PC 86-273~! <t~:l~A.~ ! ` RL'SOLUTION N0. FC36-273 A k2GSOLU'rIUN OF `SHE ANAHEIM CITY PI,F.NNT~G COMMISSIQ[~ THA`P P13TITIU~I FGR VARIA~ICL' N0. 3606 BG GRAN'PED WHFRFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cammission did receive a verified Petition foc Variance from ANDREW C. SCHU'P'L, c/o STATE COLLLG~ PARTNERS, 28 ~; ~~~, Brookhollow Dtive, Santa Ana, Califor.nia 92702, owner, and PAULE'r'PE ALEXAt~D~R ~ ., c/o KRAFT ARCH.ITECTS, 2955 S.E. Mai.n Stre.et, Suite 310, Irvi.*:e, Cali.forni~ `' 92714, agent for ce~r~ain rea]. p~operL•y si~uated .in the City of Anahe' ;, C~•un~y of Orange, State of California described as; !:,s . : ~.. ~-:~.5 PARCEL 1: f,; 7'HAT POH~PION OP ~.CHE S~U'rHLAST QUARTER UE' THE NORTHEAST QUART~R OF ;: SECTION 26 ~~'^~`1NSHIP 4 SUUTH ~ RANGE i0 WE:~`'i ~ IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ `i~~, COUi4TY OE' ORAN~3Er S`!'11TE OP CALIF'ORNIA, AS PER MAP P.~CJRDN;D IN 1300K 51~ PAC.E 10 OF' MISCELLAivE;OUS MAPS, IN THE OF~ICE QF '1'H~ COUN'PX RF:'COkDEK OF SAiU COUNTY, DESCRIB~U AS L'O.LLOWS: ; ~ BEGII4NING AT TH~ EAS7' QUARTER CORN~R OF SAID rRACTIONAL SECTION AS '',! ~ SAIll EAST QUARTE'.2 CORNER IS SF10WN GN THr~ MAP FILk:P IN BOOR 43 r PAGE `• 37 Oi' R~CORU OF SUP~7E1S, IN THE OPFICR t~F THE COUN'P}: RECORDF'R OF SAIll CQUNTY; THEiICE D!ORZ'I-1 U° 08' 00" WEST ALONG TFI~ CENTL•'R L'I:NF OP PLt1C~NTIA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON SATD F.T.LED MAP, 335.76 EEET; THENCE SGUmH 89° 59' 35" WEST 631,98 P~L'T TO THE GAS~ERLY LTNP•. OF TIiG LAND DLSCRIHED IN TNE QUITCLAIM n~.iD TO FALSTAFF dREWING COftI~pRATION 1tGCORDED JUf1E 20, 1961 I[d t300iC 5759, pAGE 921 OF OFEICIAL P.SCORDS~ '`';!~ ~ RGCO.RDS Qr SAlll COUNTY; 'PHENCE SOUTi 0`' 41' ].1" &AST ALONG .~'~$TD `' FASTERLY LINE, 3?•5.65 FEET TO T[iE SOU2'H LCNE UT' SAIU NORTNFAST i! QU~~~2TLR; TFiEb1CE SUUT~-? ~39° 59' 41" EAST ALONG S~1T.U SO~JTIi LTN~;, 628.74 k~GET TO THF POIh. CF dL~GINyING. r~ ;, EXCEPT 'THF SUU!'HERLl 200.00 FEG'P Ur TfiR EASTERLY '103.00 F'EET THEP.EU! . -;; , PARCEI., 2: `PHAT PORTION OL' 7.'EIE SOUTHrAST QUARTGR OF '"HG NO'RTHEAS'P QUARTER vr SECTZON 2G, TOWNSHIP 4 St)UTH, RANGE lU WEST, IN THE RANCfiO SAN JUAPd C~AJON DE SANTA ANA, AS PER MAP R~CORUED IN BOUK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCEI,LANEOUS MAPw, IN THF OF'FICS Ok THE COUNTX R1:C042DER Or' S4ID CUUN:'Y, TIESCRIBED ~1S }?OLLUWS: T.HE SOUTHERL'l 200 FE~T QF THE EAS'~GRLY 203 FGET OF THE EUL•LOWJNG: '''; ', ; iiLGINIVING A'!' THE EAS'i' QUAR~E:R CORNGP OF SAID ['RACTIONAL' SECTTON, AS ~1,~ SAIU EASZ' QUAE2TFk CORNER IS SHUWN ON THL•' MAP FILGD TN f100K 43, P?~GE 37 Ok' RGCORD OF SURVEYS, IN TIiL OF'FICE Or^ TH~ COUNTY RECORUEk OF' SAIll COUNTY; THEI~ CE 130F`PH 0° 08' 00" WEST AJ~UNG THC CENTER L]:NL OF PLACENTIA AV~NUE F1S SHOWN OlV SAIU rILED MAP, 335.75 FEET; THENCE SQUTH E39° 59' 35" WEST 6"s1.98 FEE'P .:0 THP ERSTERLY LI.~E UF THE LAi`7D DGSCRIBCD TN TIiE QUITCLATt4 D~ED 'PU FALSTAFr BREWING CORPQRAT,ON RGCORAED JqNE 20, ].961 ZN ROOK 5759, PAGC 92.1 OP OFFTCIAL RECpRDS, P,ECORDS OF SAID COUNT~; 'PHENCE SOUTH O° 41' 11" EAST ALUNG SAID EASTEI~LX LI~~E, 3 35.65 FEE;T TU 'rHE SOUTH LINE OF SA3D NORTHEAST QUARTLfi; THENCL•' SOUTH 89° 59' 41" ~AS'Z' ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 628.74 • ~~I CELT T4 THE POINT OF BEGZPaNING. 0966r 17C86-273 ~v, ` ~ j~{ ~ ` _, , , . ,. ,~~is~ ~ `~ ~,* ~, s , ` .; ~ ~ r~~, . . SAlL~ I,AND I:; :'I{OLJPI ON A MAP FILI~D IP~ E~UOK 76, F'AGr 10 UE RECURD Qb' `. SUE?V~YS, .T.N '.CtiE O['FICf:•; u[~ TNE: C:UUN'PY f2F.'COL2DE[l OE SAIU COUN'1'Y. ~ F>_~I2CLL 3: PARC'E:L A Ut~ TkIAT CER'~A_r^I LUT LINL•' ADJU~`PMLy'1' PLA'i' N0. 123, IN 'i'HE CITY Oi ANAHL;TM, CUUN`iY UE (')I2ANGE, $TAq'T ~~F LAL. ~'OItNIA, AS DE;SCI2IBEU IN F~1RCf:'I,S 1 AND 7 U[' S•1if) Lc~T LTNl; AUJUSTIdLN`i', ltEC07DGll JANUARY 7, 19£~~i AS DUCUML•'NT N0. ~35-U044'.ici OF ~JEE'ICIAL REC:URllS UE SAID C.pUN'PY. `, WHEhLAS, khe Cit.y Plwnning Con~mis~ion cii.~i i~ol,~ a public h~ariny at the Ci'':ic Center in t,~e C.ity of Anahei:n on Uctub~.r. 13, 198G, at• 1;30 p,m., nul•ic._~ ;~[ said public heariny ha~iing r~~en duly given as requiced by 1aw and in accordan:,e with chc provisi~~ns of the ~nahc,im Mun.iripal Code, ChapLer 18.03, to hear. u~;d consider eviclenc~ Lor. ar~d ag~inst said pCOposed varianc~ and to investiyat'~. and make fin~iinys and reco~mner.dations in c~nnectiQn there~,ith; said ~~ublic•. heariny having t~e~rz concinued t~ l-ne Pluii:~ing C~~mmission meetzng o~ Novetnber ~'~~, 19Uf,; ~nd :~7r~E:~tr:E;:~, said Comin~ssion, aFter due ins~ection, investiyation and ~tud~ mad~ by i~;s~lE anu in it:~ bc:~h«]L•, ~nd after due consi.dacaCion oc all ?viclence and rep'•,rts oEter~~d a;: s~~d hearing, doas find ~~nd deteririne rhe Eoll~winy fac~:s: ~ 1. Thal• t;n'; petitionez construct p yrE~F~JLand.ti~~ signs and six-story uEEicN buildiri'_~;) . , , (a) ~L•'C'TION 18.O~.r:~Z ~- `` ,', f~rooosc::; waivers of the Lallowing to 12 ~oall sty~~.; L'o: two (2-story and one ~3.i [IS ~LCfllitted in commerc.ial zone~. (~o monumenc or pole signs permitted; 7 freestandi-~~~si~~is and one~?ole Sic~n ~ro~,osed ) '~'~ (b) af;C'PIOtJ 18.0`i.i~92.U1U ~ n~ ~t ut:e are~ G ~ . ~ - '~~~~'_!. oP_ bii it:e~s .,iy1i.. (~•;~ square foot wail siyn per building wa.i;t~per ~tceeL• Eronlaye pexm:t::ed; 5 bui''~3ing walls t~aviny twa :+all. signs each wi .,!: 335 0~~ ,J0 ~quare Leet oG si~;naye p~+,; wall peepo~ed) 2. That the :.~t;ove-m~_ntionec! waiver~ are ~,•.~~:eb ~ y ~rant:ed on the basia that thF buildings range in tieight f.roin si:c to ''; ~~tvc stories and thd proportio:ti~l a~ount of wa.il s.iynaye i~ minimal, arnounL•'ii`;. ~o ap~roxiinac~l}• 2 to 98 oE the square tootage of. each buildiny walJ.; and fur~h~2 ~~:~t there are SpeC.181 CLCCURIStanc•~s d[)~LLCc'it)Ic? t0 the pcoper.t;~ SUCfI clL3 312t~~'+a~~~~~nr~irAl,K4ye~, topoc~raE~hy, locatic.n and surr,uundingc~ which do not ~pply to o~hAr id;:ntically zoned ~cpGerty in the 3a~ne vicis~ity; .and that 3lK1Ct ap~,lication ot tli~~ Zor~ing Code de~rives the property of ~rivile~ses F~njoyed by other pr~per.l•ies Ln khe identical zone and r,1l~JJLLL~•atiun in thf~ vicinity. 3. ThaC there .are excep~io,tal. oc exr.raor.dinary CICCURIS:df-C,~+;i ~c ~andl~tionJ applicable ~o t.he property ic~v~:tive~'. or t~ thc intEnded use o~ the ~---- pro~erty that do nor. ~pF•I.Y ~t~~~~~aliy to the E~roperty or cl~;,~ of use in ehe ' ;;,` ., aame vl.cirtity and zan~. 5 r'~' _ °.. . , .. . . I:.. r~ A~n ~=}~C4 '' ' , _2.. . ~~~"~ : PC86-273 ,~ ,,~Ff t- ~ ~ ~~~,l,.i ~ . n ?~Aif "n ` s` ~ ~, ~!~rn.~.»r..,~..,.~,.. _ ...,.... _ , . _ _ .~ ~r. . , _ _ . .,. ,.. . . . . .. . . _. . . . . . . . ., . . . . . .. . ... .. . .. . . . . ~ . ~ ~ . . .. , , ~~ . . . . .. . ~ , , . , ... . ~ . .. . . . ,. . ... x< ..au~wun ~'.i6 ~` 4. '1'hat ~':~e requested vari~~nce is neccssary Por L•t~e pr~s~rvatior~ anc? enjuy~;~~;~~~ oE a sub~tantial proper~y riyht ~~ossessed by other prop~cty in the same v~~init:y and zc~n~_>, ~znd denied ta I.he ptoperLy in yuestion. 5. `Ptia~ the rEquested var.iance 4!ill. nok be materially dc~tri:,iental to ~he ~ublic w~lfarc~ or injurious to the properCy or. improvemenls in :.ucn ~,ic.inity and zone iri whi~l-~ the E~roperty is .located. 6. 'That- n~~ one indS caL-ed ~he~ir ~resenc:~~ at said ~ublic hearing in opposition; c10G that no correspondence wa~ ceceived in oppositiun to subject petition•, L;NV:CRUNMEPJ~i'A[, IMPAC:T EiNBING: ~Chat th~~ Anaheim Ci~y Planni~l~ Cc~mmi~s.ion l~as reviewed the propo~al to COIlStYUCt eight (8 ) Lr~estanc]ing signs and twe:lve (12} wall sigr.s wir_h waivers ot si.gns perinitted in canmercial zanes and aygre~~ate area oE busine~s sign~ on a re~.tan,ularly-shaped parcel oE land consistiny ol approximal•e.ly 7.6 acr.es of land located at the northwest corner of Orangewood Avenue and State College t,oulevard; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon E~ndiny Cha~ it has cunsidered the Nc~gative Dec].araCion together.- wilh any commerits received duriz~g the public review process and further. finc9ing on ~tie basis of the iniL•ial study and any comments r.ece.:ved lhat ~_here i:~ no substantial ~v.ideilce that the pr.oject wi.l~ havE a siyniEicar.~ effecL• an the. ~~nvircnrnenL•. riow, Ttlf'REEORE, B~ IT RESULVED that tne Anaheicn City f lanning Comrrissi~n doc,~ nerebf grant subje~L- Peti.l-ion for Vac•iance, upon ~he folJ.owing co~iditioc~~ wt~icii ~~re heret~y found ~o be a ne~:~~sary prerequisite to the pro~aosed use of the :~ubject proper~y in ordH~. to preaerve the sa~ety and yeneraJ. w~~fare of the CiL•iz~ns of the Cii:,y ot Anaheim: 1. 'l~1~aL- prior to issuar,r.e oP a siyn pcrmi.r. tha locat:ion ot all driveway~:;/~n~rancc :~iyn~ sha11 i~~:,~ Ceviewed by the ~r<<t£ic Bnginecr for. line-•of-:>i~~ht clearance. "l. That SIIf~JI?Ct J~ro~ertl shall `:,e ~i~.vraloped substan"_ia.lly i~~ accordance witn plan~ and sE,ecif.ications on Cile with the City c~~ Anahetrn m~ri;ecl ~xi~ibit l~o:~. 1 throuyh 7. :i. 'rha~, pr.ioC t;~ f.inal bui.ldiny and •r.onirig LnsPections, ~..ndition ivo. 2, above-mt~ntianed, :~hall be comE;l;ad wiLh. 4. 'Phat ~he siyning proyram as subniirLeU with exhibits ort .Eile will l,e ~he an:.l y.ign:~ allowecl on subjecl jro~erty except as otber.~ise p~r.mitter~ subject• ~o r_hF ceview ~nd appro~/al cf the Planniny Cc~tnmise,iun. 5. That• a coven4nt bF~ recurdeU ac~inst a11 parceJ.~ binding s~id ~~arc~ ls to sai~ siyn proyr+~m on file a~ oEfi~::ia1 e:chibi~s. G. That E,rior ro r_he commencetnr_i~t af Lh~ activiky auttivri.zed Under this resutulion, or ~:ior t.o is.~uance o[ ~ buildiny pe[mit, or within ,~ ~~er. tod o~ ~r~e }ea~ Er~~r~i ~tic daLe of r_t~is resolution, ~ whicnever ocr,urv first, Condi.tian N~. 5, abUVe••rnenr.ioned, shail be :omplieci wir.h. Ext~nai~ns [or further timQ to complete aaid cu~idiCio-t~ may be grantc~d in accardance with Section 16.U3.Q90 of the Anahe~i-n t4unici ~!.il Code. F. -3- PC86-273 ~~~~ '/~~~ 1 ~ :~~,;;;r~ ; „~; 44~~I' H~ IT FURTHI.R 1tL50LVED LhaL tl~e Anaheim Cif;y Pl~nn:ing Cammis~ion ~oes hece~y Lind and determine that a~3option of L-his P.esolutian is expres~ly predica~ed upun a~~licant's r.umpl:iance wilh each and all of. the condilfons hE~reinabove set forth. Should an,y suct: cc~ndition, ar ai~y p~'-rt thereof, be declared invalid or u~ienforceable by the finaJ, j~adgmen': of any court of competenr. jurisdictiun, then this Ttesol.ution, and any appruvals her.ei.n conL•ained, sha.11 be ~ie~med nu.ll an~ voicl. TH~ I.~Of'tE:GOTNG F~~SO~UTION i~ signecl anci approved by m~ thi~ 10tt~ Day ~ , ot• Novemi~er, 198G. ~- cs` ; ~ c'-?,tl~%. ~ ,~ /~ ~/ .~~.~L.:L c_•.~/' .~~'..,., Ck~AIRN'iAN, AfIA ir:IM CI'i'Y 1~~G COMMISSZON ~ ATTE ~'r : . ~~('C' n •~. SGCRL.7'Af2Y, AN~1tILIM CTTY PLANNI~IG COf4MISSION STATE OF CALI E'GRid I A ) COU[J`~Y OE GRANGE ) ss. CTTY OE ANAfiEIt4 ) T, ~dit.t~ L. Elarris, secretary of the Anaheiia City Planni.ng C~m~ri~si~n, do hc~:eby certi[y tt~.aL• ihe [urcyoing re:~olurion was pa~sed ~nd ado~.~te~ at a meetiny oE ~re Anaheim City Planniny Co-~missiun held ori tlov~mber 10, 13a6, Uy the Eolic~wing vul-e oE th~ member~ therF~oE: AXES: COMMTSSTOI~Lf2S: BOUAS, FI2Y, [iEi2DS'P, LA CLAIRE, LAWTC[CI, MC DURNEY MES~3E, NOES: CO~~IMIS;IC~NFRS: t70NE; ABSLNT: COMMISSIONE;KS: N~clE Tv W):'TNESS v~HERE~JE , ]'. kiave hereunto set my hand this 10th day uf ~7ovember, 19d6. _.c_. ~' ' " a~ M~`~ L N~CUMMISSION ~ECRL ARY, ACAHC! C~ Y~ A -4- PC86-273 . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. .... .. . . ~ .,. ...,. . ., . .. .Kr.,~;~J::n~ei»nY