PC 86-36J~~~ RE50LUT1UN N0. PC86-J6 A kL•'SJLUTION UC' 7.'HF, ANAEILTM CIT: YI,ANNING COMMISS'tON 'PEIA9.' k~LfiI7.'IUN I~'Oft CONUI'iIONAL U5E 1~E12MIT N0. 27`~7 BG G.RANZ'!;D W1~L12F.AS, ttie Anahei~n City I~lanning (:ommission did rtceive a veri£ied _ Petitiuil for ConcJitional Use t~ermit :Crom SIK YAM C}IAN, L7' AI~, 2340 West 230th •i Sl-rNet, `PoLra-zce, c:a.tifornia 9U5U1, owner, and .LF.E & CHIU DEStGN GROUP, 13523 F'ran~isquit~ Avenu~, Baldwin Par.k, Ca.lifc~rnia 91706, agen~ for certain real propt~rt~~ situ~,ted in tlle c:it~ ot F.r.aheim, County o.f Orangc, Stat~: uf Caliiornia, describcd as: PAkCE;A, 1: '1'Hls' 1~AS'i' 14"L.00 1 E.L•"1' Ol` ~rE~r WE~T 464.20 rE,ET, ~•IEASUl2Ell ALONC 'PI3E SOU2'H LINf: UP' TEIE; SOUTH yALi~' Oh '?'Fi~ SOUTI~SlEST ~UARTGft GF THE 5vU''i'HWE;;T uUARTER OE' SLC:TION 13, 7.'OWNSFiIP 4 ~QU'rN, RANGE 1]. WF;S`.P, IN '.CFfE RANCHU LUS COXGT~;S, CiTl UF' ANAHGIM, COUNTY 0~' URANG~, ;"i'ATE' nI' CALIFOR[~IA, AS PGk MAP F2L•'COI:DED IN BOUK 51 PAGE 11 UF M15CEJ LAI~LOUS i•iAPS, IN T'.•IE: UF'PI(:F~ U'r 'PHE COUN`rY RECORDF.~: U'r' SnTD CO~N'i'Y. LX(:EPT TEI~: NOI~T't 329.5"L F'P;L•;T THEREUr. AL,30 E;.l'c.;k:P`'i' 1'HE SUU1'fl :'?5.52 I'EI::T '~HEkLOF. PARCc:L i : 'Ck1L St1~:i'F( 94.UU P~;'r.".C Ui~ 'PHL•; P1CI2'!'N 3~9.52 ~~EI:'I' OF 7'IlE P11:ST 464.20 FE:;'1' Mf:ASUI2L•'L' AL~)Nv 'PHL SOU'IH LTNE Or 'i'HE SOUTH HALF OF Tf?~ ~UUTHWES`.C (~Ulitt7'1•:R pI~ 1`Fl~: :;(lU'i'HWEST ~UARTRIt UF SECTIUN 13, TUWN5HIY 4 SOU'Pfi, RANGE 11 WP•,5'P, IN `l'HE RANCNO Lc)S COYOTES, Ci'i'Y 0[' 11NAN~'IM, COUN!'Y QF orif,rl6;~:, STATE UE' CAi.IFURNTA, AS PER MAP R~C'URDi.U TN EiUOP, 51 PAC;E 11 Of•' MISCL•'LLANP•,UUS P]AY.r.~ IN `PHE OFFTCE OF '~:EIL (:QUN'i'Y I?ECORDEe: UG' 9AIi) CUUNT~i. E;Y(;l~l~'1' THk; WL•~S'i' 9"1.00 E'EE`1' 'PHERE;OC. WEIF:'fiL•'RS, the Ci.ty P,lann.iny Comtni; si~n dir; hold ~ pub]ic hearing at the Ci~~ic Center in th~ City oi Anaheim on t'ebruacy 3, 1986, at 7.:3U p.m., ^uti.c;e ot ;;aici E~itb.lic he~aring having becn duly yiven as required by ).aw and in ~accordancc; wiCh the provisions o.E th~ Anaheim Munici~al Code, Ch~pter 18.Oi, to hear and consi.der evidence For and ayain~t sai~i proposed condit~onal use permit and to inv,~,tiy~te and rnake Pi.nd.ings and r.ecornmendati~ns in connection therewith; ar~d WFlER~'AS, said ~ommis~:lon, ;~fter due a.nspection, i.nvesti,qation ar.d skudy made by itselt ar.c1 in its b~haJ.f, anc~ after due cc~nsi~leration of• all ~:vidence and reports ottered aC said hear.ing, does iind and determine the ~~~1J.owing f~zcts: 1. 'Ptiat the propased use is properly on~, .for which a conc]itional use t~ermit is auti~orized by Anaheim Mucli~ipal Co~?c~ Se~tion 18.44.050..160 to ~ait: ko cone~truct a 57-uni.: addition t.~ an E~xisting 24-unit motel. ~11Ur Pc:86-36 f,: ~_ .~..~~ ,~ ~ j, .~ r' :'~~s :, ~ ~ - : t' ~w I i ~ ~C 2. Thak thP proposed use will not advecsely aP£er,t the adjoining ~ land uses ana the grawi•.h and dNve:Lo,nment of t~,e area ir~ which it is proposed ,'~~; tc be located. 3. Tt~at L-he si.z~ and stiape of the site proposed for the use is ri ~~1~ adcyuate ~o allow the tu.ll develogment o~ tF~e pronosed use in a mariner not ''~i~' ,;~• ~ detciment~l to ~he par ~icular area nor L•o the pe~ce, health, sa£eky and :;14 `' " Y:'~ ger~~ral welfare ot rhe ~~ tizens o£• khe Cily of Anahei[n. , "~" !~1. 4. ~rr~at ~n~ yr.anr_ing of th~ Cor~ditional Use Pecm.it iander the t: ~: conditions imposed, if any, wi1.1 ilot i.,P detrimental to the peare, health, salety ar.d genera.l welfare of the Clrl'GE:S7S of the rity af: Anaheim. ;';ti ~; 5. ThG~t the tratfic generated by the pc~oposed use will not impose an `'~ ~.~ undue burden ul>on the strects and hiqhr;ays dcsiyned and improved to carr y the °i ~ , tzaffic in the area, b. '1't;at ~~nn petsan indic~ ted their presc~nce aL said pub] ic hcar~ng ~"~' '; in appc-ition; ~~nd that nu correspondencE was received in opposition to the subje~t pel-it-ion. `;~ ~. ~ ENVIROtJMEP~~PAI, IMPAC'i' ['TNDING: ~,Phat L-he Anaheim City P1ar~ning .I( ; comr~;ission nas reviewc~cl the proposal to construet a 57•-unit ac3dition tio a ~ 24-anit ~uotel on an irregular.ly-sh~~~ed ~arcel of 14~iu consisting of '' , approximatF:ly l.l:i acre~, having a frontage aF approximatel~ 94 ~eet on the ~',' east side of Beach Boulevard, and iurther descr. ihed as 9].6 South Beach `~~` Boulevard (Rustic Plotel ); and dcies hereby apUrove the Negakiv~ Declaratirn '~_; uNUn f:zndi.ng that i~ has ~oiis.id~red the Negative Declaralion together, with any `'' r.olmnents received duririg the public cevicw process ~n~l '~~~rth~r finrlinn ~n tne ~;';~ ba5.is of tt-e initia.l sl•ucly and any commenh ~ received that there is no ;"'~a;; suUs~antial evidence th3t L-he project ~~ill have a signi..icant ePfect• on hhe ; ~'f~ envirunmcnt. '~~i NUW, 7.'Hcl21•;FU1tE, RL•' 1'r' R~SULVI:ll that ~he A~;«hei.,n City P1~nning Cc,mni,ssion does l~~ereuy gr.ant subject Pel•ition tor Conditinnal Use Qermit, upon Lhe Lo11o~~in~ conditions whirh are h~rel~y found tc be a nectssary p!•erequisi~e to tlle pr~pos~cl use of. the subject property in order to presetvn th2 :~afety and yeneeaJ. w~lfare ol ti~e Citize~is of L•hc City of Anaheim: 1. 2'hat prior l-u i~suance ~L- a bu.ildir~g permi~, thw appropriate traffic sign~zl ~.~sessment Eee sha11 be paid l•o the City of Anlheim in an air,ounL as determined by L•he Ciky Council for new comm~rcial buil~ings. 2. ~i~t7at dr~~inage of su~ject propert•.y :ha:1:l be disi,csed ot in a tnanner satisfactory t.o the City Lnginee~:. j. `Phat przor to commencement of st;.ructucal framing, fire hydran~s sha.ll be inytalled and charged as requir~_d and dPtermine~ L•o be necessar.y by tht Chie[ oE rhe E'ire Uepartment. 4. That trash storage areas sha11 be provided and maintainei~ in accocdance w.it:h approved plans on file t~iL•h the Si:reet t4aintenance -- and Sanirata.on Division. ~ 5. ThaL• fire spririklers shall be installed as required by the City Fire Marshall. •::-; :'•:::i , Yi -l' PC86-36 -~~~ ; ; -- - :, ,~ ,:_s ~ ~ ~;. '1'h~t all air conditic~nin~~ t'~ci'li~ie:s and other roof and yr~und ~nounLed cyu.ipn~ent sh~+il k~~~ pcoperly .hic.idzd l~rum vicw, and thn sound bul'[~~~e:d frr,in adje~r.ent residenti.al pro~erti.ee. ~1'tiat the 7 E~r.oNosal shall cump.ly with ~~11 siynin~,~ r~~qttiremenrs of thQ . CL 'l,rn~~, ~~nless ~~ variar.ce <a.llowing siy-i '+18J.VESB L:3 a~proved by the F!l~annxn~3 Comrni:~sic~n or City Coun.:i:l. ~ih~t th~~ t; owner ot ~ubj~cr. property shal.l _ubmi.~: a letccr re~'~uesY.ing . C~.r-r,i.nat.iun ot ~oncliti.onal U,e Permit Nos. t9~i8 and 25U1 to the ~~l~+nniny Gepar~rnent. y, `lha~ ;iC:I7Jt'C.t nrnperty sl~~ill t,4 de~v~~lo~~d s~.~+~3tantially in accordance with plans a~ld sE3~~c.it:icati.on, ur tile wiCh che C'ity of Anaheim marked i:xhibiG r~~~:~. J. lhrougn 4; incluuing t~he specifi~~ ~lacemenk oi windows 4-n~ baiconie:; in the ea:,t facing buildiny wail, as shown on aaid ex:libits. 10. `ti•at C~rior tu issuancc ol a btiildi-~g pcrmit, or witY~in a period oE one ;~~ar f zc.r.l tt~~~~ darF' or, this resolution, whichever occuxs first, Co~~dition Nos. 1~inci fr, ~i~ovc-men~ione~i, ~hall be complied with. txtensionfs Loc f~.rther. tin,~~ to c:ompter.e :~a.id r,onditions may be ~~ranteu in accur~~anr.e with Sc~crian .13.~3.09G ot the Tnaheim Munfcipal CodE. 11. 'it~at E~riur t~~ Linal building and •r.oning ina(~e.:tions, Ccnc3ition Nos. "L, 4, 5, b.+nd '~, abo~~~-mEntioned, ~hali be complied with. ffE. I'i Filtr;llEfi ItESULVEJ chut t~~r~ Anah~i.rr: City Planning Ccmmission does : he:tcby f i~~d ancf dete:rmine rhat ac~r~pt:ion ~~f r.his R.e~olu~fon Ls expre~sly E~~~qi:~;_~tec: u~~urt a[~E~lic4nc'r com~liunc~ wiLh ~:ar.h and ~.1 ut the cunditionr hetc.in~b^v:~ :;et forth. should anf ~uch ~.:onditions, ur any pact thereoE, be aecluced inv~li~ oc unentorceabie t~f t.r~e [inal judyment of any eourt of ca~ii;etc:nr }uri~~iictic~n, then tnis 'te:~u2ucion, anrl any appcoval.s F~erein conta'.riec3, sh~-11 ~e ~J~.e:nc:u n~ll an~i cc~iu. TNE: E'UkCGUIt~C~ ftf:SULU'i iU;~ 1~- siuned and appf.uved by tr.~ thi4 3[d day Of. P~~brua[y .l, LySf,. ,---_ ~L~-Gv~t.~c..__.y~~ r>~.-~-il-C-C_ / - ::ifA1RWU,tAt~, i+NAffE:YM CJ i i YLANNIt+G CUMMISSIOtJ Al1LJ11: ~ ~ t J~~/ //~~~* ///~ ~~-~~~~ YYi~~..- LJ~d..~~... , _.`.~_..~ ;iF'(.k~IAF.Y, ANANbIh~ CIiY I'I.A.tiNiPiG (;OMMaJJTU« -3- ~ ', L ~e YC86-36 -'' ~ ~':. ~~•, {M~r~~ ~ . ,. ~k`~~~1 ~~tl~) S'rA7'L q~ ~AI,I[~'()F<NIA ) (:UUNZY UL' URANGG ) : s. c:ITY UI' ANAE{E;IM ) i, I;dith L. Harris, Secr.et~cy of the Ananei~n City Planning c;nmm.ission, dc herc:by certffy th~it the :^~egoi.ng resolu~ion war, pas~ed and .~:iul~trd at a meeriny oi lhe t~n~~hei.m City '?lanninq Comm~ssion t~~Xd on t~ebruary 3, i~~86, by khe ioYlowi.ng votr• of the memliers thereoE: AYE£;: COMhf.i;iSION~;R:>: RUUAS, E'RY, E1L•'ItBS'1, LA CLAIRG, LAWICKI, hiC fiURNEY n~~;ss~: NUES: COM~MIS5IONEkS: NONE Al35~;N'1: CUMM?5SIUT7F:f2S: Ni~NI.~ IN I~~I~re~r:SS Wt~E1t~UF', 1 have l~eceun~_o s~t rny hand thi~ 3rd day of E'eLruary, 1Gf3b. ~ ~ ~~~"~~._.~~ - . SF'CRI:iAR`l, AtiA(iBIt4 CI'i'Y L~AhNING COPIM.ISSIVD! -4- pC£s6~36 ~ '.~II , ,;, ~~ ~ ~ ~~yffiCS~ r~.-...:.,....~.,.... ,. _.' , . . . ,. _. . . . . .. .. .. . ...., ,. . .,. ~ .. , ,.....,.aY:•aJ~r