PC 86-26a`g; j2 ~ J 1 i. RLSGLU`i'TQN N0. PC86-26 ; A FtESOLUTION 0~ 'PH:? ANAH~IM C1TY PI~ANNING CQMM~SSI~N `i'tIAT. PETITIUN I'UR R~'CLASSIFICA`PIOt~ NQ. 85-86-18 BG GRANT~D ;'I WHi:REAS, khe Anaheim c:ity Planning Commission did receive a verified I:etitiun for Reclassification fram 'tIERBERT L. GRID1M & EUNIC~ G. GKIMM AND ~AUL 'F:,; A. LOHR & ELAYNL P. L~HR, ~2?.9 Ea~t Meats Avenue, Orange, CA 92667, ~wners, i" and WL~TERN PACII'IC PROPL•'R`.~Tls5, FR~D E. HARTMAN, JR. - G~~neral Partner, P. 0. Box 5370-319, Santa Ana, CA 92709, agent for certain real property situated in the City of Anaheir~, County oi• Orange~, State of Ca.lifnrnza, descri.bed as L-ollc,ws: THG SOU`1'EiLl2LY 190.00 F~ET OF THE WEST HALF OF 'PHF SOUTFi~VSST QUARTGR OF THE SO[~:'i~WEST QUARTEi~ OF S~rg~IUN 7 TOWNSHZP 4 SOUTH, .TtANGE 1Q W13~i, SAN BERNARDINO r3ASE AND ME.t2IDIAN, IN 'PHE CITX ; OF ANAN_EI[~l, COUNTY OJ? ~RANGF,, S~'ATE (lF CAL'lFO1~NIA. ! GXCLP'1'IN~ ALL '1'HA'1' 1~ORTiOId LYTNG 4JTTHIN Z'HE EXTERIOR BOUNllARIFS , Gr' THL L'AST 2Q ~;CRi?S OE' 'PHE SOUTHWES7' ~UAF.TER OF 7.'HE SOUTHWEST ', QUAR2'PR OE' SAIn sLCTaot~ 7. ALSO EXCP;P'.C'ING TIiEREFRUM THE W:S`~ERLY 203.OU FEE`.C. WHEREAS, thc City Planning Coinmission did hold a pub.lic hearing at the Civic Center. in the Ci~y of Anaheim or. January ~0, ].98b at .1:30 p.m., notice of said pub.lic hearzng Uavi.ng bc~en duly giv~n as r.eguir~d by law anci in accordance with the provi.;ioils of +:he Anaheim htunicipal Code. Chapter 18.03, tc hear and consider evidt~nce [or and aga.inst said ~roposeu r.~classifi.catio;~ .~nd to invesligate and n~ake findings aiid recommendations in connection i:h~rewiL-h; anci WEIERLAS, said Ca[nmisszon, aF.ter due i-lspection, inc~estie~ati.on and study made by i~se.li an~ in its bel~al.f, ~-nd aF.ler clue consic3eration of all evidence and reporl-s aEfered at said h~ar.ing, does find and determine the fo.llowi,~g f~acks; 1. 1'tiat the pekitioriee propos~s reclaasi.lication uf subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (ResiclentiaJ., Agricultural) Zone to the RM-1200 (Resi~l~nt.i.~~., Multi~~le-Fami.ly) 2one. 2. Tt,e Anaheim Gcnnral Plan de~ignntes suhjecL- propert.y for medium density residential. la~zd use~~. 3. That the pro~oser~ reclas~iticat:ion o~ subjecL• property i~ neces~ary and/or desi.rable fur the c~rderly and pr.oper r3evelopmer~t of the cumrnunity. 4. `Phat the proposed reelassification of subject prupeKty due~ pr~perly ralate to the z~nes and their permitted uses lucally established iri clvse proximity to subject properC,y anc9 t:c the zones ar,d their permittQd uses genecally ~stablishec? throughc~ut the eommu~~ity. 0698r PC86-26 ~V ' ~ a~if~ l.' ... , ~ ;4i'S 5• '.Chat r.o one indicated their presence at said o~poyition: an~1 tha t no ccrres~.~andence wus receivec.7 in o Public hearing in petiti~n. FP~sitio ~ to subject ENVIRO~JMI3N'1'AJ, IMPr1C~~ FINb~NG: Commission has reviA That the Anaheim City Planning wed the proposal to reclassify subject kS-A~•43,0()0 (Hesi.dential, Agricult-ural; , l~roperty from th~ (Residential, !".::ltiple-F'amily) 7one to construct a 34-~~nirnapartmente c mp exo with wa.ivers og minimum struc:tura.i aetback and minimum r.eac rectanqularly-shaped parcel of land consisti.ng og ~ ya~~~ setback o^ a ha~i~9 a trontagF ot approx.imataly 350 feet on r_hepp o tha5ide of2 I,incoln Aver.ue and being l~cated ap~roxamately 205 ~~e~ Q~~ Magnoli~ Avenue; and dues hereb ~ t of fhe cent~rizne of thar i.t has considered L•he Nec~atppeuDeclarationt i.ogD her rwiL•hn ryonCO~nments rE=eiv~d durany the ~,ubllc review process and LurLher finding on th~ basis af tl~i~ init.ial study and a~iy comments received that there is no substa»tial cvidence tha~ the ~ro e L j ct wi11 t~iave a signzFicant ef~ect on the envi.ronment. PJOW, `1~HEREFORL, ~iF IT RESOL~ED that the Anaheim Cit ::cmrni.ssion does hereby grant subj~ct Peti~ion for Ro y Pxanning duing, that 3'itle 18-'Loning o£ tt;e classificatiun and, by So ~.xclude thE above-~~scribed nropertyAnrrronn thelc~~al CocJe bc amen Agriculturai) Zr~np and to incorporate ~aid described a~~ ~o ~ A-•43,000 (Residential, Pr~perty to khe RM-1'l00 (Itesidential, M~~ltiple-['amily) Zonc upon tt~r-_ £ollowir,g conditions which are hei "by found to be a neces~ar•~ ProPerl•y in order L-U r •7 Prereg~iisitR~ to the propo~ed usP of subjFCt p_eserve rl~e saFety and g~neral welfare or the Citizens ~£ tl~e City of Anaheim: •1. That the owner uf subjecl- ~.~roperty sha.~1 subinit a lFtter requeUting termination oL- Variance Iv~, 933 and Conditio:~al use Permz~ No. 4~:o tl~~e Planiiin~ ~e~~ar~~ment, 4• ~'hat prior ta tl~e introducr_ion o.E an ,,,. proper~y, ~~i~dl~ion Na, ]., above-mentiuned, shall pber compl ~ed Ub],ihe provi.sio~is or riyhts granted by this res~.lution sheili become nu].1 anc; v~i~ ~y ac~ior, of the Plann:ing Commission unless ;• cernp]..iec1 wi*h within one n ,aid conditions ~r~ ~uch iur.ther tzme;~, tt;e P1~anningrCommis;; ontma~~ t.hiU ~es°lutian, or Y 9rant. BL' TT FU12TIi~:R ?2LSULVEU that the Anaheim C.ity Plan+.ting Commission does hereby [ind and determ:ine that adop;:i~n of this R~solution is exprnssly predicated upan app~:~~ant's compli.ance w.ith each and all of L•he conditions hereinab~ve set• f~rl-h. Should ar~y such coriditir~n, or an ~~e~larc:d inva.lid or tinenEorceable b Y part thereof, be cornpeta.nt jari~dicti~n •Y tn~ fin~tl judgment of any cour~_ o[ , then this Resolution, and any ~ppr~v~~s c:ontai,ned, ~hall b~ deen,Q~ i~u,~l and void. aerez;~ -2- I.'C86-24 r ~, ..... ;ff i i ~' .. , ~ ~~t ) 1 ~ .;~~ ii . , .' :/:.,;.. i. ~;} ~~Fl~: EGREGC)ING RE:SO:.UTIUN ls si~,~ned atid a~prover3 by ne rhis 20th day ~ ot .lanuar.y, 19a~. ~ ~_~.`t~. Cl_.!. .r~ ., i ..~'~ ~~~ ~--~y,Ys~~~f ! ~ CNAIIiVJOMAN, ANAEi~:I.t~t CI`.CY PGANNING COMMI5SION A'1"1' ~ 5'P ; ,,,~ . ~f•~.~ ~t:A~~L/.Irl~~...~~ {..~:.~~~~...alCJi.~.. ~•• SECRF.'~ARY, ANAiI~:TM C.i'i"i PLATlNING CUMMISuIUN S'tA'l~ OF CAI,IL'O12NIA CUUNR'Y OF.' ORANGE i ~s. CTTY C1E' ANAHEI:~1 ) i, tidltt~ 1,. Harris, S'ecretacy of the Ana'-eim City Planning Cotnmis~ion, do hereby certify that the forege~.ng re~oluti.~n wac passe~] and ado~ted ~~t a nieetir~y oi the Anaheim City Plan~:ing Commicaion heid on January 1U, L986, by l•t1e f-o:llowing vote of t~se m~~,:tiers thereoE: AY~S: CUMMISSIO[J~;R5: SUUAS, ER't, HLRHSY', LA CLAIRr, i.,AWTCK:, MC BURNEY~ M1~SSF. Nt~ES: COMMISSIQtJERS: NUNJ: ABSE:NT: ~GMMI55IUN~IZS: NUNP~ IN WI'LNESS WNERF:pF, I Have her.eunto :~et m~~ hand thi:~ 2otr. day of .Ianuary, 29fJ6. __~~ -~~- ~ ~ ~' _._._-. SECREiTA3ZY, ANr1fiEIM CI'PY PGI1NNIhG COMMISSIUN F ' r' -3- PCa6-26 ~1 ~~ ~ 9 ~ ~.. .+~ _' ~ ~. ~S : ,i'"~r.' ~ ,~ ~ , ~,'. ;:,.,'~, i