~ed reelassi.Eicati.or, of subject ~roperty does not prope~rly relate 'to the zun~;. <~nd their permiL-ted u:,es ].ocally establ.i.shed in , close proximity to subject property and to the zones and h.he.ir gene.rally er~tabla,shed khroughaut the community. P~rmitted uses „ ,~.; , ~; ~~ 0927r r iJ, . ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~'W~~ ~t'+ ° ~ r,,~, ~ R c ~ ~ , PC$6-~3 ~i,~~~'~'~~E',5a ~i~ ~ ,.~ Ra;,~:''?~ ~ ' , 6 ,.~,~:, a ,:s.;. ~~ ~ ~~. 6. That no one indicaced their presence at sai~ o lbion toa subject opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opp perition. E:IVIRONh1LN`rAL, IMpAC7' FII~DING: That the Anaheim City Plar~ning ~ammis~ion has reviewed the pcoposal to rec].assity subject property fzcm th~ RS-7200 (Residentia:~, Single-Family) Zone to the RM-1200 (Residecitial, MultipJ~e-I'amilyl Zone or a less int~nse zane ta construct a 36-unit apartment complex with waiver of maximum stcuctutal height an rectangularly-shaped parceis of l.and totaling appr~xa.mately 1.1 acr~s having a.frontage of approximately i4i Lact -~" ±-},e eaat side oF Cof~man Street, and being tocated approximately 260 Feet north of L-t7e c°nterline of Center Stre~t and further descr.ibed as 118 through 186 Norkh ~ofEn;an Street; and does hereby deny htie iVeg~.t.ive Declaration upon f.inding thaL it has considered the Negative Declacation togett~er with any comments received ~luring the public review process and further finding un the basis of thc-; initial s~udy and an;~ comments received l~hat there is substantia.l evidence 1:hai: the project will have a significant effect on the .~nvironment. NOW~ 'PH~~EFOF2E, BE TT RESdI~VED l-.hat the Anaheim City ~lanning Commission does l~ereb~~ ~'.en~ Petition Eor ReclassiEi.catio~z on the basis of the aForem~ntioned findings. THL FOREGOING 12ESOLUTION is sign~d ancl approve~~ by me this 15rh day of Septembec, 1986. ~'' / ~ ~~' ~ ~r / ~" :~ ~ G~,~, o.r; ~~~-,r'.~:~':~ ,.C:~i /,.'.~r - ,. CHAIRt9AN, ANA~~M CI'~Y PLAN .~NG COMMISSIObI AT'lEST: ~ %~' )~'l '/..i,~'~L.L'L_~c./~~' ~ ~ . r~ ;;ECP.ETARY PRO TEMPORE: Atii~~iEIM C7TY P'LAI~NING COMMIdSIQN STATE OF CALIEORNIA ) COUt~'rY OF ORA.NGI~ ) ss. CITY O1~ APdAHc:IM ) I, Pamela H. Starnes, Secretar.y ~k l.he Anahei.m City ?1•annicig Commi.ssion, do hereby cer~.ify that the foeegoing cesolutior41eid$on Sept mber adopted at a meeting ~E the Anaheirn City Planr~i.ng Commission . 15, 1986, by t~e fo.ll.o~ving voL•e of the members the~eoi: AYES : tdOFS : ABSENT: -':•:ii; .. . : ` ::_,^,r: ? ~ ~. CCNiMISSIOI~ER ~: BQUAS ~['RY. r EIPRBST ~ LA CLAIRE ~ LAWICKI r MC BURI~EY ~ %Y ME:,SE COMMISSIGNLRS: ~~~~ I~~'~ COMMISSION~RS: NONF IN ~4ITNES5 WHGRL:OE~, I have hereunto s~t rny hand this 15th day ot September, 1996. ,~ /r ~ ~~ / ,%,A_ ~:.%.:i~_.G'" ' ~i•~~`: .-~'~ S~CRETARY PRO '1'BMl'ORE ANAHE.LM CITY PLANNI[~G COMMISSIC)N -2- PC86-23 5 ,, "b~ i. (