PC 86-303~!~ RESULUTION N0. PC86-303 A RGSULUTION OE"PIiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTUN '.E(iA`P. PLTITIU[~ P'QR VARIANCG IvO. 3622 B~ DGNIEA .:11 \,'l.A f,, ''+ ~ Z WHEREAS, the AnahEaim City Planniny Commission did receive a verif.i~~ Petition Eor Varianc~ ~rom VTNCEN'P CAL~IFANO AND PATRICE C?,L:CFANO, 331 Soutih Yvrkshirn c:ircle, Anat?eim, California 928U7, owners oE certain r~al ~roperty situateci in the Ci'ty of Ar~ahF~im, County ~f. Orange, State of Califr~rnia deseribed as: LOT 6 OP TRACT N0. 9333, AS PER P1A1~ RECORDED TN BOOK 390 PAGES 48, 99 AND 50 OF MISCGLI~AP~~OUS T1APS, IN TH~ O~FICG ~JF ~'HE CQUNTY RGCORDBR OF S~ID COUNTY. WHER~AS, the C±ty Platining Cc,mmission did hold a publi.^, heat:i~ig at thP Civic Centec in the City of Anal~eim an Decemb~r B, 1986, at 1:3U p.m., nocice of said publir. hearing having been duly gi.ven as required by law and in accc;Ldance with the provisions ot- the Ai~at~tim Municipal Code, Chapter 1B.03, to hear and c~~nsidcr evidence For and ~gainst: said proposed va:iance and ko investigat~ a;-d make finr3ings and recommendations in connection therewith; and W[iERFAS, sa.id Commiss~on, xfter due 9.rispcction, investigati.on and study made by itself ~n~' in i.ts k~ehalf, and aftNr due consideration of all evidence anc! reporh.:~ oft-ere~ at said heari.nc~, does find ar.d determine the following facts: ].. Thar thE ~~etitzoner prcposc~s waivers af the follawiny to retain an existiny l~orse bar.n ar~d corr.al: ~ECTIUN~ 18.U2.Q52.U12 - Minimum c;istance for, animal confinemc~nt. ANL 18.?.3.03G.0912 (20 feet fr~~n property line required; ~ G to 4~£eet 9 iriches existing) 2. That L-hc above-m~~ntioned waiver i~ hereby clenied on the basis tY~at there are no specia? circumstances apo).icabl~ tc~ the ptoperL•y such a~ size, shape, t~pography, locati.on anci surroundings which do ~iot apply to ~th~r identically zoned prop~:rL•y in the sam~~ vicin.ity; and that strict application ot the Zoning C~~de daes r.ot deprive the propetL•y of privileges en;joyed ny oth~r pcupertie:~ in thie idenl:ical zone and classl.ficatiion in the vicinity; an~~ further, that the c~ocral E:tt.ends across ~.~djacent parcels o~ land and as~ easement or other agreement ap~r.oving such encroactiment has nat beEn obtain~d f.r~m the un~erlying property ~~aners. 3. 'rt-,at there a~e no excepL-ional or extraordi.nary circumstances or conc~iL-ions applicable to th~ properLy .involve:~~ or to the intended use nf the propert.y t:h~t do nol• appl.y genera.lly to the pr.~~erty or class of us~ in the same vicir~.ity and zone. '%': ~. That the request~d varianr.e is not necessary f.oL thP preservation and enjoyment of a subst~ntial property right ~osses~ec~ by other pr.operty in the same vi.cinity and ~one~ and denied to the pr:~~crty in ~~~iestion. ri , r~ 1OOOr ~ ~, ; '; r r~~,.~, PC86-303 ,~ ~~ r~''~: ~ 5. '.chat the requested vaci.ance w,ill be material.l~l detrimental to Lhe public welfare or ir-juriaus ~o the property or improvements in such vi.cinity and aone in which the proper.ty i.~ lorated. 6. Thak 5 pers~ns indir.ated their preyence at sa.id public heariiig in opposition; and that n~ carrespundence ~aas received in opposition to subject petition. ~.NVTFtQNMENTAL TMPAr_T I'INUINGa The Planniny Directar or his authorized represenrative has determined that the prnnosed projF~c•L- Falls withir~ the deFinition oE Cat:egGrical ~xemptions, Class ~; as cleEi.ned in the State EiR Guidelines and is, therefure, categorically Pxempt From the cequir~nent to prepar.e an EIR. NOW, TH~REFO?2E, BE IT RESOLVED tihat the AnahPim Ci.ty Planning Commissipn daes hereby deny subject Pe~ition Lor Variance on the basiy of the aforementioi~ed °indings. THE FOI2L'GOTNG RESQLU'PION xs szgned and approved by me this 8th day of December, .1986. ~ .- , : ~ , i', ~'~(~ ~% ; . - L / - ~'_ . • ~ ' .~~'°~2 ~ CHA,IRf9AN, ANAI• TM CI'PY PLA ING COMMISSIC:~a ATTEST: ~ ` ~ ~~~ n- . ~F 'RE'P;4 Y, ANAHGIM CTTX PI.ANNTNG CON]~tTSSION STAT~ ;~~' CALIFORNl1~ ) COUN'i'Y C~!? URANGG ) ss. Ci`i': pE Ai~AEIETM ) 'I, Tsdith L. Haczis, Secretary of the Anaheim C:ity P~.anning Com~is~ion, clo hereby cnrtify that ~he P,~regoiny resoluti.on was pa~sed and adopted at a mee~iiig of the Anahaim City Planning Commission h~ld on DPCember $, 198h, by the .[ollowing vote of the members thertof.: AYES: COMMISSIONLftS: BUUAS, FftX, FiE.RBST, LA CLAIRE, LAWICKT, MC AURNEY' NOES: COMMISSIONE.RS: NONF'. ABSENT: COMMI5S70NERS: MESSE Iy WTTNESS G7i-fERFOE, I have hereunto ~et my hand this 8th ciay of December, 1986. 7.f i,r~ .__.~~~~ -.i1'I~ SGCRT~T,~RY~ ANAHFtM CTTt P~•ANNING COMMTSSION -2` PC86-:103 € -_ , , :;.