PC 86-242RCSO'LUTION NU. E'C~6-242 A Rk;50GUTI0N OI' `1'HE; ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION ,2ECGMMENDING 7.'0 TH~ ANAtI'r'.TM CITX COUNCZG THAT GXtIIAIT "E" ukUPOS:[NG AbIENDML•'NT Oi ARLA DaVrLOPMf:NT PLAN N0. lUB BE Dk:NIED WHFREAS~ on Augus'-. 3, 19",.1, thE Anahc~im Ci!-y Council appproved Area Let~elopmnn~ P1acz No. 10~, GxhiUi.". "U", Modified, reqard.tng vehicular access genera.lly boun~ied by La Palm~7 Av~~nuP on ~he norrh, KraemEr E~oulevard on *..he east, and the R.iverside Freeway co t.he south and west.; and FiElLREAS, on AUgus~~ 20, .19a6, +:he nF~tir..i.oner, tiR. Philli.p Rammi.ng, The W~~~:ta.~n Company) requested amendment to Ar~a Development Plan No. 108 (BxY-ib.it D) ~o ~3ele"e a~o~r.ion oF L~a Mesa Avenue, wes~ of Whi.tE Star Avenur, and nozth o[ t;~~ Ri.versi.de Nceewal (Er.h:ib.it ~) in u:der *_o develop pro~erty with an ind~~~.rial co~nplex; and WEIERFAS, the i~lanni ng C<~nuni.ssi on di rect:ed staff tn ~et for publir, h~aring cunsiderat•.i.on of Amendment t:o Area uevelonment ~1an No. 108; and WHERL•'AS, Tf1~ ~lanni.ng D~~~artment, pUrsuant to khe provisions of the Califorriia Envi.ronmental Quality Act, pr.epared a N~gat.ive Declaratiun i.n connec~ion wi.r.h t.he Amenr3mcn~-. co Ar.ea DevPlopment Plan No. 108; and WHER~AS, t:he Ci~y P.lai~niny Commissi.on di.d huld a publie hcaarir..g a+~ the Ci.vic Center i.n !-t~e Cit.y oC Anaheim on Sepkember 15, 19~36, at 1;3U ~.m., nuti.ce oF said ~~ublic heari~iy having been duly given ~s reo,ui.red by 1aw an~ i.n ~~ccr_rdance wi.r.h ~he pruvi.si.ons of the Anaheim Municipal. Cod~, Chapker 18.03, to li~ar and consi.d2r eviiience for and agai.nst said propose~i area development plan amendmenr. ~nr~ to iiivE~~ti.gar.P and make tindi.nqs and recommendattons in cennection t}iErew.i~t~; and wEiruL~s, sai~ Commissior., aEt-er due inve~tigation, and study made k~y itselF an~3 in iks behaif., and aFL•er due considEration oE a11 evi.dence and report~ oEfer.ec~ a!: sai.d 'nesring, do~s find and determi.nr_ the Eu.l.lowi.ng facrs: 1. ~i'tiat L•t~e suuject property i.s an irr.egularly-shaped parcel o~ land conaisr_ing of anprc,xit~a~ely ~q.~ acres bounded or. ":he nor~.h by La Palma Avc~nuP, on the east by Krae~ner t3oulevard, and on the south ai~d wes". by nc~ Ttiverside Frec~way. 2. ~I~hat on J~nt 28, 1971, t:hR_ Planninr3 Cornmi.s5ia~ Lecommended ado~r.i.c~n a[ Ar.~a uevelopmpnt plan i~~o. 108, following a pt~i,~.tc hearing, noti.ce oE sai.d E>UblLC he•xrin~ havi.ng ber~n duly given ~~s r~g~ii.ced by law. :f .'rhzt. Area De~~el ~~~men~ P1.an No. 108, esFaClt.sh i ng a rollectoG ~nd l~cal ~tceet c.irculat.ton pattern ior. ~ubject arem, was appcoved by the Ci.ty Cuunci 1 on Aug~~r~h 3, 1971 . Sub ject plan extenc9ed E31u~ Gurn Sl•.reet, re!:ained WhitP 5*..ar Avenue, added Armando 5t~.~cet, abandoned Canal S*rP~~~ ~nc3 ~r~v~d~~] a ni:w frontaye rc~ad (La Mesa Avenue). 09J3r PC86-242 ~ ''%~'~i:; •`«'~~:'~,~'~;n; ~:~: ,., ,~`a~ , .. ~ .. i.. . . ~ ..~ ~. ' . . . , .. ,. . . . ~ ., i . . . ~~.rtlt 1 i~ ~ . . . . . . . . , . . .. . .. ' ~. .:~:'l.i / , t i 1 . r .. 4. i'hah t~a MPsa Avenue is improved Erom Ii1u~ Gum Skreet f~r approxi.maEely 825 Fe~~t to the east and ser.v~s ~in exisi:ing industri~l com~.lex. 5o That rhe port:ton oE L~ Mesa Av~nue be±ng consi.qered L-or de.lttion by this amenc~ment~ is located betrr~en the current tecini.nu: oE T,a M~sa Avenue ~~nd ~-he sourherly termi.nus oE Whtt~ Star Avenue. Sai.d portion o~ White Star Avenue has noi: been :Lmproved and the adjacenr.. pr~~,ertY ~o Hhe north has not be~n developed. 6. That two percans indi.cated ~heir presence .in oppo~ition r_Q suk,jec+- regues!~ at. the public heari.ng. 7. That other ~roperk:y owners in the .iirimadi.ate are~ have developed their proper':ies in accordance with Area Development P:lan No. 108, a4 approved in 1971, with a Prontage roacl (La [4esa Avenue) ~nd c-.hat deleti.on o': T,a Mesa Aver,uF would creat:e hardsh.ips Eor tt~ose proper"ies with existtng £reewa~ exposure. a. Tha!- !:ha 11:~ahei;n Cit.y P~anning Commission has cle!.ermined that AmendmenY. to Acea flcveZuE7ment P1an No. 1Q8, E:thi.bit F, is inapproPriate a!- this t.ime and no change should be madH to thP uxi.sting pla~,. NOW, TEIGREFORE, AE IT RESOLVI;D that: the Anaheim cir.y Flanning ~ommissiot~ has revlewed the proposal to ampnd Area Developm~nt Plan ~io. .108, encomNas~.in~ an irregularly-shaped par_ce.t of land consi.s`•:..tng oF approximat:ely 80.U acr_cs bounded on the north by La Pa~rr,a Aver:ue, on the east by Kraemer Boulc~ard, and on the ,ou~h and w~:,t k,y Rivecs{de F'reeway, ±-o delete a porti.on o[ La Mesa Avenue, west oE Whi*e Star P.v~nue and nor.L•h qE the P.iverside Freeway in arder *o ~3evelo~ proPer~Y wi~.h an industri.al com~lex; and does heceby appcave the ~legaLi.ve Declarati.on From the reyuirem~~r~t to pr!.~pare an envir~niaenkal impac~- report on t:he b~lsi.s r.ha~, th~r~ would be no si.gniEican*_ individual or cum~sl.ative adverse environmental imp~~ct due ~_o the approval oL• tliis Nega~ivc~ Declara~ion; rhdt no sens.tt.i.vp env.i.ronmental impacts are :nvol~ed i.n the pr.oposal; that the In.it.ial Study subm.itt.ed b~ the petitatoner indi.cate: no individ~~al. or. cumu~a*.i.ve adverse envi.ronmenr_a1 impacts; and what th~ N~gativ~ Dtclaration substant..iating the focegoing findings i.s on file in the Anahei.m Ci!-.y Planning Depuct~ment. DE IT EUR~PHER RESOL~TED, tha!: nursuanF to khe f.orr:goinc3 £i.ndings, the Ananeim City Planniny C~,nmission has determi.ned th~t; the amendment to A:~ea Developmen: Plan t~lo. lOd, Exhibik E', is inap~ropriate aF ~his ti•,ne and no change shou.l.d be made to the e:ti.,r_i.ng i?:an and does hert~by recommend t4 tpe cir.y Counci~ of fhe Ci!-y oE Anaheim ~.na~ Amenr,lmen!- to Ar.ea Develo~menr Plan No. 108, Exhibi.t "F", be denied wit:h no chanye r.o t:he current pian c;~ the basis oF the furegoing findin5~. +r~;~;' 4J ,' ~r 1s~?J'x,. t~.. f~ y ,i ~ ~ f ~}`~ ' ~; ~ yl:~. k 1a'~. ~R.~.,.s. ~ .. . . . -2- PCK6-242. ~.. ~~~`~;,~ ~ ; , ~ •`i r; ~, ,:~ r ,: ~, ~: ~ T[iE b~OhEGOING RESOLUTIUN is signed and approved by me thi.s 15th :9ay of Se~,tembet, 19~36. ~ ,~-~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~! / ' _,G~.~ ..... ~iiAIRMAN, AvA t~IM 'C [7'Y PL vNING COMM:LSSION ATTEST: /~- ~,`~-;7~~j~ 'ir ,c~~ ~f~~~~~'> S~CF2ETARY PRO 2'EMPORE ANAIiEIM CI'1'Y PLANNING COMP1IS~zON STATE Qr CALTFORNZA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'PY Or ANAHEIhi ) I, P~zme:la H. S!:arnes, SecreL-ary of ~~he Anahe:tm City Pl~nni--g Commission, da hereby cert.ify that the fncegoing r.esoJ.uti.on wa:; passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahet:n City Flanni.ng Commis;:i.un held on September 15, 1986, by the follow:ing vote ~:.' t.lte members `hereof: AYES: COP1I~'~SSTOPICRS: t3Ul'IAS, FRY, fiERBST, GA CLAIRG, LAWTCKI, t4C BURNEY, MESSE NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: R~ONE A}3SENT: COMMISSIONI;RS: ;aONi, IN WTTNESS ~~HEl2EOE', I have i~ereunto set rr,y hand t:hi.s 15L•h day of Se~tember, 198E. ~J ~" .r-~ri r. ~~.~~-1- ~ SC RETAI?Y PRU i:.[+IPORE AI~AHEZM CITY PLANI3ING COMMTSSION ~' ~•~.r:' _ ~ ,4~ i:' ~ y,.4 w , . (~. 1 !K ~ '~ . ` I ~, ~t~f~~ ~u `./N ~ .. ' 41 . ,. .. } t~YJ'' i'.~:~ ~ ,~r~ 1 ' ~~.! ... t , ~r%+k~~:i M ", ~.,., o ~; _ .. ~J~ PCBb-242 ~::~