PC 86-24RESOGU~PI~'JN N0. PC$6-24 A RE;SOLI;Y'TU~I OE' THE ANABLIM CTTY PLANNTNG COMMISSION 'PHA'!' PF~2'TT:ION F'Ok VA.RIANCE NO. 3528 H'r: GR7INTE~ h~I~IT:FtT:AS, the Ar~ahei~r~ City l~lanning Commis~ion did reccive a verified Feti.tzun Lor Varia;ice ~ram AENJAMlN C. LLE AND WZLMA S. Q. LFC, 1764 North Azure Street, Anaheim, CaliEornia 92807, owners af certain rEal rroperk,y situatecl in the C:ity oP Anaheirt~, Cour~ty oi Oranc;e, Stah.e of California described as; L02' 36 'PFRC`P ~~733 AS PLh MAP RGCqRllED IN 60UK 337, PAGES 13 AND 14 UI~' MlSC;k:Li.ANLOUS MAPS Itv THE OE'FICL C~f' THE RGCORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ~~# 343-35].-3ti ~lHi;REAS, the City I~lanning Commission aid hold a public hearing at tl~e Civic Ce~ter i-i the City of A-7ahe.i~n on .Ianuary 20, J.986, af: 1:30 p.m., notice oi said puk~lic h~:aring t~avinq t:een duly gi.ven as reouired by law anci in accocdance with the provision~ oE th~ Anaheim Mui~icipal Code, Chaptec 18.03, tc~ h~aar and consider evidcnce f.or an~ against said propose~l vari~ne~ and to ic~ve:skigate and make findings and recornmendations in connection therewith; and W[ili;It~;'r~S, ~aid Cammission, after due insperti.on, investigation and :~tudy madF by itself and zn i.ts behalf, and after due consideratian of a]1 cvidence and rel,orts o.lL-ered at >>id hearing, dues ~ind and dei:~rmine the f'ollowing tacts: 1. That the pe~.ikioner E~roposes tiaive.~ ~f the following to con~truct an addition to a single-family cesir.3ence; (a) S~'C'1'IUIJ 1~.27,OG2.02Q - bfaximum lut cover~e. M~ (35~ ~ermiCted; !i08 propuse~3) (P,) ,Ec;TI~)P! l~.)7.Of2.U21 - tlaxiroum ~iumber. oi bedrooms. '~ (3wp~rr.iitt«.c] ~n a lok :~maller than 5,85Q ~~i• ft; 5 proposed) 'l. ':hal thE above-menr_ionec: waivcrs are hec~by qranted on th~ b~si:~ that ther.~e arE special circ;urtiUt.~~nc~s aPplicub~e tu t.he pr.oper~,:y ~uch as sice, ~hape, topoyraphy, 1oc~l•.ion and ~urrowldinys which do n~t ap~ly to o~her. idenr.ica.ily zoned prcpPrty in the same vicini.ky; and that c~L•rict application of the ~aning C~ci~ deprives ~he property of privilE;ges enjoyed k~y other pr.opertie:c .in the S.dent•ical zc~ne anc3 cla~sification in L•he vir,inil•,y. ~. `Phat there are no excer~tional or extraordinary c;ircumstance.s ~r condikivns applf.cable to the pr4perty involved or to the intended use oE Che AKaN~rt.Y tF,at do not apply ye~in~,:~.lly to tt~~ prop~~rty or clas:~ of use in ths ~ame viciniry and zon~. 4. ~l~hat the requt~s-:ed vaci~ance i~ not neces~ary Por thc prr:aervation and e~njoyment of a 3ubst~ntta.l properky riyh~_ posset~~era by oL•her. pr~perty in the ~~me viciniky ~nd zont, a~~ci dpn.ied ~.u the E~r~perty in qu~stion. U6096r PC86-24 . ~~1t a 5. ~.Chat the r.equr:sted varz~ince ~ai].1 be materia:lly detrimental to the public wcltiare or injuri~us tu the prop~~rty c~r improvc~-nents in such vicinity and zone 9.n whicli the property is located. b. That no ~~ne indicated thc:ir prGsence at said pur~lic hearing in o~~E~oaition; anci that no corre~pondence was received in unpo~iti~n to sub~ec~ petitiott. ENVIR(1IJMLNTAL TFIPAC~P l~LNUTN~: The PlannJt~g Dirtctor or his ~ authorize~ re ~cc~s~nt;ativ~~~ s ~~ a f f~a. Oeterm.ir~~ci that the p~~opused praject L•'a11s f within th~ deLini`ion o'~ C~tec~o:.ic::!]. Gxeniptic~ns, ~'las:; ~, a, c]~fined in ~h~_ 5~.ate ~'ITt Guide~.ines and iu, chere.[ore, c~r_egorir,~~lly exempt Pr.am th~e ~equirement l:o prepare an ET[~. NOW, '1'HER~:FORF', EE JT RESOLVFll Ghat the Anaheim Cxty pl~xr.nfng " ~.ommi ,sion does heceby grlnr_ subjec:l Pe~ztion far 'Jariance, upon the foI lowir,g r~ ;, r.ondi.tions which e,xe herc~by L-c~und Lo be a n~:~essary prerea:;isi.te t.o ~he , y pro~~os~~d use of F.ha subject. propet.y in order to pr:e:~erve t~he saPFty and , ger.era.l wF~ltate o.+. the Citizens r~f l•he City c,.E Anah~im: 1. ~rh~ze: plans sha~~ be submitttc~ tc ~he T~uildi.ng Uivisio;i showir-g comi~li.ance with the ninimiim standardr~ o£ khe Cit;~ c~c Anaheim, incJ.uc]ing t.he Uniform Huilci.ng, P.lumbiny, E.lectricai, Nuu~zng, htechan.ical anc; FiLe Codes as adopted by l-.he City of Anahe im. The appz~~priate p~~r.mits ~ha11 be obtaina:d Lor any ne~ess~ry work. 2. That sul ject proper'ty sh~] 1 be ~~eveloped subst.antiall.y in ac~ordancca ri.ith plans anc:l specificaL•i.ons on Ei1F with the City of. AnahEim mari~:~d f~;xhiuic Nos. 1 and 2. "~. '1'hat prior to is:,uance of a buzldiny ~er.mit, or within a period of one year trr~~n thc datc ot thic, recolution, whichever occurs firsh., Conditior~ No. l, above-tnenl•ior,ed, shall be complied witho Bxten~:t~.,ns i'or further time l•o r.otnpl~te sai~l conditi.ons may be gxantec'. in accorc~ance wi.t'ti Section J.F~.U3.090 at the Anahei.m Municipal Code. 4. '1'hat E~r..ior l•o Einal huildiny and zoning i.nspectiQns, Condi~ir.n [~o. 2, above-mer~tioned, skial.i be com~~lied witi:. ~S~ I'P EUKTHGit RSSpLVE:D thar L-he Anaheim CiLy pl.anning Cc-,mmisaion does hexel~y Pind anU aerermine that ad~peion of this Re~Ulutio!i i;; expressly pr.edicated upen appli.cant's compliance w;Lth each and all oc the conditions hereinabove a~:t L'orth. Shuuld any suci~ candition, or an;~ part thereoL-, ~e declaced invalid or unenEarceable by the final ;judgment a.f any court of. competent jurisd.icti.on, ~:hen this Ftesolut.ion, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, '.i'H.~ EORBG4ING RESULUTIC~N is Nigned and approved by me this 20th day of JanuGry, 1986. ~ ,-• `" '' / , (~ ~ ~ /. .,~~cc'.~'_..c.'' - 1 l~~l ,~ c~_ ~<. ~ ~< (` CHAIitWOMAN, AhAHE:IM CITY PLANNING COPIMISSIQN A''i"P ~ 51' : ~ ~.~~ ~ u?..r+..~ SEC:kF:'1'AR , NAHE:iM C1TY !?LANNING CUMtdISSTON -2 - PC86-•74 ~~ ': i:. . .. .,~ :, ~ ~~~ ;~~~ _ . . , . • ;;,~ ~ ~s~ , ~~ STATE OE' CALII'ORN]:A ) COUN~'Y UF ORANG~ j ss. CITY ON ANANE~M ) T, Edith I,. Harri.~~ Secretary of the Anahei.m Ciry Planning Commissi~n, da k~ereby cprtify that the foregoiny resAlution was pas~ed and adopi:ed at a meeti.ny oE th~ Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission t~eld on January 2U, 1986, by the following vote of th~ members L•hereof: AYES: COM6IISSIUNEFS: F3UUAS, eF'l, Ht',RE3SZ', LA CI,AIRE, L'A'n1ICKI, MC BURNEY~ MESS~ NUES: CUMMISSIUNE;RS: I.JONB ABSENT: COMHliSSTONET:S: NONT: Itd WIZ'NESS WHF:I2EOt', T Ela~~e hPreunto set my hand thzs 20th da~ or January, 1986. ` ~ ~(.~t~Ld, S~.CRETA Y, ANAHETr1 CI'I'X PLI~NNING COMMISSION ^,".tx7,Y'.YST,7?+31i~4Id:f • ±~ ~';)ff 1~c' 7',•d : `~ ~ ';i ,[~,i~ )y ~ ii 1'7 !!~ s ~ -3- ~C86-24 ~f , i,' ,,;;; .<;, U r':;i ...'.'':;`~~`