PC 86-55X~
R1iSUL;_~~1'ION lJO. L'C86-55
7.'HA'7' PI;TT'i'ION f'Uk2 CUNI)I'.i'TUNAL, IlSB YERMTT N0. 7.766 F31; CRAN'PED
Wt1~K~A~, L•he Anaheim (:ity F1ar~n.iny Commiss.ion .id receive a ver!£ied
Pe:tition L•or Condition,:~l Use Permit F.r.om E;EN K~:ESL•'F~ 204 South WE~st Street,
Anaheim, Calit-ornia 92~05, ~wn~~c oE eez'tai.n real pro c~rl: ~'
oE Ans~heim Cr_~ , P y ~ikuated .in the City
, unl-y ot Orang~, State of Ca.lifornit~, d~scri.bed as:
LU`i' 15 LN f3iUCK "l QI' TfiL•' 'rJES'?' B12C1ADWAY TRAC',l'~ AS P~I2 h1AP
' ~~ti~;rir,'AS, the Ci~y Pi;~nning C:om-r,'ssion rJici holci a public hearing ~~
x~ L-he C:ivxc Center in the City ot,' Anaheim on Mar.ch 3, 1986, ak 1:30 p.m., notice
of' s~aid ~ublic heari~ig havinq Lizen duly given as requiced by law anc; in
accordance wi~h t:he provisians oE th~ Anaheim t4uni,cipal Code, Chapter 1F3,03,
„ tu hear anc~ cunsi.der evid~nce toz~ ~nc9 again:~t :,ai~ prof>os~d conditional use
permit ~nd to i.nvc~stigate and make ti.rdin~~s anc3 recomme;~dations in coT~nect:on
ther.~with; anU
WfiL•'itLAS, sazd Corrnnission, utt~r. due inspect.ion, inv~,s~ightion and
~t~~uy tnade by itself and in it~ beh,alf, and after duFr consideration of ~zl].
evidence <~n~~ reC~ort:~ oiferc<I at said l;earxng, does find and detezmfne Che
t:ollowing L'ac:t::
1. ~ii~~:,r. the pcopos~d ~~~e i;> ~roN,~rly onr f.or which a coitditional use
permit is ~uthorizecl by Anaheim MuniciE~a1 Cocle Sections 18,34.050.130 and
lf~.'~4.U2U L•a wlt: to ~,er_mxt• a b-unit :~c~nior ci~izens' apar.Cmenc proj~r,t ~dith
waivers ul the tollowi~~g:
(u) SL•'C'i'I~~tJ 11i.34.f163.U1:1 - t9i.n.im~:in ~;tr.uctural 3Htback.
~ (2U fuot average front. landsc~ged ~e3:back
tran an arrerial highway required; i9.5
Ceet proposed Lrcm West Strzet, a~
"commur_E.~^ art-erial hi9hway)
lb) S~CTI~)N 1b.34.063.U7.2 - Minimum ~idc~_~ yz~ ~rd serfa«c.k.
+ ~^ (8 Eoot sic+~~ y~rd setb~ck required,
5 f.oot se~back E~ropo~ed from s~uth anr)
n~rr_}~ ~roperty line:;)
; :~
2. That ti~e reque:sted waive.s are I~~r~~,~l gr~~nCr_c~ n7 ~~~. hd31E that
there ~~re ~pecial circum~tanr:c::> af:pl;c~ble to the property ~uch a3 size,
;~haNe, toE~oycaE.:hy, locar_ic~n and ::urruundi~~g:; which do nut appiy to o~her
iclentica,lly zoned propecty in tf~e same vicinity; and tha~ stri.cr appllcetion
~_ the 7,otiling ~~ode d~_~priu~~;; t;he f~ro~er~y oE ~rtvilae~es Fn~oyed by other `
~ro~ert.in~ in the tdentical zone. ~lnd clac.,iFication .in the vLcinitY; and, ,
furth~rmore, rna~ Waiv~r (a) if; ~ rainin~al de~viat.ion fcom Code.
3. '1'ha~ r_t~e propase~l use wi12 not adver:.e.ly ~-~fEect Ghe adjoini ~g
land uses anu ~he ~3rowtl~ and devt,op~nent ot the rt~ea in which i.t is ~r.opos~d
CU be '_U~aY.ef1.
C7~O,r ~
PC06-55 !.
,,, ..,: • :- ~ ~
..._ .. ~:..~.. .... ... . ....: '. . ~ . . ,. ~..' ~. . -:~. •.. .. ~. ... . . . . . . ... ~ ~.,.. ,.. . ~:,,... t _. ~~;' ,~ N..,S~,.t, . ~. UM1!r~i.':~
. .. . . ~ .. I~~. .
4• Tt~~at the s.zE~ and shape of the s.it~ proposed tor Ehe u~~ is
adequate lo aJ.lo~a the tull developmenl of Lhe p;~o~o~ed u,e iti~ a mai~ner nat
cletrimental t~ thc~ particular area nor to the peace, hea).th, ~afety and
general welfacr-, oE the c:itizens o1' the City ot Anaheirt~.
5. That the yrantinc~ ~t Lhe Conditian~l Use l~er.mil under the
f imposed, if ~tny, wi.11 not. k~c detrimental to lhe peac~, r~ealth
ety and
gent~r.al wel.Eare o1• the Citizens
of r.he City ,
of Anaheim.
6. That the t.raffic generaled };y hhe propused use wi.ll not irnpose an
unuue burden upon the sL-reets ~~nd highways desiyned ar~d improved to ~~arry the
tratl`ic .in tt;c area.
7. That no one ;.ndicated their presc~nc~ ~t said ~ublic hear.ing in
op~~o~ition; and thal no corrNSpundenc~ was received in opposition t•a the
SUqieCr. ~etlt',1011.
F,NVIROfJDII:NTAL :iMPA~'T FIDlDIldG; 7~hat Che Anaheim City Planning
~omrnission has reviewed the propo:;al to per.mit a 5-unit senior; citi~ens'
~partr~ieriL• pruject wi.r.n wai.vers of' rn.i.nimum structura.l setback and minimum side
yar.d sethack on a rec;l-anyular.ly-shaped parcEl u[ land consistiity of
approximately 7,75U square f:aet, havinr~ a.frontage oE approximately 50 feet on
~he ea~t side of` West Streeh, and f~ar.L-het described as 2U6 South West StreF:t;
~~n~~ does hf~reby ~p~C:JVE` tllt? taegal•ive Ueclaration un~n finc3ing khat it has
c~~nsiciered tkie ~ie~;ar.ive Df.•c.lar.at.ion to,yether wiCh any comment;~ r.eceived durir,g
the public revir~W prucass and [urther tindi.ny on the basi.s of the initial
skudy arid any comment:: received L-hat there i.s ~,o substantial evi~3ence that the
~~r.ojecC will h:ve a signi~icanl t~Efect on thc~ environinent.
NOW, ~i~EtE:REFURE, FiL•' IT RE:SULVL•'D ~hal thF An~iheim City Pl~nning
~ummi.~siun 4oe~~ t;ereby ~rant subjt~ct~ Petition L•ar. C'onditional Use Permi~, upon
the tollowi.ny conditions which are hereUy foi;nd l•.o be a nece:~sary ptecequxsite
to ~he pCU~USEf.1 u;;~ of the subject propert~~ in order tn preserve the safet,y
and g~~naral weltare a[ Lhe Citizens oE t:}~e rii:y of An~iheim:
1. ~h~~e prior to i.ssuance oi a ba:ildiny permit, apnroprzate Park anc9
recreatior~ in-lie~ tc~e ,,hall c~e pai.d ~o the [:ity ot An~~iieim in an
amount ~~s cJtet.er.tnineil :iy t_hc.~ ;;iL~~ Counr_il.
1. ':h~L ~ricr. to i;:suar~ce ot a building pnrmit, r_he aE~pr~~priate traFfic
:~;unal assesr,mF~nt Len shall l-,e pai~! to th~ Citp oE ~4naheim i.n an
~imount as de~ermin~~d by the Cily Cc~uncil. f.or each nrw dweliing unit.
3• Z~~at tt~e owner oi :;ubjr:~ct property sha.ll irrevoc~~htv ~«~r t~
de:iic:ate ~o l•he ;:ity ot: Anaheim a strip of land 10 fE)~C in widtn £rom
Lne canl-erlin~ c:~ r.;lt~ ;:~11~}~ Lor alley wi.~i~aniny ~urpo3e~.
4. '1'hat :;i.dewalks sh~a11. t~~~ r.epa.ic..•u al.ong West ;;tGC.Pr ~~~ r.equice~3 by the
c:ity EngineEr anrJ in accordancc~ w.ith standacd plans and
sE:eciPicatiuns on file i.ri lhe Ulfi.ce of Chn <;iL•y E:nyinaer.
5. 'lh~C dre~ir„~gc:~ of sut,;;e~~t proE~erty :h~ll b~_ dispo~ed o£ in a manner
~atisf~~ctocy tr~ the :;it-y Enginc•~~c.
b. 'ihal :,~b~er:~ propc~rty :lh.~.l: t~e sarved t~y ~nderc~round u~ilitie3.
PCf36-55 ~
•-_ y ~ . . - . . ~ . ~ i '±a/~_ji
^ ,t~
~.,, ~ ,`~' `f;a
7. '1'hat L•eash sLarac~e ac~as sha11 be provi~ed and maintair.ed in
accoruance with ~ap~:~rovcd pl~~n~ on fi.le ~rith lhe Street Maintenar~ce
anu Sanitat:ion Division,
~. That prior to i,sudnce o.t a build~.ng permil•, thc deve~loper sh~~11
~nter inco a r.ecord<~d agteement with Lhe City a~ Anaheim purauant to
Government C~cie S~c~ion G5915 t:o provide Lhat twpnty-fivc peret~nL
(25$) of the t~ertnitte~ number of resid~ntial un'ts shall be
a~~artments unil-s rents~? as 1ow or rnoderate income housing as defined
in Go~•ernrnent Code S~ction 65915 ~nd witli appropriate rental coiitrpl.~
as appr~~ved by L-iie City ot Anaheim Eor a period oE not ~csR than
+.wenty {2U? year,s fcom the dat~ of issuance oE occup~~ncy permits.
9. That Lhc~ tenancy oi s~bjecG f`ac~ii*_y (Eiv~~ (5) apartraent~ not
including the owner/ir.anager'U apartment) sh~ll be reAi.r.icted to
' ;~ec:,uns aL- lea::t one (1) of whom in eacn unit. is sixty-two (62) year.s
01: age or clder; and khat ~x covenant sha11 be recorde~] by the ownecs
oi. the ~ioper.L-y in a form ~.pE~roved by tt~e Ciky Attorney so limiting
such occu~ancy. A cc~py of suid record~d covenant shall then be
~ub~r~itl-ed to L•he plar~ning Lepartment.
lU. Th~k subj~ck pruper.ty sha.ll be developed sut~~s~antially _; accordance
with p1an.~ arid specification. o« File wi.th the City of Ar„~h~;.m marked
~x};ibit N~s. 1 thcough ~S.
11. Tnal pri.cc to issiianr.e ot a build.in~- pennir_, or within a~eriod of
one year irom L•h~ date of r.his resalution, whi.c:~ever occurs fir ~t,
Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, a and y, abov~~-ment.ioned, sh~ll be compliAd
wi~h. Exr.nnsions foc Lurther t•ime to compl.et~~ saic: conditions may ~c
yranted in accur~ianct~ wi.th Se~lion 18.U3.09U c~f the Ariahe.im Munici~~a.l
:.'cde .
L2. ~Phut prior to f:ina.l bu.ildir~g a,id zoning inspections, Condition Nos.
4~ 5, 6, 7 and lU, above-utier~t:ioned, sha.ll ue c~~mplied with.
f~L•' I7' NUlt7'EiE'R RESOLVCD that l-he Anaheim city Plannin~~ CommiUsion d~es
.~erel~y t:ina and deterini.n~ tha~ adof~tior- ot l-his Resolution is eYpressly
predzcated upon applic~-~;~t's compliance witt! each and a1.1 of the conditions
h~~re~.nabove set fort};. Should any such conc]it.iuns, or any ~,art thereaf, be
cJeclar~d inv~i.tid or unenforct~ablc by t:he tinal judgment oE any cou~l of
competenL jurisdict:on, then s:his Fteso.lution, and any appcavals herFin
contained, sha.tl be dr~em~:d null and void.
THE t'UkL•'(~OtNG kI:SOLU7'IUPi is signed and approved by me tl~i.c 3t:1 day of
Mxrcl~, 1~86.
J! , 7
~ . ~
`_. -/~ ~.L ' >
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--,~;~.-~_ . ~~..-_.,~~'~-~
- 5L•'(:R~'PARY~ r1NAHP,iM CI'.CY kl.l~NNIt.C COMMISSTOt!
' .. . . ...r..'ra,y~l..1
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COUN'PY OF OI2ANG~; ) ~ ,, ,
I, L•'dirh L. Etarris, Secrerazy oL- the Anaheim G~.ty 'p],anna,ng ?'
commission, do hereby certa.f,y t~hat khe f.oregoing re:olutiun was passed and '~4
adopEa_r,~ at a meeCing of h.he Anahei.m City Planning Comrni~sion held on March 3, ~ j
.~; ';:j.
.19f~6, by the following vote oi the members thereo.ti : ?;r
: ,,,,i,
',ti ;
IN WITNESS WHL1tE0i', I have t~ereunto set my h~nd thi~ 3rd day of `;
March, 198Ei, '~
~% .
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