PC 86-292~1 RFSOLU'PI()N NU. PC85-292 ~ R~SOLUTTON OC' 'PkiL ANAEIFIM CI'I'Y PLANNING CUMMIS5IOh THr1'.P I~ETITTON I'OR CONDI'!'~IONAL USr', ~EF2i7IT N0. 2863 BE GRANTLp WHEREA5, ~he Anaheim City Planninq Cornmission did receive a t~erified F~etition Eor Cor~dition~~1 U~e Permit .f:um JOSEPH CASAt,E ADID JULIC CASAGE, 63Q Nortt•~ Clementine, Anahei.m, Calif•ornta 92a05, owners of r.ertain rea]. prap~rty , situated in the Cit•.y c~f P.naheim, Caunty of Orange, Sta~e oE Calif-ornia, - described as: • LOT 9 f3LOCK B OF 'PRACT 170 AS PER MAP kECORDL'U 1PJ BOOK 12, PAGE ~C~ UF MLSCr^,LI,ANF~7U5 MAPS IN THG OFE'TCE Ok TEIF~ COUNTY R~CORUER OF SATU COUNTY. WHGREA5, tha City Planning Commissio~Z di~! hold a public heariny at the Civic Center in the City oE Anaheim on N~vemb4~r 24, 1986, at J.•30 p.m>, notice oE said publ.ic hearing navinq baen duly given as r.equited by taw acxd in a~cordance ,~itn the ~rovisions uE the A;-ah~im hiuniaipal C~de, Chapter 18.03, to hear ar-d considPr evidence fr~r and against said propo~ed conditional use perrnit and t~ .investigate unc3 rn~ke findings and recommendation.; in con-i~ctio7 therewith; an~ WHGitf'F,S, said Commis,ion, aEr_er du~ irisper.tion, investigation snd sr,udy~ made by itselt and in its behalf, and aFter due conUideration of. all evidt:nc:e and reports ofPere~,] aL .~ai.r3 tieariny, does Einct and determine the followinq Eacts; .l, That khe r~r~pc~sed use is pr~per.ly one for wiiich a conditior~al use per,nik is authc~r2zed by Cali£or.nia Code Section 65~352.], to wit: to constr.uct a granny ~anit with the following waivcr:;: (a) SEC:'CIONS 18.26.Oo3.030 ~ Minimum cear y~~rd setback. ANi) 1a.25`06~.02U (20 feet requirea; 3-1/2 Eeet pr~~osed) (b) SLCTTU~1 18.20.062.U21 - Niaximum rear vard cover,age~ w (35~ permitted; 4f3?~ proposed) 2. That the requested waivLCN ar.e hereby yrar~ted on tli~ basis that L•here ar~ sE~ecial c.irc;umstanr~, a~~plicable to t.he Ero~erty such as uize, shape, topoyraphy, location ancl s~r.coundinys wt~ich do not apply to cther ident.ica.lly zoneti ~raperty in tt~e same vi.~tnity; and that scrict applicution ~F the znn.ing Cade deprives the proper.ty ot Frivileges enj~y~d by othQr pcuperL:ies in the tden~ic :I ~c~ne ~~nd rla~siEicar.ion in ~ne vicinit,y. 3. ThaE the pcopa,er~ use will nat a~iversely aEEec": the adjo:ining r land u:~~s and the grow~h anci ~ievEloQm~nt of t-ic area in which it is proposed ~ r~ i~e lccacea. ~ ~r 4. 7'hat the siz~~ and 3ha~~ ~~L the ai~e prop osec~ for , r t;hP a:~e is ; adequate *.o a.11uw the tull d~:.~velopment oE the pr.oposed u~e in a tr,annP~ not i :letr.irr.entt~l to th e particu~~r. are~ nor ro the peace, health, saL•ety and -; general welPare of the Citizens nL the :it.y oE Anaheim. j r U9ti6 r ~~ PC.86-292 ~ . ~: qr. ~ ~ -;:r '; .' .; . I,,. ~ ~ ~ ,.ww~t ' 'i e' 5. '1'hat the granl-iny of the Conditi.onal jJsr; Permit undcr the conditions im~oaed, if a~-y, wi.ll not be cletrii~ental ro the peac~, he~lrh, saf~l:y and general welface of L•he Citizens of the CiL•y of Anat~eim. 6. 'z~hat the traEEic renerate~] by tt~e ~~ro~osed use w~ll not impose an undue burden upon the sCre~ts and hiyhways designed and improved to carry the ttafEic in l•he are~. 7. Thal no one indicated ~:hFir pres~nce at saicl public hearing in opposition; a-tid thaL no correspondence was c'ecea.ved in o~~osition to the subjec~ p~tition. LNVIRONM~N~PAI, IMFACT IINDING: ihaL Lhe A!~ahF:im City Planning Commission has ceviewed the proposal to constcuct a gX~~nny unil with ~raivers oE minimum cear yard setback and maximum rear. yard coverage c~n a cc•~ctanyularly•-shaped parrel of lancl consistiny of approximately 0.17 acrF located at the aautheas~ cocner oE Wilhelmina Str~et and Cle~ne~i~i.ne Street, and fur.ther described a, 630 Diartt~ Clementii~e 5treet; and does Y:ereby appro~e tt~e Negative Declaration u~?on finding that it ha~ cor~s:~ered the Negarive De.:latat.ion toyecher with any comm~nts received during tnc pubLic review process ar~d further Lindiny oi, L-he basis oi the initial study and ~ny car~:ment:~ received that L-here is no substant~.i~l evi.dence that lhe project wil: have a significank effect o~l Lhe environment. NUW, TH~t2LE'URG, BG I'P RGSOLVGD Lhat the Anaheim C ity Planni.ng Commission do~s hereby grant ~ubject Petition tor Conditional -Jse Permi~, upor~ khF tollowi~lg con~3itions which ar~ hereby foun d to be a n~ c e s s a z y p t e r e q u i s i t e to ~he propc~ed use ot the ~ubject pcupe~ty in ordec to preser.~~e th~ safety and general welf.ar.e of L•ne Citiz~ns of h.hp Cicy of Anaheim: 1. Thac the owner ot sut~ject properL•y ~h~ll irr~vocably otEer to de~i~ate to the Ci.L-y of Anai~eim a 15' zadiu:~ property line re~urn at the corner ~~f Wilhelmir~a Street a~d C~ement.ine Street~ :~i:;r!.1!; ;, ~ .. . '~~'i:r 'l. 'rt~~L• a handicap access ramp shal:l be constructed at -_he sourheast corner .,[ k'iihelmina SLreet and Clement:ine Street. as requir~d by thP City Enyineer. ar~d in accordanct; wi~h st.andard plans a~td spc~ciEicati~n~ un ti1F i^ th~ OfCice nE the City Engineer (No. a-f, No. 1-4) That subjer_t pr.o~erty sha'll be devel~pE~d substan~ially in accordancE ~' 3 . ~' ` wi.th ~.lans and s~:ec.itications on tilr-. with the City of An~heim marked F,r.hibit. No~. 'l and 3. Tl~at ~>rtor to issuance a~ a bui~ding pecmit, or within a period of I 4 . one year from `he dat•e af this resolutian, whichever occurs firsk, Candition Nu. 1, ab~ve-ment~or~ed, shall be com~~lied with. ~xtensious Cor fur.tl:er ti.me to com~lcte sai.d coi;dit•ions may 1~~ ~ranL•ed i.n accocdance wi~h SEC~io~i .18.03.U90 of: the Anaheim t4urii.cipal Gode. ` 6, That pr.ior L•o £inal huilding and 2oning in~~ectior.s, Condition Nos. 2 and '3, above-mrnti.one~l, :~ha.ll t-~e com~li.ed wit.ts. ~~ . . t ,4~': , f _~;:., ~ _~_ FCBG-292 : ;s , ;,~;~ ~.. t :.i , ~~ ; ~ ,. ~~'s~ ;•'; 7. That the tenancy ~f subject Eacility shall be restricted to per `:~:i sons '~ a~ least one (1) ot whon in eact- unit is sixty•-~wo (62) years of aye or alder; and ~h~t a cuvenant shall. be recarded by the owner e.E the propeLty in a farm approved by tlie City AL•torney so limiting such occupancy . A co~~y of said covenant Uha11 then be s~xbmitted t~ t~he Planning Department. _ 13L IT E'URTHER R~SOL'JED L'nat the Anahei[~ Ciky Planning Gommission do~s hereby find and deL-erruine that ad~ption oL this .2esolution is espres~ly pcec~ic:~~ted upon applicailt's compliance with each ana a.ll of tYie conditi.ons hereinabove sct forth. SIlOl1.LC~ aiti~~ such conditions, or any part i:hPr.eof, be declared inva].id or unenforceab~a by the f:inal juc',gment oF any court ~E conipetent jurisdictiun, th~n th:~~ R~:,olution, and ar~y appro~~als her~in cantained, ~ha11 be deemed null an~ void. 'PH~ FORE;GOING I2GSULUTTON is signed and approved by mt: khis 24th day of Nove~nber, 1986. ~~ .' i ~~ ~.i ..±~C~~~ / a ~~ - CHAIRI~IA,N, ANaFiEIM CITX PLP. NTNG C~~Mh]ISSION j A'PTL ST : ~~~.._._r~~ 1~~~ ~ SE:CRE`.CA Y, AN11i•iEIM CITY PLAPaN.ING C~MMTSSIGP~ S2'A'i'E OF CAL.ii'O12NIA C0~3N'PY OF URAP~GE ) ss ~ CITY QF ANAHEiM ) I, Gdith L. Ha'-'~~ Secretary of the Anahcim City Planning Commission, do hereby cert.fy that the Porec~oi.ng resalu~ion waa passed and adopted aL• a meeL-ing of t.he Anaheim City Plannin~~ Commirsion held on No~em.her ?.4, 1986, by the fUllr~wir,y aute of tne ~nembers thereof-: AYES: COMMTSSTONERS: DOUAS, HGRBSi, LAWTCKI, MC 13UR!~EY, MESS:; NOBS: COMP1iSSI0PTGRS: NONE ABS~NT: COMDi:ISSLONGRS: ['RY, LA CL?~lFtE ZN WITNUSS ~9HLRFUF', I!~ave tiereunto set ny har~d this 24th day of N~vemrer., 1986. ,~, i ~ oC~ / r~ ~...~, , S~:CRETA Y, AI3AHEIM C1TY PLA ING COMMISSION ! ~ ~ ,3- PC86-292 ~