PC 86-258,~'~ . ~~so~uTio~a NC`. ~c~a A R~;SOLU'I'ION UF 'fH~ ANE~tl~;tb1 CI'r'1 PLANNIPIG COMMiSS.ION 'PHA'P PE'PI`~ION FUR VARInNCE N0. 3601 liE GRANTE:U, IN PART HHERP:AS, i:h~: Anaheim C.Lt,y Ylanning Commissiun did Ceceive a vQcified perxt;).on ioc Var.iance Leom FUNt3US ~YS'PE[45, INC., 1A25 Sauti~ Mo-intatn View Avenue, Anaheim, Califurnia 9'1802- A`Px'N: MiCHA~G VAL::N ~~nd CLARENC~ ~alifo~r~nia AND i2tiEA I,. htED~OCK 'fRUST, 1428 ~a~k hatella Avenue, Anaheim, o28p5, awne~s, ~nd WiLLLAM GUS'1'A('SON CUMPANY, INC ., .17a42 hlitchel.l., #20~ ~ Ir:vinF, Cal.iforn~a °2719 and DG REVBR~ PAR'J.'NER5HIP, 4G:i1 Tellae Avenue, Suite 100, Newpurt ~eacn, Cali:ornia 9266Q, A'rTN: CI~~DY FLEMING, agent af certain real. ~roperty situated in the City oE Anaheim, County of Orang«~, Sta~e of California, desczibed as follows: LOTS 7 AP~G 9 AND AN UNU7VIDLU ONL•'-tOR7.'IE'I'H JNTERGST IN L~ar :3 AND AN UtJDI~'ZD~,D ONE-'iWLN'L'IETH INTERF.S'T IN L02' 22 OF TRACT N0. 996, BEvER FIALE-ACRES, IN `CHG CI'P'i 0[' 11NAilELM, CQUPiTY ~E' ORANGE, STATE OE CALIEOItNtA, I-S SE10'AN UN A tdAP RE;Cc)RDED IN BOOK 19 PA~E 24 OE MISCELLANFOUS ~1A~'Sr ?ZL'".CnRDS OF UR?1NG~ COUN`Z'Y, CALIEORNIA AI3U i~OT ~3 ~ ` OC '1'RACT 498, iN THE CITY OF ANAHEtM, COUN'r't UP ORANGE, STA'r'~ Or CALIEORNIA, AS PEP. MAP RCCJRDED IN BOOK 19 PAGG 24 OF MzSCFLi,ANEOUS I~fAPS, I[~ 'TH~; OF['ICL•' U~ '1kiC; COUNTY RECORDER OE' SAID COUKTY ANA S,OT lU, 0~' 'P12AC`i' 498, IN TiiE C1'PY UH AN~HEI~d, CO(:NTY OE' ORANGE, 5TATE O~' CAC~IFORti1A, AS PL•'R MAP REC'ORDcD IN BU~~Y. 19 1~AGE 2~'. GF M.[SCEI~LANL•'OU.ri ;qpp~, LN THL UFEICE OE' 'PiIE COUPI'if RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ''fi11?V . ~~ ~. 'rtHER'r.'AS, the City PJann.ing Cornmi.ssion clid hold a public hearing at L•he Civic Center !.n the Cir.y of Anaheim on October 1~, 1986 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publi:: hearzng having been ciuly gives~ a~ re~auir~d by 1a+r and in accordance with the ~~rovisic~ns oE ~he Anahe.im Municipal. Code. Chapter 18.03, to hea[ ~nd consider. evi.dence [~r and against said ~COpo~ed varianct ~nd to ir-vestigate and rnake findings an~i rec~mmendaGions in connecr.ion 1:herewith; and ..- vestigatior~ and Wt1EREA5, said Coiamission, dCtP.C due insp~..tion, sL•uc.y made by its~~lf. rand in i.ts behalf, and aEtet r]ue consideration of all evidence and !'eNott~ offeced at said l~eariny, cioes £ind aiid determine the '• Eollowing £act:~: 1. Thit~ the E~eLition~r ~ropose~ waiv~r~ of th~~ foll.owicia to constcuct a S-:~r~~ry, 15~-r~om t~~otel: ° (a) S'~:C'PION~ 1fl.OG.~5G.0241, ~ vini~num number~r,f par;;in, ~uces. 'd.06.UaU AND t152~aces requi~~d; 74 ~~aces pro~osed3 18.49.U6G.050 (o) SECTI~~N lO.aQ.UG'L.OIl - Mar.imum GrCt1CtUCcll.ti°ic~hf. "' " r~ (15 feer perm.itted at 30 feet Erum [tS-A-43,U0~) 'L~~nin~; 54 feet propcsed? (c) S~C'r10r~ 1a.48.,UG3.U3U_ - Mininucn ist~uc:tur.al setbac4:. -Y-"'"""""""~' " (~(37 Eo~~t s„`stFacF, requiced Eor the 54-Eoot high hotell :i_l__ Er_et pr~par;ed) ,, '~ U94flr L'C86-258 ;,:~. ~ ,: s ;~_, ~ ; ; ~ `~ y~,f ~, } ~1~~`~ } 1 ',;~ 1 ; ; ~ ~ ~~,rQ1 ~'y'`, Y ~ ,! ;~~t=: ~ 2. 'I'hat ~he abave-menkionec] waivcr (a) is herei~y denied ~n the basis thrzt L•I~e ret:il:.toner ;~r.ipu.lattd at the publlc hearing that the awn~r of ~subject property r~as a wr.tt~en anreem~nt t:o purchase ad jacent property to k~~~ ~~uL•h, whereby adequate rarking will be avai.lable; or, alt~rnativ~]y that th~ peti~iuner will obtain ~~nd record a ceciprocal narking ~nd ar.cess agrr~emen~ wit;h Che pro~ert~ owr~er oE ~he adjoining prop~rty to the souLh, thez'eby prov.iding ar~~qua,`.c~ r,ark.ing. 3. That tt~e above-mentioned wai~~ers (b) and (c) are hereby granted an the 1~asis tl~at there are special circumstanr,~;; apo.licab~e to the prag,erEy J~c~~ `~'' si`~, ~h~=•'~, tdP~9raphy, locatiAn an~ surrounc~ings wh~ch do not apNly to otner ideneical: zoned pro~~erty in the same vicir.ih. an~licatior, of. th~ 'Loninc~ Code depr. ives tl~ie ~roperty nF y' and tiiat stxict oth~r pr~pexti.es in the identical zone and c.lassiEication~l.nV~h~gvicinit~ed by on r.he basis that the a~ijacent residentially-zon~d y= ~~~~ reason for said waivers ~~~s a Gc~neral P1an *_,and Use de ignati n o1E~ ommercial 12ecreation which permits future commerc~a]. zoning. 4• That Ghere are exceptiona.l ~r exttaord.inary cirr.umstances cunditions appli~able to the property involved or l-o the intende~3 uaP ~r pco~~erty th:~t dc not ~pP=Y gener~illy to rhe , of the same ai.cinity ar.d ;~p~, pro~~crty or class oE use zn the ~. Tf~at th? requested vari.~nce, s, yranted, is nec.~saary ~or rhe Freservati.on and enjoYment oi' C~ JUE)Jtantial p~-oper~y xight p~sse3sed hy other ~roperty a.;, ~he same v.icinity and z~n~, and dcnzed r_o the proPer.ty in question. 6. That Ghe Cc~qU~StCd var.iance, a:- qranted, xi.ll nut be materially detrimr_ntal to t.h~~ ~ui~lic welEar~ or injurio ,; ~~ ~ha ~r~p~rf,y ~r improvements in such vic.ini~.y and zone i~ whii;h the prope~~y i~ located. 7. That no one indicated th~ir pr.es«.,:~ce at said public heariny in opposi.tion; and that no corresrondence ~+~as received in ap~osition tr, subjecC petition. E;JV'xp,UNME[iTnL IMPAr:~ _ EIIvuING; Tiiat l:he Anah~aim ~",ihy Planning Co-umission has r.eviewed th~ propo,a.l L•o reclas~ify subject ~~ (Comme~cial, Generaly, ~~ ProP~'~~Y f.rom the (Cr~mmercia.l, Heavy) and hhe RS-A-4~,OOQ iFtesidential/Agrir.u].L•ural) Zoneu L•o the C-R (C~mmercidl Recr.eation) •I,onra const.r.ucl• a 5-atory, 152-coom hotel with wa:vers of minimum nu;nber oE ~~ ypaces, maximurn stzuctur:il height and minimum scructural setback Pon~ian irregularly•-~hap~d E~arce.l of la~d cons.isting ~F ~P~7roximatel.y 1.77 acre~ 1~~aCed sc~~;th and w~st of. che southti~;;t corner of KatHll~ Way and Mountain View Aveniie; ancl doe~ hereby apPr~ve Cl-,e tdeyt~tive Dec.l~rati~n upon finding that it hGs cuns.idere,i the Negative t~eclaration ~ogether wiL•h any comm~nts receiver) during the pu~lic r~view process and further. Eindinq on the bA3~3 oE the initia.l st;udy anc~ any canments received that there ;.s na substantial evidence tha~ th~ proje,,t~ W~,Z1 have a sign.ificant ~Efeet on the environment. NOW, TN3RCFpR~, B:; IT R~gOIaVE:U L'nat the Anahe~,m City E~lann tnc~ Commission dnNS hereby grant ~itbjec~ p~tition Eor Variance, upo~ the Eollowinc conditions which are hereby found ro k~~ a nc~.~,~~~~ ~ ~. - praposed use oE the 3ub ece Y~rLrequi.~.ite to t•he j pro~erty in ordr~r to E~re3erve the s-r.fety and geneeal welfare of Che Citixena ot Che Clt;y oE Anaheim: -2- PC86-2~8 ,~ ~. ~ ..1. ~ ~ - - ~ ~ , . : . :i7 I o• s; 1. That th,e owner of, vubject pro~er~y sha.ll ~ay to the City oF Anaheim •7 F~:e for tree planting ~,urpoUes along Muun~ain Vi.ew Avenuc~ in an amount as deterrnined by thc~ City Council. 2. ~i'hat nrior to issuar.ce ot` a'~uilding ~~eririt, Ghe appropriate traf~ic sic~nal a:;seQsment Cee 3ha.11 be paid ko ~he Ci~y c~f Anaheim in an ar~ounr, as de~ermined by th~ Ciky Counci.l. 3. Th~at sidewalks and driveways shall be repaired ~aa,ong Ka~e11a Way and th~t sidewalks shall be installed along Mountai.n View Avenue as required by ~l~e CiLy Gngineer and in accurdance with standard plans ~ind specificaLi~ns on fi.le in th~~ OfE.tce o; Lhe City Gng:Ineer. 4. `1'h«t dll drivcways sha.ll ba cunstructe~ or reconsCructed to accommod~:te ten (lU) foot ra~iu~ cur.b returns as required by the City Traffic Enc~ineer. 5. ~rhai drai~age ~f subject property shaiJ. be disposed of in a~nannez satistactor~~ to t'.~e City Eng.i-~eer. G. That in i:he ?v~nt suaject ~ro~erty is t~ be ciivi.ded foc the puCpose o~ sale, lease, or Einancing, a parcel ma~ to record the approved divisian of subj•~ct prc~~erty ~ha.ll. be ~ubmitted k~ and ap~rovad b.y the City of Anaheim and then be recQrded i« the Ot£ice of the Orang~ Caunty Recor~9ec. 7. Th~~t subjecL• ~~ro~er'r.y shall he served by underground utilitins. 8. That prior to commnncem~nt ot ,tructural Fr~ming, fire hydrants shall be ~;istal:Led and charyed a~ rFquired and deterrn.ined r_o be necessacy by the Chiet oY: tne Pire Department. 9. ihaL• fi.re spririklers Uhall be installed as reqvired b~ the City Fire t~larsh~ll. :tU. 'Phat trash stur.age area:, shall be provided and ~naintained in accorcfance with aF~proved ~lans on £i1e with the Str.eec MaintEnance and Sanita~.ion Division, 11. That stre~t lighting faci.titie3 along Kar.ella Way shall be irastialled as required by the Uti:ities General Manager in accocdance with specificalions or. Pi1n :n the OfEice of Utilities Genecal Manager, and tt~at :~Pc~lrity in tt~e for.m of. a boi~d, ~ettificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and Eocro satisfactury to the Ci~y c~E Anaheim, shalJ. be posted with Che City to guarant.ee the s~lisf-aclocy completion of the above-mentioned improvemPnts. Said ~~ec~rity shal.l be po;ted ~ikn ;:he Cit.y oL Anaheim E~rioc to issuance o[ building ~~;rmits. ~i~he abovc~-requirea im~rovements shal.l be in~talled prioc to ~ccupan~y. 12. That ~,r ior to t~~e ret~decing of wat•ex cer.vic:c r the appropr..[ate faes ~9uE Eo~: primary, secondary :~nd fire ~rotection sha11 be paid to thr --• Water Ulilit~ D~41S1vR by the DeveioL,~r in ar_curdance with Rule:~ 1SA anc] ?.0 ot ~he War_tir Util.i.t~ RaL~~~~ Ftules and ItegulAtions. '3r PC~6--158 , _ . . .; . .., .. ... ,_. . ..., . , :, , ,.,,:.. „. , . : ., ,,~ .,•; .: ,. . . , ,,, , . 4 *F~ , , ..:.. ,~.w'` i ~,.~~ ,:, 13. That this vaciance i:~ grarite~~ subja_ct to the d~valop~r furnishiny pruoP to Che Planniny Department of adequate parking being available by means ot either (a) recerdation oP a eeciprc,cal parking and accQ~s a~a~eemecit wit.h thc adjoinin~ prop~rti.es to lhe south or (b) the recla:3s.if.ic~tion of said prapertie:s to the CR (Coimnercial Recreati~n) Zone and inclusior~ oE same with th~ development propased hetein. 14 . That sub jecr properi:y shal l be develo~.~~d suustani:ially in accordance with plan~ and s~ecifications or- file with the Ci.ty of Anaheim marked L'xhibit N~s. 1 through 4. .15. That prior t~ issuance oE a bui.lding permit, or within a period o£ une year fron; the date of Ghis re~olution, whi:hever. occtxrs [irst, ~ C~ndition No~. 1, 2, ll and 13, abov~-mentioned, shai.l be complied with. E~xtr.nsior-s for £urther time i:o com~.lete said conditiona may be yranL•e~ in accordance with Section 18.03.09C af tt~e Anaheim Municipal Cude. 16. That ~rior to [inal t~uil~iing and zoning i.nspections, Condition idos. 3, ~, 5, 7, 9, 10 a~~d 14, above-mar,tioned, shall be cotnpli.ed with. , Li~: I'.f F'UP,'TH3R RESULVEn that the elnahetm Ci.ty Planning Commission does her,eby find and determinP tiia~ adopti.on of thi.s 1Ze~oJ.ution is expressly prer]icated upon appli.cant's complianc,e with eac:li and all of. the cor-ditians hereirzabo~e set tocth. 5hould any such condi.tiun, or any part khsre~f, be declac~d invalid or ui~enfocceabAe by ttie [inal judyment of. any court of competent juri~diction, then thi~ Kecolution, and any a~provals herein contained, sha.ll be deer,ied null and void. TEiL FCRI3GUING RESOLU'1'I~N is yiyi~e~l and ~'-pprovec' by tne this 13th day i~ of UctobeC~ 1986. 't; ; l~'"" /~ //~(.~,,,~,, ~ ;~ ,i; _ _.Z, "LZ "C-- /,'~ • ' / ~!~~ .'/~"~-~' ''~f~' CHAlRIdAN, ANAH ~ I.M CTTY ~`C,ANt NG COt~iMISSION ~' ATTEST: ~ ,5 • , ~~ ~~L(r _ ,,•~e\ ~`. ----~ ' ., SECRE:'~ACtI', AP7AEiL•'IM CITY E~LANC~TNG CCt4MISSTdt~ -~t- YC66-259 !.r ,;. :; ' i ; tr~ ;~,~rrN{r ,, ~ , ~ s I ri"~ n f f ~ ~ - t , ~ L ~ ;1 k r t~~. ~ , r ., ~v k , q n ~ 1 ~r ~ ~f, ~! C ., -i G "%~ ' ~F a ,~ 's v ~ Y;~J ... ~;:A „` ' ,.^, ~ STATF OC CAC,TFORNIA ) COUNTY OF C~RANGE ) S~. CI'PY OF ANr1HETM ) I- E~ith L. Harris, Secretar.~y vf thE Anaheim rj~ Commission, do here~y certify that the f.or~~ , Y Planning adupted at a meeting o~ th~ Anahe~.m City Planning Co; missi nf, h ld on Qcrouer 13, 1986, by the foll~wing vote oE the m~:mbers EhereoE; ~'assed ~r,d AYES: COMMtSSIOtdEI2S: F~RY, HLRE3~~~~ LA CLAIHL~ LpWICYz NOGS: CJM.MTSSTUNERS: NONE - MC BURNEY A9SE:1T: COMMISSIQNERS: Bf)UAS, MPSSF IN WI'.PNESS 4JHERFOF, I havn hereur,L-o sel: m Occober, 1986. Y t~and this l3i:h day of ~u ~~it.~~..._.._..._..'' ~~ . SEGkZ~,T'r1RY~ ANA:~IEIM CI' D~---------_~.. ~Y ~ LA~~NING c.OMMISSIOtd ~~`-` ~~~'~.4'`, ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I . . ~n, ~qf~l~~~`~;tl'~~I . R?l~j •~~„ ~~ ~~ {~~. ~~',;; . _ _ ~'~''; , , ~i~:~~,~,-: ~ ~{~;, ,, „ . , ~ } ,, n ~~'~~ ' " i~' '~' % *+t ~~~, :': , ,. . , ' ,- . ., -5- PC86-258