PC 86-69, . . . . ~ .. . , . E 1.~ c~`~ I t ~ RES~JL~UTTON N0. PCB6-ti9 A ItLSOLUTIUN OF T~IE pNAHEIM ~I`~Y ~'L7~NNING COMMISSTON '1rtA`1' F'B2'ITIOiJ FUR RECLASSTFICATION N0. 85-86-'l4 I3~ GRANTGD S~JHGREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commissiori ciid c~~ceive a verified petition ior Reclasaificatior~ from ROf31:RT E. I'TNLF;Y, 35'l0 West Savanna, Anaheim, Calitorniz 928U4 and HUGO A. VAS~UGZ, ET AL, ?02-1/2 South Olive, An~heim, California 92805. owners, and CAROLYN INGR:IM SEIT'L, P. 0. Bux 4321, Lony [ieach, Calif:orni.a 9~a04, ~~gent Eor certain rea.l property :.ituated in the City oi Anaheim, County of Or.ange, Stai~e of California, c]escribec9 as fallows: pARCEL 1: '1'HP W~S`PEkLY 5U t'EL'1' UI' 'PEIE EASTLRLY ? 08.31 FEET OI' LO'P ].6 OF TRACT Np, 7~3, IN THL•' CTTY UF ANAFIntM, CQUNTY OF ORANGE, ST.~TE OP CAI,:I~ORNIA, AS RLCOl2DL•'D IN BOOK 22, PAGE 10 0~' h1ISCELLANEGUS MAP5, IN THF' QFEICL OE TI-IE COUNTY RECORDER Uk "AID COUNTY. PI~RCL•'L 2: THF WE.~,TERGY 50 F~F:2' UF I~UT 16 UE' `I'RACT PIO. 743, IN 7.'EIE CITY 0[' ~r~:~r-r•,tc~, CUUN`PY OP ORANGE, STATE ()L CALTE'ORiVIA, AS ^°~'^[tDLll :[N FsUOIt "l2, PAGE lU OF P17:S~E~LLA[JE~US MAF~S, IN THL OI'b'ICE ~...• TEIE GOUNTY }2EC:ORDEP, OE SAT~ COUN'1•Y. 4JFIEkEAS, Y.tie City 'Planninq Commis~ion rlid hold a public hPar.ing at ttie Civic Center in the Cit,y of Anaheim on March 3, 1986 at 1:30 p.m., notice at said public h~ar.iny having been duly given as required by law ancl in ~~ccordancc witti thc~ provisions of the Anaheim Dtunicip~l Code. Chapter 18.0~, to hear and co~isi<ier evidence for and agai.nst said propos~d reclasszEication and to investi9ate and make i.in~iings ~3ncJ recommencfations in connectian Lt~~erewith; said pu'alic hcari. ~z :ivirtig been cnnL-inuee~ L•o the Planni.ng Cor~mission meeti.ny o~ t4arch 1G, ]~E3b; and WHE,RGns, said Cammissiur~, after due inspect.ion, investiga~ion and study made k~y itselx and in it•a behalf, and aE~er du~ consideration oi all c~~idence and reports o~tered at sai.d heaeing, cioes L•ind and determine ttiie to.llowir~y fact~: 1. `Ptiat the p~~tir.ioner progoses reclassi[ication of subjec~ prapsrty irom RS-A-A3,U0!1 ixesi.den~ial/Agricultural) Zone to RP1-1200 (Residential, Multi.p.le-I'amily) 'Lone• 2. That subj+;ct prc~~erty is locuted in an area where the 1`.n~heim Cenerul ~lan land ~se designations are transi.tional iCOm Low-biedium Density Re:.idenh.ial to Mediutn De:nsity Residen4ia.1. 3. That l:lie ~roposed reclassifir.at:ion of subject property is n,_ ;sary ancl/oc desir~ble Ec~r the ord~rly and proper. de~:elopment of the c: .inity. 4. Th~zt the pro~osed recl~~sificaL-ion of sub]ect progerty does ; properly relate ta the aone~ and ttieir permitte~~ uses locally e~tablished in ~~~ close E~raximity to subjer,t pro~erty and to the zones and their permitked use~ generally established tt;r.uughour, LY~e commuriity. 0744 r E'C86-69 ; ~ .5,1 •:..Cf ...... . . , . . . ... . . . . ., . ., . ~ . ~ ~ ... ~ ~ - ~ . . .. ~ . . . .. . . . . . . .. 1 , , ti ~ 5: t~:s. .r .. v..i ...f~ ~' .eN~::.Y'y~je~'~ ~~r : ~ ,. .. , . . , ,- ~, . , ,,,. ,~ >'f~,~ 1~.~; .~. nl_,. 5. That the proposed reclaasifica~ion oL tl~e improv~ment ot- abul•ting streets i suuject property r.equites .n accocdance wi ~~ tr~~ General P1~n, c3ue tc the a:iticipaterl incr th Ehe Circulation Element ease generated by the inten~if.ication of lancl in traff.ic which wi'll be use. 6. Tha~ 7 persons indicated their prese~7ce ~Pposition; and that no at said public hearing in ,~; corresp~ndence was r.eceiv~d petition. in opposition t•o subject ~NVIRUNDICN'I~A.L, IMPACT EINllING: That t:he Anaheim Ci~y Planniny Commission has reviewed the pr~po:~a1 Lo reclassify subjeck prcperty frc~m the ftS-A-93,OOU (Residential/Agrir.ulttiral) 'I,one to L•he RM-12~J0 Multiple-h'am.ily) Z~r:e on a rectan ularl~-sha ed (Residential, appr~ximatr.-.;' 0.78 ~cre, haviny ay fronta ~ o~ aparcei of. land consisting o~' { 9 pproximately 1.,8 feet un ~.he souL•h side ot Savanr.a Street, bcing locate~ a~~roxi.mately 190 Peet west of the , ~:en~erli.ne ot KnaLt Street, and further de~cribed as 3512 Wr~st Savanna ~.~nd , 3520 Wesl• Sravar.~a Street; ~nd ~9oes hereby ap~rov~ th~ Neyati.ve Declaration uYon tiri~ii~y ~hat it I•~as con~id~r.ed the tJegative Declaration together wiL•h any , cornment~ receivecl during thc puUli.c review basis uf tl~c i<<i~ial shudy and any commert es receive~rtthat f lt~here is tno substai~t,ial e~~idence tha~ the project will have a s~gnificant ef.~e~~ on the environrnent. P:r)W, `.['fif:REEURI., ~3L•' IT Ri,'5ULVLli r_ha~ the Ariah~i.m ~ity planning Commission do~s hereby grant subject PetiL-iop Ear Reclassificatior~ andr by so ~1o~ny, that: Title lb-'Loninc~ oE t.tie Anaheim Munici~~al Cade be amended to exeJ.ude the above-desc:rib~d property i.`rc~m thP r_ (ItesidFnLial/Aqricu].tural) zone and tu incor orat.e~ ;; ~~ A``~3,000 irir.o the RM-12UU ~' ai~ ~~escribed property (tteszd?ntial, btultiple-Family) Zone upon Ghe followin~? coridii:ioris whic;h are hnreby ~'ound to be a necess~~ry prerequisite ta Ehe pcopoyed use ~f subject properL•y in orde~ to pre:;e,L~P the safety and general weltare oE the Citi.~ens ot lhe Cit,y oE Anaheim: 1• '1'ha~ tI:E~ uwner of suk,ject pr.oparty sl;al.l pay to the City of Anaheim a f.r,~ t'or tre~ plariting E~urposes alc,ng Sti~~anna Street ir. an amount as dete!:mined by the City c:~unci.l, Z• '1'ha~ ~ri.~r. to issuance of a bu:ildi.ng permit, pr~.macy water main fees shall be vaid to th~~ r.'i.ty of Anaheim, in an ~~rnaunt as determinpd by ~lie ULLice ot t:he Utilzwies Genera:L htanager. 3. Tha~ prior L•o issunnce of a bui.ldiny permit, appro~rial•e park a~~d L~cr.eation in•-:lieu f'ees :~hall be paid L-o the City o~ Anaheim in an amou~;t as c!et~~r.minecl by the City Counci.l. 4• Z~hat prior to issuunce oL•' a Uui..lding per~r!it, the appropriate traffic ~:ignal asses~ment fee sh«1.1 be ~~ai~~ tu the City of. Anaheim in ~n am~unL- a:~ detPrrn.ined by the City Cour~cil £or each new dwelling unit. 5. Tt~at the owner oL- subject pc~~~,erky shail irrtvo,;ably of.f.er ro ~~ed.icate to tt.e City ot An~~!-rF~im a strip of land 32 feet in width from :.he cenker..line ot the street along Savann~h Street Por street widening Furpos~s. .~ y4 i ': -~2_ PC86~•69 o,. ~x ~ ,r~ ~..... ~ ~ ;:; ,,, ~ :;, ~,~1, ~ . . . ~~',i. i 6. '.lhat al.l engineering requirements oE the Cit.y of Anaheim along Savanna Street, inclucling ~.reparation c~f impravemen~ plans and instal:lation of all improvements such as curbs and autters, sidewalky, water ~acilities, sl-recf grading and pavemenL•, sewer and d~ain~ge facilities, or uther appurtenant work shall be complied with as reqiiired uy L•he City Engineer and in acccrdance wiL•h speca.fications an file in the Office of the City Er.ginepr; and that ser_;.irity in the form of a bond, certiFica~E of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an a~rieant ar~d form satisEaclory to the City of ~nahe~im, shall be posred with the City to guaranl•.ee khe satisfaci:ory completion oE said iriprov~:m~ni:s. Sa~d security sha11 be posked with the Ci.ty prior to appraval of impruvement plans, to gua:cantee the instal.laL-ion at th~ above-required improvernents prior to occupancy. 7. TI~aL t•he proposed parking strucL•ure design sha.l.l canfar.m ta P;ngineering SL-andard ~lan No. 902-A F~ectaining to s~:andard dAtails for parking structures an:i ramp req~airements. 8. That ~~l~e dri.vewa~~ st~all be constructed to accommodate ten (10) foot radius cur~ returii:; as req~aired by the City TraPfic Engin~er. Said radius .ha.tJ. not encroach on Lhe adjacent progerty. 9. 7.'h~t drain~ge oi subject property sha11 bE disposed oF in a manner ~;' sat•i.sfactory t~ the City Engirieer. `i~his shall inciuae construction ai a storm drain f.rom L-he wesl.e~ly terminus o[ Savanna Street to the Oranye County Flood Conhrol Di~tr9.at Ct:anne~ as approved by the City En<~iaeer. Security in the for-r ~f a rond, certifi.cate of. deposit, lel•ter ot credi.l-, or cash~ in an amount and form sai:isfactory to the i:ity ot Anaheim, sh~all k,e postcd with Lhe :;ity to guaranree ~he sar.isLactory comple~t:nn oE s.~id impravement. Said security shall k.: posted with the Cit~ pri.or to ap~raval of improvement plans, t~ yuarantee khe instal].atic~n of th~: abcv~-require4 im~rovements prior rp occuf~ancy. ~~ 10. '1'hat: the owiiec o1: subjcct property sha.l.l pay to the CikX of An~,hein a i~e Ec~r street lighting aJ.ong Savunna 3~re~t iri an amo~.int as detpr.mined Uy the City Cuun~:i1. 11. 't'hat siahject pr.opect~~ shall be yerved t~y underground ul:ilities. .l.'l. Tl~~t ~~r~or to coin•nr,:ncem~nt oE strucl-ural f.ramin~, Fire hydrants sha11 be iizstalled and charycd as r~quired and determined to be ner.essar,y by the c:hief ot th~~ Eire B~I~arLment~ 13. Th~at t;rash atorag~ ar.eas sha.ll be ~rovided and maintained in a:~~~ordanc~ with approv~d plans on ii.le with i~he Street hiaintenance ~and Sanitaticn Divisian. 14. That g~~kes sh~l.l not be insta.lled acrass any driveway in a mannPr which may adversely af£ecl vehicuiar traEP.ic i.n th~: adjacent public streeL•. Lnstalla~ion of any gates wii:l~in a distance uf' :~ixty (603 teet L-r~m said pu~lic str~et ri.ght-of-way shall be s;~bject t~ th~ review and ~~pproval ~rr. th~ (;ity ~rrafL-ic en9ineer. -~-• PCfi(i-6~) ,>. ~, -`^ 15, Th w ~. w ~. .ri; ~~ ~ ~~ . . ~ - ,.~, f ~ ~ject property shall be developed substanti.ally in accord~nce •_~ns and sp~cificatioi~s on Eile with the Ci~y of Ar~aheim marked ;: Nos. 1, 2~ 3, 4 arid 5. 1G. T~ prior t:o tht~ introducl:ion of an ordinanc;e rezening subje~t ~~perty, Conditicn N~s. 1, 5 an~ 10, abov~-mentioned, .~hall be ~mpleteil. The provisions or rights granted by this r.esolution shall -ecom•~ nsll and void by actiun of L•hc l~lanning Commissior- unless said conditi~ns are complied with within one year Erom the clate of this ~~ resolution, or. such furt:her time as the P.lanna.ng Commissian may grant. " ,~ ~-i 17. Tha~ prior to issuance of a building permit, Cordition Nos, 2, 3, 4, ` b and y, above-mentioned, shall be complied ~n~ith. `' ).8. Thac pr.ior t•o iinal building a~d zoniny inspecL•ions, Condition Nos. 6, 7, E, 9, 11, 13 and J.5, above-mentioned, sha11 be complie~ with. BL IT EUR'i~HER RESOLVLD l:hat Lhe Anat,!.i.~n Ci.y Plannirig Commission does hereby Eind and determine lhat adoption oF t:his Resolution is expressly pre~l~cated upon applican~'s compliance with each ar~r~ all of the co~idil-ions hereinabove set forLh: Should any such conditiun, or .~ny part ~hereof, be dc:c~areci invalid ar unenf.orceable by the fina.l judgment of any court of cornpetc~nt jurisdiction, t:hen this R~solution, an~3 an~ approvals herein caotaincd, sha.ll he de~tned null and vo.id. TIiF; FORP;GpING RESOLU'PIUN is signed and approved by m~ this 31st day of. f4arch, 19t~6. ~-~''~.-~:L-C~ ~~ ~A..._~~._~-~.`'u.,L.~ CHAIRWOMAN, ANAEir;IN~%CIZ~Y PLANNING COMMISSION A'1°.l' E: S'.L' : ~ ~,~ ~ . ~~~,'~`~,~,.,-~ ~'~~~ ~+E;CRL•'TAR~,. ~ ~iivr~n~Ih1 C1TX` YI. PJNING (:OMh1I8S'I.Of7 STATE QF' CAI,IF012NIA ) COUNTY O[' ORAyGE j ss. CI'1'Y OF' ,ANAHF.IM ) I, Edith t,. H~~:ris, Secretary of the Anaheicn City Pa.anning (:ommission, do her_eby certify th~e th~ L-oreyving r.esolution ~~ias passed and adopt.~d at a meeting oi the .Anaheim City l~lannin~~ Comrnission h~ld on March 31, 198ti, by ttie fo.llowing vote of the memut~rs thereo[: AYF'S: COMMI5S~UNERS: BOl'AS, II2Y, E!x'IZBST, I~A CLAIR~', L'AW~CKI, MC BURNEY, - M~SSE ' NOLS: CUMMISSIONERS: NOP~E i ; AEiS~,N'1': COMMTSSION~RS; NUNE IN WI`PN~SS WHEREO[', I have ,~ereunCo set my hand this ??st aay qF Mar~;h, 1586. ~_-~ , ._~- ~ ~%~,~~ , ' ~ ~ ~ C ' ~''LL SL•'~RE`i'A:~2Y, ANAktEIM CI`PY PI,ANNING COP]h1ISaTON • -4- PC86-69 . .. ~} _ ,. ~`I•~Y~1 ~~i.~,'.~' ,.. .. ....' ~ . ..... . ... .... . . ... . . .. ., ..,. ~- ', . . . . .~ li '" . . . . ...- . . i.. . .. ..... ...~~~r _ - ". . ..... .. ,. i. . ...i. i~.. .N .. ....... ~.~.,. ...........,._. ... .... . . '1~