PC 86-40RL•'SULU'.['ION NO. PC86-4U
'1`t1A'i' L~L`1'1~IUP~ ~i~Ok VARIl.IJ~'E NU. 3532 lil: GRAP~'TEU
WtIERF.AS, ~he Anaheirn CiEy F~lzinniny Commisyi.on did receive a verified
P~ciL•ian toz v.irianc:F_ from GAItY :~. t~IL', .1521 ~ Sunue±t ':r~~il., Riversi~lH,
Cali.fornia y'l!i0b, owner, an~a VERNUN L. LE;IrIL•'R and I,AVINA B. LEIMEFt, 1772
Partsidye StreeL•, Anah~.ir~, ~ral.ixorni.a y2ESUb~ a9crit f:or cerL-ain re~l pr.operL-y
:;itu~~tF~d in the City ot Anaheim, Ccun'~y of Urange, S~ate of. California
d~~crit~ed as:
I,O'PS 41 AN11 4"l IN f3L(~CF; k~ UF LAIRD uUBUIVTS:[ON AS I'ER ~~1AP
RF'CU[?Dl:ll iN B70K 6, I'A'.iE: 12 i)I' t4AP:i, 1N `P1lE OFF'ICE OE 'iHE ORA~ICE
CUUN'lY kE:c.'U1tllL•'It, 1;A1,IFUItN1A.
tiiift:fiLAS, the City Pl.anning Commi~,si~n Gid hold a public hearing at
h.he i.ivic Center .in t:he Ciry oE Anaheim on Fcl~ruar~• 3, 1986, at 1:30 p.m.,
nutic~~ ^f said public hearing navii-.~ t~e~=n c~u1y givEn as r.equiced by lati~ and in
Gccordailce with th~ provi~ion:; ot L•he Anaheim Munici~al C~.;cie, CY,apter 18.0~,
tu t,ear ~~nd c:onNidc~r evidence t.or and ag~iins~ saic] proposed variance and `o
inv~sti.~ate and make findinys ranJ recotnr+endakiuns in cunnection therewith; and
WE1~:ftL•'AS, sai.d ~'omm~_ssiun, ~tt•er due i.nspection, investigation and
s~uciy made Uy a.tse:lt. r.i~~j in it~ beh:ilti, and after dut corsiderakion o~ all
ev.id~ncc, anc! r.eport:; otterf.d at said iiearing, d~~s 1'ind and determine the
tol_lowiny lacl:,:
1. 'C~~ut ttu~ petilioner pr•~p~~yes waivers o~ ~he followinq to
:.ons~ruct a 2-:sl•ury, 4-uniL aE~arksnent bu~.ldiny:
(ay SE;c:'i'IUt~ .1a.34.1.6:t.Ul.i •- MinimuTr~ sl•ructural setback from an a11eY.
(i5 fF>ek from r_he center.:ir.e oE ~n alley required;
).i fi:~~t:-G inch~~ pco~ur,ed Pur u canlilevered
sec~,nd r,t~~ry i
~c~) ;;~:C'~zuN 1Ei.34.U63.Q23 - Mii-imum sid~•ard setbacks,;
__._r._.__~ ~5 fe~~t fr~~n: :;l.dE! PCr~pt.Ct}! 11ftiC3 ceyuiCed;
U ~~ ~ eeet Lro;n tt.e north property line and
U t:v 2U feet Erom the ~soutk; a:opetty line
(i:) ~;FC~i~ZUN 1b.:f4.U63.U3'l - Miilimum r~~creational-leiaure are~n.
y~ ~ (~qJ f3qt]$CC ~L~~et e~. unit LE!rU1C8G~; 11.9 ayu~are
t rc-t~ r. ~~n i t~>ropor~4d )
i. iF1AC tt~~e abuve-me-lt.iGl1~?d waivecs ar.e hereby gc~nted c:n Fhe bar~i~
that ~herF~ arE :~~~~ ~~a.l circ:Lmutances applir.at,Ie c.~~ the ~~rQ~~erty Lurh as :~ize,
uhape, ~op~gc~~phY, l~~cativn and g~~rroundin~3~ which do not apply to or_her
i~~entic:.:~:~.ly zon~~d p~uperty ir~ L•he ~atnE~ vi.cinic,y; and that strEcr. ~application
ot. the Zuning ;:odc cie~[:.ves r.he pcooer!:y ot privilege~s enjoypd by othec
r~ru(}ect:ic~s in r.h~ iclc~ritic:ai zunF~ c~na cla:3r~itieatiui: in the ki~:.inity.
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0714r PC86-40
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3. '1'hat. there al•e~ er.ceptianal or extruordinary circumt~t~inr.es ar
cund.it.ions applic~~blc L•o the properL•~• invalv~c; c~r to hha .intendecl uhe o~ thF;
i~ra~~er~y th~~L- dn not apply yenec•a11y to the proper.ty or c:la:~~ o~ use in the
samc~ vicinity and z~ne.
9. 7~hat: thc; reyuest:ed v.ari~ance is necessary f~r the ~,re~ervation and
enjoymc~r~~ of a substanlial propert-.y rig.~t poUse~sed by other property in khe
, :;.~mc v~.ci,nity ancJ zone, and denied to the pr.op~~rty in yuesCtun.
~ 5. Th~t t:he reyuest,ec] vari~ince will no~ be milerial.ly detrin~ental l-o
e.he L~ublic we.ltare or injuc~ious to ~he properl-y or i.mprovemenl•s in such
vicinity and :one in which ti:n prc,per~y .is loc~ted.
b. 1'hat no one indicated their pre~ence at :~aid rublic t;eacing in
oppo~iti-~n; and that no corcespondence :~as r.ec~ ivad ~n oppp. iti.on ka sub~ect
E:NVIkOt•iMLtJT11L IMPAc:T [~1N.~.ING: Th~~l: t:hr Anahc:im Ci.ty p).a~nir.g
Cam~i~issiun nas rev.iewed the prapu~al to construct a 2-story, n-;;;,1~ ~~~rtment
bui..ldi.ny w.ith w~ivers ot minzmum :~L•~ucCural sett-~•r,:.•f: tcom ~n alley, minimum
sideyard ~etbacks and minimum zec;reat.iontil-lezsure iiC~a£3 o;t a
~ rectany~lar:ly-st,aped parce~. oi land consi:.,tiny ot apProxim~ate:ly 6,375 sguare
fc~et, havin, a irontagc of a~pr~axi.mately 50 feet on the west side of. Kroegec
Si:reet, and furr_t~er described as ~i15 :;o~ith hroeger StceFt; anci does hereby
a~lprove ~he Negal.iva Ueclaration uE~un finding that iL• ha:; c~nsidered the
Neg~~d:ive Ueclarat.ian togaC},rr with any com~~e~ts received d~~ring the pub.lic
review F,roces:~ and tur.ther iind.iny on l}~e basis o[ the .initia~l study and any
comment , rc:ceived thut there is no :;ubstankia7. evidence that Lhe project will
have a siyniticanC eitect ~~n rhe r-;vironment.
CIUw, '1~hL•'I•.t:FC~rti~, Fs'r; i'i RG~ut.V~~ tl~at the Anaheim Cihy Planning
~ommi,sion don_s hecet>y gc;~r,k subject PetiL•iun Lor. Varxance, up~n thc foi].owing
conctitions wt:i~:h c~re h~~rc:,y f:oun~j t~~ br. a nece,sary ~rerequiyite to the
, ~:roYcsed us~ oE tP:e sub~ecc pro~,erty in ord~r t:o prf~sec~~e the safety and
yeneral ~eltare ot ch~ CitizErn:> 01 th~~ ':ity u~° Anal:eitn:
` 1. 'ihat prioc to i:~~suancr: of a huiloiny E~errnit, app:opriate park and
re<;r.r:a~ion ln-li~u Lef~, sh~.s.tl br: puid ~u L•h~> City of Anaheim in an
amo~ant ar; dcr~rmina~cl by thc Cit:~ Cr~unr.il.
2. '1'hal• ~,rior to i~suancc ok a t,uildiny permiG, the appr~~prfate traff.ic
s.ignal ass~~srment ~ee shall, b~ paid tr~ the City of Anaheim i.n ~-~n
a~ouunt a~. clF~terrni-~eu k,y the City Council for each new dwel.ling unit.
!. ~i'F;at• as required by Ar~aheim MunicN~~l C~~d~ 5ubUn~~iqn 1~.Q4.U80.U20
the ~rir~F.r/Uevelof~~r oC sut:jer,t E~ropert:y shal.2 either (a) post a
!:uithf.ui per£c~rm~nr.~~ b~~nd with the City cn~inNer tu guararttee Che
cecun:~tcuction r~t nc~~ ytreet p~ivement. tu t:he center:ine ot Y•.toeq~r
ScreeC, or (b) mak~ a cash ~>~iyment. to thr_ City oc l,naheim for t~iP.
cc,st ot said ; ec~n ,Lruc:~.i.on, a:; ~rovid~d foz~ in naid ~ubaer.t;~n.
A. :hat rlrainage ot subject E~r.o~erty sha11 be di::por,eci of in a man~c~r
sati::kacL~~r.y to LhFS c:zly ~7nqinc?er.
-2- FChG-q0
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~ proNr_C~y ,l~all be. Uerve.ci by uriderground uti
. ,
6• 'i'I~~it ~~rior ~r~ camrnencement ut` sL•ructural fr.aming, fire hydrants sh~all
be ins'talle~-~ ana charged ~s required and delermined tu be necessar
by LIlE c:hi.ei
o! lhe E'zre Dc;part~nent.
~~~' 7• 'Shat thc owner oL subjE~cl prop~rty shall pay ta the City of A~iaheim
:~^ a
fee E~r st:ree~ liyhr.ing along KroegE~r. StrE~et in an .~mount as
deter.mineci by th~ ~:ity Counc:il. '
ti. ~i'}iat Ltie owncc' uf ~ub~c~t ~~
~. property sha.ll oay to I:he Cit:y oF A~ahEim
tee tc~r tcce planting ~~ur.pos~s alang Kroeger Street in an amount as
deterinined t~y the i;ity Counc.il.
~~ ~. Thac t;~e drivewa ; , f1'
y~ha11 be c~i~struct~d to accornmodate ten {10) f'oot
r~ad.iu.~ curt~ r.eturns ,~s rzquired !~y the City i'raffic Enyineer.
lU. ~I'haL e~11 air cunditic,ning faci.lities and ether r~~oE and gruund
mounted equipment Uha.ll be gruperly shielded f.oin view, and the sound
buft-erEd Lrot~ adjacent reaident5.1], f;~ogertie:<..
' 11. 'i~hat rhe pro o:;ed ~
p ~arkiny ~tructure ~esig:~ shall contur:n ro
Tingineeririg 5~:~3~ld~Yr.I T~la;; No. 4U2-A per`_ainir~g l•o standar.d deta~
Eor par.kiny :;tru~tur.es.
11. That subjecC proNerty sna:.l be cievelu~~ed sut.,; c;anti.ally in accord~nce
wil:h plans anc', sp~ci.Licatiuns vn Iile w~ith the City of Anaheirn marked
li.chi.t~ii C7os, 1 throuql 3,
13. ~l~ttial. prior t~~ LJJUG~I~C~ uf a ~~uil.ding permi.t, or wil•tiin a period oY
~ne year trom thc d~,rE ~f t~;~~;, rc~~olution, ~rhichF:ver occurs first,
Cond.ition N~s. 1, ~, 3, 7 ai~ri 8, above-mencioned, sha;l be complied
with. ~xt~~nsions Eor further time to GOITIp1Etf: ;~~~u' r,onditions rnay be
9r.~int~U in accr~rcianc~~ with Section 18.03.O;i1 oE t.he Ananeim Municipai
~ .14. '~~ha[ pricr lo linal i~uildin~a anri zon.iny inspecCi.ons, C'ondition Nos.
' 3, 4, 5, 9, lU, ~]. an~~ 1'l, ~i~~ve-mr~ntioneu, sha_I1 be complied with.
j B-: i'1~ E'L'!~'I'HER R1:S:~LVEU Ch~t the Anaheim City Planni-~y Ccmmirsio~ dues
liecehy tir,d and deter.mine tnat aaoE~tio~s c~f this ResoJ.uti~n is ex~ressly
~ pred.icated upr~n applicant's comr~liz,nce wi ~;: ~_~;~r_h and a.11 or' tt.~ canditi.ons
~ hcreinabovE ~,et fortt~. ;hould ~ny such coiiditiun, or any ~~art Chereof, Ae
cleclared i.nvulid oc LL-1~df1L'UCCr~~bl~ ~l thr. final }udymer.t o~ any court of
cotnpetent }cri~dictir~n, then this R~solut.ior~, and any ~~~pcov~,13 herein
cont~ined, :~hal: br_ dF~n~e~1 null and vuid.
'PH~: F'URt:GUING kESOLUTIC)N is Siyned and ap~,ruved bf ine thir, 3rd clay ~f
Ft:b[c~azy 3~ 1yF36.
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u'd'A'1`L OE' CALIFURNIA ) ~'
CUUN'PY OI' 012ANGL•' ) s~l.
I:ITY OI' ANAfl~Ihl )
T, 13dith L. tlarcis, Secretary of t:he A«~heim City Planniny ~
Comrnission, do hereby certify thzt the foregoiny resolution wAS passed and '~
ada~~ed at a meekin9 ot the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Fpbruary
3, 190G, by ~he following vote af ;:he member~ ~h@CEOf:
. ~'y
ABSL•'IJ'i: COPi~dI::u70NE2tS: NONE
IN WI`1:lVE.;s 4JI1~Ri;U:', T have hereunto s~t my hand th.is 3rd day of '. ;i
February, 1986. `~' ;
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-4- P~'F36-40
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