PC 86-5~ ~ ktESOLUTTON NU. UC86~-5 A RE.50LU'1'TOId UL 'PHL•' ANAHEIM CITY YT,ANNING COMMISSlON '~`FiAT PL'i'I'PZON I'OR CONDTTIONA7. U5E PrRMI`i' N0. 2741 BE GRANT.ED WHILREAS, the Anaheim Cicy P.lanning Commission did rer,eive a veriEied ' Petit_,ion ior CondiCional Usr Permit Lcom ANAEIEIM Fi?LLS DEVEi,~)PM~yi ,~, CO}tPURATTON, c/o GtJNS2~UN EtAGL ~~OMPANY, ti507 Ga~t Serrano Avenue, Anahe?.m, C~~.lifornia 92807, AT'!'N: CEORGL; ;~tASON, owner., and ANDREW WILLIAM EUWARDS, ~%:~. U., G352 F'ast N4h1 Ranr~h Road, Anaheim, Calif~rnia 92a07, agent Eor. cerhaiti real property situateu in ttie City of A»aheim, County of Orange, State of Cali~orr.i~, descriUed as: PARCLL A: PAItCP:L 1, AS Sf10WN UPJ A MAP i'I:.~'D IN }IQOK J.64, PAG~. 22 OP PARCF~L MAPS, TN THL•' Ur'!~.[CL•' UF' Til~ CUUN`LY RECORDER OI? ORANGE COL'NTY, C:ALIF~~Itr1I1+. PAi2c;EI. A: PATtCL•'I, 1, AS SHG4fN Ql~ 1~ MA1~ I'ILEq IN BOUK 155i PAGES 32 ANll 3:3 UF l~AftCEL MAPS, :N 'i'HL UFIICL ^F TfiF. ~.UUNTY RGCORDGF2 OC' ORANGE COUN'~Y, CAI.I.I'ORNI1,. WHEIlEAS, the Cil-y Planning Commission did hol.d a~SUblic: hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anah~im on January 6, 19Q6, at 1:3Q p.m.J n~~tice ~f sai.d I,ublic hear.ing having been du1.y yi~en as r.equired by law and in accordance with tl~e ;~ravisia~i~ ot tF~e Anaheim Munici~al Code, Chapter 18.03, ~o hear and c~~nsider evid~nce tor and a,ain:st saicl propused cor:ditional use pe~mit and to investiyakc and make finding ,~~nd recommenda~.ions in conr~ection tl~ecewith; ~nd WIiF;Rf,AS, said Comm.issiori, aitF~r d~.~P i.nspection, .inve~l.igati.on anc~ stur3y made ~y it,n.lE and in i.ts !~eha.lf, and afL•er due consideration of. All evidence and reporrs of.'~~red at said he~riny, doe~ Eind and determzne the kollowin9 facts: 1. That thr propo~ec:~ use .i, properly onc for wtiich a r.~ndit.fonal u~~ permi~ i:~ ~-~uthorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections and 18.Ei8.U90 to ~Ermi~ expan:siun ot: an eque;;L•rian 4enter. 2. 'Phat the ~rop3o:;ci! us~ will not adverZely aEt•ecC r.he adjoining .l~~nd uses and Che growl:ti and d~ve.lopmen~ of rhe ace~~ in which it is nrnposed to be locat~~d. 3. That kh~ siz~~ and :~hape c,t tr~e :,ite pr~p~~^2d [or the use iA adequrite i.o allow r~> ful.l ~jevelopment of ttie pro~~o:~ed use in a man»er not de~rimtnta:t ~o ~I~ ~,artlcular. area nor. lo thc peace, he~lth, safety and general wF~Eare of the C1C1'L~'p.9'i of the CiL-y of Anahe.lrr. 4. 7.~hac the granting of ~:h~ Cond:t.tonal Use Permik unc~er the ~.nnditiuns impo.~~~d, if any, wi.ll not• be detriment~l tc th~ peace, health, ~~ safety and ger-c:cal welfare ot Che Ci~izen~ o~ the City c~f A:tiaheitn. ; ~ U677r T?C85-5 ~s ;r~ ~~ 5. 'Pt;at l-he ~rattic yenera~ed by l-he ptopoyed use will not i.mpose ~an tindue burdc;n upc:n the st:eet5 and I~ighways desi.gned and itnproved to earry khe tt~affic: in rhe arc~a. G. 'lhat 4~ersons ina; r.ated their pre~ence at saia public heari.ng i.n fav~~r; and L•t~at. n~ c~r.respanciencc wtis received in opposi~ia~ to the subjeck petit;~n. ~~VIROiVMLN'.C'AL IMP~?CT hINDING: ihat L•he An,~hei.m City Planning Cammis::ion :,as r.eviewed l-he proposa.l to permit exparsion oE- an equestrian center on zn irregularly-•shaped p~irre.l oE land consi~ticic~ of ap~roximately .14.7 acres havi.~~g a Erontage oF a~;~ruxitnately 4G9 feeC on i:he sout,'~wesL• side ot Nohl Ranch Itoa~, and Eu-:ther described as G35'l East Noh:L Ranc:h Ruad; and ~iu~~s hereby d[~~Lc~Vr' the Negatire Declaration upon fir.di.ng that iC has cons:ide:~ed ~he Negative Declaratior, together with an~ commeuts c•er_eived during the oubli~ rzvi~:w process and Further finding on the basis of the initial study ~nr.i ary commer~~s receiv~d t`iat ther~ is no substanti~l Pvir~ence that the project v~iJ.i h~ve a yi9ni.fi<.ant effect on the environmen~. NOiJ, THLItErORti, F3E; I'1' l2ESOI~VLD L-hat the Anaheim City Plann? ng Coim~ii.~sion does l~er~by gr~nt :~ubject• Peririon for Cond.i.tional Use Permit, up~n the follocriny cUnditions whir.!~ are h~reby tound to be a necess~ry Qrereguisite to ~hc proposec~ usi: of tkie subject propecty in urder l-u preserve thc~ ~aEety and yeneral welfare ot the Ci~ir..F~nr, of ~he City of Anaheim: l. '1'hat prior to iscuance of a building pertuit, the appropr.i~.te traffic signa.l ass~~s~ment fee r~ha.ll be ~~aid to the City of AnahPim in an ~mount as ~etermin~d by L-F~e City C~uncil Eor new commerc~al ar.@ rtiodular buildi~~ys. 2. That subjecl• property ~hall b~ develope~rl suLstantially in aecord~zne~: with ~lan , and speciEic<~tions an fi1~ with th~ City u£ Ananei.rn marked E:xtiibit Nos. 1 througP~ 3. 3. That pr~or tr~ issi.~~ince ot a building permit, ur witi~in a peri~d ~~f one year Cron, the clate oL this ce~olution, whir..hever occurs fxrs~, Condir_ion t~o. 1, above-mention~d, sha11 b~: com~lied witti. Cxkettyions Eor fcrther tzme to comp:let;e said conditions may he granted in accord~~nce with Sec~:ion .l&.U3.1190 ~~f the Anaheim Munici.pal Code. 4. 'Phat }?rior t:o .Cinal buildiny und zonictg in3pections, Condition Nu. 2, abc,v~~menr.ionec,, sha11 be complif~d wi~h. Fsr IT [~Ua2THER ItE5p1,VEU ttiaL the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission does hc~reby find and dstermin~a thal• adoption oi' this Resolution iy expresFtly predicated u~,cn a,ppl.ic.ant' , co~i~liance with each and all of the condittons h~reinabove seL fortl~. Sh~ruld any sur_h conditionst oz any p~xrt ttiereo£, be dec.lar.ed invalid c~r unenf~~rccable by tne Einal judgment of .~ny court of com~~etent jurisdiction, then r.his Ftesoiution, anc3 any approvul~ hetein contained, .~ha11 be ~leeme~ null anc? void. '~- PC86-5 ~Rt~,~ . . . , ~;;'; ~. ,~;}1 ~ + ~ e+k~; . . . . . . r~,y{ !i . .! ~ ' . ~ ~ ~;' ~ ' ~ ~.1 . ~ . ~ C~h~ 'PHE FUREGOING RESOLUTION is signec] ~'-nd ~pproved by me this 6th day of ;;:, ,~; January, 1986. ,-, ~ ''~ ~• r/~ ~ r^. 1 ~ --~. ' 9 / /'t .,: c' ; ~c:L_~.:_._GI'...•L:S:t~- CHA]:RWOM~N, ANAHf:IN, ~1'~PY PLANNiNG COM~IIS.''+I~N A'T'~ ~;S'r : ~ h /~(! ,~i(.w ~~ SEC~tE'i'ARY, ANAHliIM CI7'~ANNING COMPIISSI0~1 S'PA`xG OF CALI~'CRNlA CUUNTY OP ORANGE: ) ss. C1TY UF ANAHETM ) I, Gdi~h L. Harris, Secretary of- the Anaheim City P.larzn.ing Comrnission, do hereUy certity that the faregoing resolurion was pa~sed and adop~ec3 at a meeting of ttie Anaheini City Flanni.ny Catnmission held on January 6, 1~86, by the Enllowing ~ote of the members thereoF: AXEu: COMI~IISSION~,R5: BOUAS, Fk2Y., HEI2BS`~, LA CI~AIRL, MC I3URNEY, MFSSE NOES: CUMMISSIONLRS: NRNE ADSEN`P: COMMISSIO?~F'RS: LAWTCK~. :iN WITNESS Wh;EF.tF.~O~, I have l:ereunto set my hand thi.s Gth day of .Ianaary, 1986, ~ . -- ~~~1L.~ih.. '/l ,_~/L~ ~. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY i~LANNII~G COMMISSION '';X~ ~i. : `a ;µ',' :J . . .. ~~~.~~ -3- ~ca6-5 ;~~ ~ , ~:~ ~ ._ _._. .,... , ~,. . . . ..~, . , .. .. .., Y .It _ _._....__..__... _..... _.,,... ~ . , ,,,., .,. . - ._.. ._~