PC 86-47~~~,., .ZL„~OI.~UTION NU. PC~3G-47 A RLSULUTION OE' Tk1E ANAHBiPi CITY YLANNINf; COhIMTSSIUN 7.'11A'.i' PE;`L'I`~IUN Ft~lt 12~;C:I~A^aSIETCATTON NU. 85-86-12 F3~ GRAPITED WHLI2LAS, the An~heim City P:lanning Commission clic~ receive a veri£ied petilion for ReclassificaL-ion Fr.om NANC:YANN LAUDER, 1636 C~~therine Drive, ~naheim, CalxLornia 12801, owner ot cert~?n real property sil-uated in the City oi Anahe.i.m, c;ou;,ty oi: Ur.ziige, St~te ~t i:alitornia, descr.iued as follows: LU'PS 18 AND ~9 OF' TRAC'i' 21b1, I2LCQRL`EL IN IIOOK 63, PAGL;S 33, 34 ANU 35 Ui~ r~zscb'LLAIJ~~UUS h':APS TN THE OP'~ICE OF TE]E CQUNTY i2t;CURDI;R UE' SAID COUNTY. WHt:k:s'AS, tc!o Cil-y Plann~nc~ Co!nsni::,sion did ho~d a public hearing at thc~ Civic Cenrer, iri cl~e CiL-y ot Anahcim on ?eb:uar.y 19, 1986 at 1:30 C~.m., nr~t.ice c~~ s~id puhlic heari.ny having been du.ly g:iven as r.equired by law an~~ i.n accordance wi~h the provisions oi 'ch~ Anaheim Munic.ipa.i Code. Chapter 1 ~3, to hear an~ corisider ~~~~idence ior a~d ~ga:nst said proposed r.eclassification anp to inv~st!gate and m~~i;e firidings and racormt~endaL•ionr. in connection ther.ewith; an~9 WEI~RLAS, sai.r~ Com[nission, ait;er au~ inspecL•ioii, investigati.on and ::t!iay made U.y itse:lt ~and in il.s Uehali•, ~r~cl after due eonsic3eraL-ion of all e~~idence and reportU oitere,: at sai.c? hear.ing, do~:, fir~ri anri delermine tl~c: tollowing [acl•s: 1. That. the petiGi~~nc~r. pro~~o::es c~cl.assification of subject; ~ro~erc.y Lrotn Ft5-72U0 (ResidenL•ial, S.Lngle-t~atni.ly) to th~ CL (Commercial, Limited) 7one or a .l F ; inten~e •r.or;e. 2. That the.~ Anahcim c;t~nc:r.al ~~].an desiqnates sul~jt~et property for yeneral commercial land uUe.~~ 3. 1'hat the ~:.ropc~F~d r.~c.lassil_i.cakion c.,.f :subject property is nec~ssar.y and/or ciesi rai~le foc the oc•d~r1y and r~r~~per ~3evelopment oE the community. 4. 'ih~L- the K~roposed rer.Iassifical•.ion of subject property does ~r~~perly rel~ir.~~ ':o the zones and r_heir ~er.mitted use:: locall.,y, eSLablished in cloNe proximi.ty t:o subject i~roperty and Lo the zunes and l-heir pe~mitted use~ yen~ra.ily e:~taulish~cl throughout the community. 5. 7.'hat tl~e p;:ouos~d reclass:itication of subje~t property requices the deciication oi abutling ~t:eel•s in accordance with *_he Circulation E.lement or the General Plan, due to tiie ankicipated increa ,e in traf.£ic wtzich t~ill b~ generr~ted by ~he 7.flEf?pS11:.1CR1:1011 of Jand use. e~. 'Phat one pecs~r~ indica~ted L-hezr pr.esence at said ~~.iblic hearing in upposition; and that no corre~potl~np~~ ~vas receive;3 in opposi.tfon ~o subjecr. petiti.~n, 072~K PC86-47 ~. ..~ ;~:; ... ..., _ . .._v, ..,,~t. ... . ..... . .. . . ._ , . . .. ~~' ~ . . , . y .,:v .a;+ ;;'i .t~-,n:i{'. ENVIRONh1LhTAT. ItdPAC:T F:[ND'lNG: `i'Lal the Anaheim City Planning commission has reviewEad the proposal to reclassif sub ect ~ RS-7200 (lttsidenti.al, Single-I'~7mil.y) to the CL (Comrnerci~l,~Li.mi ed)PZone onoa r.ectangularly ~iiaC~ed A~ixcel of Ia~~d ~s~nszsting ~f appr~~.cimately 0.27 acre, local•ed ~t the south~~a~t cor.ner o;: CarY,erine Drive and Eurlid Screel•, ~r~ Lur~:hfr describE~d as 1636 Cath~rine Drive {i~,idde Korner Nursery); atid does he~Gby appcove the Negative Declarali~n upon finding that it has considered thE N~gai:ive Ueclarat•ion togel-her w;.th any aomments r~ceived ducing the public review process and further finding on the l»sis of the i.niL-ial stucly and any cumments receivc~d thal• the~:e is no su~~st~intial e~~idence ~ha~ the project will have a significanL ~Pfect on trie environment. NObJ, TlILR~l~'UR~~, FsE I't~ itL•'SULVGD that the Anaheim City Planning Cununission doeu hereby grant suuject Petitzon Cor Recl~ssif.ic~tior. and, by „o uoing, that 7'itle :l8-Zoning uf the nriaheim Munici.~at r_.~de be amended tp e:ccluUe the ahove--described properL-y tr~.m the 1tS-7200 (Residentia1, Siny7.e-i~amily) ana to inrc~rpor>ate said q~~scribt~d propc~rty into the CL (C~mmerci~~Y, Limiked) 7nne upon th~: fo.l.t~wi~~g conc]ilions which are hereby iound tu be a necessary prercquisitr to thr pr.oposed us~ o~ sub.ject prop~rty in order to prtserve thc; safer_y ar~~ g~nera.: ai~lf~ar~ of t.l~e Citizens of th~ City ot Anahc.im; 1• Tt~at ttie owner ul sul~ject- ~7ropert:.y shal.l ir.revocably off:er to c~edicat•e to the Ciky oL~ Anaheim a stci.P of land 53 fear. in width from t-.he centerlinc ai tl!e sL•r~~eL• a].ang Euclid Street and 30 feet in widhh frotn th~ center.lirie aL the streFt a.lang Catherine Drive for street wider~ing purpos~s. 2. That: th~ owner ol: suk,j~cl-. Qs-operty shall pay co the City of Anaheirn a te~ for stre~t light•ing alonc Euclid nven~~e and Cakherine Drive in an amaunt ~js d~~termined by t}~e c:it.y Council. 3• '1'iiar tl~~c:~ owner, nt s~_ibject prc>perty ,I;,.~.~, ~•ay l•a tne i ity ~f Anaheim a fee foe L-ree ~lantiny NurNoses alana E;uclid Avenue and Calhe:ine Drive in an <i-nrunt as determine~ k>y the Ci~y Couricil. 4. ~~h~t ~. . i.or Cr, thc~ introduc~ion of an ordinai;ce rezoning sub ject ~roperCy, C~rid.i~.:i.on Nos. 1, 2 and '3, above-mer.~ioned, shall b~ ~oir2[~2eted• `1~he pr.oviUions or cighr.~ granted by this resolukion sha.ll ber.urne r.ii1:1 a~id vui.d by ac+~i.on af the Plannin,q CommissiorA ar.less said c•ondil•ivns are~ comE~lied with wirhan one y~ar Lran thr- date of this CeSOlUt1011~ ot such 1:urther t•ime as the Pl~:nni,ny c:ommiss.ion m~ay yrant. `~. 'l~hat~ the uwnar oi subjcct ~roper.ly ~hail work out; an acc.eptable ayreemenL with the ad~?ac~r.t pro~erty owncr to the immediate south tor acce~s ~ur~,osES ir, cec9er ta m,intain said soutlitrly property and structura.l ~vall; and tPiat :~a.id agre~ment rnay incluc9e (a) replacemen~ ur removal ot an er.istinc~ wocuen Fnnee with ~~i1;iS1p.~E+ ceplaeelnen+; by a similar or impKU~e~~ fance aEt.er tnaintenance has been perfurmPd, and Sb) dett:ri~iininy acceptab.Le days ..,nd time:: for petf.orming maintenanr.~ ~aork, ~o ba limit~d to times whan childrez are not pre~en~ on sub~e~t proL~erty. ~'~ -l PGBG-~4'I ~~~~I ~' declared invalld or uiientorce~ble by the final judytnent of ai~y court of competen~ jurisdictiun, tt;en this Resolutlon, and any approva.ls herein contained, slla.l'1 be deeined null and void. ~ + , ~;~~;~ r'R' ~:~f~ ~V(. BE T'.P F'URTHEH RLSOI.VED that kt~e An~aheim City Flanning Conanis~iun does hereby Lind and ~i~tcrmi~~e ll~iat adoption of this Resolutian is ex~ressly predicaled u~o~i app.licant's campliance with each and all oF the conditions ,:~ hereinabove scl Porth. Should any sucl~~ condit•i.on, or. any part thereof, bc ThF, IUFtLGOIN~ RF.SOLUTION is siyned and approved by me thi~ 19th clay of I'et~ruary, 1936, ~~, ~~/~~~ -~~~G-~.-c.r~.'~~ ='" ~=~'i,C~'~'~> > CHA:IRWUMAN, At3AHF'IM CITY PL,ANNIN~~ COMMISS70N ~.~ A`PT~ST : ?,~ ~ ~ ' . '; S~:CR~7'ARI, ANAFlLTM c:ITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION S`1'ATh' U~' CALTF'URNlA ) CUUNTY UF ORAPIGG ) ss. ClTY pi' ANAHEI"1 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Se~cr~tary of thc Anah~im City Planning Commission, d~ hereltiy certiFy that the Coregoing resolurion was passpd and ado~ked at a~neetiny of the Anahei;n Cit;y P1ann.ir.g Commis~iun held on February 19, .198ti, by the follow?.na ~~ote o.ti the mcmbers therQOt: AY~S: CUMI•tI:SSIONL•'Ru: BI~URu, ERY, IfE:12BST, LA CL~AIRF~ LA~iJICKI, MC BURNL•'Y~ MESS~; NUES: COMfd:LSSIONERS: NUN~: AtiSENT: CUPIMI:SSIUNL•'1~.5: NGNL; IN WTTMLSS WHERE;UI', I have her.eunl•o set my hand thia .l9lh day of 1'~bruary, 1)8G . t5l ~~ , _ __._ _._. ~ ~~''1~~~: - ;; .;E~CR.F."i'r1R ~ ANAHLIM CI'PY PLANNING CU61tdIS5I0N -.i" ~. ~86-4~