PC 86-263.. ... . ~ . ., ,. ...~. .. ,„.~,., . .r-, . f..~.,,k..,~t9x»'ta`~•t+~.S r ~'~~;~' r, ~ ~ ~~:,;i}~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :!.-tki : i •'^5 RESOLU'PION N0. PC86~263 A HESULU'!'ION OC THL ANAHI:IM CTTY PLANNlPlG Cph~MCSSIOrI 7.'HAT P~TITION POI2 CONDI7'IONi~T, USF. PFItMI'1' NU. 2797 RE Gk2AN'CED '+~HERF.AS, i:he: Anaheim Cir.y F~1anr~ing Cominis:;ion did receive a veriPied Petir.iun fo~ Cnnd.ir.ional Use Pecmit Erom LUCO D. CAL'lANO AND MAAELiN~ D. -` CALIT.NO, 16055 Gall.~r.in, f'ruunr.~~.i,n Va11eY, CaliEorni~a 927U8, owners, a~~d ~" ELI2A6FTH HALAHA~/MARK CALTANO; 1329 Nort:h .Jasmine~ Anaheim, CalifoCnia 9'1B01, agent:s E~r cerhain real properr_y sir.uat:ed .in +.he Cir.y of Anaheim, Counry oE Orange, St.~;te of CaliEor.nia, descri.bEd as: LU2' 60 0[' TftAC:T N0. 2197, AS PER MAP RFCORf)ED IN BOOK 62 i PAGE~ 46 ~ 46, AND 4Ei, INCLUSIVE• OI' MLSCELLANL•'QUS MAPu IN TF.iE OE'FICE OE Tfl~ OI?ANG~; COUN`rY R~CORDER, S'I'ATE: OF Ci1LIT`ORNIA. WFtER.EI,s, r.he Cir.y Planning Commission did 'nold a public nearinq ur. ~he c;ivic Cenr.ei in the Cir.f r~f Anaheim on May 12, 19E6, at: 1:30 p.m., natice ~i said public hearing i~aving be?ii daly gi~~en a~ cequired by law ~-~7d in acc:ard~nce with khe provisions ~E r.he Anaheim Munici~ai Code, Chapter 18.03, ro ~~ear aiic9 consider evidenc~ foc and again:t aaid propaaed conditiunal u~e r.ermir_ ai;d i:o invest:igat-e a~~d make Ein~lingy and cecommendations i!1 cannection r.herewih.h; ~aid public t~earing been coni:inued +:o the Planning . ~mmission oL Oct:ober 2"l, 1986; and WHEREAS, s~.irj C~rnmi ss.ion, aftr~r due 1R3E~echion, inve~tigation and study ma~e ~y ir.selE a~:d i~~ its behalf, and afr.ec d~ae conside:ation of all evidence and re~nrts c~ft~~red at. sai.d heariny, does Eind ::nd der.ecmine r.he following £:~cr.~ ; 1. That. r.hr~ pr.opusec] us~~ i~ ~raE;erly oi~c for. which a c~~~;c~itianal us~ ~~er~nit is aut:h~rized by Aitah~im Munici~al Code Section 18.26.Q50.010 t4 wit; r.o expand a b~ard and <;are facilir.y for. a ma;simum of eiyhr. (p~ developmenr.ally di:ia~led ~~ersons wit:li waiver of: SECTIONS 18.04.043,1U] - Maximurn fence height in tr~nt yard. 1f3.26.030.1~0 (:3 feet permitked; 5 feet. eexi~tr.ing) ~ ` ~ Thai: r.he u~c shall Ue limited r.o ~ maxim~tn nf eighr, fd) dev~lopmenr.ally dis:.~bled pers~ns. 3. ~'har. rh~ t~roFcsed u:ae will aar. ad~ersely aEEecr. r.he a~joir,ing '~ lanc~ uses and r.he growkh and r]eve],opmenr. oE r_he arna i,. which ir, is proposed '~ r.o bn locar.ed . .~ t 4. '1`hat ki~e :;Lze and c;ha ~r~ of F r.he site aropoaed Lor t:he use is ; ~~ adequar.~ to allow r.he full dev~~opm~:nr, o E r.hT propoHec? u5e in ~ manner not det:cimenral r.~ r.h P ~s~~r.~~ular area n~r r.o r.he E~f:~ce, ht~lr_h, :cafer.y ~nd yeneral welfa:e oE ~:he Cti:iz~~ns oE r.he Cir.y o.E Anaheim. 5. ~!'har. r.he yr.anr..tnq of r.he ronditiona.l Use P~~rmi~ undec the conditi.~~~~s imposFd , ~_f any, will not be der.rimenr.al r.o -:l~e ~ea c~, health aatAr.y a~,id general welfare of r.he ~1r.ir.F•na; of r.}~A CYr.y oE Anaheim. , 0955r PC86-263 '` `~ r, Y i.` ~Y.. . , 'i1}.'.... ... _ . .'~ , .~ : ;, ,<µ-. G. 'I~h~r. ~he t:rafEic generahed by rhe pro~used use wi7.1 na~ impose an undue bu~~~i~n upon s:he street; and hiytiways d4signed and improved i:o carry the trat•Eia in ~:tie area. 7. ~1'h~~t ~2 people indicar.ed the:i.r p~ ~~:: ~~•e in o~positfon at the May l2, 199G public hearing and ~i;~ ((i) peryans inciicar,ed r.heir presence in op~osi.tion at. r.he 7~ugust 4, ~986 public l~earing, and 5 people ~vere present ai: r.he t4ay 12, 1986 public h~arin,y in o~aposir.ion; anci knat: o~ie letrer and 2 peh.irion~ con~:a?n.ing a~nroximately 27. names were reaeivea in opposition to r.he 3ubjecr, perir.ion. BtdVIRONMEPJTAL IMYAC'P r'1NUING: Tly~t, t:he Anaheim City Planning Commission has revie~acd t:he nroposal to expand a board ~nd car~ fa~ili.ty L•ar a maximum oF 2ight (~) develapm~ni:ally disabied pecsons wi':h waiver oF inaximutr :encA heiahh in r.he fronr. yard on an irregular?.y-shaped parcel oE land c~~nsi~ting of a~.proximar_ely 5,5J.5 s•quarP £eet: located at_ the southwest corne~ oE Coron~t Aven~le and Ja~~iiine k.Lace, anc~ further dF~cribed as 1329 Jasmine P.lace; and does hereby ~~~provP thE tdcyar.ive Der.lararion upon =inding ':har it has considered the Neg~~:iv~ U~clar.ur.ion together wis.h ~ny cnmmenr.s recsi.ved duri.ng hhe public r.eview ~rocess and furtner fi.nc?ing on the basis of the initial skudy and any coimnenr.s received r.hat rhere i•s no substantial evid~nce thar, r.he projecr. will. have a significanr. etCec~ on Fhe environment. N~W, THERECURE, D~ TT RESOLVED r.har. i:h~ Anaheirn City Planning Cornmission does ht~ceby granr. subjecr Peti~ion For Condir.i.onal Use ~ermit, upon the Eo17.owi~ig condirions ~ahich are hereby £ound ro be a necessary pr.e[equisihe `o khe pr• ;~o~ed use ot the suujPCt prc:perky in order to preserve -:he saEzt:y and ~3enecal welEare o£ khe Cir,izens of r.he Cit•.y of Anahpim: 1. 'Phat s~ibjr_cr. propert:y :~tia.ll ~c developed subsr.~3nr.i~lly in accordance wir.h p}.ans and sp~~ciEic~zt:ions on Eile ~air.h rhr Cit:y o~ Anaheim rnarked :'~•~liibi~•. Noe;. 1 and 2. 2. 2'har_ the use shall be limir.e~; to a max tinum oE efyhr. ( 8) deve~.o~mentrally disabled ~eesons. ~ BE I'P FUIt'rHER F2ESO~VED r.hair. the Anaheim City ^lann:ing Commission d~ea y" her.eLy find ~and de~ ~rm.tnt r.har. a~opr.ion af ~hi~ T.teyolur.~c~n is expressly ~ predicat~d upori ap~licanr.'~ complianrF wit.h each and all ot t_he conditions ~! nereinabove set Eorr.h. Should any such con~3ir.ions, or any parr, r.here~~f, be '7! declared inv~lid or unc:nfotceable by ~:he final judgment of any couzt of ~~ compe-:enN jukLsdir~iot~~ thpn r.hi;; Re,o].ur.ior-, and any approvals herei.n ( ~;~ containFd, shsll be deemt~~a null and void. '~i}`',~ ~~~, s` ' THG FOREGOIN~ BESOL~'PI~N i:s signc:d a-~d appr~ved b,y .~~~~ this ?.7r.h day of Ocr.ober, 1986. ~ .~~".:~ //(.~, ~ . , .~ ~.~',~-,~~~. ; _ CHAiFZMAI~, AN'-tfFYiM CY 'Y PLA! PiINC C~MMISSION ~ ~:o A~TEST: '- . l ~;~ .~ SECRETARY~ ANAliGlM CI'rY PLANNI~IC COt4MiSSiOPI ,' ,; ;'~i',;..'',,, ~ ~';'~ ~t~~~`:~~ _2.. pr,86-263 ; ~~~ . ~. . ., . .'~f' l Aiyi ~n }{'1t~p(}5! ~en:t~ ~r ~,.. ~ ;~,~~ ~ ~ ., ;;,,; <'~';i STA'PE OE' CALI~'ORNIA ) •~~ GOUN`rY U~ URRNGE ) s;a . "~ , ~ ~;n~ CT'.lY OE' A~~Af1FIM ) I, Edith I,. Har.ris, Secrer.ary of the Anaheim City nLanning Cummission, do hereby ceri-.iiy r.}~ar, r.he fare~~ofng resolution was passed and aciopted at a mr~,~r.ing oF the Ai~aheim City Llanning Commission held on Occ:ober ;' 2i, 19~G, by r.hE collowi.ng vor.c o.f thP members thereoF: Ei~:; .,; AYES : COMh1ISST~JN~:RS : ERY, HERSS'P, ~yC BURNEX, MCSSE NOG5; CQMIdISSIC'N~RS: BOUA5, LA CLATI2E ABSEN~P: c:C)MMISSIONEf2S: LA'r~ICK7 IN WITNI.ss WHERF.OC~ 't have hereunr.o ser_ my hand r.h.i.s 27th day o~ ~ ~, Uct:obec, 1986 . ~,. r , ~~'' SLCREI`PARY, ANAHF.IM CI`PY PLHNNING C4MMISSlON ~~ , ~:~ a~ T~3; k1C .: ~ '. Y~r ~ Jr L «~ J y~y ; : ... . . ~~7 '~ ~i .~!~rs*t_r~r-f -3- ~C86-253 ~ ~~