PC 86-306~ ~`~ !'".,1 ~ F2FSOL~UTION N0. PC$6-306 ~ A RFSOL~UTION 0~' THE nNAHGIM CI'PY PLANNI~~G c;U[4MISSION THAT PBTIT: ODI r'OR VARIe~NCG td0. 3624 [~E GR.ANTEL~ WHI:REAS, che Anaheim City Planning Comm.i~sion did receive a veri£ied Petition for Varianc~ trom JOE3N G. PRF.NTIC~, 2940 I.~rontera, Anaheim, Cali~ornia )2806, owner, and WESTERN NATIONAi. PROF?ER'PIES, P.O. f3ox 6348, Or.ange, California 92667, ATTN: KL'LL'iC CAMPBCL[., agc:nt Lor c~rtain real ,~; pro~~er.ty situated in the City of Anaheim, C~u-ity o£ QranyP, Skale aE , California described zs: TkiG WES'PGRLY .1.45.00 FEF'.~' r.~~ASURF,ll ALUNG TEiE NQRTEiG~ZLY LINE OF: `PHAT 1~URTIUN UF i,0'PS 3 AND 4 IN E3LO~:K ?.3 OF GOLDEN STAT~ TRACT, ~: IN 'PHI: CI'.~Y OE' ANAHL•'IM, CQUN'tY OF nRAIdC;F, STATE OF CALIFORNTA, ~- AS P~iZ KAP RECQRDED IN B00?i 4, PA~ES 66 AND 67 OF D1ISC~LLANEQU5 ~' MAPS, Rc~CORDS UE' CRANGE COUNTY, GAGIFORNIA, DFSCRIBED AS 1'GLLUW5: CUMME~ICING A'~' TfiE TNTERSECT ~~1N OE' THE SOUTHWES'PERLY LINE OF SAID LU'r 3 P~ITH A L7:NG TEIAT C'AF2ALGFL WITH ANU DISTAN7' WESTERLY 27.7. SQ CEET, MEASURBD AT 12TGHT AH(;LFS ~'I2~JM `PHE EASTERLY LINP: GF' SAID LOT 3; 'rFIENCE Nll[2TH 7° 26' 30" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 361.90 EEET, SAID [~OINT BEING THE Ti2UE POINT OF BLGINNING; THENCd SOUTfi 82° 33' 30" WEST 230.? 2 F~ET; TIiEt~CE a0U'PH 29° 19' 30" WLST 131.18 FGET TO 'PHC LI:~L' `PHAT IS PARALLEI, [a•r~~g ?;,yD ^viS`TANT NOR'I'HLAST$RLY 20.OU FEET MGASI)RGD AT RTGH'I' AP7Gi~~S FRUM '1'ciw SUUTBWES'1'ERLY LINE OF SAID L'~T 3; TI~EN4E NORTH 60° 40' 30" WEST ALONG SAIll PAFALLEL LINC DISTANC~; OF 376.31 FECT; THENrL NURTH 7° 26' 30" WEST 325. 51 FEET TO THE SOUTHERI,Y LING UF' SAID LAt~:) UESCRTBEll ~5 PARCET~ 2 IN A DLED 'PO '.L'HE STA'PE UE' CALI[~ORNTA FIL~~.D EEBkUARY 25~ 1~354 AS DOCUMENT NU, 20719 IN THE OFE'ICE OG 'PHE: RPGISTRAR Or TI'PLES IN THE OFI'ICu OF Z'HF COUNTY R~CORll'r,R UI' URAP7GC COUNTY, C;ALIFORNIe~; THENC~ NOf2TH 62° 33' 30" LAS't 6i0.69 FEE`C ALC?NG SAIU SOU~rfIERLY I,I~11: ANU ITS CASTERLY PRULQNGA'PiON T~ A I,TNE `PHAT TS PARALLEL WITFI AND I)ISTAN'~ WF:ST~R'LY 21.7.50 ~'EG'P MEASURGll A'P RIGH`t ANGLES cR~M TRE E~S'rf;R[.Y LZNE 01.' SATU LOT 3; 'rH~~CE SOUTE] %° 26' ~0" GAS'I' ~94.36 CE[;T TO THE 'PRUC PO.TN'1' U6' 0c,~ltdi:IC~:,. ~: WHGR~AS, the City P].,znnir-y ~umrnission dfd halc? a~ut~.lic t~ear.ing at the Civi.c Center in the City of Anaheim on Uecember ~, 198~, at 1:3U p,m., no~ice of said pablic hr•.aring having been duly yiv«~ri as requ:ired by law a.nd in Uccnrdance with the ~~rovisiony oL h.he ~~nahcim Municipal C~dc, Chapter 18.03, to hear and considez e~~i~3~nce for and ag~inst said pcoposed variac~ce and to investigate and ;r.ake findings and recom~rEnda~ions in connection therewith; ~nd WHCKE;~S, sa~d Cnmmissio-s, after due inspectio~, investigat,ion and study made by it~elE ar-d in ita ~ehal£, and after due ~onsi~F~catinn of a.ll ev;dence and reports cffGr~d ~xt said hear.iny, dues f:ind and determine the Eollowing facts: 1003r ~C86-306 ; ~ta~ ,~:~ 1 ~ }. :. , : •, ~ . ;~7 ;r; ~ ~~ } ~oo ..,..;:. ~'. ~ ~ . _ ....... ...... . _. ... . , ~•.,. .. ,..~. ,. ._,.. . .,.~~~ . ,:,~. -~~ ~ r ~ ` 5~;, 1. That L•he pet.itioner proposes waiver of the Followiny ~a construct a 2 and 3-story, 21-unit aE~artment c~mplex, anc7 with waivEr of maximum building heighC: SECTIOt~S 18.34.Ob2.~11 - ~5ax:imum buildin hEight. ~~M 1a.34.062.012 (qne stoxv when located witl~in 150 feet oE AND 18.34.U62.013 oF siny.le-Eanii.ly resir]ential z~ning, pecmitted, utherwise, two stories permil:ted; 2 and 3 starie~ praposed ak 10, 17 and a0 fpek From sing~~-family residentia.l zoning proposed) 7.. That thc~ ~bove-mentionec3 waivers ~re h~rtby granted on the pasis that nearby RS-A-~33.OOU zoned ~roperty is not develaped with singJ.e-family dwellings aTid that l•here are special circumstanaes applicable to thE property such a~ size, shaa~, topagraphy, location and surroundings ~rhich do not apply to other. i~e~ztically zoned prc,perty in the same v.icinity; and that stricL- application of the Zo,:ing Code deprives th. ptoperty o1 pcivileges erijoyed by or.her proNerties in the ident~ca.i zone and classification in the vicinity. 3. That L•here are excepl•i.o~al or ~xtraordinaxy citcumstances or conditions applic~b.le to t.~e property i~~~volved oc to tl~e :nlended use nP the property that c~~ noC app]y generally lo tl•,e propcrty or ciass o£ use in the sa;ne vici-iity and zone~ ~. ThaL- thQ requesfied variance i;, neeessary for the preservation and en;joyrnent oP a suL~stantial property right ~.~os:e~^~,~ by other pcoperty in the uame vicii~ity and zone, and de:~s~~d to the E~roper~y in questi.on. ~i. Tha~ the requeste~3 v~iriance wi.11 noL• be makerial.ly detrimental to tne p~blic we1f~.~re or injurious to the property or irrpr.ovements in such vi.cinit.~ and zone in which the properky is located. E. '~'ha~ no ~ne indicar_ad th~~ir. presence at said ~u~~.lic hearing ip o~position; and that no correspondence was receive~9 iii op~~~siti~n to ~ubje~t petition. h;NVIROtJMFN'PAI, IMpAC`r FLIVDING• 7.'hak the Ananeim City P:.anning Commission has reviewed ti~e proposu.l to reciassify yubject property fc•om RS-rl-~43,000(0) (Residentizl, AgriculLUra1-Oil Producti.on Overlay ZonP) to tl~e RM-i200(0) (Residentia.l, Mu].tip.le-Family~-Oil Pr.oduction Over.lay) Zone to construct a 2 and '3-stor~, ?.l-unit apartmenC com~?.ex, and with waiver. of mar.imum building height on an irregularly-shaper,~ par~el of land consz^*ing o~ appr~x.imately 1.0 acce, having a fr~ntage of_ approxir,ately 159 fept or. the north side of Jackson Av?nue, and being a~proxi.mately oG0 L•eet east of t},e ~::nterli.ne of t~ark vista Street; and doe~ heceby approve the ~~~gatir~e Dec3.arution ~i~aar~ f.i.r~ding ~hat it has consider.ed the Dlegakive Beclarali~n together with an,y comments received duri.ng th~ public Ccview process and furthez flndinq on the basis oE the initial s~udy and any comments receivPd tnat hhFre is no substanti.al evidence ~:.hat tha projec~t will have a signi£icant ePfecf on thc: env.ironment. ,;;;; ,,,, t'~~', i ,~ t~ ~~:t{ ~r !S~`.^y ,' , J ;!rp r i ~~1 ~y{rly 'I~t n~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ J~~`i.~T~iF3 f~ j~~,;; rr ~yL.~v ;~ . /,k,~~,Y'~d¢~i'~~Ch+CF.~~22'~n..!~Y ~! -2- PC86-306 ' ~ `. ~ ,;;,i ~~~ NpW, TEirRLFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD that the Anaheim Cit•y Planning CU~.nmission does hereby grant subject Pet~i~io~t for Var.:i.anc~, upon the Eollowing coi~aitions which ~re hereby Eound Co Ue a necessacy ~r~requisi.te to the proposed use of the ~ubject property in order to pr.eyerve khe ~afety and y_en~~ral welfare cf the ritirer~s of the Ci~y of Anaheim: 1. "~'hat ptior i:o iss~aance oP a building perm±t., appropria::e park and r~r,reation in-J.ieu fE~es shall bc p~tid to the City of Anaheirn in an amount as determined by the City Counr,il. 2. That pcior to issuance of. a Uuilding permit, th~ a~ipro~ri.ate traffic signal assessmer.t fee stiall be paid t.o the City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by t.he City Council. r 3, That a11 driveways shall b~~ constructed or reconstructed to ;~ accommodate ten (10) L~ot cadius curb relutns as required by the City :raL-fic Fngineer. ! 4. That drainage of subject pr.aaer.ty sh•~l.l be aisposed of in a manner :'; s~~tisfa~tory to the c:ity ~nyineer. •. ~ „ 5. Th.~t subj?r,t property shall be s~rve3 by undexyzoun~ utilities. G. Tt-ai•. prior to coinn:ence~nent of structuc:al fra~ning, £ire hydrants sh~.ll be install~~~ and charged a5 reguired and del:ermined to b~ n~ces~ary by hhc Chief of the Fixe Dtpartment. 7. 'rhat trash storage areas shal.l be pruvici~d a.^.9 maintained in :.-ccord~nce with appraved plari5 on £ile wiL•h the Street Maintenance and Sar.~itatf.on Divisiori. R. Tl~at gates sha11 noL- be ir.stal.led act~ss any driveway vr private street in a manner which may ~dverse.ly aEfect vehicular tcaffic in the ada~-cent public street(s). Instal].a.tior of any g~tes sha11 conEorm to ~ngineering 5taildard Plan No. 40?. and sub,ject to khe review anci ~~por~~val of the City 'Pr.affic Enyineec. 9. '1ha~ adj~cent properL•y to che north fr.ontiny on Frantera Street shal.l k,e acyuirecl and ce.;lass.ified to the RM-1200 Zone. L0. That all enginee:ri.ng rec~uireifienLs az ~he Ci~y of Anahelm along Frontera Str~~et, inc:luding ~repacation af improvement ~lans and iastal.: ion of a11 im~LOV~ments suc.h a~ curbs and gutters, sidewalks, waL-~r far.iliti.es, ~l:i~et gr.a~ling ancl pavsment, sewer and clrainaye facilities, ar nther ~ppur.tenant wo:k shall be romplied with as reguired uy thc CiL-y ~ngineer and in accordance with ,,E~ecificar_iuns on file in t'r-e OFf:ce of ttie Ci.ty Engineer; and that security in the f~rm oP a bond, ~ertificate <~f depo~it, letter af crediL-, or cash, in aiZ amount anc] for.m satisfactory ~o the c,;ity uf Anahe~~~~, ~ha11 be pasCed with the City i:o guarantee the sati.sfactor,y c~mpletinn oE sa:d improvPme~~l-.5. Saicf ~ECUr. ity ~hall Ue ~os~ed with th~ City ~~rior to apprc~val of improvemen~ ~~1ar-~r to guar.an~ee the _n~~tallation of th~ abave-re~uired impr.ovements priar to orcupancy. r.. ` ,, r~!`,ik t I ,'J~~,~ ~p~ {4 f~ J ~~~us~F ~ • ' ~+t ~~ ~~L~~ ~ ~~ _3_ r f ,ti„ ~~_ _ PC6E~-•30G ,:,~ .'`~ I r~~~~. •e~.~ • r. 1 i 11. That subject proper~y shall be developed substaritially i:~ accardance with plans and speciC-=.cati~ns on fa.le with the ~;i~y ot Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throu~h 4. 12. That pr.ior to L-inal building and zoning ~nspections, Condition ldos. 3, 4, 5~ 7, 9, 10 ancl 11, ab~ve-menkioned, shall. be complied wi.th. `~ BE IT FJRTHET? P.ESOLVED khat thE Anaheim City Planc~ing Commission ~oes r:;; hereby find and determine that ~doption of this Resolukion is expressly ,'; predicated upon applic,ant';~~ compliance with each and all af the conditz,on~ hereinabove set forth. S}iould any such condition, or any par~L thereof, t~e cleclared invalid or unenEarceable by the final ~udgment of ~ny co~rt of compe~ent jurisdic~ion, then this Resoluti~~n, and any approvai~ her.ein cont:a~ned, sha11 be de~;n~d null anc] vaid. " '.CHE roH~e:ozNC RESC~u:~~TON is signed an~ approved by me this ~th day o£ ~I' Decetnbez., 1986. ~ ~~'` ~ ' uC~„ ~- " ~ ~ i' _~~~ ~ i i' ~ .. ;,..~~- C.-1AIRMAV, ANA~TY PLAN 1NG CUMMISSION / k AT'PEST: . ~~~ ~ ~; ~~ --T~:r..'a-~`c- ~r- _ S~CRE;T RY~ ANAFiEi~l C1:7.Y PLANNING CADSMZSJION ST~TG OF CA[,II'ORNIA ) COUNTY Oi ORAI~GE ) ;;y. CI7'7 4F AVF,HEIM ) I, Edikh L. Harria, Sec.ret,~ry <~£ the Anahe.im City Plar.ning Commission, do F-er.eby cert.iEy that: tt~~ L-orego?nr, ze~ol~~tion was pas3ed and adopted at a n~eeting of thF~ '.n~+.'.~eim City Planning c:ommission held un Aecember 8, .1986, by t.he followi.ny vote of the members thereof: AYL•'S: C~~MMISSIOt~EF:S: f30UAS, FRl'~ H~RBST, LA CLAIP.r, LAWICKI, MC 13URNEY ~IOES : COMN~ISSIONL'R5: NONG 118SEN'P: COh1MISSTONERS: t~ESSE IN WI'PNGSS 4~HERGO[', I have hereunto ~et my hand this 8th ~ay oF December, 1986. c , . ~~ ' ~! A ,,,~.~„ SLCKL'rARl, nt~AHEIM CITY PLAN ING ~OMMIS~ION -`~" P~86-306