PC 86-31'.~~ ., ' RLSOLU`1'IpN N0. NC86•~31 ~t ~,~ A RE;5ULU'i'IUI~ U[~' 'PHE ANAH';IM CI7'Y PLANNINC COMMTSSIpN 7.'1JA'i' PE'1.'.L'1'TON F'U:t C()i~DI'i'IONAL U5L PERMI'1' N0. ?.750 Af; GRANTED, 'I.tJ PAKT WHER[;AS, the Anaheim Cit.y Planning C~mm:ission did receive a verifieci Petition £or C~~mlzliona.l Use t?ecmit trom S. S. P. ?ROPGR'1'[ES, c/o JOHN ~~l~At~'1'L, ET AL, 2010Q E3ro~l:hur,l, H,:nt:ington E3~ach, Califor.ni.a 92696, cwner, .~nd J. I~, t;App, 15t39'l Pasadena Avenue, Tuslin, CaliFui•nia 9268Q, ag~nt fvr ~ertain real property si.tuateci in khe ~"iL•y of Anaheim. County of Or.anc~e, State oL CaliJ:orni~, dcscribed as [o.llows: 1'HUSt PORTIUNS n!~' LU`1'S 3~ 4, A,~p 6 pN THE DOMINGUL'Z E;TATE, IN 'PI{E CITY f~F rNAI1EIM, CO~INTY OF ORANGE, S~ATF. OE~ CALIFORRIA, AS StiUWN ON MAP [•'ILI:,IJ ltr 130Ur 'l, I~AGE 15 OE RL•'CORD 0~ SURVEYS~ ZN TNL OFFICL ON' `PHE COUNi'Y RECORDER 0i~ SP,ID CUUN'!'Y AND Tf;AT E'UR'PiO~i pE ~f1q~i~ Cr;iiTAIN PARCEL CF J~AND DEaC:.l2IE3FD IN DErll RECORT)~D JUGY ~l ~ 196d AS IN;,iT.Rpyk;N't~/FILE NU. 322b3 IN BOOK 18z1. PAG~; 539 Ub' Ul.~k'7!:;IAI~ Ftk;C0ItD5, IN SAIA OE'F'ZCL•', D~'SCRIF~EU AS ['OLLpW5 ; CUMMF:NC:iNG A'"i A PO~N1' IN 'Pti~ C~N'!'EI: 1~INE OF' PLACEIJ'_IA-ypRgA RGAU, AS SfiOWN UPt PL1~NS EN:PITLh'D "FL~AN At~n PFtOF'dLG pF PLACH.N2IA-YURRl1 }2UAU', UN I~iLE; IN 1'HE UEFICE QF THE: CCUNTY SURV~YOR OF ;;AIU COUN'i'Y~ D.TSTAtJ'1' '1'HEREON NOR'PF{ 0° 2g~ 36" ~ps~~ 38 +.41 FEE'P h RGbt I'1'S . NTC:'F25GCTIUN Wl~r~i TH~ C:EN~'ERLINE OF SANTA ANA CAN'{O~ CtUAC, bO.GU EE:ET WIllL, AS SHOWN UN A MAP UN FILE: TN tiAIll QE'H'II;E; OE' Til~ CI.~UN'.2Y SURVLYUR; THL•'NCN; SOUTH 83° 46' S7" L~~SZ' 23~•6Es E'EET '!'0 1'tit. WEST LIP1L•' Ol' T[!A'_!' (,E}2T~IN PARCCL OF LAND Ul:;;CH1BL•'D IN UL•,'ED 'I'0 '1'HF STATL•' OF CALIFORMIA RECORDED JANUARY 23, 1953 IN ElUOK "1441, PAC[; 84 OF L~FPICIAI, RECORDS, IN SAID CUUP~~i'X I2GCUkUL•'R',~ qh'.F1CE;; 'l'Ei~:NCh: NOR'!'Fi G5° 02' Ob" ~AST, 202.77 FE:EZ' 'PU THF: 'I:2UL• Pc)iN': UE~ BEGItdNlNC; THL•'NCL NURTH 86° 25' ~5" r:AST~ 161i.3J. i'EE:'i'; TEI~NCG NOkT}f 71° 12' 00" F;AS'C~ 2ti8.2/{ F!'ET~ 'l'EIH'tICE NUF27'[i G1° 41)' ~Q" ~;n;;`l, 189.36 Fk;E':'; THENC~' NORTIi 5fi° 4q' '~" EAS'i, 1~.3U.39 NL•'L•"P 'Cp 2'lIE ~F~STE:R7aY LINE pF '1'HE LAND DE:SC:HiBL•'D AS PAt~c.:GL ~ IN '.l'liL•' FItJAL URnER c)N CONDt;MNATI~N FILrD ti~ ,;i(lNGltiUft CCIURT CAS[; NU. !5y!d$j (;~q+~i~ PAi2CE;I. NO. C?.579) TN A:JU kC)Ct SAIU (:GUN'P~'Y A CF.RTT('iEC CUPY 0[' SAID F1NAL ~~RDLR aEING RE:c:URULU Oc:TUEiL•'fl 14, 1'.~t~9 1M BOOY 9117, E~AGF 925 OF OEFICTAI, kF;CU[tDS IIJ SAIli COUP7TY R1:'CQRDER';; UMFICE; THI:NCF. ALO~1G SAID EA~3TEl2I.Y 1~lNL•' NOR'Pt~ 5° "1.7' 42" W~'S'1'~ Z91.57 FEET; TIfENCE SOUTFI 60° .iit' UO" WE:i'~'r 2}9.U7 FEE:1'; 'TH::NCE :iOU'iH 55° 3y~ 49" WF'STr ~'~2.bU ['E~:T; 1'HI:H~,E SUU'Pti 5t3° 24' S's" WF,S''' 351.43 EEF.T; Z'HLNC'E SOUTIi 71° U~' 41" WES'.[', 192.f33 FEF~T; 'rHfiNCE: Si)U~r[i 6'l~ 13' 31" !•lF;~`P, 3~l3.86 [~`EF:Y' TG THE }!L•'GINNIPJCi c~F A CU22VE, CqNCA~%E .~UU1'fiEAS'PF:RLY AND ttAVIPJG A RADIUS OP 2SO.G0 NGFq'; 'i'HtNCF. SUU'i'HWL•'5'1'~:ItLY ANI) SOUTHENLY ALONG SAID CURVE TfIROUGIf AtJ ANGLF. OE' 47° 04' .17" Atv Af2C DIS'I'ANCE OF' Z05.39 ~E~T; 2'HF:NC~: NOiV-TANG~N2' a0U'A'Ei ~l° 5b' 32" WL;;'f, F,i."ll E'E~:'P TU ':tiL•' TRUL•' PpINT U~ ElF:CINtlING. ~703r YC36-37, ~,~~, EXCLP'PxNG 'l'HERGFItOM ALI, OIi,, MINLRALS, NA'.PURAL uAS ANU OTHER HYDRUCAkA~NS BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN~ 7.'HAT MAX BE WTTHII3 OR UNDGI~ THE HERFIN CONVE~YF.D PARCEL UF LAND, AND 2`t1E RIGHTS THE}2ETU, 7'OGETHER WITIi CERTAItd 0'PklEft C~NDITIpNS, AS EXCGPTEA A1VA RE5ERVLU !N DE~:DS TO TH~ STATL 06' CALICQRNIA R~CORDCQ JUNE 10, 19ti8 I'N HOOK 8625, PAGF E302 OE' QI~'EIC:AL RECORDS, FEF3RUARY 20, ~)6$ IN ] Ei00K 852'L, PAGE 449 OL ONG'ICIAL RF;CORDS~ FCIiRUAP.Y 27, . 1969 Ii~ DOUK 8885~ PAGE 57l UE OI'~'iCIAL RECORDS~ AND OCTOBER 24, 1969 IN }30UK 9117~ PAG~ 925 QF OFFICIA.L RLCUf2Q5, R~SPECTTVGLY, IN uAID COUN'PY RGCOI~DER'S OPEICC. WHN;R~AS, th~ CiL•,y Pianning Commission di~ hold a public hearitiq at '.:r~e Civic Center in ~he c;ity cf. An~-~heim on ~anuary 20, 1986 al- 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly give-1 as required by law and in accordanre with the provi~ions of the nnaheim Mun~cipal Code. Chaptpr 16.03, to Y~ear and consirJer evidence Eor and against sai.d pr.oposed reclassification and to investigar.~ ;;nd makc~ findinys and recommenda~ion~ in connection thetewi-~h; and WIiL•'REAS, said Comrnissi.oii, ~1:teC <i4e inspection, invesY.igation and study ma(le by itseli ~n~l in its bahalf, and after' due considera~iun of all evidence and re(~ar~s ~f.fered at Saic~ hearing, does Ein~i and detecminc the f~llowing fa ~_s: .l. 'shat the ~~r.op~.ise~ use is pro~er.ly ~ne foc wtiicl~ << conditional use per.ntit is authorized by Anal~eim Municipa.l Cude Se~tion: 1t3.44.050.150, la,E34.061 ~znd .18.84.U62.U3.1 to wit: l-o permit a 42-foot higt~, 183-unit motel w~.th waivars of the Eu.llowiny: (a) SEC'PIUN 1.8.84.U62.D:11 - Minimum strucL•ural ~etuack. ' ~~ (100 feet ir~~m Riverside FrF•eway r~quired; 75 feet• propo,ed) (b) SE~'1'IUN 18.£34.G62.0.14 ~- :linimum landsc<~~ed se~back, AND .Lb.E3A.U62.U142 (20 feet r~c7uired adjacent to Tn;erial Highway ~ and lhe Riverside hreeway, and 10 feet rcq,uired adjacenL- l-o t;he easl.erly property line; 5 teet pr.oposed) ;,{ (c) SL•'C'1'IUN 1fi.84.U62.U31 - htaxi~nutn s~ructural height. - ~-' r (~.35 feet F~errnitted; 42 ~eet propo~ed) ;? (p) SEC".'.IUN 1d.~~:.U68 - Kequicr,d site :~creening. `r (6-fooL- hi~t,lock. wa11 required adj~xcenk to ti~e fre~wa~~ and easterly propFrty line; none propused) 2. '.ch:~~ the req~~estFd waivers are :~~t~ceby granted on the basis that there aze :~peciul circumss %~n~:es ap~licable ta the prok~ecty such as ~ize, s1iapE~ top~~graptiv, locat•i~~n and curro~~ndings whi.r,t: do not apply to utl}er identicrA.:iy zon:u Nco~~rty in the same vicinity; and that ~tG~icti a~~licition ot the 7,oning Codc depci.ves thc pcoper.ty o£ privileges en~oycd by othe:' pruperties in the idF~ntical z~nc~ and classiEi~ation in the v.icinity; except, !' however, that Naiver ~b) for rninimum _l- PC86-31 ~ "~ ~ !~_r .,~~ t ~NNCYJrn'fattro•..i.,.,,,......~ ... .... .. . _. ~..... ~,.. ,..,,_.... .... . . . ~. . . ... ....... . :... "". .., ~~,.. . . .. . . . . . . ~ ~ / ~ ,yr.P~' 7 t- lands~~~~~cc.i setback shaJ.l. be granted, in parl•., requiring a 1'i-foot landscaped setbac'; requir.e~l adjar.ent to Imperial i:.tyhway to match the existir,g 1.5-.foot• 1and.:caf~ed setUack develoNeil on the adj~acent properl.y L-a L•h~ south, as stipulated ho by tha petih.ioncr a;: the pabli.c hear.ing. 3. That the proposeci use wil]. nor. advcrsely affcct the adjo:ninu land uses and the grow~h and dE~velopmenl- oF the area ~.~i which it is uroposFd to be located. 4. That the size and sY~aE~F: o~ the ~ite proposeci for the uae is aaec~uatt~ to a11ow rhe iull developmenk oF the pro~osed use i~ a m~r,ner not :±etrimentaJ. ro the partic~lar area nor to ~he ~eace, health, sag'ety and gen~r~l welt'are ot I:he Ci.tizens of Che C.ity o1 Anaheim. 5. 'i'l~ak the aranting af th~ Conditianal Use Permit undcr tne cunditions i~n~osed, if aiiy, wi11 r.oi: be d~:trimental to ~he peace, health, ~aiety and yzsicral wel£a::e ot the Cirizens o£ tne City of Anaheim. 6. ~ihat ~he traffic yenerated ~y the E~~~posed use wi11 not impose :~~ unc]ue burden upun l•h~ StCG4ra a;iu f~ighways designed and improved to c~rry tha trat[ic ir~ lhe acea. 7. That no one :.ndicated their presen:e al• said ~ublic hearing in opr.~:~sil:ion; and that no correspondenc~ wa, r~ceived in oppasit:.~n to t:he subject pee.it.ion. L•'NVIltONhlLNTA1, If~1PACT 'r'INDIPIG: That the Anah~im City Planning , Commissian has reviewed thc proposal ~o reclassify subject pr.operty from the FtS--~1-•43,U~U (SC) (Residential, A~~ticultural, Scenic Corridor Ovc~rlay) 'Lone tp L•he CL (SC) (Comniercial, I~imited, Sc:~ni~ Corridur Overlay) ?,one to parmit a 42-fool ~ ~h, 183-unit irote.l wiL•h waiver o~L minimum st•cur,tux~~1 setback, mini:ti~~m landscapecl setback, rnaximum structura.l heiyht and rec~uired site screening on an irr.egularly-shaped ~arcel ~~l ]~,nd consist.fng oi approxf.mately '1.93 acr.es l~cahad southeast of the i.ntr:rsection ot the Rivcr::ide Freeway and Itnp~r.ia]. r:iyhway; anrl does ti~reny ap~rovE i:he Nectative Declarat.ion upo~t tinding t:'r~at it hus consic]rred the Negat~.ve D~c.lar.r+ti.on together wihh any comments received ~Icaring the public ruview procF~:~s ~nd further fi.nding ~~n thE basi: ot the .initial sr.~ldy ~and any c~nm~nts receiv~d tPiat there i~ nc ' substant.ial evidence thaL tht k>rojecL- wiJl hav~~ a siyniFicant eEEect on the = eu~:ir~nmFnt. NO~~, THER~;t'OttF;, BE I~1~ RESOLV~:n lt:at thE Anaheim CiL•y Planniriy Commission does hereby ,yrant subjeci: Petiti.on for Conc~itional Use Permi.t, upon the Lu'llowing c:~nditinns which are hereby Eound t~ be a nece~aar,y prerequisite l•o th2 proposed us~~ oL f.he subjecr p;:operty in ur.der. to }~reseive the s&~'ety and yeneral welfarc~ oP tk~e Citizen~ oE the City of A~aheim: 1. xl~at khe owner o[ sub;ect proper.t-y uha11 pay to the City of Ariaheim a f.ee for tree ~lanl:ing pur.posNS along Via Cur.t~z in an r,ir,ount ufi detcrm2ned Ly the Cit.}~ Council. ?.. 2'l~at pr.ior to issuanc:e oE a building perrnit, pr.imar.y water ma.tn f~es --- .::~a) 1 be pald to the City ot Rnaheim, in a.n amount as Cetermined by ? chf~ Gtfice ot ttie Util.itiei Cenerul Manag~~r. -3- PC86-31 ; +'._) _ - : '~rs: ~~1 3. 'Pl~al• prior l-.o i~suanr_e of a buildi.ng ~ermit, thP appropriate traLfic signdl a~sessmEn~ fee sh~11 bc paid to thr City of Anaheim in an amount as detcrmined by the City ~ouncil for new cor~merci.al buildings. 4. That a11 engineering reyuire-r~enks of the City oF Anahei~~~ along Via ~'~rtez, including preparation of imi:rovement plans an~ installat~ion of a11 improv~menr_s such as r.urbs and gutters,, sidewalks, water facili.ties, st-r_eet grading arid pavement, sewer and di•ainage ~ac~:iZities, or other ~ippurtenant work sha11 be compl.ied wil-h as rEquiicd by the City Enqineer a-~d in accordance w~,th specificariuns on file in the Office oE the City Engineer; and that ser.urity in the form ~f. a bor.d, certi~icate oE de~asit, letter ot credit, or cash, in an amount anrl for:m satis.EacL•Qry t:o tr~e City o1• Anaheirn, :,hu11 be ~osted ~,~ith the Cicy to guarantee thF :atisfactory comp.letior~ of said improvements prior to occupancy. ~. That strcet liaht~ng facilities along Via Curkez shal]. be insLalled as requirrd by the Utilit.ies Gerleral Mana~er in accArdance r~ith specific.ations on file in the Offa.ce uf Utilities r,~neral Msnager, and that securil:y in the for.m of ~~ bond, certif:icate oE deposit, letter of credit, oc casli, in an atnount. and form satisf'actory to the ^it~~ of Anaheim, sha11 b~ posh.ed with khe City to guar~nl-~e the satisfackory cc~mpletion of th~ above-men~ioned ini~r~~vements. Said security sha11 be posted witP, the Citv of Anahei.m prior to issuance cf ;~uilding permits to guarantee insta.llaY.ion pri~r to occupancy. 6. `1h~at the drivPway shall be cons~ructed l-o accamm~date ken (10) foot raciius cuzb teturns as required by the C~~.ty TraFfic L•'ngineer. 7. 'Phat dra.inac~e oF :;ubjece ~roperty shall be disposed of in a ina~ner aatisL~iiCtory to the City Engineer. 8. That subject ~r per~y ,i~all be serv~d by undergr.ound utilities. 9. That pr ior to c~ommencemen~. ~F structur.~Z C:: ~mir.g, f ire hyc~~ ant , ~hall be in~tallt~d and charyed as reqialred ~xnd cle~er^~ined to be neces3ary by t:he c:hi.~L oE the E'ire. D~:r~artirenL. lU. That r_rasi~ ::Corage ~rc~as sh~.l:l t~e provided and ma.intained in accordance witt~ ap~~rov~d plans on t.i.le wi~t~ Ghe SL•r~et Maintenance and Sanitation Division. 1J.. That, as sf,eciEied in Anat~eir~~ Municipal C~~ci~ Section No. .i6.34.062.032, nu CUVl'-m~unted equipment, whal-.sc~ever, shall be per~mit.ted. 12. TYiat thr~ ~r~~osal shail cor~~ly with ail signinc~ requirements of hhe CG(SC) Z~rte, unless a variance a?,lowin~3 sign waiv~ars is apptoved by the Planning Commission or City Council.. 13. 9'hat subject pro~ert:~ shall be developed substantially .tn ~ccar.dance with plan~ ar;~1 specif~:cati~ns on f•ile with tht City o~ Anaheim marked ~xt~ibiE No~. :l throuyh :3; provided, hawever, that kitchen efficiency t~nits may be instailed in no more than twenty~five percent (25~) of the motel units, with a maximum of 6-c~~bic toot refrigera~ors, t~:o-bu,tner :~tove: excludi.ng oven arid baking f~~cilit2.er,~ an~l singte compartment ~inks, except that the manager's unit wiil be ~llowed to havc f~ali kitch~n FdC.lllt.lP,$; and fucL•her., that a.15-fcot wide landscaped setback shall be providecl along Imper.ial Elighway. -4' PC86-'sl W~ 19. That this Condili.onal Use Permit: is granted sttbjecL to L•t~e adoption of the `LOniny Ordinance i.n c:onnection ~vilh Reclassifical:ian No. 85-•86-17, now pending. 15. Tl~at prior tu issuance of a buildi;~y permi.t, or within a pariod of ot~e year .`.rom L•he date o~ thi~ resolution, whict~ever accurs ~irst, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14, ~bove-mentioned, shall be carnpli~d with. Faxtpnsions for L•urther tima to co~nplete sAid conditions may be granted ir- accordance wiL•h SecL•ion 18.03.G3~) of the Anaheim Municipal C;~cie. .Lh. That r~rior to final building and zoning inspecL-ion~, Co~~~dition Nos. 4, ,, 6, 7, B, 10 and 13, abave--mentioned, sha,.l be comp.lied wi~h. I3L IT ['UR'I'HLR RE50LV~D that thc Anaheim City Pl.anning Commission does t~ereby fxnd and deL•ermine tt~at adoption af this Resol~ttion ;.s expressly predicatcd upon applicanl•'s comNlianc~ wi.tt~ each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Shou:Ld any such conditi.onG, or any part khereof, be declared invali~l or uneni:orceak~le by the Li.nal ;judg;nent vf an~ court o~ competent jurisdiction, tnen l•his R~solution, and an; approvals herein contai.ned, sha.11 be d~~emed nu.ll and void. `TkiE I~CRPGOIN~ RESOLUTION is signc~d and approved by me Lhis 2Cth day u~ .1~anuary, .19a6. ~~ ~.. --- ii ~... / ( ( / (i l ~~~~~ -..c._.~C-, /!,~L,.~!.S~Y'~-a'+• C:HkIRW~N1AN, ANAHEIM CITY PLAP'NING CUMMISSION AT'1 L ST : ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ir.c.L~. - SECI'tE`~'ARY; ANAiI~:I~I Ci~'Y L~LANNING COMMZSSION S''i'AT1: nE' CALIf•'C.IRNIA ) CUU[J7'Y Or' OkANG.ti'. ) s:;. Ct'PY OF :1NAHEIM ) .[, E~lich L. Elarr~s, Secretary ot ~he Anaheim City Planning c;um~r~isaion, do hereLy c~rtify that the ~~regoiny cesol~tr~on wa~ ~a~~ed and adoptec: at a meetiny ~~£ the ?~naheim City F~lanning Ccmmission held on January 20, 7.9£i6, by the ~ollowiny vote of the members r_hezeof: AYGS: C:OMMISSlUNI~kS: 30UAS, PRY, HERt35T, LA CLAIRG, i,AWICECt, MC BtIRNEX~ N.F~SSF' NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: ~lU[~E ABS~:N'1': COMMISSiUNBRS: ?JGNL iN wimr~~ss WHL:REOI', I Nave hercunlo set. ray li, ^d this 20th day of Jaiiuary, 19Bb. /~ v /q ~_,~/ ,C/ /~ • -____ .~![`~s`.~'~ ..~..6~~_ SECRF;'.~ARY~, ANAIiEIhI C:IT'( PLANNTNG COi~MIS ~.LON _5_ PCS .:-31