PC 86-254,.-, k~;SUl~C17':CON N0. ~C:86-25Q A[2[~SOLU'rION OP `PEiE; ANANEIM C?TY PL,ANNiNG CUh1M:[SSICN RECUMMENUING 'PO 'PEi~: C:I~PY t,UUNCIL :PHA`I' L•"Xfl'[BTT N0. 7 OI~ '.I'HE ,'~',AN'tA ANA ~'ANtON R(JAA ACC~;SS POINT ST~DY AFik~A APPROVEn EiY CT'PY l:OUNCIL 1tr;SOLUTIUN N0. 6tiR-27 t31; f2LVISL•'~ '1'~ lNCC.UD[; AN ACCGSS }.~OIt~'PS JLSIGNA~PF.'1) A,~~' N05. l3, 14, an~'. 15~ 'JN f;XliI3TT A. WfI1~f2LA:, thr~ properl:y owner has rF~quest~~d Lhe Iaianriing Commissi~n ~n con~idE:r acc:ess c~nto Santa Ana Canyaii Etoad i.n order to consr_r.uct three access poinLs, as described beluw, on che nor~h si.de of' the street as ~~art oE the circu.lation ~lar. coc a propos~~d 2U-acr~ comm~rcial c~mE~J.ex: 1. ~cces~ t?o:ir.c No. 13 - An ~pprc~ximately 30-foot wide acc~s:~ on the i:orth side oF Saut:a Ana Canyon Ctoad, providing ~ccess to thE westerly Norti~n ot Lh~ ~roC~oaed developm.nt. uuE~ k.c a raised l.andscAped ii~edian, accesa will ue .Lllfllte`r~ to riqht-turn.--in t~iid right-tur.n--o~~t on.ly. 2. Acce~s Pai.nt N~. 14 - An ap~~roximate.ly f,5--foot wide divided access on the nurth sir~e of Santa Ana Canyon Roud. This acce:y point is align~d +~iL-h Itoc~:sF~v~lt [toad on t:he suuth side of Santa Ana Canyon Road, creating a 4•-way intersection. ~toosevelt ttoad, a hillaide seccndary arteriat hig,~way, provides acce.ss to the 85-acre re~3ional shoppiny center site, and to various othec commercial and residenr~~1 cIEVk?10[JIPE.'llt: JO~Ii exi:~ti:iy and prop~s~~d fo[ the area south of 5~:.~ta Ai~u Cunyon Road . 3. ACC?SS ,oint t~o. 15 - An appsoximately 45-fnot wide c7ivided access on lh~ north side o~ ;;ant« Ana c,;anyon itoad, prov.iding access L•o the easterly ~ortion of r_h~ pr.~oposed develo~ment. Due to a raised !.andyc;aped :nedian, ~c~.ess wil? nt li~nited L•c ri.ght-•k~.irn-in and „` ri.ght-r_urn-out onl;~. w~i[:RGAS, ti~r CiL-y P1~7nnir-y ~,ommission did hold a~ublic hearing at the Civic Center i°i the CiCf oE l.n~hei~n on Septeiz~ber '?.9, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., ni~tice af said ~ub?.ic hearing having becn d~l.y given as r~quired by .law and in ~;. accorciance with thc provi~ions oE 1.he Ana:~eim Municipal Code, ChaptEr 18~03, a to he:tr. anci cr~il~ld~c evidence tor an~_I a~~ainsL- said ~roposed rnviston oE access s: pointc on 5anta ~~na Canyon Etc~ad, in conn~~etion therewith; and W[i~t?CAS, s,aid Commissiqn, aLter due inspee;tion, im~estigation 3nd study made b~ i~.~e!E anri in its behalf, and aEter c]ue considetation oE a.lJ. evidence and rep~rts oEfere~] ~t said hearin~a, does C•ind anc~ d~termine the followiny Eact:~• 1. That it is deemed upE~ropriat2 ,_r.d IIeC~?3SdCy t~o i.m~rove acces;; anc; ~ircu.lati~m on S~nta Anu Canyon Itcad in the study area becausP oE E.~tur.e ~~oten~:iai ~cr.css pr.oblem~ :~s addir.ion~l devel~~,ment occurs in th~ arF~a. ?.. Tha1: rhe ap~roximal•e t31Gt~]I1Cts between i.t~e ;~ru~~osed ACC~fi3 Poin~ Nos. - 13 anci I4 is 43:! ~~~et, und betwec:n yo~. 14 anc3 15 it~ 41U ~eet; ~~d that the City Tcaf~ic En~Lneer ha:~ reviewnu thc pco~O~r~ed new Acces~ Point Nos. :3, 14 and 1S and recummends approval. EEI: ck 0946r ,;,,.~ ~,, F{;~ '~~ ~, ;r. , °~ ., PCf3G-254 :`' [ ~:Y.'%.~ . . >y`, '~` tFt,i t 1 ' . ' ,~,.n,., ^;rCi[~t~.~.»~~s~~k ~ ::~ 3. That the S~anta Ana Canyon Rc~ad AccesS Poi.nt SCUdy, as adopted by rhe :.ity, Counry and State, designates c~le~ven (11) appeoved ~~ccess point~ along SanL~~ Ana Canyon Rnad, and that r~ai.d access points wHre aclo~ted ay .s logicr.-1 m~tho~] c~E providing access L•o Lhose ~roperties L•ronting on Santa Ana Ceulyon Ro~d at sur,h time as said pr~~erties were to be de~iel~ped for u~ea more intense than ~~resenLly zoned an~/or exi,l•ing. Su~sequen~ ~~ tha~ appraval, sev~n new access ~01.1t3 numbered 6a, 9a, 5a, 10a, 9U, 1.2, 4a ~~nd 12a h~ve bec~n approved. 4. '1'hat lhe 5anta Ana Ca7yon Rc~ad Acces:, Po~ nt Study Founc~ Chat at such ~i.me a~ properc.y owners choo~e i•.o dc~~~~lop their proper.ties, they would h«vE~ the resp~nsibiliryo u£ S~~i.ncll solving their mutual circula~ion pro~,le~Ti~ so as to conf:orm to th~ ap~r.oved ~ccess points r.o Santa Ana C~nyon Itoad. 5. T1~at the Circu?.ation Element oE rhe Anaheim General Plan designate~ Santa Ana ~:anyon Road as an "Scenic I:;c~res:away" witn access limited to t:hos~a original ~leven uo.ints, an~ subsequent new approved access points. The Acces~ Point St~dy i: intended to limit direct vc:~icular acce::~s hecausc~ fcequrnt or uncont~ol.lec] access woulr~ ;1ot only im~ede traf[ic flow, but woald be unsaL'c aa we).1. NGW, iH1aRL'E'Ottii, BE IT RESOLVL•'D l.hat the Anaheim ~iry i~lanning Coinrnission has cevie~!ed the ~rapusal to revi~e Exhibi.t tdo. 7 of the Santa Ana Canyon Road ACCL'S5 Study to t@YIi11L three additio~~~:~1 acces.~ points un the nartn side oE 5anca A~~a Canyon Road as ~art ut- tiie circu]atior plan for a prcposed ~.~~mm~r~ial complex on an irreyularly-shap~~d E~arcel of land consisting of ap~roximal:ely 14.7 accas loca~ed at ~~;~~ northwesti corner oF 5ant~i Ana Canyon Road and Weir Canyon Road; ~~nd dors tiereby approve the idegaL•ive neclaration u~on lindiny thal: it. has consi:~reC~ tI1P. Neyative uec.l~rati.on ~uge~h~r with any cominen~:s C@~.@1VEC.~ dur ing the public ceview pcucess anrj Further findinq an the basie• ut the initia.l sl-.udy and any cumments received tnat there is ao sul~ :t;un~ial evidc~nce t~hat the projec+~ ~rill havc a signiEicant eEEtct on the env~ronment. 3li I'P E~U[t'CHEit RF.SGL~VF.,U chat ±.he Anaheim City Planning Commission cloes nereby recomir~end ~o ~~ie Cit:y Council ot the Cil.y oE Anahe.im a~opr.ton of the pCOposec? cevisior~ to Exhib~t P7o. 7, adopted in c:onnc~ct.ion with thr Santa F:na r.ar.yon Ctoad Access Point Stuc]y, iclentitied as ~,cces. ~int No.,. 13, 14 and 13 on Exhibit A. 'iH:: FUiti;r;OttJG R~;S~~::U'i i,)N is rigned an~~ a~~rove•~ t,y me this ~9th, ~ay oE 5ept~~m~er, 1946. ~ ~ ~ f `' ti ~ `.~ li ~~~d = / ' r ,.1~ CHAIRMAtt, AN. tEIM CITY L~ ~'[I~G COt1~dISSIU~a 1,'T'I' E S'i : ~ ~ ~ _~..L~~-"~'~L'`' j - SECRF,'CARY, r~NAf4EIM CtTY PGArifi'Lt~ ; CUI+MIS`~IOCI t ~~G: -2- PC8G-25A ,,F _ ., ~~ :;,~ r ~ . ~.,, ~ :~.;., , ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ i~i i ~„o ~ ~ i ~ri ,i ' t: 1,; ~ :;~rr~~r~; oF cnLiec»Nt~ ) COUNTY OF pIt~NGr; ) s~~ "'~ CITY OF ANAHLIM ) ; t~ T, Edith L. Harris, Ser.retary oF th~ Anaheim City Planni,ng Commission, du hereby c:ertif.y t;hat the far.eyoing t~eso:lurian wus passed and adopted at a meetinq of the Anaheim C.ity Plann~ng Commisyion hN1ci on September ~''~ 29, 1985, ~y the Eol:lowing vote uE ~he meR~bers thereof: ~M1~.r ~v~~ ~.' AYES: COMM.ISSTUNLi?S: BOUAS, FRY, HE:RBS'P, LP.WICKT, MESSE NOEa: COMMISSTONEftS: NONE At3SEN'~': COMMISSTONFRS: LA CLAIRE, MC DUItNEY "~.; IN WiTD]ESS WIIEt2~OF, I have l~er.eunto s~t rny hand this 'l9th day of. ', , ~e~temr~er, .1.9t3o, • i' ~~ . ~,~`~.'- '~ ,~~,~,~---' . SECRETAFt , Af7Af~ETM CI'I'Y PLA[vNI[vG CUMMISSYON ! ;