PC 86-249~~ ltGSOLUTiUN No. l~c86-249 r" A RESOLU`I'lUN Uf' TtiE; ANAF.iCIM ~ITY PLAN~ING C0~1MISSION THA'l' F'BTT'TTON P'OR VARIANCfs' N0. 3599 BC GRAN'PEU WHGREAS, i:he Anuhcim City Planning C~mmissiafi d~d recei~e a verifiec~ F~~i.tion for. Variance Eroi~ DAVID W. LANGE, ~T ~L., 866 aouLh AspFn Street, Anahei~n, California 928U2, ownet ac cc~r~airi rea] proper~y situated i-i the City ot Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange, State c~f CaliEnrnia ~escribed as: , LU`i 20 OI' 'PRAC'P 19~19 ~1S PE,R MAP THEREUF ~LCUI2DC;D IN F30UF; 89, PAG~S G, 7& 8 TNCLUSiV~ C)f MI5CELGF~NEUUS t4APS, RECORDS O[' SAID ORANGE C(~UN'1'Y~ CALTr'OnN~.A. WHCHGAS, the City Planning Commission did ho1c~ a public hearing at c:ie Civic CFntec .in the c:ity uf Anah~~im ~~t September 29, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., ; not.ice oE s~aid public t~earing naving been c!u'ly yi~rcn as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oF the Ana;:eim M~ini :ipal Codc, Chapter 18.C3, to hear and c~ns.ider evic;ence for arid agai.nst saiU proposed vacia.nce and to investiyate a~id m~ke iindinc~., ~nd recornme»d~ti~~ns in conriecr_ion thecewith; and WClEk~A5, said Commission, af.lec r1ue i[1s~r~Ction~ ir,vestigatinn a~~•~ ~tuc3y made by itselt and in iL-s behalf, and ~,Ltec due considerati ~n UE a~.i ~vid~nce and rei~orts OtFP_L'E,d ar_ :;aici h~a~~ng~ a~,es find and determin~ tl,e . fol.lo~vina L'acr.s: 1. ThaL th4 ~~L•itioner prc~E~oses waiver of khc L-ollawiny to construcl- an aduition Co a s.inyle-Eamiiy C~?S],tjQtlC~: SL•'CTI:~cJ 18.2G,06,3.03U - Mi.nimurn requii?d structural. sctbac~c. ~ ~ ~ ( 10-£001: setback Erorn r~ar ~ ~ PLOpE~rtf .line eeguired; 5-took wide :~etback proposeil) - l. '1'~:at t:he above-mentio~ied •~aiver. is hereuy granled on the basi~ that ~heXe ar~ ~n~ci.al circamstances appiicable to thc properL•y c;uch as si~. shr~pe, topoc;rr,~hy, locaticn and surrour.c~ing;, whicl-, du not a idc:ntic~-~.lly zonec] ;~r.o~ecty .in tkze same vicinit ~ p~'~Y L-n other. Y; an~ tha,. c•tric~ appl,ication ~f: the '/,oniny Godc de~~rive~ l•hr~ ~COperty oP privilNges e:~joyed by other propeclie~3 ir. the identical zone and r.lassiEication in Che vtcinl.ty. 3. `1'hat th~~ce ar.e excepti~~nal or extraordinary rircum~tances oc c:o-~ditionr, appli~able to the property ;nvo].ved or to the intended use o£ L-he property thaL• do not a~~~.~1y yencrally to the E,rop~~rty cir cla,s of use xn tr,e same v.icinity and 7one. h. 'Phat th~~ requet3tE!d variar.~~~ is necessary foc ~he pr~servatiUn ~~nd enjo~menL• oP a substant.ia.i ~~re~ecty rlyhr. poss;e~s~~~ -~y other pro~erty i-i r.he ~ame vir_inity and zon~, and ii~nied L•o L•he ~~ron~.•rty in c~it~.,rion. ~. 'Phat the requ~~~;ted varia.nr.~ will ~iot b~ mal•.erial.ly detrirnQnl•.al to the ~ub],ic welfare ur inju~ious to the property ~,r improvements in :~uch vicinity and ~one in wnich thr~ pr.o~~erty i:s located. 0939r I ff~`,',; PC86-J.49 1 ~~ti r^ ~ a ~;, 6. '1'hat no ~~n~ ~ndi.catt~d their pr. esenc~ at saic~ pub7.ic hear. ing ir. opp~sition; and char, no corr~spond~ncP was rPr.Pivpd in oppo3ltion to sub3Pct petition. ENVIRUt~MLN'PAL tMPACT 1 TND'lNG: ThP P].anni ng DirPctor or. h~s authori.zE~d repr.esentative has det~~~m:in~d th~t the pr.nE~osed pr.oject fa].ls ~~ii:hin ~hQ d?Finiti~n c~E Cat:pgnrical. FxNmptions, C~as, 5, as d?finPd in thp StatF k,LR ~~uidPl.in~s and is, th~.refvl'e~ c~ltpgor.ica].].y exempt Ec~m thP r.aquir<~mQnt to prPp~ r~ an F.IR. NOW, '.t:iEREEQRF, F3E I~l' RESOI~VGn t:hat th~ Ar.ahei.m City Pl.anntng Co~nmxssi~n does herAby yr.ant subj~ct Petition for. `/ariar~cP, upon the Pollowing cc~nditi.nns whirh arP hAr~by found t:o b~ a n~cF~~sary pr.Qrequisite to tY-~ propnse~l use of th~ subjPct property in or.dQr to pr.ea~r.ve the satety and g~n?ral. w~l.far~ c~f th~ Citlz~,ns nf kh~~ Ci.ty of AnahPim: 1. That subjPct proper.ty sllal1 bP CI?VF:~.U~PCi ~u~stant;ia_i].y in accor.~ancP with pt.ans and sp~~cificatic~n: on Fil~~ wiLl~ tt~n City of Anah~im markPd Lxhibit tdos. 1, 2 and :i. 2, 'Phat pric,r L-o final ~u'.1di~g and zoning insp~cti.ons, ->ndi.tion No. 1, above-mentl~n~~d, sha.l.l bP cornpli!~d with. gL•' I7' FUR~1'i•iF,R RESOLVED that thu Anah?im City Pl.anniny Commissi.on ~~o?s h~rPby find and d~term.inP that ar]or~t.i.<~n ~~f this R?solutior- is expr.~ssl.y prAdicat~d up~n ~[~~licant's com~lianc~h wit.h ~ach and ,.~11. oE th~~ condi.rions herp:inabovA spt Eor.th. Should any suct, condir.ion, or any par.t thereaf, bA dNclar?ci ir.val.id or u~i?nE~'~rc~abl~ r~y thp ~ina3. judgmPnt <~E any c;ourt oE com~F~~~nt jurisdici:ion, t•.hf~n this R~~sol.ution, a~1d any approvals herPin c.~~ntai.npd, sha3.l. bP d~~n+~d nu11 and v~id. TNE t"O ~EGOIl~G f2ESOLUTTON is siyn?d -~nc3 apfr.oved by tnP t~is 29th day ~P SPptPmhar, 1966. `~ ~ C~~;` ,~ ~11~ ( ~ / ~~: ~'"~ --~~_~/~~-~=~=~ . ~ CHAIRN,AN, ANAf3T;IM CI7.'X PLA ING COMMISSIAN A'PTE3T: CQ~C.~-~ /` ~ ~ ~il/l~~?~ SF.CI2E'PARY, A:NAHE.IM CITY Pi~ANNING COMHZSSION -~_ PC86-249 , . . . . . . . . ~(`y - . , . .~. ~ , 1' M{q` t~ ' !~~ . . -'~;.y~F . . .:,.~.,~~ ~~ ri te t~ M ~ ,~ .li+~ i r~ ~ T, Edith L. Harris, SPcr~~t.ary of thA Anahpim City Pl.ann.ing Co~nmission, do h~CP.u~~ cer.~zf.y that Lhe Eoregoirig rps~].ukion wa~ passed and adopL-Pd at a mPating of th~ Anahelm Ciry I>l.annin~ Commission hel.d ~~n S~ptR1fIFJPC 29, ].98Fi, by the fo~l.owing vot~ oF t~h~ member.s ther.eof.: AXES: COMM.ISSIONERS: ~iOUAS, FRY, HERBS'i', LA CLAZRL, LAWIC~CI~ MC 13U12NEY, t7~;SS~ NUES: CUPIMISS30NERS: NONL ABSENT: COMMISSTONERS: NONE ]:N WI`PNF,SS WHE:zEUF, I nav? h~r~un~:o sAt my hand this 29th day of sept~mbt~r, 19A6. ~ • ~ 1~1~-'t..~....J SL•'CR~'PARY, ANAHETM CTTY PLnNNTNG COMMISSION S'1`ATE 0~ CALII'OI2NIA ) ',:~. COU^!TY UC ORANGE ) ss . ;;,; CITi OE APIANE'[M ) - -~- Pr86--249 ,; j: l: 7_;' +:~f, ;,,;;~ ;ti~ '~YJ '1~1 I ~; ~ ,_....,~.sr