PC 86-4. . .... , ~_. , ..-.-.:... v. ~~. . ~ RESOi.U`I'ION N0. PC86-4 A ItE:~Oi.UTIU4J Uk~ 'PIIL•' ANAHETM C:i7.'Y pLANNING C~~MM7SSION 'T(lAT PP;'PI'.l'ZUN FUR VAftIANC~: N0. 352,1 JL•' ULNIED w~it:ItEAS, the An7h~xm cil•.y Pl~anni;~y Commission ~id rec:eive a verit;ied }'~tih.x~~ For v~iric~nce frurn Af3MrD JA}iANPANAft, E~i~ AL, 520 North Rexford Dzive, Heverly Hi11s, Ca:liEornia 90"11U, uwner, and MAGDY HANNA, 4U00 MacAr~hur nOU~~~~'~+r~j~ ~6bU, ~~ewport C;each, California 92660, agent foc cartain r.ea1. ~roper.t,y Situatea in the Cit,y of. Anaheim, rounty oC Grange~ State oF Calirorn.ia, c~esccibed as fnl.lUws: A PUkTION Or LO'P 7 HALI' L. SEC'CION "l1 TN IM BL~UCK 1% } UC A SUF3DIVI5ION OE' Tf{E SpUTN , RARCNU i,U;; NOLSAS IN TC irNSfiIP 9'E;;; ' ' . 4 SOU'.CFJ, RANGE; 10 WE3T, IN THE , SY'A'PL OI' CAJ.,IFORNIA, AS rj 7, X PER MAF UF ANAH~:TM, CaUNTY OF ORANGE, RECORDED FOLLt~WINI; MISCF,I,LANFsUUS t~IT~PS IN DOOK 5I PAGG 7 AND IN ' ' kE;CURbF'R OF SAID OItA Nr,~; , COUNTY aHk; 0[ E ICE OP 'rHE CUUP17'Y AND A IN ~300h 1 FAC;[; 33 OI' , M:ISCL•'Lt,AN~:OU S S3fOWN ON A MAP R~COI2LBD ;i RECURDS UI:SCRI~3LD AS [~AI.LOWS: GF 1:0a ANGELES COUN~.PY BL•'GiNN1N~ A"1' ''i'FiL 1 ' " SOU'CHWE:;i' CpFtNER O[' SA.jD LO'P 7 TH : 20 • ~ E:nST 669.60 FL•'ET AI,ONV 'iHL•' WEST ; GINE F NCE NQRTH 0° NORTfiW:::;T t;URN~R '_!iL•'REOE; THEt7CE SUUTH . OF 09° 4 ' SAID LO'P TQ THE " 1'~~:T ALOtJI; ~riac iVOC;TH I,I:~L•' UF SAIU [ OT 3 SO EAST 339.00 WF:S`i' 66~3.~f7 EF;;j~ :v i'HE SOUTI? LINE ~ ; THE:,VCB S OE OUTEi 0° 13' 10" ~9° ~1 ` 10" WE:ST 34G.4U [~'EEI' ALONG S SAI1) AID LOi 7; 7.'Fir^.NCE NORTfI OE' BE;GINNING. 50UTH L.I NE? TU THk: PUIN2' ~'Y.Ce;P'i' i'ftii W~;ST 15O.UU ['~L"P THL•'RF:C)E'. ALSc) f:XCL•'P: TN~; ldUk'I'N .:10U.~7U NEL•".C 'PHF.REOE'. AI.5U EXCL•'i~i' 'PH1;RE'r'RUM A,J UNDTVIDisD 4/57~Ei5 TNTERF:S'1' I~f 'PEfE :i0UTF1 SU.UU FF'P:: Oi~ 'i'HF: L'/.ST 12.5 FEgT UF' ,ri]1ID I~ANU. wti::ItF:AS, t.h~ city Pla;~niny Commission did liald a~~ublic hearing at th~~ Civ.ic c;enter in ehc city o~: An•iheim on .tanuar 6 ? notice ot s~id publlr hearing havir,y bee~; dul , X ' ~86 ~~= 1:30 p.m., a~4~rd~nce Nith :he ~• ~ Y 9i ~en as r. :-qu i.red by ].r~w and in prc~vL.,ir~r.:, of ._;~~ qnaheim MuniciNal Cocle. Chaptec 18.U3, to hear and c;on~ider evidence Lor anu ayainst said proposed reclas~si~fcat,~on ~~~~~ ~ ~ investiyate an~: make £i.nd'.ny4 and recorr,mn~~~ati,onr~ in connection t:~f:l.'~Wit~1; ancl iiHi:;tF,A;;, ;;aid C~n,;nis,idn, aEtEr due inspection, investigalion and ~CUdy made by iL..clf ancl in it~ b~~hal~, .-nd af:t:e: dt~e constderati~~n o£ a.ll evidF~nce and re~orts oEcerec: ~~ ~aicl hr•;~rinq, cloes find and ~.~~terminc tne f.o.l.lowin~~ €actis: ~ L~676r PCE~G-4 ~ • 5" ~ ~7 ~t•h'N~r,; _ .. .. . _ ~. .. ~.::. . .1. 'l~hat the peti~ionr•.r pt:c~po~~~ waivecr3 of the ~ollowing to cons~r.uc~ a 48-unit a1~ar.tm~nl com~lE~x: (~) :;l:C'~tON 18.34.U62.U12 - Maximum structural hei~ht. ~ (1 sCor r.~x.thin J.50 feet oF a sinyle-family res:idential zone pFrmftted; 2 stories a~ 25 ft. from the west and 62 Pt, £r~~m the north pr.oposed) (b) SECZ'ION 18.34.U63.G3"L1 - Minimum recreation~l-lei.sure nreas. 2. ~'h~t th~ above-n~entianed waiver is hereby denied on the ba~i.s that Reclassif.ic~tion No. 85-~F-16 to xezone the property to ItM-.1200 (Re ~ir~ent.ial, Mulciple-F~mi.ly) was c]enied; Znd L-iarther on ~he basx~ that thexe ure no special circum~tanre;; ~applicable to the pr~perty such as size, ~ha~+e, r_opoyraphy, locatian anu :;urrcundings whxch do not apE~ly tu othcr zdentical'ly ti~n~ci propar.ty in the samc vir.inily; and that strir_C application o.E the Zoniny c:ode does not dep~ive th~e property af privileges enjuyed by othex prop~rties i~~ ~:he .i~cnti.ca.l zone and :1asNificat?o-: in L•he vi:inity. 3. 'i'hat there ar.e no ~.xcepcionai or ex.t:aordinary ci~cum~tances or CG[1d1t1Qils apf~licable to the proper.ty involved or to ttie intQnded use ~f l•he proppr.~y that do no~ apply yener.ally to the propnCty or class of use in th~~ same vicinity ana zone. ~l. Ti^aL- the rey~eseed variance i~ r~ot neces:sary f~r the preser~~fion and er~joyment oL a substantial property r.iyht posyessEd by other property in ttie :~ame vicinity and •r.one, and ~ieniec3 to Ch~_ ~ro~ert~~ in question. 5. 'l'li.it r.he ceyuea~cd •racianc~ will b~=. n.r.sterially det::im~ntal to the ~~ublic welEa~e ac injurinus ~o the proper*y or inprovement~ in such vicinity and ro~ie i.~i wh'ch l-ne pr~~perty is .loc~at~~3. 6. 'l~hat 5~~ecsons inciicaLed their pre~encr: at ~aid pub.lic hearing in oppositi~n; and t hat ~c~ correcpondence wa.~ ceceived in oPposition te :."~ie~et Petil.ion. k:NVIRUtJh~~N~PAL IMPACP ['INDIPIG: 'L'hat i:P~e P.naheim Ctty P1Anning Commiasion t~a3 reviewe:d t.he E>ro~o~al t.u change th~~ Genecal P;.an designation fcam commcrcia.l Prufessic.~nal. to Mr~ui.um [~Nnaity R~3identia.l or Law-medium Deneity Residential anci to recl•3ssii,~ subject pr.operty [rom the RS-1U,000 (Re:~idential, Sinyle-['amilyl ::one tc th~ RM-~700 (kesidential, Multi~le-Fami.ly) 'Lo~~e tu cr,nstruct a 48-unit apartrt~ent compl`x a~ith ~ w.jiver ~f maximum ~rructural t-eiyht. on a rectungulacJ.y-shaped parce2 ~f land rons::stiny of approx.im~3te.y 1.3 acr~~:,, having a£rontaye of approxim1te11 190 Eeel• o:: t•he nc~rtn f~ide c~t Ka-:Ll.la Avenue, and Eurt;~cr de~cXibEd as 1585 W~3t KatE:lla Aannue; ard cio~r~ h~r.eby appcovF~ th~ Neyative Ueclaratiort u~~.n Einding r.h~l- it has con:~idereri r_7~e ~degati~•e Ue~laration togcther wit}i any comments r~:ceiUed during the publ.Lc ce~iew pruce3s and Eurtner f::ndi~i~~ o~ tn~ i~asia o£ th~ inizlal. stuc~y and any co~umcnts Ker.ei.ved that theCe is n~ r,ubst:antir..l evidence that t:he pXOjer,t will ~ave a s.igni[icanr. ef:£ecL ~n the envi.c~~nnenk. ..l_ ~csr,-a rM~'M.~ NOW, 'PHFaktLEO[2E, !3E I'P ItLSULVED that thE Anaheim City ~l.anninc] Cnmmi.~siors doe~ h~reby deny subjeck Petition f-ur Variar~ce on ~he basls of. Che ~~foremc~ntioned findings. THE FORi,GUING RL•'50I,U'1'ION .ia sigr~ec~ and approved by mP this Gth ~ay of ,lanuar~, 198G. . ~,~ LS ~r''..( iC~~ '~.~~~C~.C= ~.C~ . CHAIRWOMrr~, ANAEI:~.T.M CI'.CY PLANNINC~ l'OMM.LSSION A`PTEST: ~ . ~ , ~. ' ~l.La ~ J ar~CRE'lARY~ ANANT~IM CITX PLANIJIP7G COMMISSION STATI. OF CALTE'UF2NIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANGE; ) ss. (:I'TX Uk' ANAHL•'INf ) S, Edith L. H~rris, Secre:tary oE th~ Anahei.m Ci~y Planning Commissi~n, du her~by ce:tify that the f:ar.egoiny resol.ution was passed an~ adopted a*. a meeting of thc, Anc~heim Czty Plannang Commission held on Januacy 6, 19aG, by the fo.llc~wi ny vote of t.he rt~embeX;; ttiereof : A;!ES: C(~idl+iiSSI0NER5: BOUAF;, L'RY, ttEf?[iS'P, LA CLAIRE, MG ~UR[d~Y, M~SSE NU~;S: ~~OMMISSI9NERS: NONE AL3SENT: COFIMiSSIONGRS: C,A~lZCKT JN Wi'PN1saS Wft1.Ft~:U6', I r21VN h~reunto s~~~ my hir~d th.is 6th day ef Januazy, 198G. ~ , ~~~ ~ SI:CEt[s'PARX, 1NA'IF•.TM CJ.'PY~PI,ANNING COMMISSTU.1 -3~ PC86-4 . .,~/ I ~J•~1^ ; ~'j' ;;:F %; ,:f,