PC 86-282,'""'`` RE50LUTSUN N0. PC86-2$2 A RESULUTION OF TF1~ ANAEIEIN CI'rY Pi~pNNTNG COMMTSSTON THAT P~'PI'PIUN L'UIt VARTAI~CE NU. 3619 BE DENIGD s ~ /~;:`~ ''t ;~~ WHE12GA5, the Anah~~i.m Cit,y Pl~nning Commission d:d recAive a veri~i~~~ ' PPt.ition for V~riance .Erom KP~TEiLLLN 0. FIOWARD, 2404 tvorr.h Fcench St:L'P_P.t~ Sant~~ N Anz, CatiForni.a 92706 AND FRANCES H. JUENGGR, 27?.0 North k'lower SL•rAwt, San~a An~, Cl~ 92706, own~rs, ~nd IIUc;p A. VA2QUB7., 224~J W?3t LiricoLri AvenuQ, Anah~im, Califor.n:i~z 9281~5, ~~gAnt for C~L'ta~J7 r~al pr.opAt~y si~uaLed in -:hA City of Anah~im, Cuunhy o.E Orang~~, State of C~31i£or.n.i.~~ d?scr.ibed as: . ALL OF LQT TW~;NTY-NINE (?.9 J IN DI,QCK "M" OF i'HE CEN,'ER TRACT, CITY j 01 ANAHETM, COUNTY OE 0l2ANGE, SZ'ATE OI' CALIFORNIA, AS PFR M11P ,' THGRBOF RECORDEll IN BOOK l.4 PAGES 13 OF' NIISCLLLANL'OUS RECORUS Ok 'LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALTFURNIA. °ARCEL 1, LOT 30 IN E3GOCK "M" UF THE CGNTER `.CRAC'r, AS PER MAP ' TfiEREOF. ItECORDGD IN BOOK 19,. PAGF .13 OF MI~CFLLANEOUS RcCORDS OF LOS ',' ANGGLE:S COUN'rX, CALIFOfiNIF~. PARCF,L 2, LOT 3l .(N E3LOCB. "M" OI' ^1HC CENTER 'Ci2AC'~, CITY OF ANAFIEIM, COCt~TY OF ORANGL•', yTATE Uh CALI~'ORPJIA. WfiEREAS, thA City P?anning Commi.s~ion did h~ld ~~ p~:blic hearing at trA ~ivic C~nCer iri thp Ci~y of AnahAim un Nov~mber. ].0, 1986, at ~:30 p.m., not.icP of said puul.ic hQ~r.ing hav.ing be~n duly gi.vpn as r~quirPd by l~w and in accor.danca wihh ~;t~Q provisions of r.hQ Anahei.ni Municipal Code, Cha~hur. 19.03, to I~p~r and con~ id~r ev i.dpncp for znd again,st. ~.-t.id proposed v~r: ianc~ and ~~ invastigahQ and m~k~ Eindings ~ind r.Pcomm~nd.-tions in conn?ction there~vith; anr] WHFF,EA.~, S~1LCj C~mmission, after CaUA lI1Gj~!'C~l.Oi1~ investiga+:'1011 F111C~ study madA by i.t:s~lf and in its bPhal.t, ~nd aftpr due con~ici~z'z~ion o~ aJ.l Avid~nc? and r.Qports oEfQc~ci ~-t sai.d hp~iring, doAs f?.nd and dAterm.in~ thp ful3.owi.ng f•~c~s: 1. 'Ph~~ hhp p~tition~r proposNra waiv~rs of t:hA fo.llowi.ng ho consi:r.ucF a 3-stury, 2.4-unic "~~.Efor.d.iul.e" a~~irr:mpnt compl~x under ~uhhor.ity pF CodQ 5pch,ion tJo. G5915: !a) SECTION 15.;j4.062.07.1 - M~tx:imum str.uctural h~.ight. r ~? uCACL~S p9Y(i1if~F!Clj 3 £ihOC1Ru pr.oposud) (b) SE;C'~'[OPl 18.34.061.O1Q - Minim~~m bui.lding siL•e arA ~~pr. dweili.ng unit. i~.200 squTrA fept r.pqu.iepd; 970 squarQ feet E~roposAd ) (c) SEC'~'TON 1E3.34.(162.02U - t9axim:tm siFA covp.r.ag~. ~. ' ~ (557s ~ArITI~.CtAU; ti0$ pr~~osud) ~ ;, ; ~' ~ ~ 0974r ,;,.;,. - v,~, rdj:r; r' ~p L ' ~': _ ,, ~~ i ,•' . ~r} K; ~~:: ~~ j~"{~fit ~ ii~"r7!"'~^t." P~86-283 .;-. ;. ~-~= , . . . -, ;,•x. ,s.:; I".~c 2. Th~t thQ above-mAnt.ionpd waivers al:~ hQreby deni~d an thp b~~s:is on the basi.s t:hat ther~ ;~r~' no sppci~l circum5tances a~plicabl.p ~o h~he ~roperL•y such ~s siz~, shap~, topogr.~phy, l.ocat.ion ~~nd surroundinga which do not ap~~ly ~o o~hpr identic~l?y zon~~d pzoppr.~y in t;h~~ sam~ vicinity; and ~hat strict~ app:licat:ion o: thp Zoriing C.~x]~ does no~ deprive hhA proP°rtY of pr. iv.ilAg4~s ~njayed by ol:F~~ar propAr.tips in the idenhicd~. zonQ .-~nd cl.~s:cification in ~hp vici.nt~y. '^' :i. Thac th~rP ar~ no PxeQ~tioix-i.l or. ~xl;raordinaz~y C1LCU~fISt~3qCNS or conditions applicabl.u t~ C.hQ prop~r~y .involvpd or to the intenc3Ad usA of Che P=~PArty t:h~t do nor ~pp1Y g°nNr~~tlly to Lhp ptop~r~y or class of use ir~ th~ sarne vicintty aild zc~iie. ! 4. 'Th<-~t: th~ r.pquQst~d var.iancQs ~2:e noL npc~s~ary ~or the s' ; pres~rvation ~~nd ~njoym?nt oE a subst3nr..ia.1 prop?rty right p~ssessed by ot;her ; pr.on~r.~y in hhA same v.icinir,y ~tnd zonp, and deniQd to trp propert:y in ques~ion. ~. That; t:h~ rAquQstpd v~ri~ncAs w~ill bQ niatArially detrim?nt~al to thQ publ.ic wplfar.p or injur.~i.ous to the prop~rty or impr.ovemen~s in such vi.~iniL-,y and zonA iiz which th~ property is toca~~1. ~ 6. Th~t F~ur pnr~ons i.ndi.cat~d the.ir prAsencP ~t: said publ.ic h~?~1L.i[lg in opposit:ion; and that no cor-o~pood~nc~ was r~ceivPd .tn oppoyi~ion t~ subjQcZ petit.ion. L•'P~VIRONMrNTAL TMPAC~P ~LNqING: That thA Anaheim City planning Commi;;sion has r.~vi~wQd t:hQ proposal r~nstrurt a 3-story, 24-unit "~ffordab~.A" ~partrnpn~ complAx undAr ~uthar.ity oF GovecnmQn~: Cad~ S?ction No. 65915 and with w~-~ivdr.s ot m~xitnum str.uctur.at heighr., minimum build.ing si.tp area PQr. dw~lting dw~3ling unit:, ~nd rti~tximu~~n sitQ covQragA on c~ r?C~:angularly-sh~3pQd par.c~l oE land consisting oE ~~ppr.oximatQly U.53 acre having a f.ront;ag? of approxim~~~Aly ].35 FQF.r, an t:h~ Aas~ side nE Cl~iudina SL-rpet, and £urL-h~r dpscr.ibpd as 300-32?. Sout:h Cl~audin<~ Str.eQt; and dups herek,y appruup ~hQ IJ~gativQ D~c].ar.ation up~n ~:hn findiny !:hat it has considAred t:h~ N~gativ~ DaC~.FtL~LLOi1 t:ogQr,hAr wit;h any commPnt:s rPr.QivQd during the ~ubtic r~~iAw nrocAss ~nd Eur.lhnr find.ing on th~ b~~sis of th~ init~ia). study ~nd ar.y comments r~cpiv~d tn~3t thpr~ is n~ sub~~r~intial. Nvid~nc~ t.hat• thp pru3~ct wi.ll havA a siynific~~nt ~fEpcr. on L•h~ ~nvi.r.onmQnt:. NOW, T[IEREFORG, BE T~P RESULV~ll Lh~it ~hp Anati~im Cit:y Planning Commiss.ion do~s ner.~by d~ny subjAct: p~r.ihion Eo~ V~rianc~ on th~ basis o~. Ch~ aEor.em~~ntir~n~c~ f.inding~. THF, hORE:GUING P.ESOLUTION is ;;ign~d ~1nd approv~d by mA this lOth day ~P Novp-nbPr, 1986. ~J ~`s`--- ~ ~';~~ , ~ ~ c~::'~' . , ~ .~ ~ . . . ~ ...~..G`.'___... CHAIF2MAN~ ANA ETM CITY P~fI~NNING COMMtSS~ON ~ ATx'EST: ~ :'; ~ .c ,~%~ ~ Ei~.~, i,~ SE(:P.ETAIZY, ANAHCTM CITY PLANNING COMMIS,SIL~t7 ;. -2- :i FC86-282 ~ ii; yl STATP ne CAuIFORNIA ~ ' ; .. . . i t {;~K~~ i~t~~. W . /y ~~ q# ';i i; CUUNTY OI' ORANGE ) ,s . ;: ~ C'ITY qF ANAEIEIM ) _ ,. I, Gdi,L•h T~. Har.ris, SecreLary oE ~he Anah~im CiLy F~lanni.ng Commis~ion, do h~rAby c?rt~ify Hha~ ~he Eor~-goi.ny re ,o.lution was passed and ~';~~ adopted a~ a m~~tiny nf t:he Anaheim C7.ty Pl~~nning Co~u.nissiun hPld on November ;;!;; 1.0, 1986, by tne foll.cwing vote oL• th~. m~mbers ther.eoE: '~~' AYES: CUMMISSIONEI2S: NOES; COMMISSIONERS: Ai~SEN'P: COMMISSIOt~ERS: IN WI'.l'NESS Wl Nov?mb~r, 1986e BOUAS~ HERBST, L,A CI,AIRE, LAWTCKI, MC BC~RHEY MESS~ FRX 3FREOl~ , I havd her.e~in~:o s~t n~y hanc? thi~ lOth day of - ~~L~=~-~'---• ~ ~lC.c~-~ SGC12E A'T RY , ANAHETM CTTY I~GANNING C:OM~IISSION -3~ ti PC86-282 .,;~ ;.>'s