PC 86-302~,...ti , £tESOLUTTON N0. L~C8ti-302 A R.I;SOLU`i'LON OF 'i'FiE ANAHGIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION T.HAT 1~E'PI'Pip[~ I'OR VARI~.NC13 N0. 3602 DE C;RANTED LaHL•'HEAS, t.hc Anaheim City 1~.lanning Commission did raceive a vari.fied T~el-iti.on for Variance from 200C DEVE'LOPERS, INC., 1850 3.7th Street~ #ll~m Santa Ana, California 9::701, owner, and IRAJ EE"PEKHAIlZ, 1850 17th Street, #113, San~a Ana, Californi~ 92701, agent for certai.n r.~a1 proper.ky situated in the City ut Anah~im, Cauni:y oF prangE, State o£ California described as: 'PIiE NpR`Pt-LRLY RECTANGULAR 49.I7 E'EET OE i~OT 4 TN t3LUCK "ll" OE DAV7S BROTHGi~S ADDITION 'PO ANAIiEi[A, IN THE CI'PY Ot ANAHG2M, COUNTY OF OKANGE, S`1'ATG OE~' CALIPt7RNTA, f,S ~~CR MAP RF.CORDED TN BOOK 2, I'AGFS 632 r,nd 633 ~I MISCE;LLAP~LpUS RECURllS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CAI.,T C'ORNIA, LUTS 1, 2 ANU :3 1'N fiLOCK 'D' OF' DAV7S k3H0'i'HEFt~ AUDITIOP~, AS Y~:R NAP THERE;OE RECORllt~U IN f30UK 2, PAGES u'32 AND 533 QI' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS OF 'LOS ANG~I,ES C;OUNTX, CALI.FOI2NIA, AidU IN Fi00K 32, ~'AGE 57 OP MISCELLANEVUS RECORDS nF L'OS ANGEI,G:' COUN7'Y~ CALI~'ORNIA. WHE~EAS, the City Planning Cornmission ~lid hold ~~ public hearinc~ at ~l~e Civic Cei~ter in the City of Anaheim on September 29, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., norice of said ~ublic hearing having been duly giv~n as r.eqiaired by ].~w and in accordance wirh the prev.isio»s of the Anaheim Munici~a'1 Cocie, Chapter 18.03~ ta hear and consicler evidence f.or. and agrz;.nst yaid propo:~ed variance and to in~;estiga~e and make findings and recomm~ndat.ions in connection therewith; aaid public hearing having bten cont:i,nu~d t~ the Planning Commission meetiny of December 8, 19fiG; and wftr.REF.S, said CoiTimission, aFter due inspection, investiga~ion and ~tudy made by .itselC an'd in its behalf, and afker due c~~nsideration of all evidence a;~d reportr; aEfered at said heariny, cioes find ~~rid d~ter~nin~ the Eollow:i.ny Facts: 1. That ~.he pF•l-.itionec ~rapus~.~ waiv~r oE the following to aunstruct ~ 3-story, 22-untt i~,artment complea: (a) StsC'PION 18.39.On2.~711 - Maximum struct~:r.a1 h~ighc. ~~ ~ (maximum 2 si:orie, permitted; 3 stories propr~sed). (b) SCr_TIUN 18.34.Cb?.Q20 - Maximum si~e cove:ar.~e~ ` r (rr,ar.imum 55~c pecmittPd; 74.8?~ proposed) 2. Thak the above-mentioned waiver~ are t~ereby ~~rantec~ on the basis ~:hat there are s~ecial ci.rcumstancps applicable to l•t~e property such as sixe, si~ape, t~pography, loc;akion and s~arroundings which do not apply to other identirally zoned pro~erty in thc~ same vi.c.tnity; and that strick application oF. the Zoniny Code deE~rives the property of privileqes enjoyed by other pr~perties itti ti~e identical xone and c].assiEication in the vi.cinity. ~?! 0999r PG86-302 ~ ,~; ~-•, 3~ That there are exceptional or extraozdinary circums~ances or conditi~ns applicable l•.o the property involved or to the intended use af Che property that do not apply generall,y L-o t~he property or class of. use in the same vici.nil:y and zane. 4. That the rPquestea variance is necessar.y f:or ~he prese~vation and eri;joyment oF a substantial pr.aperky rigYit possessed by other pr~perty in ~he same vicinity and ~,one, and denied to the j~r~perl:y ici quF~stion. 5. Tha~ the requ~sted variance w~ll not be materiall.y detcimental ~o the public w~lfare ~~r injurious to rhe pr.oper.ty or improvements in such viciniry anc? tune in which Lhe properr,y is located. G. 'rhat one person indicated his presence at said ~,~ublic hearing in opposikion; and that no ~:orresponder,ce was received in o~~;osition to subject petil•ion. Ct~1IRONMh;N'tAL IMPACT i~IN1)ING: ThaL Lhe Anaheim City Planning Com~is~.ion ha:; eevie~red the proposal to ceciassiEy subject nroperty Lrom the CO (Cummercz.al, 0£fi.ce) ~one to Lhe RM-120U (Residential, Multiple-Famil,y) 'Lr~ne to construct a 3-story, 22-unit ~p.zr.tmen~ complex, and saith waivers of maximum ~truct~~ra: height arid m~:cimum site coverage on an irregularly-shapP~] parcel oE land c;onsisting of apprc,:;~mate:.y U.66 a~re locaLeii at the sautl~w~sterly corner af El~n Str.eet anc: Helena Stre~t and Eurther describeci as ~02, 415 and 419 Souti-, Hele-~a Street; and c3oes hereby approve the Neg~tive Dec.laration uron findiny l-hat it• has cor.sidered ~he Negativs Declaration !:ogether with any commen'~s received dtir.ing i:he public review proc~as and further Eind:ing on the basis of the initial study and any comment9 received that tihere is no substzn~ia]. ev.idenr.e that: the projec:t will hav~ a signi.£ica~nt ef.fecl: on th~ environment. NOW, TNf~REPOR[:, 13F IT RBSOLVEll Lhat the Anaheirn City Planning Gammission dows her.eb,y grant subj~~ct Pet.ition for Vaeianca, upon the following conditiuiis which are hereby found -:.o be a necessary ~rer.equis.ite to lhc ~GOpo:sed use oE the cur:ject pro~erL•y in or~3er Lo pr.eserve the safeky and gen~ral welf.aYe of the Ci.tia,ens oE th!~ City o£ Anahei.m: l. ThaL- a.l.l engineering requir.~ments o£ lhe City af Anaheim along Elm ~treet and Eielena Street, inclucl.iny p~:eparatio~i o£ impcovement plans and relocatiun L•o ultimarc~ locations, and installation oP a11 improvernFnts ~such ii^a curbs and gul:tecs, sidewa.lks, water faci~ities, s~.reet gr~~diny and pavemcnt, sewer and draina<~e Eaci.likies, or other aF~purter~ani: work s'~all be com~li.ec9 w.ith as r.E~.~uired by trie City Engi.neer and in accordance wi.th spNCifications on Lxle iri L-he OEfice o£ the City ~ngineer; ari:7 Lhat security in the Eorm of a bond, c~_rti~icate of clepusit, lett~r ~E crF~dit-., or cash, in an amuunt and torm satisE~ac~oiy to ht~e City oi 1lnaheim, shall be ~oste~ with tne Ci~y to yuarantee the saLiufactory cumplPtion of said improvemel~ts. Said secur.ity sY~al.l be ~ost~d with ~he City prior to appr~~val of improvement p1an:7, to guarantee the in5La11ation of khe abr~~~e-required improvements pr.ior to occuE~ancy. 2. Z~hat the owner; r3evel.oper shall ex~~nd the @Xlating 12" sanitary sewer i.n Elm Str.c~t e~st of. Harbor Boulevard to Eleletia 5treet to serv~ this project. This ~ha11 be included a:> par.t of the requirements for improvemenls und~r Conditi.on No. 1 hPrein. _~_ PC86-3U2 ,ti~~ y•: , ~'"'^, ~ ~ _ ~:.,v~ ~:,~;, ,~: ':t 3, That gai:es shall not be installed acro~s an street in a ma jt dr.tvewa or ,- nner c•~hich m~y adv~rsely a£~ect the acljacent publ.ic ytreel(s) vehicular traffic uin . Inst<1ilariun conLorm to Engineering Standard Flan No 402 of ~; ~ t s t~ . review and appraval of the City Tr.a.Etic Engineer. and s bj c •:o Lhe 'i ; ~. That the propo.ed parlcing shructur.e design Fngineering Standard Pl shall conform to .. . ; >~ ~ an No. 402•-B pertaining for parking structures. to standard details ~'~~~ `-'• m-~~~ all driv~ways shall be construci:ed o accom~rodate ten (10) foot rac~.ius curb returns r reconstr_urted to as Tr_afEic Engineer. required b~~ tne City ' 6. That dx~inaye oE subject property sha.l..l be disposed o£ in a man satisFactor t 1 . y o the Citl Er.gin~er, ner ~ ~1. That subject ~ropert~ sha1J be served by underground utJ.lities. ~• `.~hat ~iri.or to cununenceme7t of sl•ruc~ural framingr fire hydrants shal]. be insta:ile" and charged as requir~d ar,d det~ermir:ed t~ be necessary by the ChieE oC the Fire Deparkme;~t-. 9. That trash stocage area:; shal.l be ,~ accuruanc~ w. i th a ~zOi i~e~ an~~ maintainec3 ~.n pprov~d plar~s on file wit;h ttie Str~et Maint.ena.nce and Sanitati~n Divisian. 1~• '~h~t prio~• to issuance of a building permit, appropriate park and recreation .in-lic~u f~es stiall be paid to the City of ~Anaheim in an ~mounc as determ:ined by the City Council. 11. 7'hat prior tu 1Sa^l1clI1CL oL• a bui].ding permi.t, the anpropr.iate traff.ic siynal ussessmenl• f~e sha1.1 be paid to the CiLy of Anaheim in an amount~ a~ determined by l•he C.ity Council. 1~. `rhaL• ~treet. light~.ng facilities along F.lm Stre~ac and Helena Street shall be insta.lied ~s recxuired by tkie UtiliL•ies Gc~neral Manager in accordance with spccificakioris on ~ile in the OL-Fice of UtiliNies GenFral yanager, and tha~ security in the form oi a bond, c~rtiEicate of deposiF, let.ter oE cre~iC, or cash, i~~ an amo~nt and form satisfactory to the C1ty oC Ar~aheim, shal.l be posted wiLh the City t~ guaran-:ee the Uat-.istaal•ory completion oF the above-mentic~ned , improvemer.ts. ~aid security shall be Posted with the City of Anaheitn prior to issuar~ce of a buildi~ ~ impcovements shall he instzlled `~ permit. Thc above-required ~~ priur to occupancy. ~ 13. That ,~,ub'ert , . ; ] prop~~~y ,~h~ll be develnped substanr_.ta.lly in accordance with plans and specificaticns ~n Eile r with the City of Anaheim marked ~ t3xhibi~ N~s. 1 throuyh 5; provided, ti~wever, that ~lacement of ~he j secuxity gatec must co~nply with Condi.tion No. 3, above-mentioned. 7.'~. `~'hat prior to Eina.l buildi.r~g ana r.oniny inspections, Conclftion Nos. 1 5' i. through 7, 9 and 13, abave-mentioned, shall be complied with. ' !'< ~. ;;. T3- PC86-3A2 ~ (~~ ~. : '~',~`r+~ r.p. .... ,.,.., _ ~ , ... . . ; : ,.., _ , ,..__......, ~ C ~ _ ' . .. , ,,. i . . . ~ ~~~N~~z . . . . . . , i '~.'t~ , ~ ~,' ~~~ . . . _ ~ ~ ' y .t' '~,~ .;.~~,,~;y 1 ' a. herebX find and de~Ermine that adoption oP this Resoluti.on is Pxpressly prEdicated upon ~~~Flicanl•'s compliance with each and al]. of the c~nditions herei.nabove set f~rth. 5hould any such condirion, or any pact thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the £inal judgment ~f any court of comperent jurisdiction, then ~his Rcsolution, and any approva].s hecein cuntained, sk~all be deemed nuJ.l aiicl voic:. BE TT FURTHER 1tGSOLVBD thal- the A~iaheim City Planning Commi3sion does `;, THE EORGGOTP~~ 12GSOLUTION is signed anu approv~:d by me thi.s Oth day of Uecembec•, 1985. ~.,,,, , ~~ ` ~~4,~ ,.. ~: - l'~~~~~~_~~ ~ CHATRMA~, A~IAHG I'PY PLANNI • COMMISSTON ~ ATTEST: • /~ '-~i;~sa~c ".1~L~ SECRETARY, ANAHL•'IM CT.2'Y PLANNI~iG CON~MISSION S'1'ATE OF CA ~IFORNIA ) COUPI'.CY 0[' ORANGG ) ss, CITY OI' ANAHEIM ) I, Edit.h L. Harris, Secr~~ary oP the Ai~aheim ~:ity Plan:ting Commi:tsion, do hereby certify that r.he foregoing ~;:~scluti.on was passed an~ adopted at a meeting ot: th? Anaheim City Planninq Commi.sion held on December 8, 1986, by the tollowing vote aP the members tne~E:of: AYGS : COtrM3SS IONGR$ : BOUAS ~ E?ZY ~ HI:RBST ~ LA CLAIRE ~ LAWICICI ~ IdC BURN~Y NOES: COMMISSIONEI2S: tiONE A135ENT: COMMISSiONLRS: ~IGSSt: IN WI'CNES;, WHER~OP, I have hereunto ~et iny hand L•his 8th day of. December, 1986. ~ 1°~ ~ r/, ~ ~:~~~~_ SEi,;R~''tARY ~ ALJAHEIM CITY PT.,ANNIIVG COi"1MISaION -4- PC86-302 ,; ';~+,? , . ~ ~T/i~~