PC 86-295w~sa~r^~,--.~Ii ,., . ,.. ., ~~..ra,•,.,~~,• . RESOLUTION tdJ. PC136-295 A R~50LtJTTU[3 ~)G' THn ANI~HF:;i ~I`PY PLANNIt~G COi,~MISSTON THAT PETITION FO12 RECLASSIFICATION Nc). 86-8i-1L` BE DENIED WI•IrREAS, the Anaheim Ci~~• Pl.anning Commi;~sion did Ceceive a verifiE~ ~etition for R~classiii~ati^n fr~~m FATRMGNT LIMITLD, 7.3532 EIazel Avenu~, Gar.der- Gr.ove, California 97.G44 RivD LLBERT F. GHRTSTGNSEN & MARIE CHRISTyt~,SEN, 2U0 South I'ai.rr~ont, AnahPim, C~lifornia 92807, o~~iler~, and DEF'T DESTGN, INC., 185U e;ast 17th, ~ 11.3, 5anta pna. Ca].iLornia 92701, agent for. certain real property situated in the City of Anaiieim; CounL•y o~ Qrange, Statc of Cal.iforna.a, described as ir,~ 1ows: WHERLAB, tt;a City Planni~-q Ccmmiss;~n did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center iii ti~e City of Anaheim on Sc~tem:oer 29, 1986, at 1c30 p.m., not;ice of said pubZi:; heacii~g havi.~ig be:en duly yiven as rnoi~i4ed by law and in accordance with th~ provisio:~s oE the Anaheim Muni.ci~~a1 Code, Chapter 18.03, to h~ar and conGider evidence for and ~gainst said proposed r.ec:.assi£ication and to invest.iga;.e an~~ :nake fir.ding~ and cecommendation~ in connectiorz therewxth;. Gaid public hearing having bE;en ~~nL•~nued to the nlanning Commission r;~eel:ing of November 7.4 r 1986; and WHEREAS, said Commzssion; after due i.nspection, inv~sti.gatian and stu~y made by iLself ar.d in ~~:~ behalf, and after due considerat~on of a:ll evi.~aence: and repor ts of f.~-~ed at said hearing, uoes f~ nc3 and determine the following Pact.s: 1.. That t=l~e pe~itionec prapases reclass~fication o£ subj~ct pr;,perty from the RS-EiS-22,L'00 (SC) (RF~sidc~ztial, Sir~gJ.e-Fami:l.y, Sc~nic Corr.i~.~or Ov~rlay) 7,onc ko ~M-3000(5C) (Residential, Multiple-Fan~ily, Scenic Corri.dor Ov~arlay l~~ne. 2. That the Anaheim Gencral Pl.an designates subject property for hi1lUi,d.e estate density residenLia.l ]and u,es and G~n~ral Plan Amendment No. 221 was denied hy the Planriiny Commission on Noven;bec 24, 1986, ~. That the propo~ec3 r~classificatzan of subject prop:~rty is not r.ecessur.y nor desirable for L•he arderly, and ptopar development u[ the comrr~.:n9.t:y. 4. ~Ph~t kh~ proposed reciassiEication o.f subject proper.ty do~s not properly r.ela~e t•~ the zo-~es and L•heir permitted u~es loc~.lly establisYied in close ~r.oxi~nit}~ to su4ject ~roperty an~ to L•he zone, and tneir permitted uses gener3:l.ly es~abli.sh~d throughout the commur~ity. 5. That 22 pers4n:~ indi.cat~d their prese~ice at the September 29, I.y86 meeLi.ng asid 39 peopl~ indicated theic presence ar said public hParir.g in c~ppasitic~~; and that r~::iL•i.ons ;;onr..aining approximat4ly 91 S~~gnar.ures and apr~rt,x:.ma~ely 20 lettets were received in oppusition to subiect petition. ENVtROyM~;N~?'AL Ii~tPAC~' h1NRT_NG: That tt~e AnahFi.m Gitiy Planning Commis~ion ha~ rev:,awed the ~roposa~. to reclassify subject oroper~y Fr^m RS-HS-22,C00(SC) (Hesidential, single-iamily, Scenic ror.ridor Overlay) zune tc RM-3Q00(SC) (Ttesidential, Mu.ltiple-Family, S.;enic Corridor Overlay) 7,~ne on an ir.regularly-shaped parcel oP 2and cunsisting of approximately 6.2 acre~, 0989r PC86-295 ;;;~ , .. ~;';' "`. ~ .~;~ ,, ,~ :~r<.i~ r' having a frontage ot ~pproximately 8A3 ~e~t on ~he eask side of. Fairmonk Boulevacd; and does heret~y app~:ove Ehe Negative Declaration upon Eind~ng that i~ has cansidered ~he Negative Declarat~on together with a:-y comments receia~ed during r.he public review proc~ss and iurth~r finding on the basis af ~he initial stuc~y and any comm~nts received that there is no substantial evidence that the nroject• will have a~ignificant effect on L-he envirc~nment. ;I ~ ~' NOW, THLREEOFtE, BG IT R6S~JLVEP tk~at the Rnaheim Cit;~ Planning C~:nmi:sian does hereby de~~y Pei:ition for Reclassi~:ication on the basis of. th,e afor.ementioned findinys. THE FOR~GOIt~G R~SOLU'i'ION is si.gried anc3 ap~roved by me this 24th day of NoveR~ber, ].ya6. .~=' f ~~~ ~~, . , ; f s CHAIRM~ANAH M CIT~~Y NG l".OMMISSSOI~ / ATTFST: • ~ ~~~ ~ ._ ;: ti~r~dQ.1 SFCF?~TA Y, ANAkI~IM C:I`.PY PI,ATINING COMf]ISSICP? STATE UF CALTF'ORNIA ) CUIIN'PY OF URANGL ) ss, , CITY OI` 11NAfiEIM ) ; I, Edith L. Harris, Secre~ary of thz Anaheim CiL-y Plann~ng ~'~' Comtnission, do hereby certify that the foregoing Lesolution was passed and a:iopted at ~.: meeting of khe Anaheim City Planning Commission Y:eld on November 24, 1986, by the Foilowing vote of. the membet:s ther~ot: AYES: CUMt9I5570Nk:R5: HOUAS, F.KY, HERCiST, I~F~WICKI, MG BURNLY, MESSL NUCS: COMMISSIONERS: ^lONE ABSENT: COldf+IISSIONERS: LA CLAIR~ :; IN W7TlJESS 4iY.EREOF, I tiaVe tcereunto set my ha[~d this 24th day of !;;' ~~c>vember, 1986. "~ ;~: _.~._'`-~`-"~ ~ F-~t-it.~o -..~_ ~?,~ SECR3TARY~ ANAIiEIM CI'1'Y PLANNING COMMISSIUI~ ,:;;,~ c':, ~.,~ ~ r:.; ;.;,~ `~~ ,,. ' ~~sf, ;'r _. ..,. ...~':~ ~2-- PC86-295 ~>'~ ;.~.~. ~a1; i ~ ~:~ ~:+ J . . ~ ~ . . . . . , ~ ...~'_~Y