PC 86-308•"i'~ r^~, RESOT~UTxON N0. PC86-3U8 A RE50LUTION C)F '.Ptl~ ANA41FINi (:t'1'Y PT~11NN1'NG ~'OMMISSION 'PHAT PE'PIT7.ON CQR CONllT'PiONAL USE PERPIIT NU. 2864 E~E G:tAN'~F,D w[lERCA5, l.ne Anaheim C:ity Planning Co:nmission did rec~ivt~ a verit•ied Pet:ition f~r Condit~ionzl Use Permit ic~,m ~TOSEPEi LiSS e'~ND ROdERT LTTMAN, 219 N~rth Euclid Way, An~,hei.m, California 9?.QO1, owner, and FIARREH C. PITm, WARkEN PI7."~ ASSOCIATES, IiVC., E>. 0. Box 5817, Huntington El~ach, California y2615, agent tor certain rr_a.l properl•y si.tuaCed i.n t:~e CiCy of Anaheim, Counryo uE Or.anye, St~~e of. C aliforni~, desctibed as: 'i'HE .CiOUTE~ 65.50 hEi;'P OF' THE NUftTH FIALk OF 'PHC NORTFi 14U.0f1 E'EFT UE' THE 50U'PHEA:iT QUARTE;~ UF 'PFIr SOUTH~3AST (~UARTER OF THE SOU THF'.A:iT QUAR'PEEt UF T HE SOU'.CH~AST QU4R`PGR OF SEC'PION 8 ~ IP~ TOW NSIIIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WES`P, IN TF1E RANC~lO LOS COYU'I'k,S, CI'L'Y OF A~~F.Ii[:IM, AS SHOWt7 ON T MAP ~r.Hru~or RE;CURDEU Ih E3UOK 51, PAGE 10 ~ M]:SCE;~LANEOUS MAPS ~ RE:.ORDS OF SAIC OI2ANGF: COUNTf ; f:XCLPT '.!'HAT PC)~2T"CON TEI~I2['OC', DESCRIlii.D elS G~LLUi~1S: F3E;GiNPd:[NG A7.' A POII~T Ol~ I?~T~:RSECTIUN OF THE I~F~ST GINE OF SAID S~C:TTON 8,. 'AT7'EI 'PH['. :VORTt1EkGY LING OF SAID 30UTH 65.50 FL•~E':; TH:.NCE ALONG TiiE NOi~TH LINE, NORTEI Fl9° 59' 1~3" WGST 44.A8 F~E`P; 'PI~ENCE SOUitI 15° 2S' ~49" W~'S'1' 19.79 FE:E'x'; TH~NI'.E SOU`.CNE;RL`( IN A DIR'c.C'P i.1NE; 47.83 EEET '1'0 A PO'I~7T UPl THE SOUTHL•'13LY LINE OF SA'iD SUUiEi ~i5.°.~0 EEr`I', DISTANT TfILRL•'ON NUR`PH E39° ~5' 14" WEuT 39.Oh FEET rROM THE SAI~~ EAS'" LINE; TH~N~~E :1~UNG SA7D ~~OUT`1ERLY LZNL~ ::UU'rf: 89° 59 ` 1.4" L"AST 39.04 Ff:E'.C 'PC EAST LINE; THBNCC ALONG SAID EAST LIA:B, iJURTq 0~ ~3' 20° WEST 65.50 LEE1 TO TH~ POINT UE BF;GINNTNG, E; ',•; ..,.:_,,,;,:, ~.:. WEiCF2~AS, t:he City l~lanning Commi:~sion did hold a public heariny at the Civic renter in the i:ity of Anahein on i)ecember t3, 1~f36, at 1:30 p.m., notice ~C said public hear.iny h~aving been duly given as requi.red ay 1aw and in accordance with th~~ prov;~sions ef the Anaheim Municipa:l ~.:ode, ChapY.er 18.03, tU hear and con~ider EJL•jence Eor and a~3ain:;t said propu3ed condiL•ionz.l use ~er.mit and to invec3t.ty~tP and make finding:; and recommen~~ations in connection GhPC~'aith; anc3 wHH:ttEAS, said Corrmission, ~Et~r due in::~~ec~ion~ i.nvestiyation and :;tudl m~de ny it~e1E' ,.~nd in it~ behalc, and after Gue c~nsideration of all. tvidenc~ an~ reports oEE«~r?d at said he~~cing, does Find ~nd deter.mine the Eollowing iac~s: 1. That the propor3~ad use i.s properly one for which a c~nditional use permi.t is auth:~rized by Analieim Munici.pal Code Section . to wit: to persnft a mini-stoCag~ facili.ty wi~h tne f.ollowing walv~:r: Sf•.CTiOVS .18.61.Ooti.050L r ~ 1G.OG.05C.U'L1'I., 18.06.C~i0.031 nra~ 18.U6.Oa~ 1(lQSr - Minimum number af. ~~zrkiitg~aces, (30 ,~aces required; ~Q soace+s (3:19 af Code c~yuirert:~ntl pr.n~oaed) PC86-308 ,t•~ } .-•,, ' t i~~41 2. That the ab~ve-menc.i.~ned waiver is hereby g~ankcd on l:he ba~f~ that thQ par.king w~iver wil..l not cau:~e an i.ncre;~se in tcaffic cony~stion in ~he im~nediate /icinil•y nni~ advE:rsely aEfect any adjoining land uses and yranting oE ~he parking waiver under the condi:.ions imposed, if any, wi.l'1 not ,~° detrimental ta thc~ pEa~e, health, saf?ty and general wei,f.are of the citlzen; oE the cir.y of Anaheim. ~. That the pr.opa~ed use. as c~ras~ted, wi?1 not adver~ely a£Fect the adjoi.ning ].and u~es and ~he yrowLh anil development c,f t!;e area in whlch it is nropo~ed to be located. 4. Th~t th~ siz~~ and shape of the site proposed for ~he use is adequate to al.luw thE Lull. cievelopment of the proposed use in a mannec not detrimenta.l to the garticular area nor. to t.he pe:~ce, health, saEety and general wel.£are of the Citi~~ans oE the Cily oE Anahe.i.m. 5, Thar_ h.he granriilg of the C~nditional Use Permit undez the c~nditi.ons i~posed, if any, will s~oc. be de~cimental to tl~e peace, health, saFety and gen~~tal welEar.e oF the Cit.izens of the Ci~y of A•,~aheim. 5. That the traE~ic gener.ated b~~ ~he proposed u:,e wi1]. nok impose an undue burc~en u~on tt~e :~treeL•s ahd highwals designed and a.mprove~] Lo carcy the traEFic in r_he area. 7. 'L'hat no one indicated their ~,resence at said public hearing in oppr~sition; and that. no corre~spon~lence was r.eceiveci in o~pasil:ion to t.he subjec'; E~~titi~n. ; ENVIRONMENTAL 7MPACT IINDING: Thrat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has revi~wed L-he pxoposal to permit a mini-~torage ~acility wik.h waiver of minimum number oP parkiny s~~ace~ on a rectanyulacl,y-shaped pazcel of land cunsistiag oi ~pprax.irnately O.h3 acre, hav.ing a frontage of. apprnximacely ~, 77 Eeet on tt~e w~st sir~c of Eucl.id Way, an~3 f.urther desccibed as 2l9 North Guclid Way; and does her.eby apprr~ve the Negative Declaration upon finding tt~at it has consideted the Negativ~ Dec?aration togetl~er. with any comments received during the pubJ.ic reviGw process an~ further finding on the basis of the i.nitial study an~~i ;;ny ~~omments recei~~ecJ ~h~~t there is no subs~anti~.~l evidence r that the project w:[.11 have a s.iyniCicant erfect on the ~nvironmenh. ~ PIU41, 'PIiERL•'FOI2E, BC IT ItF.SOLNGU that the Anal~eim Ciky Planning ~ rommisvion doe~ hereby grant subj~ct Petition for ConCitionaJ. Use Perm.it, upoa a the Lollowing conc]itions w.l,ich are he~n:.by f:ound to be a nece~3ary precequist~e ; co the propose~j i-sP of. the s~.tbject pr.operty in order Lo preser~~e the saf~~y p and general weltace of the C1tJ,1P,f13 oti the City of Anahaim: " 1. That prior to issuance oP A bu.i.lding {~ermit, the approrriar.e traEfic F signal assca~sment fee ahail be paid to the City of Anaheim in an ; umount as determin~d by tl;e City ~ouncil. ~ 2. ThaC sidewalk~ shtil.l be ir.stalled alony Euc.liu W:sy as reyuired b,y L-he Ci~,y 1::nginEer an~] in acc~~rdante with atai:dard p.lans and s~ecific~t{on~ ~n ~i.].e i.n the Office ci: the ~;i~}~ h:ngineer. ~ 3. That all drivew,~yr; shall be con~tr.ucted ur reconstrucl•ed t~ accommodat~~ ten (lU) f ao~ raaiuc curh returns as requi~ed by Che City TrafEic Engineer. '2r PCb6-306 . ~.,,.. .~.,, ,~--~, 4. That d~ain~~aqe of ~ubject proper.ry shali be disp~sed o£ i n a manner =ztisfactory eo the City ~ngineQr. ~. That subject propert:1, shall be served by unc3trground utili~ies. 6. 7~hat prior to commenc~men~. of structural Praminy, fire P~ydrants ~ha1] be insta lled d ' r. . . an ~harged as reguired and determined to be necessary by the ChieP of t;he Fire Department. ,:. 7. That tcash st~rage ar~as sha11 be provided and maintained in arcordance witn approved ,•lans ori Fi.le with the Strezt Mainter.ance and Sanitation Division. d. That pr.inr to issuance of building permit~ the approUriake ieES c~ue ;:or ~rimarx sec d •. , on ~ary and fire protection sha.ll be paid to tha ~Aater U~ila.t~ Division by the D l eve o~er. in accordance wit~h It~iles 15A and 20 uP the Watpr U~ilit.y RaEes l~ul , es and ltegu:latioris. ~ 9. That street light.ing facilities alony Bucaid Way sha17. be install ds d e required by kiie Utilities General Manag~r in ac~or.dance wi,th specification~ an f il . e in the OfEi.ce of Utilities General Mana~3er, and thah. secuxi.ty in r he £ac•m r _ o a b~~nc7, cerl•ificate of deposit, l~tter. of credit, or c.ZSh in ~ an arnount and i`orm satisfactory ta the City oF Anaheim, shall ~e posted wiL•h the Czty l:o guaran~ee the satisfactor~ completion of i.he ab~ve•-meutioned i ~ mprovements. Said security shall be posted with the City of. Anaheim prior t o i~~uanve cE i~uilciing ~er.mits. The above•-required 3 n: r . ~ ~venents shall be ittstFxllE?ci pCio[ lp occupancye 10. That s~abjecl•. prupertl ,h~~ll be developed sub~tanL•ially in accr,;.dance with plans and sp~~iF.icatio~i.~ on ~i1e wi.th the CiLy of- Anaheim m~rked Exhibit N~s. 1 ctirougl~ 4. 11. That pr.ior to L•inal bui.lding and zoning inspections, Condition I~os. 2~ 3~ 4~ ~. ~, 9 and 10, above-mentioned, sha:11 be comNlied with. BE IT FUI2THE~2 RESOLVL•'D ltiar. thc~ Andheim City F~J.annin9 Cr,mmission dGes hereby iind and dete:rmine tha~ ~doption of tt:is RESOlution is ex~res:~:Ly predicated upon app].icant'y comp.liance wi t•, th each and all of. the conditions here.fnabuve .;et Forth. 5h~u].d any such conditfon~, or aiiy par~ thezeuf, be r~ dec.lared invalid or unenforc~able by tk~e Einal judg~nent oE any ~:ouct of ~(, compeh.en~ jur.i~dictian, then thi; Res~~:L~tion, and any approvals l;erein ; contained, shall be deemer? nu11 ~~nd void. ~} THE FOREGOING ItESULUI':[ON is signed ancl appruved b.y me this ~th day uf necember, .19a6. C-~" ~~ s~ jr~ ~ /_ ~~; %> ,, ~ C:IAII2MAN ANA-r~t~ ~ CITY LA ~ ~IP~C COMMISSI~v A7"PEST: ' ~Q~ ~ ^ ~~ _... SECRETARY, ANkNEJM ~~77'Y PL NNIt~G COMM S I .,SZON -3~ PCf36 -308 ' .u . ~ ""`' ,~~ ~ ~ , ,; 5, .;~.i. . . , , . -,~i,r ~ . i~~~ti~. i. STAT~ Ob~ CALIFORN:CA ) COUN2"! OF' OkANGE ) Ss. CITY OE ANAHFIM ) z~ Ed.tCh I,. Harsis, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning 1 Commis~ion, do hereby cerL-if:y that rt,e f.oregoing resaluticn wa~ passec7 and adopted at a meeting oL- the Anahei:n City Planning Commission held on 1;ecember ! 8, 19II6, by the Eollowing vate ~f the members therPaf: ~ :,; ~Y~'%S: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, FftY, EI~RF3ST, LAWICKI, td(; ~3URNEY NOES: CiJMMISSIONF:CCS: idONE ABSEN`t: COMMTaSIONGkS: LA CLAlRG, MGSSE ~`` 'i i ,: ,; IN WTTN'ESS WHCRCOI', I hlve hereunto se•. rny hand this 8th day oF Decembex, 1986. ~__.~2~ ~ SECRET Ry', e~NF.HEIM :,TTY PLANP~ING COMMISSTON -4 nC86-308