PC 86-431~ . . .~ .-. . .);~"~~~1~
. i ,.^'.,, . .
Rk;SULUTIUtJ NU. FC:86~4:i
TH/1: PE'PI'1'SOIJ f''Olt VARIIINCL NO. 3535 E3E GEtAN'i'Ei;
WH~:1t~;AS, th~ hnaheim City Planning r,~»nmi,~ion ~:ic3 receivp a veCiEied
Yet.itian Lor Vr~r.Lcince i`rom MICiiAE;L J. GAttAN, f;'P AL., 1%75 Ear,t t.inco.ln Avenue,
An.aheim, e:aJ iEornia 92A05, o~aner, and I~AWRF.'NCF: J. NELS, 9671 Eaetwood Ci,rale,
~~ Vil.la l~ark, CA 9"1667, ayent tar certain real proptrty situated in the Cify of
~ Anahein~, County ~~: Orc~nye, State of Cal.itorn.i~~ cieseribFd as:
TtsAT PoIt~~IUN ~t~ i.UT 7 OF "ANAHE;iM EXTENSION", AS Sfi04iN Ota A MAP
I:UiMMENCiNG A'i i'El~: S~)U'L'NW~S'i` COftNF.it O[' LU`1' 7 OE "ANAHEIM
f:X7'ENSLON", 'PHE:~JCE IJU12iFi 37i.5U FL't:7'; 1'EIf:PICE f:AS^1 115.SU hEEi;
Th~'NCE: SUU'iH j79.50 1'EE'1'; TE11.NCi: w~ST 11,50 ~~E:T TU TNG PLACE OF
~ FiXCf;PiING ~HF.RLFi2Uh1 THE SOU'i'fi1;RI.Y 250.38 E•'L•'ET, MEASUFt~:D k'ROM THE
CEN'1'[•:i2 LIiJ~ UP CF'NT'SC2 :`!'REE'2.
Wi~~;kL•'A5, tt~e c:ity Plar:niny Cummission r;i.d hold a public n~.aring at the
i;ivic Center :i~i r_hF City ~f Anaheim o~~ Fet~r.uary 3, 1986, ~~L• 1:3U p.m., notice
ul sai~ ~,ublic iicaring havir~g been du.ly g.iver~ as required by law and in
~~cc~rctance with the provisions of thn An<~heim M~tnicipal. Code, Chapte~ 18.03, to
~~eaz and consid~~r eviraence for and ayninst said pcopoyed variance and ~:o
invt~stiya~.e arici ~nuke tinu.i~iy;; anr: CE?COIO(11e11Qdt10ll:i in ~~~nnec~~.ion therewil•h; and
WktERLAS, sai.d (.c~mmissicn, afl-er due inspecl-ion, inve~tigaFion an:~
stuc'~ tn~dc by itselt and in it.s beh~~lt', and a~-:er due consi~etat.ton of all
c~vic:«~nce and re~:nctr offereu aC :aai~1 heariny, does Linc~ and determine the
fallowiny tacts:
1. :hat the pe~iti~~ner p.o~~o;;es waivcr:; of thc~ Co]J.owing to establish
a two-ic~r, R5-72UU, t~inglc-family re:,id~~i~tia! s~brlivision.
(a) Sec;tiun 18."lG.U61.OZ0 - Mir.tmum _.l~t. w;dt« an~ CCC~n~'age.
('lU *_oor_ minimum lot widtti requirecl;
lot widlh,, of 0 and 30 t_:et propo:sec;)
(b? ;;Fr.l•ic~n 2is.2b.q6~.030 -- R~~aired cear yard~
r (Mirtimui~ re:~r~yarc: depth of 25 feet
requic~~d; rt~ar yard~ of 1G an~ Ei ELpt
~IU~UfiC'C~ ) _i ~
~. i'~~at thE: ak,ovf:-rne~r,t.ionea rra:vNrt~ a.e h~r.;by grantF~d on the basifl
e~-aG ri~ere are c~~ecia.l ~:i~curn~tancer~ appl.icable t~ Che ~,roperty r~uch as s.ize,
r~:;:ape, ru~oyr~-+pt~;, luc~tic,n ancs ~;urroundi,l~~f; which du not a~ply to ~thQr
identically zunKr, ptvperty i;~ ttie sam-~ vicinity; and r_t:aL- atrict apulicatton of
t-f~e ioniny c:oc~c~ d~~E,river~ the pcu~,ert~ ~~t ~,`[ 1V1Ir.~U~~r; en jo; ed by othe[ f,roperties
i~: tne inentical zone r~nct r.lar,cif.ica~ion in tnr. vicinitJ.
U71'1r f~C9G-43
3. ~ha~ lhere are excepri~nal ar extraor.di.n~ry circumst~nces or
conctitions aPp.lieahl~ to thca r~ru~e:cty i.nvolved uc ~o L•he inl:ended use uf the
~,ra~~erty th~it do not apply g~n~rally l•.o ~he property ur r,1.~:3:~ of use in the
satne vicinity and zone.
4. '1'hat the reque~~ed vari~~ncE: iE ~~e~.'essary for Ehe ~~res~CVati~n and
Qnjoyment ol a ~ub~ tanti.al ~ruperL-y right pos:;esse~ b,y o~hec~ propecty in the
~~~me vir,iiii~y an~1 ron~:, anil deni.ecl tn t~~ proper. ~y in quest:ion.
' S. That the requesCeci variance ~ri.ll not be mat.eri~:'_ly ~~etrim.:ntal to
' Gtie put~lic welt~tre ~~r i-ijuricaus L•~~ the property oY itn~.~rc:~~r.:.~~Ls in 3uch
vicinita~ and zone in wh~ch th~ pro~cArty is located.
b. '~har. no one indicaLe~J i:hei.r presence .~t said public hearing in
~pNusitior:; and l,hat no carr:i+spondence ~~a: recei.ved i.n opposition ~o subje~.t
, i~e:tition.
; 1.~1VTItUNPiL~ITA1. IMPA(:T F~ND.TNG: `Pt~a~c the Anaheim City Planning
Cummission has re~iewed ~he proposal tn esr_ak,lish a two-1ot; RS-7200,
Single-!'~zmily residential sut~division with waiver~ of mini.mum l.ot wzdCh and
trontaye, and cec;uiced raar yard on a reetangu].acly-shapec: ~aceel of land
cun~i.sting ut a~~pruxirnate'ly U,::1 .icrE., hclVlil~J a ironta~~e of aporoximaCely 30
'i teet o« the east side of Evelyn l;~cive, located ~ipt~roxitnaL•ely ~'~50 feet south of
the centerline ot Cypre~~ Street; and uoes hereby a~pr.oVe the Negative
Ueclazation upon finding that iC has considece~ the Negal-ive Decl.arakion
toyether witt: any comrnents r.tceived d~lring the public review process and
fucther iinding on the basis of L•he init.ial study and any camtrenLs received
that there is no sub~tantiai evidenc~~ that thr project will h~v~ a signifS.cant
etEect on the environn~ett~.
NUW, TNERL•'E'Ul?`r.', l3E IT fiLSULVf:D Chat the Anah~im City I'.lanning
Commissior, does hereb.y grant :.ubjer~ i>et•itiun for V~~r.iancF~, upon the f~~llowi.ng
canc;ition~ whict~ are hereby iound to be a necessary prerequir,ite to the
~~rapoEC:d ur~; of r.he ~ub ject ~roperty in ordec to pre:aerve the safety and
yen~~ra:l weltar~~ of ~hr: Citizen~ of tne cir.y at Anaheim:
1. Thut thE~ awner of. subject property ~h~11 pay *.u the City of Anahein a
fee tr~~ ttee E~lantiny ~>urpo~es a.long Evelyn Uri.vE in an ~-m~unt aa
af.turtninE~d by the CiLy Co~incil.
2. ~lhut prioc ru i:~:~i~ance of a b~~ildin? ~ermit, apprupri~t~ pa[k and
recreat:ion in-lieu Lces shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in a:t
a;nc~unt as dF:tetminera by thr Citj Council.
3. Tha~:. prior tu issuancF. of a building petr~it, thP api~:aE~~iate t[aEfic
~iynal asse~:;ment Lee ~r~a~t. r,~ E~aid to th._ City of Anaheirr~ in an
amou~t as determined bl the Cit.y ~ounctl f~~r ~ach ne~ dwelling u~tit.
4. '.~:hat in the f~vc~nt a ~~ac~t=1 map i a rs~cor~ed on rub jece ~~:op~xcy, a
xeci~rocal acces, agreem~nt, in a torm satic~iactory t.~ the City
!-ttorney, :,h~~Il b~ reco:ded with !iie Uffice <if the ~rAnye Cnunty
itecordec. A r,opy al tt~~ recor.ded agr~~emr_nC :iha.tl then bn aubmitt~sd
tc; -_he Plannt:~~3 Ur~partm~sr,r.,
~ ;,. ~.l'ha:. drainage ok r,ut;jecr, ~Stopecty
:5&tisf:.tcCoCy to tr.~~ cir.y F.'ngir~r.ec.
shall i~e dia;~oue~3 oE in .~ m+~nn~r
: >> ~.;~
-, ~,:k
~. •R. .,~
~ ,,,_ ,... .. , . :~ , ~~S,t
6• `i'hat aut~7F'~r properCy sk7a11 be secvr;d L,y un~lexgr~und utiliti.es.
7• 'ehat stree~ .lighh.ing tacilit.i.e:; ~lony Evelyn Drive shall be insCalled
~as requir~d by the Utili~ics Genera.i hianag~r in accorc~ar,ce wit;~
~pecification~ on filE~ in the OfEicr nf Utilities General Manager, and
~h~-~ :~ecuri~y in the £urm of a bo;~d, certiEicate o~ dep~sit, letter oC
credit, oc cash, in an amount; and Corm ~acisf.actor.y ~o thc l:it,y of
Anaheim, ..hall be posL-ec1 witt~ Lhe City to yu~irantee Lhe sal•isfactory
completi~n of the above-mentioned i~nprovemeni.s. Said Necurity sha1~.
be I~asted with the City ~E An~iheim pr..ior to is:. ~ance of ~uildiny
; ermits. Tt~~ abave--r,,quired improvem~nts sha11 be ir? ~talled prior to
c~ccupancy ,
~• 'I'hat ~rior to i;;suri~~ce o.t builcliny permits, ;,ur~~ect ~roperty owner
shal:l record a ~accal raap.
~• `^11i3C subjecl• r~rp~.,4;r~y ,;f,~~tl b~ cicavf~laped ~~~bstantiallv :;; p~GOrdance
with pl~-~ns and specificatians on fi.le with ~':, ~,l~y o~ Anaheim marked
E::<t~it~it No. l.
:LO. ^~~~~~,t pr.iuL tu irsua ;~c of a build~ng ~~e.miL•, or wy~l;fn a pa~riod of one
year frc~m ~;4 date ut this resolu~ion, wt~ichever oecur~ EiXSt,
Cc,ndit+.;,,, h~,;, i, l, ~ and 7, abov~~-mnntianed, shall be complied
'~'~~n. ~:xtensiUn:; toc £urtlier. tar~e to complFte ~a.ic; eondition~ rnay be
9r~~~teu i.n accoruance wir_h Scct :on 18.U3.U90 oC the Anaheim ~iunicipal
1 1. Tha;. priur Lo Izn,-~1 bu i.lding an~ :;~„ing in~spection~ Condition Nor~. 5,
~~ ~ an~ 9~ abo~~e-rr~en;: i ~n~ci, shal l b~ compJ. i~d wi th .
8E IS' E~UF<~C:;i;R KE;pC,VEU thaC th~ Anaheim CiCy Planni.ng Commis~ion doea
nereb: find and d~t~rmine that ad~~E~ticn ut thiK lte3olution is expres,;].v
j•r.F~rjlc;~tc:d upon apE,licant's C.UJfIE)lliflr'a wi.th each and all c~f L•t-~e condi.tions
hc,rc:inabuve set Lor~h. ~hou]d any suc., r•~,nd:tiuy~, ur an1• j~.;rt thereot, be
declared inval:d ur. une~,turceabl~ by ~},~ ~ir~a.l judgrnent ~~E any court of
competent juri~sdictiun, ther. tllls ResolUtion, and a~y apQGUVals nerein
containec~, ,hall be dr~~~m~~a null ~nd void.
'PiiE h'UR::c;oINt; lt:;:~~~LUTIUN ic szyned ~ind up~sroved by me thi:~ 3rc: day oE
r'ebcuary 3, 1~1~+6.
~ ~ , ,~r~ ~ ~, /~ `~~~
~.~.c'~~._c.~,~, ;. ~ ~
r~r•i .Tr / i
CHAIfiW~~,1Ap7, AhAf EIM (:Iq' ~ pLANt ING CUMt7ISSI0N
/ lN.s~. l
f ~ ~) .
S~CHF.'ll'A~tY, AtJAlib'IM CZ'iY L~L NN1N(; c,Otq-.j1S;:TO1J
;~ •~
CT'i'Y qF ANI~H~;lM )
I, ~dith L. tt~rL;.s, Secrel-ary of the Anaheim Ciky Piann:ing
Comm}.ys,ian, do hcieby certify thar. tihe fc~regoing r~solul•lon was pesqed and
ad~pte~i u(: a meeti.ng ot ~he Anah~i.m Cit,y Ylannin~ Commi.ssion held on E'ebruar.y
s, 1J85, by L•he foJ.lnwi;~g vote ot ti~e memt~ers thereoi':
NU'r.'S: COMMISSI(iNF:Rw': NOhi;
Ift 4~ITI~G~S ~;Hh,tth;UN, I Hav~ hc reunto ,el my h~~nd this 3rd day oE
~'eoruary, 198ti.
~~ . ^ ~~j
~ ~
+~- PCU6-43