PC 86-298~ ~ .. _ . . .. . _ , . . ~ ~ •, -~ ~ _.., . .,. .r . , ~tCd1..;~;~C~t1i ';'i ''`I'.i; ' j .. . ,',~ , . y; ~,1 ursoL,urzorr No. PC86-'l98 -- -- _,._ ', A RI:SOLU'i'I~N OF 2'FIE ANAHEIM CTTY Pf~ANNING CpMMISuIUN T[•iAT PETI'1'ION 1~OR RECLASSIFICATIUN N0. 8b•-Ei7-1g S~; GKANTEU WHEFt~AS, the Anaheim CiL-y ~lanning Commiss'~~n did receive a v~rified r ,;_ peti.tion fox ReclassiEicat~ion from [•IUG~ A. VA7,, ' ~' Avenue Anaheim CaliEor.nia 92b01 . QUE7, G~r AL., 224Q Wesr Lincoln %~; ' ~ ,~wners oP certlin ceal prr,perty ai~uated in ., the Cil•y of Anaheim, Counry oL- Orange, State c~f California, dQscribed a:: , follow~; HFGINNING AT THE NE CORNER OI' THC W 7.~2 OP THE NE 1/4 OF THL NE 1/4 UF 7'FiE NG 1/9 QF' SECTIUN 7.8 TOWNSHTP 4S R.lOW !N TH~ RANCHU LOS ' COYOTES IN THC CI'PY OL' ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG~, STATE OE ;~ ' CALIE~ORNIA, L~ER MAP IfI BOUK 51 PAGE 10 OF M.M. THENCE S Q° O7' 36" ' E 66.01 EL'ET= 'PHC~CE S 39° 58' OQ" W 164.00 FEET.; TEiENCR S 0° 07' !~ 35" ti p5,pU k~NET TQ THE TRUE F'OINT OF BEGINNING; 'PHhNGE S p° 07' 3G" ~ J.93. J4 I'3E'r; THGNCh; S 83° 58' 00" ~J 17G.06 ~EET; 'PHENCE N U° 07' ~ 3~" W 19U.00 CrE'L'; 'PF{'L•'NCE N 88° 58' 00" E 4p.p~ r~~T; 'PHGNCG N 0° 07' 36° W 5.00 EEtiT; THENCE N t~3° 58' 00" G 136.00 I'GFT TO '!'i?'~ 'PFUE POINx' pE Bk;GiNNING, SAID i~ARCEL CONTAINtNG 3~1,U80 SQUARB FEET OR ~ ~.78 ACRLS, WHEREAS, the :;ity c lanning Commis~ion cli.d hold a pablic hearing at the Civic Cer-ter in tl,e City oE Ariaheir,~ on Octobez 27, i9a6 al• 1:30 p.rn., notice oC saic9 puhlic h~aring havinr, been duly given as req4ired by law and in accordance wit~n the pr.ovisi~n; of the Anahei-n Mun.icipal Code. Cha~ter iE.03, to tiear and consider evi.d~pr.~_ tor ar~~ Against sai~] proposed reclassification ~.nc9 to investigate ~:~:: in~~ke tindinys and recormm~ndations ir connection therewith; said public h~aring Y~aviny been continued ro th~ Plannir~g Co-nmission meeting of. December 8, 1986; an~ 1 WHEREAS, said Comrnission, aCter due inspection, investiyahi.~n and study madG by iL•se1P and i.n its behalf, and after c?ue cnnuidera~ion of a17. evidenc~ and repor.ts oEEered at said hearing, does f.ind and determine the followinr, tac~s: 1. That Fhe petitioner ~ropusey rrclas~i£ication oE '' 17s3 ~eet oE subject ro t ttae norkherly p ~,er ~~ from the CL (Commercial, r RM-1200 (ResidenLia],, Multip] e-t~am~ l ) Z ~ Limited3 'Lone to ~h` . , y c n~. 2~ ~hat the Anaheim General ~lsan c?esiynates medium densit y residential lanc9 c subject prapexty fur , uses. 3• That the ~roposed reclassificarion of ' necessary and/ur desirabie E subjact prcpert:y iS or the orderl and (' community. Y Pr~P~~ dnve.lopment of the ~. ihat the pcoposed rFClass{Efcatior~ of. sub~izct. property ~~A~ p~oP~=x1Y re.late to th~ z~ne:; anc9 their ~~ermitted uses locall.y establisred ir, c.lose ~~coximity t4 ~ubject property and ~o thc~ zones and their. parmi,tted uses genera~ly e~tab.tished thr.ouyhout ttie cornmunity. 5 (, ~~ 0995r PC86-29E3 /~ ~y~~ ':1 . ~ :1 ` . , If, '~. 5. That one person Lnd;.cated h~s ~rAsence at sa;cl public hearing in n~~position; and that no correcpondence wa~ received in opposit.ion to subject petition. ENVIRUNMBNTAL IMPAC'P FINDING: That Lhe An~heim Cit,y Planning Commission has reviF~~ed the pr~posal to rec.lassi*y ~he northerly 178 feet of ~ubjnct proper.t,y Erom the C~ (Commercial, Limited) Zane to L•he RM-12Q0 ,. (ItesidentiaY, ~:~iltipln-['amily) zone anr.l L•o cons~ruct a 3-story, 34-unit "aftordable" apar.tment complex under authority oi CaliFornia Government Cade Section N~. 65915 •~il.h waivers ot- required lot fronL•age, minimu~n site area per dwelliny unit, rnaxamu~n buildiny h~ight and ma~imum 5ite coverage ~n a rect~~r+gu.larly-shaped narcel ~~f lund consisting of a~proxima:ely U.76 acres on th` soul:t~ side of Lir~coln Avenue, and Further described as 2240 6~pst Lincoln Avenue; and does hereby approve the Neqative Dec.laration upon finding that it ;' has considered the Ciegal•iv~ D~claraLion ~ogether with a~-y cumrnent~ received duriitg tl~e ~ublic revi?w process and fucthPr finding o:- the basis of the initial study and any c;omment.s rpc~ived that there is no substantia.l evidence that the project will have a signifi.cant ef.~ect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEll tt~at the Anaheim Cily Planning ; c'ommission does hAreby gLar,:t subject Petiti~~n f.ur Rec].aasificaLion and, by sa doing, that T:itl~ 18-Zoni.,lg of the Anaheim Munici~al Code be amended to exclude l:h~ above-described pro~er~y from thA CL (^ommercial, Limited) Zone and to ir,co;.porace said clescribed E~r~perty inko the RM-1200 iRPsidential, Multipla-r^amily) Zone upon the following conditions whi.ch arP hereby Eound to be a necessary prerequisite l-.o th~ prupo~ed use of subjecl: properhy in ordec L•o preserve the saFety and yenpr.al welFare ot t:he Citizens of the City oE Anahe~m: 1. ~haF the ownets of suF~~ pro~erty sha].1 ar.quire a recorded covenant granting an access easement Prom the property owner immediately north oF ~ubject property for i~iyress and eyress pU1CpoSeS b~tween subjec:t ~ropnrty and [,incolr, Avcnue. Sai.d ea~emen~ shall be aesig~-ed :in a mar.ner satisFactory to the C:ty TrafE.ic F'ngineer and said covPnanh. shall be i.n a Eorm sa~isfac~ory ~o the City ACtorn~y. A copy of the recorcled covenant si~a11 be suhmitted s:o the P.lanning ~epartment. 2. That in the event subject pr~~~erl•y is Ca be dividEd f.or the purpose ~, , oP sale, lease, or Pirianci.ny, a~arcpl map to record the approved division of s~abjecL- proPerL•y shall k~e submitted ka a..d approved by the City oL- Anaheim and then be ;.ecorcled in the 0£flae of the Oranye Counr.y Recorder. 3. '.Ch~t an ordinance rezoniny ~ubjer,t propexty sha~.l in no event be~ome eife~:tlVr_ E~xce~:k upon o,: Lo1l~wing th~ recordatiun of. a final parcel map within the L•ime sp~cified in ~overnmprit Code 5ection 65463.5 rr such further time aa thu Planning Commission or City Cou~icil rnt~y gcan~. 4. That prior to the adopCion of th~ ~r.~linance rezorting subj~ct property, a preZiminary 4itle re~~ar~ ~ha11 be furnished to thp ;' Planning Deparl:rr,ent showing th~ .legal ves~ ing oE title, a 1Fya1 d~scription and ronl-aining a map nL the porti~n of subject ~roperty ~ which is being reclassiEied. 'Z- P~86-298 ~ ,;;. , ..,. ~ _~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i '4t' ~~t ~ )'% 1 CY '4Y 5. That ' ''~ pr.ior ro the introduction of an rrdinancP rezoning sub3ect ~ ~roperty, Condition No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, above-mentioned, shal~ be ~'~' completed. 2'h~ ~r •iisions or rights grankeci by this reso.luti.on shall hecome null and void by actio-~ of the Planning Commission unless said conditions axe complied with withiri one year from the date oE this ~ reso.lution, or such further rime as the Planning Comm~.ssion may gra~~t. ~'~"'~ HE IT ['URT[iER RESOL~/ED that the Anaheim City Planning Cammission dnes ~;;', hereby fi.nd and deL-ermine that adoption of Chis Resalution is expressly ~~ predicat:ed upon applicant's complzanc~ ~vith each and a11 of the conditions ~~_ her~i,na;~ove sek forth. 5hou1~ any such condition, oc any ~~~rl thereoP, b~ declar.ed invalid or, uner.Lorceable by the final judgment of any c~urt of competent jurisr3ir4•ion, then this Resolution, and any anprovals hcrein contairied, sha.~l ue deeme 3 null and voicl. i TciE ['ORLGOTCIG 12BSOLU~I~ION is signed znd appr.oved by me l-h.is ~th day oF ~` D~c~~mber, 1986. 1 : :~.! ~ ~ C.. ,~ ~~''~ ~~;%'~~~,- CHAIRMAN, ANAH IM CI'Y~ P ANN/ ~G CpMMISSION ; l AT't'EST: / ti` ; . , ~2` l °~~~~'~ ~ ~ SGCRLTARY, ANAfIBIM~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION S'PATL OF CALIE'ORNIA ) COUNTY C7t' ORANGr ) Ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, EQitY~ i~. Harris, Secretary oE the Anah~im Ciry Planning Commission, do hereby cer.tify that the foregoiny resolution was passed and adopted at ~~a me~ting of the A.naheim City P].anning Cummissio~i he~d on December 8. ly~Gr by tt~e followi~ig voL-e of the members thereuf.: AlE:S: CpMi~I~SSIONERS: ESOUAB~ FRY~ KCiik35T, LA CLAIR~~ L•AWTCI(I~ MC BURNEY MESSE tVOBS : CCIMM:ISSTONFRa : N~NE ABSENT: COMMISSIONLRS: NON~ IN WT'CC~ESS WHER~'~t , I have hereunko set my hand tl~is 8th day of Decpmber, 1986. dl.C-C-~h.~ ,Gv • SFCRE'PARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSS~ON J;1~~ F, '+, ~ 'i ,•. :,,` ;'v t~~ .a ;:~ ~3- PC86-298 ~~;f ;7 r, . ~~:~ ~.r~; e t„iL; ~ ~ ~ - . . . . ~ . , ~~~~~~ . . : . . , . . ., . . . . .... :...rJ'n 4.f.]