PC 86-240If . '~ ,~a : ~~J ~~`(! ~t' ~~ ~~a ;S. RESOLIJTION N0. PC86-240 '`~' A RESOL,U~r~or~ UF THE ANAHEIM CI`PY PLA~iNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CUI~DITIONAL USE PERMI'P ?d0. :?842 BE: C.RAN7'GD, I[~ PART WHEREIIS, the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Comm.is~i.an d~u recei.` a veriEied °' Petit:i.on for Cor~d:it.i.onal Us~ Y~~rm.i.t from ORANuE'PHORPE PF20AlENADi' P. 0 Box 1(~, , '.~ 15005, Santa Ana, Californza 9'l'I05, owner and INDUSTRIAL PROPEi;i•Y . NWNAGEMENT, '~., c:; 1495 East Warner Avenue, Sar~ta Ana, Cali.fornia 92714, agont Fqr certain r~al '`'?~' ~~~ properl•.y situated :in the Ci.ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of 7:,, ~~~ Calif.orni.a, descri.bed as: !{~'~~ THAT i~ORTION Or 'PFIC FRACTIONAL NOR'~HWEST ~IUARTER OF SECTION 1, '°` TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANC[i0 SAN JUAN CAJON BE SANTA ANH, AS SHGFIN ON A MAP TH~;R~OF RECORBED IN BC10K 51~ FAGE 10 OF' MISCELLANrOUS MAI~S, Rk;CORD~ 0~ SAID ORANGE COUNTY, SIiO;dN AS 1?ARCEL 3 ON A I~AP REc,CRDED IN BOOK S7, PAGE 2~ OE PARCEL ;~' [~1APS, RECORDS OF SAID QRANGE COUNTY. WHEREAS; l-.he C.it.y Pla~lni.ng Cummi.s~:i.on d:id holr' a public hearing at the Civic Cent~r in the C.:.~y of Anaheim on S~pternber 15, 29a6, at 1:30 p.m., noti;.e of sai.d publi.c hearing havi.ng b~an du.ly gi.ven as required Uy law and in accordai~ce with Li~a prcroisi.on~ of tn~ Anaheim Munici.pal Code~ Chapter 1$.03, to hear ancl cons.i.der. ~~vzden~e Eor and aqainst. said proposed conditiona:l use permit and i_p investigat~e an~ mak~ findi.ngs ~nd recommendations in c~nnecti.on therewith; -r.~d WEiERGAS, said romm~~.ssion, at~er due i.nspect.i.on, 9.nves*igation and stuciy madp by a.t;~elf and tn iks betial.f, an 9 aEt~r due consideration of all evidence ar~d ~.•epor!:s ofEered ~?r sa.i.d he~ri.ng, does f:ind and deta~rmi.ne L•he followiny facts: 1. That the ~~roposed use ia prop~rly on~~ Eor whi.ch a rondition~l use Nermit iy author.iz~~cl by Anaheim Mun:icipal Code Sertion 18.GZ.050.390 ~o wit; to permi.t a sanc;wich shop, deny.i.ng of-E-sa.le Ueer and wi.n~. 2. 'Phat the propu:;ed o£f-saie beer and wine use zs den.ied on the bas.is that the subjecr. ~roper.t.y i.s located i.n an industrial area where y'.: conveni~nt avai.labiliLy oF otf-sal.e beer ~nd wine and po~stble consumpti.on is ;~; not an appropri.ate usQ; that ~;ai.c use could r.reate a clanger to i.ndustrial -`: ~h.:, '~ employees operatiny h~avy equi~ment oc machinery; and further that subject ~ property is in th~ same vici.n.i.ty as an e~;isting r.ecreat_,:i.onal. cznter where ~ teenagers anc~ ,young peopl.~ r.urrenh.l.y con-aregate on w~ekends creatin,g traffic 4- ~r an~i tra:~h problems and ~i~at subjec" ~~~e r,ould c~nr.r.ibute to th~se ~roblerns. I.~ 3. That ~.he ~roposed use, a~ gr.anted, wiJ,l not adver ~ely afPect the ~~~~ i~,in:i.ny land uses anra the growth and developmenL of th~~ area i.n which it is , proposed ta be located. 4. Thak t.he si.ze and shape oP the si.te pro~osed f.or the u~e as '~" granted, i.s ade~iuate to a1:l.ow the £ull development , oE the ~ropo ~er~ usE in a m~nner not d e',:rimen'~a). to the parti.cular ar,ea nor to khe peace, h~~altk~, s~fety ~ and g~nezal we~tare of the Czt:izens o£ the City Gf An aheim. '.;~ ` . ' 0931r z~ '! _; PC86-24U ? ~~, , g(,!:~.' ~ I . ~i ~ f ~ 'M : . r 174 /~ 1y ~~ t~~ J ~ ~45~ r: /~~ J ,. . ~ ~: ~ ~, . ~ ~' t ~ `l~ h~ ~! f l ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ % ~ ' . , ~LN ~y} YY, ' . ~ ~ r~ p, ' i i.ii.nwe.r~,oe•~.,~. .- ..,._,.~ .. ...........~,.......... ~~. ...... ..,_.,_ .._...,..... . . , .. . . ~ . ,,7 ... -.~.:1 .~.. _.,.u . w,., ; . ~... 4. That the gxanting of the Condi.t.ional Use Permit under the condi.t-.i.ons i.mposed, if any, will not ~e detri.mPnhal to ~t~e peace, health, saEety and g~~neral welfare o:E the Ca.ti.zen~ of the City o~ Anaheim. 5. That the traf.f i.c generaied by the proposed use wi.ll not i.mpose an undue burden upon +~he ctr~e~s and hzghways designed and improved to c~;;rry the traffi.c i.n +-he area. 6. That no one indi cat:ed thei.r presence at ~a.i.p pub].ic heari.n7 .in opposition; and that no corr~spocic]ence was rece9.ved in opposita.on t~ the sub ject peti.ti.on. ENVTRONMENT~IL IMPACT FINbING: ThaN the Anahe.im City Plar.ni.ng Comm.ission has~ reviewed t:~e ~roposal ~o permit a sandwi.ch shop on an a.rregul~~rly-shap~~c! parce.l of land cansi.sting of approximately 9.1 acLas locai:ed at the southwest corner oE O.rangethurpe Avense and L~lacentia Avenue, and =urther aescri.bed as 237a East Orangethorpe Avenue; and does h~reby approve tt-,~ Negat.a.ve Declaration upon Finding that it has consiuered thP [~egative Declarah.i.~n together wi.th any comments received during the p~lblic ~eview process arid f~rther finding on the basi.s of the initial study and any comment.s rece.ived that. tr~ere is nc substan+:ial evi.dence t.hat the project wi.11 have a szgni.ficant efPect ~n the er,vironment. NOW, THF;REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED +~hat the ~nahetm Ci.ty planni.ng Commiss~.on does he~eby g~-ant subject Petiti~n Lor. Conditi.onal Use Permit, upon the followi.ng conditi.ons ahich are hereby found to h~ a necessary prerequisite l•,o the proposed us~ of. the sub,ject propect.y a.n orcier E~~ preserve the safety and gener.al welEace oL- the C•it.i.zens of ttie Ci.ty of Anahei.m: 1. That a traffic signal as~ass~ncnt f.ee equali~:~~ the diffecence between the indus*_ri.a.l and commercial asseUsraen~ fees sha11 be paid to the Ca.i~y o~ Anat-eim i.n ar~ ~~mount as determined by c>>e Ci~y ~~unci'l. Z. T.nat subject. pro~erty sh~ll be develop~d substan"i ally in accarcia~ ~~ with plans ana specificat.ions on Ei1e with the c'i.ty oF ~:na~~eim mark~~d Fxhibi.t Nos. 1 ar.d 2. 3. That pr~ior to commencement ~f +:hc: activi.ty herei.n approvec?, cendi.tion 3,; Nos. 1 and 2, above-ment.ioned, shall be c;om,plied with. ~~;, : F3E IT FURTHER ~iLSOLVED t:hat the Anar:eim Ci.ty Placining Commission dues ;:~ hexeby find and deter.m:i.ne that adopt.ion oF. this Resoluti~n is express~.y gredtcated upon appJ.icant°s compl.i.a:~ce with each and all aE the conditi.ons ;~~ heretnabcve set :~'orth. Should any such conditions, ~r any pa~-t thereof ~ be ~ declarec7 i.nva:ii.d nr unenrorceable by the Einal j~.idgment o£ an1 court of '`~1 c:ompetent jurisdi,chi~n, ttien r,his Rt?SU1~1t:i,Gn~ anci any a~provals her.ei.n ;'.~ contained, sha1J be deemed null and void. t. --2_ ~~~~ ,~ , , r:; .~ ~ ,, ~ }!~'`~s`~`~~ya,~lt~ ~ "~ ~ ~ .ks~t~~s. v ;~~~ :!- ~ ~~~~,: „ `.,~~ ~.;.~~ ~r~ ;s;r ;s; ,;>~y 'i: ;r, ;,~.: ,~~ ~: ~';~ PC85-2~0 , ^`"`, t J - - .~ ~ ~j~ ~~ ~'^~i y3~J~ ~n i L ~ .~f1.J :i;~`1 ~jf4 THE FOR~GOZtu; RES~LU~P10N is signed and approveG by me this 15th day a° of September, 1986. ~ ;-0~ .< i ~, . J'~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~'~ ., , i .• ;~h; " "~,c~ ,:';~~'~~ CHAIkMAN, A AHEIh1 CT7.'Y L'l,'VNING COMMiSSI0t3 ;' ,;,,:;'~ :~~;~ A'.C'1' E S'P : J~ / ~~- ~' -z~~`'~~~ ..~~ .l,.~r~.~ SE RETARY PRO TEMPO°L' ANAHEIM CI`.CY PLANNING COMMISSIUN STATE UP CALIFQRNIA } COUN'rY' QF ORANGC ) SS. CI`i'Y OF ANAHEIM ) ',~~ ,A,, ;~~~ ,4 ,:;~: ,~~ ~~, :~ ~~:i ,;`1 <.:~ F ~ ,~~ ';~, T, Pamc~a Fi. Sh.arnes, Secre~ary oE t.he Anaheim City i~lanr,ing '-'ri Commissiori, do hereby certiPy t~hat the £or~~gaing resolution was pas:,ed and ~~ ,~~.: adopted at a meeti.ng of the Anahe.im City Planni.ng Commi.ssion held on Sep~ember r~ 15, 19~6, by khe fal.lowing vota uE the members thern~f: "~'= :;,;~ ~', AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: BdUAS, FRY, HER1357.', LA CLAIRE, LAWICKZ, MC BURN~:Y~ MESSC ;;` :~~ NOES: COMMISSIUNLRS: NUNF ABSENT: COMMISSIOC]ERS: NQNE ,`i;,~ ai ~r, IN t9I'!'NESS WH~RFOF, I have heteunto set my hand this i5th day of. " September, 198G. ,~~? .~; ~.'~~.lQ'.2..~'-f'/f/i~l~~ .' ,-~~,1 %~ ~ '~ ,~: CRGTARY P~70 TEMPORE '°~ ANAKEIM CITY YLANNING COMMTSSIUN 'F ~~; ~ `: 3 r;±~ ;ryi ~.Y