PC 86-241REuOLU':iON Np. PC13fi•-2~1 r '~.~ I F ~' ~,~ . r . , °ii:".w ,~A+~ A Rf:SULU'P1UT1 OH '1'HL ANAHEIM (;Ii"L PLANNING COMMISSIUN Z'iiA'L` P~'I'I'PION FU~t VARIANCE N0. 3593 F3E: GftANTEU WHERk:AS, the Anaheim Ci.ty Pl~inning C~mm.ission did recH.i.ve a verified ~ Pet.t~ion Eor Variance from JOSEE':i M. KERLEY ANU A()RU12A KERI,EY, E'!' A[,., 5141. , Cre~cent ~)ri.v~, Anahc;im, Ca~.i.fornia 92&UEi, owner.:~ and RAAE3 ENGIN~'ERING, YNC., 1700 E;ask Li.nco:n Avr~nue, Sui~e 2U1, Anaheim, CaliEorni.a 92805, ATI'N: MIKE L. i.AA6, aqent ~or eectai.n real pcoper~y situ~at.ed in the C.i.ry oE Anaheim, County ~f Urang~- Sta~e oE CaliEornia describFd a~: ~ AN r:ASEMLNT E~Oft ROAD [~U[2PUS;:S UVER A POI2TION 0[' LUT 2 OF 'PRACT ; ~~Q. .1G05, TN TFiC CI'?'Y OE' ANAHEINi, ~OUPITY OE' ORANGE~ STATE G'r' CALI1'~~RN?A, A;; Pt:R MF~P 1'tE~ORDED TN BO~K 33, PAGE 32 OF . MISCf?L,[,ANf:OU;;' MAPS, ZP~ 'PHL•' OFFIC'r'. OF THE COUNTY RECpRDF.P. 0? SATD COUN'PY S[~OWN A5 "P'tIVA'PF, URIVE" UN A MAP RECORDE~ IN BC!OK 3^> PAGE 21 O[ F~ARCL•'I, MAPS IN TFiE OCFICE r~F 'PfiE COUtJTY RF.CORf~ER , OF SA.I~ CO(;NTY. , a ti ~t ^~ `.EiAT PORiI0t7 OE' LC[' 2 0[' TE2ACT N0. 1005, IN 'I':iF C.;TY OF RNAHc^,ZM, COUNTY OE' ORANGE, STA'PL UF' CAJ.,IFGI2NIA, AS PER MAP RECURUEn IN f3U0K 33, PAGc, 32 OE MISCL•'i,LANEOUS MAPS, IN Tk~ ~ O~r^ICE OE' THE COUN'iY REC:ORUER OE SAID COUNTY, StlOWN AS E'ARCE1., 1 ON A MAF FILED IN F300K 83, PACE 4 OE RECORU OE SUR~E:YS IN SAIU COUN`PY P.~CORDER OEFZCE. ~rhn'T POE2'PION OI' LnZ' "l OF TRACT t~10. 1005, CUUNTY OE ~~RANGG, S'CA'PL•' Uk CALIFORNIA, E~OOK 33, PAGC 72 0~ MISCELLANEOUS MAPS COUNTY RECORUEI2 U~ ;iAiD C(~UNTY~ SHOD~N AS IN B~K a3, PAGE -1 OF RECORf) Or SUI2VEYS, ~f'F 1CE. 1.N TiiE CITY vF A~IAHEIM, AS ?ER IdAP RECURUED IN , IN TFIE OEFICE OF THE PA}2CEL 2 Qt~ A MAP FILF.D IN SAtD (:OG~~1'Y P,ECURDER WFI~:KEAS, ~he C.~y Planning Commi~sion diu hol~3 a public hearing at the Ctvi.c Center ir. the Cl~y of i.nahei.ir~ on Sepr,~mber 15, 19t36, at 1:30 p.m., nu~.i.ce oE :,aid public hcarin~3 t~aving t.een du.ly ~iven a3 r.eyuire3 t~y law anc3 i.i~ accorc7ance r.~lty the ~~rovisir~ns oE !-hN Anah~im Muni.ci.pal C~de, Chapter 18,03, ~.o hear and conr~ider evidence f.or anci again,~~ ,;aid proposed ~~ari.ance and t~ investigate and m.ake find.in~;~ anci te~o~n~rendations tn connect~lon therewith; and WNERr,nS, :sa•~d Commi.s~ion, af~ec d,~e i7~pec~tnn, inve,r,i.ga~ton and :,t~dy made Uy ih.~elf. and in i~r; ~r~hali, ana aEter ~iu? consi.dera•"i.on of Al.l e'~idence and repor~s oEfered ~ih aaid heariny, does finr3 and ~e~.ermine FhP followi.7y E:~c~~: 1, Thz~~ • he [~n~l".{Ofl~[ propo:~e3 w~iv~rr ot' th~ following *..n esr.at~?i,r,h a two l~t RS-Ei:,-43,i)UO(5Cj Zone ~fnylc•-famlJ,y reai.denti.al 3ub~3ivisinn in~ c~.~"~stn a a'~r~ge r;t~ed: ~~~:iIIJN 18.'Z2.GG3.Ui0 - Mtnimum cequi.r~d setbar_k., ~ ~( I5-foot aidr_yar~l Le-.b~ack Xeq;ai red; S-Eoot Wide :sirap yard ~3e~bECk pco~or~e~3) ~ ~ U132r. PC96-341 , . ,.~,, 2. 7.'hat the ~buvc-menttoned wai.ver is hr~reby yranted an tne ba41s tha~ there are special circum:~ta~ces applicable t.o ~:he ~roperty sur.h as si.ze, ~hipe, topoyraphy, l.ocati.~~n ~~nd surroun~iinys which do not appl~l ~o ather lder-ti.callX •r,oned ~roperry in hhe same vi.c~i.ni.t:y; and r.ha~ ~hrlc~ application of the Zoni.ng Codc depr.i.ve~ the properky of pri.vi.legcs ~;njoypd by otlier ;.ropert.ies i.ri "he i.clenti.cal zunn c111G cla:;s tf i.~:ation in ~~he vicl.nt~y. 3. Thar. there are ~xceptiunal. ~ar exCraocdinary cir.cumstances ar cond.iti~ns a~pli.r.~hle ~o "1;e property involvpd or t.o the inh.a_ndecl usP o£ rhe r property tha~. do not ~ppl.y yenerally tc~ L-he proner+:y or cla~s of usc in the ~am~~ vici.ni.ty ~~n~ zone. 4. Tha~ r.he rc:ques~.ed variance is nece~sary for the pre~ervatinn anc3 enjuym~nt a~ a substanti.al ~roF.erty ri.yht ~sse~sed b.y orher proE~erty i.n the ;, ~ame vi.c~ni.~y and Lone, ahd c;~~ni.ed h.o th~ propezty in c;uesti.on~ 5. Tizat th~> ~~quested var.iance will not be materia.lly cetcimental to t.he publi.c w~lEare or injizri.ous ~c "_he pror:rc.y or i_r~~rovemeri~s i.n such vi.cinity and zone iil which t.he pru~ert; is lucated. 6. Th~,~ no one indirahed +-heir ~resenc~ a~ ~ai.d public heartng in o~~~~siti.on; and ~-hat no cur:~spondence was received in opposi.tior.~ r.o subject peti.~i.en. ENVIR~~NMEt3'I'AL IMPAC'L' hINDIN;: Tne Planning Direcl:c~r oi' hi.s authocized represen~at:ive has detecrni.ne~ that thP ncoposed project falls withi.n ~.he deEinit.i~n oE Ca~-eyorical Exeinpt.tons, Class 15, as def'inec3 i.n the Srate F:IR Gu.idel ine:~ an~! i ~, thecefore, categor i.cully axemp': Erom che r.e~~uireinen~ to pcepare an LTF2. NOW, TEIER~F0~2[:, E3E I7' F2E~OLVELI hha'- !-he Anaheim Ci `;~ Planni.ng ~' Commis~ion dac~s hereby yr.ant subject Petttton for ~'arianre, upon t~~.~~ Eollowing ~' c~~nditi.on~ which ace hereby founcl Fo be a:-ecessar.y ~~rereqi~i.si*.e to "..he ~~ propoUed u~e oE !:he subjec". ~copert:~~ i.n orcier to preserve Ct;e saf.ety and yenera]. welEace of rh~~ Ci"izens oE the C~'-y oE Anahei.m: 1. Tha" prio~ C.o i.s:suance o~ a ~uilding permit, the appropr.[ate major .F`, thorought'are and bc i dgc: EeE shall be pai_d ~o `.he Ci ry of Anahefm tn !r: a~- amoun': as speciEi.ed in the Major Thor~ughfare and Bridge Eee ti Program Eor !:he Foo~ht~:/Bastecn `Pransporta~.ton Corric3or, as approved ,:. 1: by City Counci.l Resolu~ton :lo. 85Et-423. 2. T:~a~. pri.or. ~.o commence~nen~ of s~ruc'~.ural Lracning, tire hydcanhs sh.~ll be installe~] artci charyed as required and d~termined t~, be ne~es3ary i,; by ~he Ch[ef of "he Eire Departmen~. ,,;; 3. Tl~at aub jec~ property si1a11 be ~~34a~~loE~~d : ub~Fantially i.n accocdance wtr.h nlans anr~ s~eci~ica~.ion3 vrt f.ile wikh tha City of An~~heim tnarked F;xhi.bir_ No:~. 1 t+nd 2. 4. Tha': ~r i or ~.o f. i nal bu i.lcl i ng a~d zon i ~ty i nr~pec~~ ~ ons, Condt* i~n ho. 3, abc~ve-e~enr.fonec3, sh~yll ~e complied w4~h. -2 - F'C86-241 9 ~ [; ~r., ~, f"•, ~ !""",. ! ~ ~ ~ :,~ ,.~,.~ rrr4 ,:r ~c:v BE I'l` FUCtTHF.R RB~OLVEll khat tt~e Anaheim C.iCy Y1a~ning Cor~rnission C~OP,3 hereby fir~d and d~termi.ne r.har. ado~t•.ion oF ~hi.a Resolution i,~ expressly preJicah.ed upon app].i.cant's coinpl.tance w.ith ear,h and all ~f the cundi.ti.ons h~:rei.nabove se!: Eor.kh. Should any s~ach conditi.c~n, or any parr.. thereoE, be ~iec.lared invali.d or unenforc~:ablc~ by the final judgm~t~t oF any c~urt oF cumF~eten!: jurisdtctton, r.hen --hts Resolurion, anc! any appr.uvals heretri contatned, ~ha'l1 be deemed null and void. TlIE EORC;GOING RF.SOLC)TIUN i.s si.gned and ap~raved by me thts 15tP~ day of ~eptember, 1.98b. , Ji r~~~ C`~~ v ~7 !~ ,~;~.:-;~~~ ~ _. /,~ .~ r~ ~ -- CHAIRMAN, ANAfEIM CITY F'~NNING COMMISSION . A'PTEST: ~~~~~~:~/._..~!(~ ~ ~'r'%~ ~ 2~`~ SECRI;TARY PRO TGMPORE AP~AHEIM CI'PY E~LANNTNG COMMISSION STATE OF CALTE0.2yIA i COU[~Z'Y OF O~2ANGE };; S ~ CI'PY O[' ANA~IEIM ) I, ~am~la ti. S!'d!'f1E?F,, Secr.e!:ary oE ~he ~'1n.;hei.m Ci.ty nlanning Comm.i.ssion, do hereby cec;i~y that tne foregoing r.e~olt,tion was pas~ed anc3 adopted ah a mee~.i.ng of• ~h~~ Anahf,im Ci~y P].anntny COmin~~si.on held on ~eptemr~er 15r 1y86, by the [oll~w.i.ny vote oL rhe members thereof: AXEa: COMh17SSI0NERS; BOUA:i~ FRY~ HERFJS'P~ [~A CLAIRE~ LAWiCKT, MC BURNEX~ MBS~E NO°~: COI~t1.ISSIOIJERS: NUN~ AEISFNT: COMNiISSIONI:RS: NQNE ZN WJTN~:SS WHCRE~F, I have hcrr,~tnto se". tny hand t.r,is 15!:h ddy oE SF:pr_ember, 1986. ~,t;;~~t~~r~f~, ,~y; ,~~'":'.~~~;~,.~;~_~ SECRE:TARX PRO 'i'FMi'ORE ANAHF.I~9 CI'PY PGANNING COM[+1ISSION ~J~ £~r:,~ d'',,, "... , pC66-2g1 ,_~' ti N ~.