PC 86-309ft~~I,~L~~SfAiS~4:~,r~e~.l id. i ~ ~ . , , . , . . ~~{~,li M i Q,~~'''~ . . ',S ~ ' ~ . ~ ~ . . _, .. ,{ ' „ . . ., .. . ., .. , ~ ,~ Itlytt~G~~ !~ ~~~! .. . . . . . . . . ~ . , . ~ . ~~'!t 'pi'R(~}.~. J ;~i .;t ,,r 'F , ~i `~ ; RFSOLU7.'TON NU. ~C86•-309 A PESOI,UTION OF THL AtVAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIO~V TF1A'P r~TITTON FOk CO~1Dt`.CIONA'L USE PERMT`i' NU. 2865 DE' GRANT~D, :CN PART WHEREAS, khe Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commi:~si.un did rec~ive a ver.iEied wN_ '~ Fetition for Conditional Uce Permil from LAKEVIE;V SUSINESS PARK, A CALIFORNTA !~~ ~ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 19600 Faii:chiZd Raad, #200, Irvine, CaliPotnia 9Z715, owner, an~? RICK XUNG-TAI CHIN, 5 Wickland, Trvine, Cal.ifornia 92720, agenr for ~ certain r~a1 ~r.operty si.tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State ~ of Califor.ni~, described as: +• PARCGL' 1 F~S SHOWN OPI A MAP EZLED IN E300K $7, PAGE 17 Ui r~.ARC~L I~APS tN ~ 7EIE OFFIC~ OF `PHi; CO[lPITY RECORllF.R Oe ORANCF COUNTY, CALIEQRNIA. ~:~ WEIERBAS, the City Plat~ning Commission did hold a public he«ring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on December 8, 1986, at 1:30 p.nl., noti.ce oF saici pub].ic hearing h~ving been duly given as requir~d by law an~1 in accordance wit!~ Che provisions oE the A;~aheim Municipal Cod?, Chapter 1fs.03, to hear and consider evid~nca for and againsL• said ~toposed coridirional use ~ermit and to znvestigate and make tindings and r?commendt;ti.ons in connection therewith; and WHEP.LAS~ said Commi.^,sion, atter duc~ ins~;~clion, invesL•i.gation ~nd study made by itselL• and in its behal.t, znd aEter ~ue considexaCion of al:l ev.idence and report~ o£fered at said heariny, does find and deL•ermine the fallowing facts: 1. T.hat the ~~roposed use is proper.ly one Eor which a conditional use permit is autt~orized ~y An~heim Munici~~a1 Code Section to wii:: to permit a sandwir.h sl~op wit;~ on-sal.e bcer and wi~ie. 2. Tha~ the use i~ ~ppr~ved, in pazt, to permit a sandwich 3hop oply ~ and ~h4t there sha.ll b~ no alcohuli~ beverages or beer or wi,ne sold or c:onsumed on the premises be~;ause subjerL p~op~rty is located in an industri.al «~:ea and ~:he avai.lability and convenienc~ af alcohU.lic beverages includi.ng bee~ and wir~e to emp].c~yees woclcii:g in industrial businesse~ cauJ.d be a threat ~o their safety. 3. That ~he proposed ust, as granL-ed, will not adversely affecl• th~ adjozning land uses anrl the ~l'OWL•h and r.ievel~pment of the area in which it is prUpo ,r-~d to be .located. 4. Th3h the sxze and shape of. the ~il•.e proposeci f.~r t•he use is a~~Equate to allow L-he L•ull development of the proposed use in a mannec noL• detrxmental to L-ha particular ~irea nor to tlta yener~l we2£are o~ the Citizens of thF City of. Anah p m c~' hea].th, Rafety and 5. That khe gra~t.ing oE rhe Conditional Use Permit un~9er th~ c~nditxnna imposed, iL- any, wiil not bp detrimtntal ho the peace, health, safety and yeneral welEare of the Cir.izens af the Cii:y of Anahei.m. 6. Thal: the L•rafFic vt~~eraL•ed hy the propo ~ed u,e as not impose an undue burden upcn the streets and highw;iys designe~gardtimpcoved t~ carry I:he krafEic fn the arPa. ? ~ 1006r PC86-309 ,J , 'n ,,r~ ~ ~ ~~ 7. That no one indicated their presence al said public hearing in oppo;ition; and that ~io correspondence was received in opposition to the sub;ject oetition. ENVIROPaMGNTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim Ciky Planniny Commission has revie;aed the proposal to permit a sandwich shop with on--sale Ueec and wine on u recl•.angularly-slZaped parcel oE land consistir.g of approximately 4,6 acres located north aE the nor~heast corner of La P~1rna Avenu~ and Lakeview Av~nue, a~1d further described as 1250 N~r.L•h Lakeview ~' Avenue (Bu:ilding A: ~niE B}; and dae: herek~~~ apprave the Negativ~ .~eclaration ~1'~• upon Einding thai: ii: h~s considered khe Negative ne~claratiori tog~trier with any cornments receivecl durxng the public review process and f~~rther finding on the basis uL the initial study and any cemmen~s received that there is no sut+„tar~tial evidence l-hat Che project wi11 have a significa~yt efEeat on the enviconment. ;, ~ NdW, THEREFORG, BE I'C RGSOLVED that the Anar,aim City Planning Commissiori does her eb ra t b ' ~` . y g n si.t ject Yetiti.on t cr Conditiot~al Use Permit, upon the f~ll~wing conditions whi h c are hereby ~ound to be a nece~sary grerequisite tr~ the proposed use of the subject ro t p per y in order ta preserve hhe safe~y ancl general welEare of rhe Citizens of the C'it oP A h i .y na m; e ; ~,~ 1. That ~~rior to issua-ice af a k,uilding pecmit, or commencpmF~nt ot• th~ acrivit h ~ y ere n a~proved, whichever ~~cucs first, a traf.Eic siynal ass~ssment fre equal.int~ l•.he difference between the industrial and commercial asses~m~nt fees shall be paid to the City r~f AnahFim in an amount as determined by L-he Ciry Cnuncil. 2. That subject oroperty shall be devFlopec~ substar.tially in ac~~ordance w ith . plans and spec;ification: on fi.ie with the City of 1lnarieim mar.kec] Exhibit Nas. 1 chrouyh 4. ;, ~ 3. Th~t no alcoholic b~verages inclu~~.~ig beer. and wine shal l be sold o - ~ ~ ; . r consitmad on the nremises o£ ttie subject. condiLi~nal use ~C~rR~1 t ~ 1`, . a ~i 4. That pr.ior to tinal bizzldiny and zoniny inspPctions, Condition No 2 ;° . , above-mentioned. sha11 be compli.ed with. F3E IT FU12`.L'HEk RE;SULVEll Lhat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy find and determin~ tt~ak adoPtion of this Re~olutiun is expressly pr.ediaated u~on ap~licant's c~mpliance with each and a11 oE the ecnditicns hereina:~ove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part ther~of, be declared invalid or uner~t•orceable by ~.he Eina:l ju9yment of an;~ cou!•t of competent jurisdiction, then ~his Resoluti~~-, aizd any ap~rovals herein c~nL•ained, shall be deeme~: ,!ill and void. `rHE FOREGU .1G RFSOLU'rlUh ;igned and appruve~ by m~ this 8th day o£ D~cember, .1986. ~! ~~'/ '~~ ,/ i'/. -~~~ --~1~':L...~ ~~ ,,, ~, ~ ~ CHAIFtMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI G COMMISSIODI I,TTES'r: ~ ~ . ~ ~-~~Q~ ~ ' ~~.~ °ECRCTARY, ANAHEIy CITY PLANNING CQMMISS.IUf7 -2- ,;; . . ~. ; ~; PC86-3U9 "rwh, f SmAT~ QF CAGIFORNIA } COUN'.CY UC pRANGE ) ss. CITY OL ANAHF,j(+~ ) ~~~ !, Cdith L. Hai~ris, Secretary of th~ Anahein c:ity P?,anning ~~ Comm~ssi~~ns do hereby cert:ify that thP foregoing resolukz~n was ~assed and adopte~d at a ~r;eeting uf the Anaheim C~.ty Alanniny Commiss9,on held on December ; 8, 19f3o, by tt:e followi~ng vote of the rtiembers th~reof: aXGS: COMMISSIUP?~Ra: BOUAS, FRY, HERBS~', L'A CL}1IRE, LAWlCKI, MC BURNEl' NOLS: COMMISSTONERS: NONE ,p'~ A135ENT. COMMI5~IONERS: MESSE ' ;;:y 7.N WI2'NGSS WEiJ;REOF, T have hereunto se;: my hand Ch.i.s 8th day of December, 1986. i .~ . -Q~-L~,,,c.., SECRETAP,'l, ANAHLIM C:[TY PLANNTNG 'QMMISSION :'> :' ;~, :~ ,'. i; ;:: ~ iN~ ~3' PC86-3~9 ~.. ~',. 4 . . , ~.:I'ii ! ,i ~ ,,.,.,i:~~~