PC 86-255,''+, ~., RF.SOi,q'LIOL`~ N0. PC&6•-255 A RESQLUTION UC' THE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN TFIA`1' PE'rT'i'ION ! UR COND:C'.lIONAi~ JS~ pGRtdIT IJU. 2fi46 }3r^. GRAN'PED WHEh'c',AS, LhE Anahei~r~ City P1~inning Commi.ssion did receive a verified Petition Cc~r Conditiona.l Use Permi.t [rom C;AI'YL S. FUSTC:R, KAIS~R DEVELOPPIENT CUMPANY, 2121 Palomar Air~url ftoad, Su.itn 201, P. 0. t~ux 30d, Carlsbad, CA 920U8, own~r c~C certain real proE~erty satuated in L-he City cf As~aheim, County oE Oranye, Stat.~ of'. Ca.liFornia, descr. ibe~i as; T[if' LAND REFECtRL•D TO TN `1'HIS RGC~ORT IS SITUAT~D ZN `i'HE S'PAT~ OE CAGI~OtiNIA, COUN'CY C~F ORANGE, CTTY OF ANAH~;IM, AND IS DLSC:2IBL•'D r~S FOLLO~JS : PARCELS .1 AN1) 'l, AS SHQWN ON A MAP FTLGD .I~1 800~ 210, pAGE5 22, 23 AND 24, p1' PARCLL MAPS, IN THE OFF.ICL OF `.l'fiE COUNTY RECOE2UGR OF OEtANGf: COUNT'i . ~'~ WEiL•'ItEAS, the City PLanning Commission dic9 l;oid a public hearing at ; the Civic Ceriter in thF: City oE Anaheim en September 29, 198n, at 1;3p p,m~, ~ riotice of aaid pub.lic h~aring having L-e~n r3uly yiven zs required by law and in accacdance with tne provisions of the Anahe:im t~unicipal Code, Chapter 1a.~3, to hear ar-d consiclec evidcnc~ for an~3 agains~ said prapo~ed condiY.ional use permit and ta investiyate and rnake [iridiny:; ~nd recommendaL-i.ons in r.onnection ther.ewith; ane9 WHI~RLAS, s~~.i.d Cominiss::un, atter due inspec;h_fvn, investigati:,~, and sLudy made by it.>alf anu .in its r,ah~ali, ar~d aLter dua conside:ation oE a].1 ~vidence a;i;3 re~orts oPE~red at saic3 nearing, do-as Find and determine the following t~~~ts: 1. ~z'h~~t l-.hr~ pecmir_ is dllthOCl'L@G' prup<~sed b An h i use is propa_r11 ane for. ~at~ic:h a condi t:iona.l u~e t • i y ~, e m Municipal Cude SECt1Gi1 18.44.U50.16U to wit: o E~ arm t a 57.5 foot high, 15U -room hott~l/motel with the fo].lowin~ w~iver: SLCTIOtJ 1H.B9.OG2.U31. - Maximun~ srructural tiP_Ac~Ylt. `~ (35 feet ~ermi.tted; 57.5 [eet proposec]) 2. lhnt tl;e above-mentioned waiaer is hereby yranted on tne basis Chat bui.ldirsy h~~yhLs in excess of 35 L•c~Pt are per.mit~ed iE a conditional use pern,it i3 appcoved ~anr1 on tt~e basis l•haL• ~he ~copu~ed 'auilding height daes not advF:rsely impact anv nN~rby use~. 3. TtsaL• the ~r.oposed u~e will not adversely af.£ect L•he adjoining la~id use~ and Che yrowth ancl de~~elopment oE thc.~ area in wnich it i: proposed i:U bC lUr:ati~ra. 4. 'Ph3t the sire and s~~ape o[ the site proposed Eor the use is adequ.~te to dllow the Eull developnent of. the ~ropo:`r•_d u;;e in a mannec not detriniental to thr particu.lar area noc ~o the p~~~c~, hea.lkh, safety ancl gener.al welFare ~~E the Citiz~n3 of. the Cily o[ Anah.~im. 5. That the c~rantLng oE ~he rondiLional Use Permi~ under tn~: conditic,ns imNASed, if. any, will not be detzirnental Lo tt~e peac~, he~lth, saf~:ty ~nd general w~.lfa:e oL• rhe Citizens ~~f the C.ity of Anaheim. U944r PC86-255 .. ,,.. ~ ~';, , ~, ~ _ . .. ~ ,~ _ .„/ ,,.... , ~~l . f ;;~ ~ ''; :; ~ ~ :.r, ;~ 6. ~that the tzaPfic :~~nerUtec~ by the propo~ed u,~ ~~ill no~ impo3e an ,';., undue buccien upnn the atreets and l~ighways ~lesigncd and zmpraved L•o c~rry th~ traEEic :i.n tl•~e ar.ea. 7. ~l'hat no one indicated ~heir. ~resence ~tit said ! public nearing in ''~ o~~~sition; an~ Lha~ nc correspondcnce was received in opposi,t~ion ta the subject petition. ~ ;; .,. ;-;; ENVTRONMCP7TAL IM!~AC7~ FINDING: That ~i~e Anaheim City Planniny Cummission ha:i revi~wecl the propusal t.o permit a 57.5 PaoL•, 150-room hote~/motel with waiver af m~~ximum sh.ructural height on a~>~rt (4.0 acre!Yar.cel 3 c~f TPM 8ti-333) oL- an irregular.ly-shaped parcel of .iand consisting of aNE~roximate.ly I9.7 acres located at khe nurthwest c~arner oE Santa Ana (;anyocl 12G3C3 ~3nd Weir Canyon Ftoad; an~ does hereby approve the Neyative t)eclaration upon tinding that it has cansidet~ed the Neg~tive U~claration ta~3ether with a.r~y conm~nts received dutS.ry ~he public review pror,ess anci furtl~er ~inding on thA ba~is oE l:he initial study and any comments r~ceived tliat theru is no subatantia:l evidence tha~ the pc_nject w.ill have a signzficant effcct on the envi.ronment. NOW, THt:RGFORE, BG [T RE50LVEll that th~ Anaheim City Planning Co~nmissiu-~ C1oes her:eb.y yrant :.ubject Petitior. Eor Conditional U~e l~ermit, ugon ti~e following conditions wt~ich are hereby faund to be a necessary prerequi~ite to Che pr,oposed usc oF thc~ subjeci: prnpPrty in order ~~ preserve the saf.ety and genera:l welPe.re of kha Citizens oE the Cihy uf }1r~aheim: 1. ~Chat in ~_he event subject. pro~er~y is to be divi.d~d L-or the purpo~e ot salp, lease, or fi~lancing, ~ parcel rna~ to record -_he a~pruv~cl clivisiun n~ sub,j~cl pro~~~~rty sha11 be ,ubmitted ro and approv:.~d by the City of Anaheim 1nd h.hc:n r~e recorded i.n the GPEice ot- the Orange County Recurcler. 2. That prio.r ta commenc~ment of ,truc~:ura1 £r.aminy, fire hydrants shal]. bF~ lllS~d1~.C)~ and charged a~ reyuire~d and determiner,~ to be nece:isary by th~ Ct~iet of the Fir~~ Depar~:meni:. 3~ 7.~h~i~ trash staraye areas shall be provided ~n~a maintained in accor.~iancN with aE~~rovtd pl~n> on File wi.th the StrPet Mai.ntenance ~; ~~nd :3anik~alion ~ivision. 4. '!'hat in the event a parcel rnan is recorded on subject pruperty, a ceciproca.l acc~ss ~nd parkiny ayr~_ement, in a focro sutisEactary t:o tt~e City Attucney, sh~ll h~ recorde:] wS.th the Of.Eice of tl~e Orang~ Cour,ly Recorder. 6~ copy oE rhe recarc~ed ayXeement shal.l then be submitted to the Planning Dep,zr.t~~ent. 5. Th~.~t the proposal, shall com~~ly with all ~i~3nin~j rayuiremer.ts o£ thF~ CL ;on~~, uci.lesjs a variance a! lowing aiqn •~raivers is ap~xov~d by the Planning C~mmission or ~it.y Council. G. That subje~~ ~rc~erty ~hall be developed ~ubstantially in accordance wfth plans and speciEications c~n fila with the Cit,y oE AnFiheim marked L•'hhibit Plos. 1, 2 and 3. ~ ;f, `: -2- PCQ6-•25S :s:' + ~r r a~ ; r~, ,,', Y ~ ~•~ ,'/',~,.f .~~~,, :;~~ 7 .' ' < ~^VVIX~.I~ ~e-~~.o+ «. ,,,/,,tv `c .~4.~ . , - ~ , 1~ ~~ ~'~, L' ' ' 1;5`Y~ ~ . .. ~ I . I:f~(~.~~ '.~ . . . ,'~~~~: ~ ~ .._,',-~ ,,I 7. That pric~r ta issuance of a~~~iia~n~ permi", or within a perio~ of one year Prom the date of this re:olution, wl~ichever ~~curs tirst, Cundi.kion Nos. 1, 4 and 10, hect~in, shall be comp:tied wi~.h,, ~xten~ior~s £or turther timE to cornplete said cenditians may b~ granted in accorc]ance with Sectiun .la.U3.U90 oE trie Anaheim Muna.cipal Code. a. ~Phat prior i:o final building and zoning insper.tions, Condition Nos. 3, 5 and 6, abuve-mentianed, shall be com~lied with. ~. That p~ior t-o issuanr.e o~ a building permit fo~ any drive-through faci.liL-y the owner shall submit specific plans fo1 reviAw and considerati.on by the 1~?anning Commissior.. ~ 10. Ttiat prior to ~.ssuance o.t a bui.3.di.ng ~ermit, the appropriate majqr th~roughfare and bridgP f.ee shall be paid L•o t.he City o£ Anaheim in an arnoun;: as specifi~d in the t9ajor Thc>rouyhEare and F3ridge Fee Program Eor the Fo~thill/~astern Tr~~nsportation Corridar, as a~proved by City Cour~ci.l Resoluti~n No. 85~t-423. I BL IT FUI2THGR RFSOLVFD that t.he Anaheim City Planning Commission aloes hereby find and determ~ne that ad~~ption of this Resc~lution is expr.essly predicate~l upon applicant's comp].iance wit-h Pa~,h and ~11 of the conditions hereinabov~ set forth. Should any such condit:l..-s, ar any p~rt rhereof, be declaeed invalid or unenforceable by Lhe final j~adqment oE any court of corn~etent jurisdiction~ then this R~solution, and any upprovals herein contained, shall be dePmecl null ~nc~ void. THE L•'ORFGOING RhSOLtI'PXQN is signed and approv~~d by rna this 29th day uF Septer~ber, 1986. ~-~ ~ ' ' '~ ,//',r iL G~-~ f~,~/ ~ ,~!''~' ~. / ~ .. . ~i.fi ~.I.. i? ~~. CfiAIkMAN, A EIM CI`rY PL tNl; CUA1MZSSION A'I"P.ES~P: ^ ~ __-~~~~ '~ ~-S~Q. dc.'.rL.L SECRE`PARX, ANAHEIM CI'.~Y PLAN[dTNG COMMiSSIf~N STATE U! CALZrORNxA i CG~iIV'1'Y OE ORANGE ) ss. r,I2y UF ANAHLIM } J., Edith L. Ela.rris, Seccetary of the Anaheim City Planr.ing Commissi.on, do hereby cettit-y tt~at the ~oec:yoing cesalixtion was passed and adoptcd at a meetinr, of. tt,e Anakieim City Plar.ning Commiss:on h~ld on September 29, 1986, by the following voL-.~ of the :nem~ers thereoE: AYES: COMt4ISSI0PIGRS: SCU1S, cl?X, HERL'$'C, GA4JICKI, tdESSE NOE:t COMMISSZONEKS: NONE RBSEN'C: COMM7SSIONF.RS: LA CI,AiRI:, t7C Bt)RNEY iN WI'PN~,SS WHEIZF.:QF, Seprember, 1986. ;'a,~ $trlijk~ I ..:' . . a~~ ~~ 1 ~ '`a~t +, ` ~~; '~r~ tr~+.~ ~ ~tKtrf~i , ,: ~ . . e'7~,fi ~"c1.~ ~.1' ... ,. :. .. . . ~ I have hereunL•o s2t my hand this "lyth day of l . G~•"`~"~ ~ /~~~~~.~ i SECRETARY, ANAfiFIM CITY PLANP~ING COMMTSSTON •-3- PC86-255